Adulthood: Psychosocial Development How will marriage, divorce, children and coping with your

Psychosocial Development
How will marriage, divorce, children and coping with your
parents affect you?
Continuity and Change
What changes?
What stays the same?
What is happening in
the major theories?
• Erikson’s Stages
▫ Intimacy vs. Isolation
▫ Generativity vs. stagnation
• Maslow’s stages
5. Self-=actualization
4. Success and esteem
3. Love and belonging
2. Safety
1. Physiology
What is the midlife crisis?
• 40’s - What have I accomplished?
• Anxiety, self-reexamination, transformation
• Related more to developmental history than age
How do we meet our need for intimacy?
• Met by: family,
friends, coworkers, &
romantic partners
(the social convoy)
Do you remember?
• Which of Erikson’s stages is this person in?
• What are Maslow’s stages?
• What can create a midlife crisis?
What happens to family bonds?
Parent-Adult child relationships
• Improves with age (Generations become closer)
• May deteriorate if they live together
• Familism
▫ Belief that family members should support each
Family bonds:
Will you find a committed partner?
Does marriage produce happiness?
• Married people (In satisfying marriages)
▫ Happier, Healthier, Richer
• Learning to understand and forgive each other
promotes happiness
• Cohabitation before marriage
▫ Decreases happiness
• Domestic violence is most likely to occur early in
a relationship
Do children produce happiness?
• Children and happiness (“U” shaped curve)
▫ Happiness is highest before children
▫ Decreases with birth of first child
 & additional children
▫ Decreases again when children reach puberty
 Teenage years
▫ Happiness improves after child raising years when
children become more independent (Empty nest)
Empty nest:
What happens when the children leave home?
• Improves relationships
▫ Parents are alone again
▫ More money available
• Longtime partners
▫ Stay together because
of love & trust
Do you remember?
• What happens to parent – child relationships as
the children mature?
▫ What can cause this relationship to deteriorate?
• What promotes happiness in good marriages?
• When is domestic violence most likely to occur?
• How does a couple’s happiness change after the
children leave home? Why?
What is the effect of separation
and divorce?
• Almost 1 out of 2 marriages ends in divorce in
the U.S.
▫ About 1/3 of all first marriages end in divorce
▫ Remarried people have a greater chance of divorce
than first marriages
• Very distressed marriages = happier after
What are the consequences of
• Can last for decades
• Divorce reduces income, severs friendships, and
weakens family ties
• Income, family welfare, and self-esteem = lower
among formerly married than still married or
never married
How can you deal with this stage?
• Erikson’s “Generativity vs. Stagnation
▫ Satisfied by
 Caregiving
How do you care for children?
• Your biological children
▫ Parent must change to adopt to developmental stages
of child.
• Non-biological Children
▫ Children without emotional attachment become
mistrustful and fearful of becoming too dependent
• Stepfamilies
▫ Patient, authoritative parenting is needed
• Adoption
▫ Biological parents usually absent
▫ Desperately want a child
How do you care for your aging parents?
• Sandwich generation
▫ Sandwiched between their
children and their parents
• Often only one child bears the
burden of caregiving
▫ Creates resentment
What work do you want?
Employment = generativity
• Unemployed = higher rates of child abuse,
alcoholism, depression & other problems.
• Happiness is not necessarily related to income
• For work to meet generativity needs, it must:
▫ Use personal skills
▫ Be creative
▫ Advise coworkers as a friend or mentor
Why do people work?
• Extrinsic rewards (Outside - External)
▫ Salary
▫ Health insurance
▫ Pension
• Intrinsic rewards (Inside – internal)
Intangible rewards
Job satisfaction
Pride in contributing
Feeling needed
Apple Computer
Can you combine intimacy and
• Job satisfaction
depends on
▫ The job
▫ Home situation
▫ Ability to balance
home and work
Do you remember?
• Do second marriages have a greater chance of
success than first marriages?
• Do formerly married persons have higher
income and self-esteem than currently married
or never married?
• What is the sandwich generation?
• What is the difference between extrinsic and
intrinsic rewards?
▫ Give an example of each