Log for Wiki contributions to get the extra credit

Log for Wiki contributions to get the extra credit
Hello everyone – Here is how to get credit for the Wiki contributions.
To record and present your Wiki contributions:
1. Go to the Wiki home page
2. Click on “My Profile” in the upper right corner.
3. Click on “Profile”
4. Click on “Contributions” in the upper right corner
This will give you a list with the page, Date/Time, Edit Note, Type, and Scope.
5. Highlight and copy this list.
6. Paste it into a Word document
7. Click on the number of the next page (1 2 3 4 /Next) to show the next page of your
contributions. The page numbers are in the upper right corner of the page above the
contributions. A similar list of numbered pages is also at the bottom right corner of the
8. Copy the next page and paste it into the Word document for each page.
9. Save the Word document.
10. This list of your Wiki contributions is to be included at the back of your exam
concepts class folder at the end of the course.
It is actually not hard to find your contributions and include them in your folder at the
end of the quarter. However, you might try this before the end of the quarter to be sure
you know how to do it.
My hope is that the Wiki will encourage you to search for further information on what we
are discussing in class and be able to share your findings with the other students. Also,
your findings will become a legacy that you can pass on to the next class.
Remember, this does not change the class requirement in any way. The Wiki simply
gives you a voluntary method to receive ten extra credit points if you wish.
Have fun!
Dr. Bob