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Neurotransmitters are reduced
Reaction time, talking, thinking, walking slows
Varies markedly by individuals
o Hypothalamus (memory) & Prefrontal cortex (processing, planning,
coordinating thoughts)
• Shrink faster than other areas
o Varies based on
• Education
• Good health
• Mental exercise
Using both hemispheres of the brain becomes more likely
Working memory
o Temporary storage of information for conscious use
o Reduced
o Takes longer to perceive & process sensations
o Inhibits multitasking
o If older people can take their time and concentrate, working
memory seems as good as ever
Long-term memory
o Emotional memories – endure
• E.g. “I was so happy!”
Memory, retrieval strategies, selective attention & problem
solving (logical analysis)
o Become less effective
o Priming of memories helps
o At every age, recognition memory is better than recall
• Multiple choice vs. essay
o Presenting memory triggers (word, smell, song, etc.)
Normal decline in verbal meaning, spatial orientation,
inductive reasoning , numerical ability & word fluency
Influenced by Health
o Better predictor of cognition than age
Influenced by training in cognitive skills
o Training can improve any cognitive decline
Organic brain damage or disease
o Abnormal and pathological loss of brain functioning
o Chronic, long lasting
Causes deterioration of memory and personality
Absentmindedness about recent events is the first stage
Most common cause of dementia
o Caused by plaques and tangles of proteins in the brain
Many genes may be involved
Stages: From confusion to death
o Beginning
• Forgetful, personality changes
• Memory loss – eventually becomes dangerous
• Forgetting about a lighted stove (3rd. Stage of Alzheimer)
o Final stage
• Full-time care needed
• Identity and personality are lost
Caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain
Repeated infarcts (Obstructions of blood vessels in the
Causes strokes
Frontal lobe dementia
o Personality changes
o Deterioration of frontal lobes & amygdala
o Pick disease is the most common form
• People are disinhibited, impulsive, emotionally indifferent
Parkinson disease
o Does not always lead to dementia
Lewy body dementia
o Caused by deposits of protein (Lewy bodies) in the neuron
o Motor movements and cognition effected
o Main symptom is loss of inhibition
Regular exercise
Avoid pathogens causing dementia
Mad cow disease
o Syphilis
• Syphilitic insanity
Depression = Most common reversible cause of dementia
related symptoms
Lack of nutrients (Malnourished)
o As bodies age they become less efficient at digesting food and
using its nutrients
o Drug side effects, interactions, and overmedication all can cause
dementia symptoms
Alcohol use
o Integrity vs. despair
• Older people gain interest in the arts, children
o Self-actualization
• Creative, philosophical & spiritual understanding
Life review
o Examination of your life
o Putting your life into perspective
o Sharing your life with recorded, written and verbal stories