GOOD SENTENCE EXAMPLES FROM VOCAB QUIZ #1: CH 1, ATOTC Pretend I pretended to look happy but deep inside I felt sad. (Irisi) I was sick this morning at work but I was pretending I was fine the whole day. (Yibe) I pretend to be a king when I play with the kid who pretends to be a princess. (Guy) The man is pretending to be a homeless guy, so he wears dirty clothes and he asks people for help. (Abdelaziz) Lift I lift up my notebook so everybody can see it. (Sara) He lifts a lot of boxes every day in his job because he works at UPS. (Maria)( List your hands up to worship our God. (Hanna) I like to go to the gym every night because I really want to build my body perfectly, so I love to lift heavy things. (DDE) Remarkable I have a remarkable daughter. She always reaches her goals. (Julieth) Edison had a lot of inventions. He was a remarkable man. (Kamal)