TDR 144 COURSE SYLLABUS DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS, ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION COURSE: Number: Credits: Institution: Location: Days/Time: Office: CIP: FEE TYPE: DESIGN & CONST. ENVIRONMENT TDR 144 5 North Seattle Community College ED 1845C M and W: 10:00 – 12:25 p.m. 2319B 15.XXXX PREREQUISITES None INSTRUCTOR: Office Hours: STEPHEN H. SIMMONS T & Th F 10:00- 12:30 pm, Phone: E-Mail: Dept.: 206/526-0085 ext. 0085 BE-IT COURSE LENGTH One Quarter COURSE DESCRIPTION This class will introduce basic organizational, business and legal aspects of the construction and design industry. The content of TDR 144 covers business forms, contractual obligations, employment issues, registration duties to the public, safety and other issues, which may affect business. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this course, you will be able to: Discuss the general legal system in Design and Construction Describe Federal, State and Local Agencies. Work with and understand land descriptions. Understand Eminent domain and its implications. Navigate the permit process. Understand easements and adverse possession. Discuss business types. Understand business relationships. Understand Construction Contracts. REQUIRED TEXT The Construction Specifications Institute Project Delivery Practice Guide, Wiley and Sons; ISBN 978-0-470-63519-3, available at the North Seattle Community College Bookstore. ATTENDANCE, LATENESS Class attendance is very important. Missing more than one week of class (two class periods) may result in a letter grade penalty. Always try to talk to the instructor in advance should you need to be absent. Students are expected to be on time to class. LEARNING NEEDS If you need accommodations such as an ergonomic chair or computer mouse, language interpreter, tutor, or any other equipment, please contact the Office of Access Services, if you have not already done so. Also, please inform the instructor as soon as possible. TUTORING CENTER: ACADEMIC HONESTY A student who submits the work of another as her/his own or deliberately fails to properly credit words or ideas borrowed from another source is guilty of plagiarism. A student, who uses notes, takes an exam for another student, copies answers from another student’s exam, copies drawings in any manner or any other similar conduct aimed at making false representations with respect to student’s academic performance is guilty of cheating. Please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for more information regarding academic dishonesty. REQUIRED MATERIALS: Removable storage device (flash drive, etc.) Notebook Pen or pencils CLASS SCHEDULE: Week 1 – April 4th Intro of class Syllabus review Final project Book Lecture Chapter 1: Introduction to the CSI Project Delivery Practice Guide. 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 Understanding Project Delivery as Foundational Knowledge. 1.3 Magnitude of Design and Construction Information Available. 1.4 Managing Information. 1.5 The Nature of the Project and Facility. Sketchup Lecture Sketchup user interface User preferences and templates Drawing Tools Push/pull Tool Week 2 – April 11th Book Lecture Chapter 2: Stakeholders and Participants. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 The Owner Team. 2.3 The Design Team. 2.4 The Contractor Team. 2.5 The Supplier Team. 2.6 Team Selection Process. 2.7 Partnering and Collaboration. 2.8 Commissioning. Sketchup Lecture Measurements Rotation Moving Tool Scaling Copy Week 3 – April 18th Book Lecture Chapter 3: Facility Life Cycle. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 The Nature of the Facility Life Cycle. 3.3 Integrated Project Delivery. 3.4 Construction Specifications Institute. Sketchup Lecture Textures Components, groups and arrays Book Lecture Chapter 4: Codes, Regulations, and Standards. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Authorities Having Jurisdiction. 4.3 Codes. 4.4 Regulations. 4.5 Standards. 4.6 Associations, Societies, Councils, and Institutes. Sketchup Lecture Project part one presentation Offset Quiz 1 - Thursday Chapters 1 – 4 Week 4 – April 25th Book Lecture Chapter 5: Contracts and Legal Issues. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Owner, Architect/Engineer, and Contractor Tripartite Relationships. 5.3 Elements of a Contract. 5.4 Standard Agreement Forms. 5.5 Example—Contract between Owner and Contractor. 5.6 Contract Types. 5.7 Form of Agreement. 5.8 Compatibility of Agreements. 5.9 Design Team Coordination. 5.10 Important Legal Issues. Sketchup Lecture Photo Match Photo texturing Week 5 – May 2nd Book Lecture Chapter 6: Project Planning. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Project Conception. 6.3 Due Diligence Investigations. 6.4 Site Selection. 6.5 Facility Programming. 6.6 Facility Performance Criteria. 6.7 Anticipating the Cost of the Work. 6.8 Setting the Scheduling. Sketchup Lecture Geo location Work on project Week 6 – May 9th Book Lecture Chapter 7: Project Delivery. 7.1 Influencing Factors. 7.2 Design-Bid-Build. 7.3 Design-Negotiate-Build. 7.4 Construction Management. 7.5 Design-Build. 7.6 Owner-Build. 7.7 Integrated Project Delivery. Sketchup Lecture Scenes and animation Work on project Week 7 – May 16th Chapter 8: Design. 8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Dual Nature of Design. 8.3 Design Considerations. 8.4 Aesthetics. 8.5 Functional Requirements. 8.6 Constructability. 8.7 Sustainability. 8.8 Design Phases. 8.9 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Requirements. 8.10 Budgets. 8.11 Cost Estimates. 8.12 Life Cycle Costs. 8.13 Value Analysis. 8.14 Controlling Variables. Sketchup Lecture Shading Work on project Quiz 2- Thursday Chapters 5 – 8 Week 8 – May 23th Book Lecture Chapter 9: Design Documents. 9.1 Introduction. 9.2 Design Concept Phase Documentation. 9.3 Schematic Design Phase Documentation. 9.4 Design Development Phase Documentation. Sketchup Lecture Transfer AutoCAD file to Sketchup and vice versa Export Sketchup views into jpg format Book Lecture Chapter 10: Product Selection and Evaluation. 10.1 Introduction. 10.2 Types of Products. 10.3 Importance of Product Selection and Evaluation. 10.4 Obtaining Product Information. 10.5 The Evaluation and Selection Process. 10.6 Services That Product Representatives Provide. Sketchup Lecture Work on project Week 9 – May 30th Book Lecture Chapter 11: Construction Documents. 11.1 Introduction to Construction Documents. 11.2 Drawings. 11.3 Specifications. 11.4 Procurement Requirements. 11.5 Contracting Requirements. Sketchup Lecture Work on projects Week 10 – June 6th Book Lecture Chapter 12: Procurement. 12.1 Introduction. 12.2 Pricing Methods. 12.3 Purchasing. 12.4 Pricing Considerations. 12.5 Competitive Pricing. 12.6 Project Information. 12.7 Bidding. 12.8 Negotiating Process. 12.9 Purchasing of Goods. 12.10 Subcontracting. Sketchup Lecture Work on projects Week 11 – April 4th Book Lecture Chapter 13: Construction. 13.1 Introduction. 13.2 Construction as a Team Activity. 13.3 Roles and Responsibilities. 13.4 Preconstruction. 13.5 Meetings. 13.6 Submittals. 13.7 Site Visits, Observations, and Inspections. 13.8 Quality Assurance and Quality Control. 13.9 Interpretations and Modifications. 13.10 Executing the Work. 13.11 Claims and Disputes. 13.12 Measurement and Payment. 13.13 Project Closeout. Sketchup Lecture Work on projects Book Lecture Chapter 14: Facility Management. 14.1 Transition. 14.2 Occupancy. Sketchup Lecture Work on projects Grading System: Decimal Grade 4.0 – 3.9 3.8 – 3.5 3.4 - 3.2 3.1 - 2.9 2.8 - 2.5 2.4 - 2.2 2.1 - 1.9 1.8 - 1.5 1.4 - 1.2 1.1 - 0.9 0.8 - 0.7 0.0 Letter Grade Equivalent A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DE Conversion of Percentages to Decimal Grade Equivalent 96 – 100% = 4.0 95 = 3.9 94 = 3.8 93 = 3.7 92 = 3.6 91 = 3.5 90 = 3.4 89 = 3.3 88 = 3.2 87 = 3.1 86 = 3.0 85 = 2.9 84 = 2.8 83 = 2.7 82 = 2.6 81 = 2.5 80 = 2.4 79 = 2.3 78 = 2.2 77 = 2.1 76 = 2.0 75 = 1.9 74 = 1.8 73 = 1.7 72 = 1.6 71 = 1.5 70 = 1.4 69 = 1.3 Your course grade will be calculated as follow: In-Class Exams and quizzes Class Assignments Final Exam Week 1 (April 4) 2 (April 11) 3 (April 18) 4 (April 25) 5 (May 2) 6 (May 9) 7 (May 16) 8 (May 23) 9 (May 30) 10 (June 6) 11 (June 13) Chapters 1 2 3 & 4(Quiz 1, April 20) 5 6 7(Quiz 2, May 11) 8 9 & 10 11 12 13&14 68 = 1.2 67 = 1.1 66 = 1.0 65 = 0.9 64 = 0.8 63 = 0.7 62 = 0.0 40 % 40 % 20 % 100 % Assignment Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project Sketchup project