Sexual Orientation Case studies What did you learn? Questionnaire for Heterosexuals What is your sexual orientation? Kinsey’s continuum Critical thinking If I played sex games with a friend of the same sex when I was 15, am I gay? Why are men often turned on by watching two females having sex but turned off by watching two males? How do your religious beliefs, or absence of beliefs, influence your attitudes toward homosexuality? Why are you straight? Hormones? Chromosomes? Brain differences? Psychosocial factors? Why do we think hormones affect sexual orientation? Prenatal hormones Why do we think chromosomes affect sexual orientation? • Twins study Why do we think there are brain differences. Simon LeVay Comparing gay VS straight persons in: Psychological adjustment? Mental health? Success in changing sexual orientation? Counseling & therapy techniques? What do the children of gay and lesbian parents show us about sexual orientation?