TDR 109 COURSE SYLLABUS DRAFTING LAB ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING DRAFTING DEPARTMENT COURSE: Number: Credits: Institution: Location: Days/Time: Office: CIP: FEE TYPE: DRAFTING LAB TDR 109 1 North Seattle Community College ED 2843B Tuesdays: 3:00 – 5:20 p.m. IB2319B 15.XXXX PREREQUISITES NONE INSTRUCTOR: Office Hours: Phone: E-Mail: Dept.: STEPHEN H. SIMMONS T 12:00 –2:30 pm TH 10:30 – 1:00pm 206/934-0085 ext. 0085 BE-IT COURSE LENGTH One term COURSE DESCRIPTION A supervised drafting development lab where students can work on class projects to increase speed and competency and hands-on skills using software or hand drafting techniques. May be repeated. Computer Fee. This class is designed for students in the Architecture Engineering Drafting Program. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this course, you will be able to: Use basic drafting instruments and media. Produce drawings. Visualize three-dimensional objects. Create multi-view drawings, partial auxiliary views, and section views. Work from isometric and oblique pictorial drawings. Apply dimensions and tolerances to working drawings. Become familiar with Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). Become familiar with Revit (BIM) Describe the engineering design process and documentation methods. Discuss professional ethics, academic dishonesty, and software piracy. REQUIRED TEXT Illus. AutoCAD Quick Refer. 2013 + Beyond:, Grabowski; Cengage; ISBN 978-1-13396-387-5, available at the North Seattle Community College Bookstore or various on-line retailers. ATTENDANCE, LATENESS Class attendance is very important. Missing more than one week of class (two class periods) may result in a letter grade penalty. Always try to talk to the instructor in advance should you need to be absent. Students are expected to be on time to class. LEARNING NEEDS If you need accommodations such as an ergonomic chair or computer mouse, language interpreter, tutor, or any other equipment, please contact the Office of Access Services, if you have not already done so. Also, please inform the instructor as soon as possible. TUTORING CENTER: ACADEMIC DISHONESTY A student who submits the work of another as her/his own or deliberately fails to properly credit words or ideas borrowed from another source is guilty of plagiarism. A student, who uses notes, takes an exam for another student, copies answers from another student’s exam, copies drawings in any manner or any other similar conduct aimed at making false representations with respect to student’s academic performance is guilty of cheating. Please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for more information regarding academic dishonesty. SUGGESTED MATERIALS: 30/60 degree triangle 45 degree triangle Civil and Architectural Scales Compass Circle Template Vellum: ANSI A – Size = 8.5 X 11 ANSI B – Size = 11 X 17 CLASS SCHEDULE: Week 1 – September 23rd Intro of class Week 2 – September 30th Mechanical Drawing Week 3 – October 7th Geometry of Technical Drawing Week 4 – October 14th Geometry of Technical Drawing Views of Objects Week 5 – October 21st Techniques and Applications Week 6 – October 28th Manufacturing Process Sectional Views Week 7 – November 4th Sectional Views Conventional Breaks Week 8 – November 11th Dimensioning Decimal Dimensions Week 9 – November 18th Pictorial Drawings Developments and Intersections Week 10 – November 25th Working Drawings Structural Drawings Electrical Drawings Architectural Drawings Catch-up, and work on drawing projects Week 11 – December 2nd TBD Finals Week – December 11th Grading System: Decimal Grade 4.0 – 3.9 3.8 – 3.5 3.4 - 3.2 3.1 - 2.9 2.8 - 2.5 2.4 - 2.2 2.1 - 1.9 1.8 - 1.5 1.4 - 1.2 1.1 - 0.9 0.8 - 0.7 0.0 Letter Grade Equivalent A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DE Mechanical: .9mm with H lead Pink or White drafting eraser Drafting tape Graph Paper Removable storage device (Thumb Drive) Notebook Conversion of Percentages to Decimal Grade Equivalent 96 – 100% = 4.0 89 = 3.3 82 = 2.6 75 = 1.9 95 = 3.9 88 = 3.2 81 = 2.5 74 = 1.8 94 = 3.8 87 = 3.1 80 = 2.4 73 = 1.7 93 = 3.7 86 = 3.0 79 = 2.3 72 = 1.6 92 = 3.6 85 = 2.9 78 = 2.2 71 = 1.5 91 = 3.5 84 = 2.8 77 = 2.1 70 = 1.4 90 = 3.4 83 = 2.7 76 = 2.0 69 = 1.3 68 = 1.2 67 = 1.1 66 = 1.0 65 = 0.9 64 = 0.8 63 = 0.7 62 = 0.0