Study Questions Biology 101 The Study of Biology

Study Questions Biology 101
The Study of Biology
1. What are eight unique properties of living things? Why are the terms "uses energy" or
"reproduces" not unique to living things?
2. Define a good hypothesis and describe how a hypothesis is formulated. Why are multiple
hypotheses preferable in every single scientific study? What type of hypothesis cannot be
evaluated by the scientific method (give an example)?
3. What is the difference between induction (inductive reasoning) and deduction (deductive
reasoning)? Where is each type used in the scientific process? Which one is fallible?
4. What are the steps of the scientific method and the important rules to be observed in each
5. What rules should be employed during experimentation to avoid sampling error and incorrect
6. Describe the different levels of biological complexity, from atoms to the biosphere. How are
emergent properties important to this discussion?
7. What are the three Domains of life? What types of organisms are in each Domain? How are
living things further subdivided into kingdoms within Eukarya? Know the hierarchy of taxons.
Be able to give the common name of an organism belonging to each kingdom,
8. What is binomial nomenclature, and who invented it? What is the correct format for naming a
specific organism? How are common and scientific names different?