Introduction to Sociology Sociology 101

Introduction to Sociology
Sociology 101
Dr. Robert J. Atkins, Ph.D.
Office: IB2327A
Phone: (206) 526-7011
e-mail =
(subject = your student + the class and time you are in)
Cell phones: Please turn off cell phones, and do not take phone calls during class. Thank
Office Hours: Office hours are M,W,F 9:00-10:00
Also, Mon. 12:00 – 1:30 (Until 2:30 on 2nd. and 4th. Mondays)
To get to the class website:
Class website:
Login information (Write your items in the space below)
User ID: _______________________
Your entire student id number
Password: ______________________
Your entire student id number
My Grades:
Exam #1 _____
Exam #2 _____
Exam #3 _____
Exam #4 _____
Class folder = _____
Total = _______
This course will help you develop attitudes that encourage you to:
 Demonstrate a willingness to learn from many cultures, persons, methods, and
This course will help you develop the skills to:
* Demonstrate the ability to think critically through discussions of the reading
and class material.
This course will give you the knowledge to:
 Understand the nature of the individual, of human values and of the
relationship between the self and the community.
“Hybrid” course: A hybrid course means that you meet in class some days each week
and work on the computer other days on your own time.
Note: Often people have had traumatic experiences or have strong feelings on certain
topics. If you feel any of the topics in the text or class will be emotionally damaging to
you, or difficult to learn about or discuss, or would create a “hostile environment” for you
- do not take this course. If you have a disability of any type, you should contact the
Educational Assistance Center.
Materials for the course:
Available at the NSCC Bookstore.
Required Text:
Sociology by Macionis, 12th. Ed. ISBN# = 0-13-601645-6
Scan-Tron Answer Sheets and a #2 pencil
One bottle of correction fluid "White out" or Liquid Paper
(For correcting exam errors)
Plastic folder with clear front cover and three brads to hold the paper
Ability to store files in your computer (2nd. Backup disk or method is recommended)
There are four exams (50 points each) covering the text, lecture, and class discussion in
the course. These are multiple-choice (objective). Bring a Scan-Tron answer sheet, a #2
pencil, and “White out”.
The exams will test your knowledge of concepts, terms, and findings. You will also be
asked to apply some of the fundamental concepts to new situations. Each of the
examinations covers a separate section of material, and are not cumulative.
Exam Scoring:
The score you receive will be the number printed by the machine. I feel this is the
fairest for the largest number of students. While I am glad to discuss the exam with you,
it will not change your score. Any changes in question wording, etc. will be considered
for next quarter, but will not be used to change scores this quarter.
Correction fluid or correction tape must be used to make any corrections on the
Scan-Tron sheet. Do not simply erase the error and mark the correct answer. When the
machine marks it wrong, no changes will be made, because you knew how to make the
correction to avoid this problem, and did not do it. With erasing, there is no way to know
if the erasure was made before the exam was turned in, or after it was returned with a
Retake exams:
If you missed a scheduled examination, or would like to increase your score on a
previously taken exam, one retake session will be held. You may retake any one of the
previous exams at that time. In all cases, you will receive the higher of the two scores as
your final grade. If you missed two, you will receive a zero (“0”) on one of them.
There will be no make-up exams at any other times (see the “Course Calendar” for the
make-up date).
Retake exams are considered more difficult
I recommend you take the exams as scheduled. Generally, the retake exams are
considered more difficult. The difference is that I tend to "teach to the test" and review
for the scheduled exams.
The retake exams are only from the text. I ask the computer to randomly select questions
from a database of questions (e.g. randomly select 50 questions from chapters 1-4).
These exams look the same (e.g. 50 multiple choice questions) however, they will have
different questions than the originally scheduled exam.
Remember, if you take the original exam, regardless of your score, you can always retake
it and receive the higher of the two scores.
How to get class materials:
Your online class materials include: class presentations, exam reviews, study guides and
Power Point slides.
You can access these items from home using the class website on page one.
Open the file for this class and go to: Course Resources > Useful links (Class
information). You can then download the item you want by dragging it to the desktop, or
open it in the internet browser. Different browsers will work a little differently.
Net ID: To work from a computer at NSCC
You need to get a “Net ID” to use the computers on campus
There is no additional charge for this.
To get your “Net ID” account, go to: Internet Explorer > NSCC Home Page >
Online Services > NSCC Net ID Account > Create New Account > Read “Acceptable use
policy” and click, “Yes, I have read …” > New Account Setup Form (Put in your last
name, Student ID, User Name, Password – write down your password) and click
“Submit”. If you have trouble, or do not receive confirmation, go to room 3303 (3rd. floor
North end of campus) and ask for help.
Preparation for each class: Exam Study Guides
Exam study guides are questions and terms derived directly from exam questions, and are
designed to help you study.
In the Daily Calendar (given out on the first day) you will see when each chapter is
Before that day, complete the exam study guides for that chapter.
1. Read about those concepts in the text, and listen to the on line class
2. Complete the “Exam Study Guide” papers.
3. Have questions to ask in class if there is anything you do not understand.
When you come to class you should have an understanding of those concepts.
Without an initial understanding of the material before class you will not get as much out
of the class time.
How to answer the Exam Study Guides:
1. Copy the word document to your desktop. Do not change anything.
2. Type your answers directly under the question and above the next question.
3. If it says “discuss”, do not simply give a definition of the term. Read that section
in the text, think about it, and write a paragraph about this idea. Do not copy the
text and present it as your own work. If you actually copy the text, put quotes
around it and cite the page number.
4. If it says, “give an example”, think up your own example, not one I gave in class,
or one from the book.
Receiving credit for the exam study guides:
Bring these fully completed exam study guide sheets to class each day we are discussing
that chapter (according to the daily calendar). If we do not meet a day for any reason, you
still follow the daily calendar.
To give you credit for completing these study guides before class (and therefore being
prepared for class) I will stamp these fully answered sheets randomly ten times
throughout the quarter. These stamps will only be given in class on your paper sheets.
They will not be stamped after the class time is over. Having them completed in your
computer but not printed will not receive a stamp, because I can not stamp your computer
screen. Also, please do not email these (or bring them in) before class, or after class,
saying I will not be able to be in class today, but I do not want to make this up, so please
give me a stamp.
If you are not in class for any reason, you may make up three of the stamps as discussed
below. You then hand in these sheets at the end of the quarter and receive up to 100
points, which is one third of your grade. Please note that these sheets need to be fully
completed to receive a stamp. There is no partial credit for being half done. The date
stamp simply means you have an answer for each item. It is not grading the accuracy of
your answers. If you do not understand the concept, please ask questions in class,
because your understanding will be evident on the exams.
If you have not fully completed the concepts before that class and therefore, did not have
the stamp, you may make up three of them by reading one article for each missed stamp
as discussed below.
Please do not ask for credit if you were not in class, and/or the study guide was not
Often students want me to give them credit for being in class and having the study guide
completed (a stamp) even if they were not in class; or they were in class with no
completed study guide. This is followed by a reason they are special and should not need
to make it up as required in this syllabus. Some examples are:, “I was sick”, “I left it at
home”, etc. etc. etc. The following is why I follow the syllabus.
To be consistent with all students I follow the syllabus given out the first day of the class.
Remember, you can make up the stamp, and you have the rest of the quarter to do so.
Situations like those listed above are why I have a make-up option. I do not understand
why students want me to change the class requirements to accommodate their particular
situation without regard to the ethics, consistency with other students who did follow the
requirements, and future ramifications of unequal treatment of students, which I have
considered at length. If I were to grant all of the many exceptions students request it
would destroy the entire concept of having students prepared for each class, and I would
end up simply substituting a 100 point comprehensive exam for these stamps, which
would be much easier for me, but would lower student preparation, participation, and
ultimately student grades.
Your time spent dong the study guides, even if they are not stamped, will benefit you
taking the exam (which is ultimately the objective). Often there is an exam question for
each question on these study guides.
How to make up missing credit (stamps)
for your exam study guides
I would like you to have experience reading one of the following academic journals in the
field. They sound different than textbooks or websites.
You may read full text journals on line, or in the library. In the NSCC library, you can
find a paper version of the following journals:
American Journal of Sociology
Social Forces
Journal of Marriage and the Family
Journal of Family Theory & Review
Social Science Quarterly
You may also go to the NSCC Proquest database of articles and review any full text
article you find from the following journals:
Social Problems
Social Research
Sociology of Education
Sociological Perspectives
Sociology of Religion
Sociological Quarterly
Proquest login on campus is at:
(You may need to copy and paste this into your internet browser)
You can also get there by going to: > Services & Resources >
Library/Media Services > Library web site > Periodical Databases > ProQuest. Finally,
type in the name of the journal you want into the “Publication Title” bar, not the “Basic
Search” bar, and click on “search”.
To elaborate on how to find the journals (also called publications) listed below, follow
the these steps:
Go to Proquest (directions below) > click the “Publications” tab at the top > type in the
name of the journal (e.g. Social Problems) in the “Publication Search” bar > click
“search”. When the name of the journal comes up, click of the name of that journal.
When that journal comes up, click on a volume to search. If you can not find a full text
article in the most current volumes, go back a year or two and they should have full text
Your articles need to come from the journals (publications) below, not other journals or
articles with a Sociological topic. The names below are titles of Sociology journals, not
subjects (or topics) to be searched.
Next, look at several types of journals and find one you like; then, find an article that you
are interested in. Read one of the major articles (at least six pages), not a book review,
and write a two page report on it (double spaced, with one inch margins). On the entire
first page, please summarize the article. On the second page you may either continue the
summary, or you may critique the article and/or relate it to yourself.
At the top of the first page, please list:
(1) The author(s)
(2) Title of the article
(3) Title of the journal
(4) Volume, and page number(s)
Please list this exactly as indicated above, so I can find the article if I need to.
You will not receive credit if all these items are not included.
Class folder: Exam study guides and make up articles
Your class folder will contain each of the stamped study guides and your
response. Type your answer directly into the assignment sheet. The questions (exactly as
presented in the assignment) should be in regular type. Do not paraphrase (reword) or
rewrite the questions. This will result in a zero grade for the folder because this attempts
to hide the wording of the original questions, and therefore, makes it difficult to grade.
At the end of the quarter, please hand in only the study guides that have been
stamped (in the order we did them), along with the provided cover sheet in a folder with a
clear front cover and three brads (see example given in class). Only include the chapters
that have been stamped. A stamp will be put on the first page of chapters selected at
random during the quarter. The stamp will only be given if you are in class on the day we
start discussing that chapter, and have completed answers to all the questions for that
Back-up your work:
Exam study guides are commonly lost, left in the computer, accidentally erased,
computer malfunction, etc.
It will be a good idea to make a second paper and electronic copy, of your study
guides (particularly if they have been stamped) in case they are lost or stolen. If you do
not have your stamped sheets (or a copy) I have to assume you did not do it.
Grading Exam Study Guides:
The stamp simply means you had this completed for class, not that you have
received full credit for it. The actual grading occurs when you hand them in at the end of
the quarter. The main reason people lose credit is for no answer or minimal answers. I
have examples from previous quarters to look at in the office, and I will look at your
paper during the quarter if you wish.
Class folder problem areas to avoid:
Please keep the stamped Study Guide sheets in a folder and hand them in for
grading (in the order done) on the due date (see “Course Calendar” sheet for that date).
No folder (cover) reduces your score ten points. No completed “Contents” page
reduces your score ten points. “Completed” means you have indicated what stamps and
make-up articles you have, the points for each, and the total points in the folder. If you
put in the Contents page, but it has not been completed, it will still reduce your score ten
The “Contents” page must be the printed one in this handout, not one you write up
Bringing text to class: Please bring your text to class when requested.
Extra credit: Extra-credit work is not available, unless indicated later.
Incompletes: No “Incomplete” (I) grades will be given.
Withdrawals: You must withdraw, change from credit to audit, or request an "NC" grade
by the “last day to withdraw” indicated on the course calendar. If you have not, you will
receive a decimal grade for this course.
Plagiarism: Any plagiarism (directly copying an internet site, article, or another student’s
paper) will result in a score of zero (“0”) for that portion of the course. For example,
copying someone else’s answer to one of the exam concepts will result in a zero for the
entire folder.
Loaning someone your disk or printed paper to someone, enabling it to be copied,
is also facilitating the cheating and will result in a grade of zero. In other words, if an
essay portion of two papers are identical, obviously one copied, and the other provided
the material to be copied, so both papers will receive a zero grade. Who copied from
whom does not need to be determined.
Cheating “indicators”: There are cheating “indicators” built into the assignments each
quarter. If you copy even some of the questions from a past student, I will assume you
copied the answers also, and you will receive a zero for the entire internet folder. I will
be able to tell which quarter you copied the material from. Don’t do it!
Cheating: Any cheating on exams (or facilitating another student’s cheating) will result in
a score of zero (“0”) for that exam (which can not be retaken).
Attendance: Past experience indicates students who attend class regularly perform better
on exams. Also, part of what you learn comes from being involved in class discussions
of the topics.
Leaving class early: If you can not attend the entire class period, please do not come at
all; simply arrive early where you need to be at that time. Leaving is considered rude and
disruptive to the class. Please use the restroom or complete other needed activities before
class starts. Thank you
Posting Grades: Final grades will not be posted. You may check your grades via the
internet at: NSCC home page > Online Services > Look Up Your Grades.
Your final grade will be based on the total questions you answered correctly on all
four exams, plus the Class Folder.
(See the "Grading Scale" page for a more detailed grade distribution)
Exam #1 = 50 pts.
Exam #2 = 50 pts.
Exam #3 = 50 pts.
Exam #4 = 50 pts.
Class Folder = 100 pts.
Total = 300 pts.
(See the “Grading Scale” page for a more detailed grade distribution)
The grading scale is the same for everyone:
After all grades are in, students come to my office wanting me to make a new, easier,
grading scale just for them that does not apply to the rest of you.
These requests sound like this: “I only need one more point to get the next higher grade
… please.” “I am failing the class, so don’t give me the grade I earned, give me an NC
(or an Incomplete) instead.” “If you give me the grade I earned, I can not get into the
university.” “I need a 2.0, or I will be deported.” “I will lose my financial aid.” “I forgot
to take the test when it was scheduled with everyone else, so can I take it now (several
days later)?” “I tried (or I learned a lot) so you should give me a higher grade.” “I had
personal problems during the quarter, so you should increase my grade (or any deadlines
should not apply to me).” “I did not remember it was due then, so can I turn it in now?” I
can not grade based on any of these factors. You need to do the best you possibly can
from the first day of class, and feel confident the grade you receive at the end was the best
you are capable of.
If you need help with anything, please see me. I want you to do very well in class and
have established many items to help you do so. These include: (1) the “How To Study”
sheet in this syllabus, (2) the online presentations and recordings, (3) the online power
point slides, (4) the text (5) the class questions, examples and discussions, (6) the Study
Guides which come from the tests, (7) the review for the tests, plus (8) my office hours if
you need additional help understanding the material. With all this support, please
remember, the grading scale is the same for everyone.
Grading Scale
300 (100%)
298 4.0
293 3.9
288 3.8
282 3.7
277 3.6
272 3.5
268 3.4
265 3.3
262 3.2
259 3.1
256 3.0
253 2.9
250 2.8
247 2.7
244 2.6
241 2.5
238 2.4
235 2.3
232 2.2
229 2.1
226 2.0
223 1.9
220 1.8
217 1.7
214 1.6
211 1.5
208 1.4
205 1.3
201 1.2
197 1.1
193 1.0
189 0.9
185 0.8
181 0.7
179 0.0
1. Before class: Read the chapter
A. Read the chapter summary “Making the Grade” at the back of the chapter.
This will give you an overview of what to look for.
B. Read the “Study Guides”.
This will give you an idea of what topics in the chapter we will be covering.
C. Scan the chapter and highlight the key exam concepts and terms.
These will be in bold print and italics
D. Underline definitions of terms in the text
E. Read the chapter
I. Ask yourself questions about each major heading
Turn headings into questions
II. Read just for the answer to the question
2. Before class: Complete the study guides.
Read the sections in the text and listen to the recorded class presentations related
to each question, and answer the questions. Each of the study guides is designed to help
you with a specific question on the exam.
The in class presentation is designed to help you further understand these ideas.
3. Come to class each day
A. Take good notes in class
B. Compare the notes to the book to see what topics were discussed
in the class, text, and the computerized class presentations.
C. Fill in missing study guide items
4. After class
A. Review notes quickly
B. Focus on the terms that are also in the “Making the Grade” in the back of the
5. Between the review day and the exam
A. Tape record the review class
B. Listen (repeatedly) to the tape
C. Read sections of the book that
I. Were presented in the review
II. Not discussed in class.
D. Review the study guides
Late Class Folders are reduced 20 points for each calendar day
Late folders containing the stamped Exam Concepts are reduced 20 points for each
calendar day they are late. For example, if they are due on Monday, and you hand it in on
Friday, it is four days late. This reduces your score by 80 points.
You know the date and time the folders are due on the first day of class. On the day they
are due, hand in whatever you have at the beginning of class.
Folders may be handed in early.
I will accept these folders up to seven (7) calendar days (one week) before they are due.
The exam study guides are available from the first day of class, and may be completed
anytime during the quarter.
How to get your folder in on time:
Here are suggestions to help you avoid common problems.
1. “I will be out of town, or unable to be in class the day the folders are due”
A. Hand it in early, up to seven days before it is due.
B. Mail it by certified mail with a return receipt (to be signed for by someone in
the mail room of the college, not myself personally), with a clear date stamp (or
by Fed. Ex.) on or before the day it is due.
Do not rely on someone else bring it in.
2. “I couldn’t find that kind of folder”
Buy the folder during the quarter – before the last minute.
3. “My printer broke last night.”
A. Print each exercise out as you do it during the quarter.
B. Print it at Kinkos (some are open 24 hours)
C. Print it at the open lab. At NSCC (Rm. 3303)
4. “I forgot my folder at home.”
Put it in the car the day (or several days ) before class.
5. “My disk crashed and I can’t get to my assignments”
A. Print out the assignments as you do them.
B. Put the completed assignments on the “I” drive.
C. Make a back-up copy of you disk.
6. “I have all except the last two assignments.
Hand in what you have when they are due, and don’t hand in
what you don’t have.
7. “I lost all my assignments when I moved.”
Print out assignments from copies on your “I” drive. You did
save them on your “I” drive … didn’t you?
8. “I don’t have a hole punch.”
Punch them ahead of time at (a) Kinkos, (b) at home, (c) at
the NSCC library.
9. “I was in a car accident on the way to school on the day they were due.”
A. Have someone else hand it in.
B. Include a police report of the accident with the date, time and an officer’s
signature. If you were injured, include the ambulance and hospital paperwork.
Hand in this paperwork with your folder within 24 hours of the accident or release
from the hospital. If you don’t have the paperwork, don’t mention the accident.
10. “I was dying in the hospital.”
A. If you died, you do not have to hand it in.
B. Have someone else bring it in.
C. Hand in all the hospital paperwork, including the date and time admitted and
date and time released with a physician’s signature. These dates and times must
overlap with the date and time the folders are due. Hand in this paperwork with
your folder within 24 hours of being released. If I am not on campus, have a
secretary put a date and time stamp on it. If you don’t have the paperwork, don’t
mention the hospital.
11. “I had to pick up my parents at the airport.”
A. Hand it in early, or have someone else hand it in.
B. Mail it to arrive on time. (See #1.)
C. Include copies of the tickets, dated to arrive the day your paper was due.
12. “I do not have my folder because: (Pick the one you like.)
(A) I didn’t read the material above
(B) I don’t care
(C) I expect you to make an exception for me … please
(D) I was not in class the first day when you told us
(E) I don’t believe you will enforce this deadline because other people in my life
never did
(F)I could always hand it in late in high school.
Answer: Hand in whatever you have at the beginning of class on the day it is due.
If you still have to hand it is late, give it to my personally. If I am not on campus,
have a secretary put a date and time stamp on it, sign it, and put it in my mailbox. If there
is no date and time stamp on it, your folder is considered “received” on the day I
personally have it in hand.
Ten things to avoid telling me on the day the folders are being handed in:
1. My disk crashed and all my assignments were lost … but I did them.
2. My disk doesn’t work, but here it is. All my assignments are in there somewhere.
3. My printer broke last night.
4. Somehow my disk didn’t copy the last assignments … can you email them to me?
(This is said two days after everything was due.)
5. I lost my disk.
6. I can’t get my files to open up.
7. Since I didn’t have a disk I emailed it to myself, but it never got there, so all my work
was lost.
8. I forgot to bring my folder (or it isn’t done yet) … can I bring it tomorrow?
9. Do you have a hole punch? Stapler? folder?
10. I didn’t know they were due today!
Sept. 30
Oct. 2
Dec. 2
Introduction and Syllabus
Soc. Perspectives (Ch. 1)
NAMES +Soc. Investigation (Ch. 2)
Soc. Investigation (Ch. 2)
Culture (Ch. 3)
Culture (Ch. 3)
Society (Ch. 4)
Socialization (Ch. 5 )
Socialization (Ch. 5 )
Social Interaction (Ch. 6 )
Groups (Ch. 7)
Sexuality (Ch. 8)
Deviance (Ch.9)
Deviance (Ch.9)
Holiday – Veterans Day
Social Class (Ch. 11)
Gender Strat. (Ch. 13)
Race & Ethnicity (Ch. 14 )
Family (Ch. 18 )
Holiday - Thanksgiving
Family (Ch. 18 )
Education (Ch.20)
Health (Ch.21 + Class folders with stamped exam
concepts and make up articles due in class today.
Population (Ch. 22 )
Retake exams (optional)
Above dates may vary
Nov. 20th. is the last day to withdraw.
This side has been intentionally left blank.
Name : ____________________
Class Time: ________
Study Guide and Make Up Articles
Sociology 101
Total Pts.
______ Preparation Stamps X 10Pts.@=
_____ Make up articles X 10 Pts.@ =
(Max. of 3 make up articles)
Total =
To avoid losing points on the Class Folder, please check:
_____ Handed in on time?
(Late papers are reduced 20 points for each calendar day late.)
_____ In a folder with a clear front cover? (with three brads, not a slider or three ring
binder, etc.) (-10 Pts. if not)
_____ This original page completed and included? (- 10 Pts. if not)
“Completed” means you have listed the points you have for the stamps and
articles, and totaled them up in the form.
_____ Any item listed on this sheet that is not actually there, will reduce your score by
fifteen (15) points each.
_____ Put your name on the back of the folder (on a label if needed) so you can find
yours when they are returned.
Type your answers directly below the questions on the assignment.
Student statement: Read and sign before handing in for grading
I have carefully examined all the items in this folder and state they are all my
work done during this quarter, and all assignments were downloaded after the start of
class. I realize the grade for this folder will be based only on what is presented here.
Nothing may be added or substituted later.
I realize any written material taken from other students (or a previous quarter) and
presented here will result in a zero grade for this entire folder.
Signature (Required prior to grading)
Read the information of the back of this sheet. You are responsible for knowing it!
1. If you “copy & paste” directly from a web site, another student’s report, or other
source into your paper, it is plagiarism, and will result in a zero (“0”) for the entire report.
See “Plagiarism” and “Cheating Indicators” in this syllabus.
2. If you just list the answers without the questions or rephrase the questions you will
receive a zero (“0”) because I do not know what questions you are answering, or where or
when you obtained the questions (or the answers).
3. If you are handing in the paper late, either give it to me personally or have our Division
secretary write a date and time on this page, sign it, and put it in my mailbox, not the
folder on the wall. If there is no date, time, and signature it is considered “received”
when I personally pick it up.
4. Hand it in during class on the date indicated in the syllabus and the course calendar.
You will have 20 points taken off for each calendar day it is late.
5. Keep copies of all materials handed in until after you receive a final grade. Your
instructor may want to see them.
6. Do not tell me,” I handed it in, you must have lost it.” The folders are counted coming
in, and grades are counted going out. If the numbers match, and you do not have a grade,
you did not hand it in.