Lab 21 Muscles of the Pelvis, Leg and Foot Muscles to know • • • • • • • • • • • psoas major iliacus gluteus maximus gluteus medius sartorius quadriceps femoris (4) gracilus adductor longus biceps femoris semitendinosis semimembranosus • • • • • • • • tibialis anterior ext hallucis longus ext digitorum longus fibularis (peroneus) longus gastrocnemius soleus flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorum longus Muscles of the Pelvis and Lower Limbs • Pelvic girdle is tightly bound to axial skeleton: – permits little movement – has few muscles Muscles that Position the Lower Limbs 1. Muscles that move the thigh 2. Muscles that move the leg 3. Muscles that move the foot and toes Generally… • • • • Muscles that are lateral are abductors Muscles that are medial are adductors flexors are on inner surface of joint extensors are on outer surface of joint Note: in legs and feet, look at each joint individually (cf. arms) Muscles that Move the Thigh • • • • Gluteal muscles Lateral rotators Adductors Iliopsoas group Muscles of hip and thigh • • • • • psoas major iliacus gluteus maximus gluteus medius adductor longus Gluteal Muscles (1 of 2) • Cover lateral surfaces of ilia • Gluteus maximus: – largest, most posterior gluteal muscle – produces extension and lateral rotation at hip – Originates on illiac crest, etc., inserts on illiotibial tract and femur Gluteal Muscles (2 of 2) • Gluteus medius and [gluteus minimus]: – originate anterior to gluteus maximus – insert on trochanter of femur Muscles that Move the Thigh Figure 11–19a, b Muscles that Move the Thigh Figure 11–19c, d Adductors • Adductor longus: – hip flexion and adduction • Gracilis (UPPER LEG): – hip flexion and adduction Iliopsoas group • 2 hip flexors insert on the same tendon: – psoas major • originates on lumbar vetebrae, inserts on femur – iliacus • originates on illium/fossa Summary: Muscles that Move the Thigh Table 11–16 (1 of 2) Summary: Muscles that Move the Thigh Table 11–16 (2 of 2) Muscles that Move the Leg • Flexors of the knee: – originate on the pelvic girdle – generally: hamstrings • Extensors of the knee: – originate on the femoral surface – insert on the patella – generally: quads Flexors of the Knee • • • • Biceps femoris Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Sartorius: – originates superior to the acetabulum – long, ribbon-like muscle – traverses the quads and wraps around to the back of the knee Hamstrings • Made up of: – biceps femoris (long and short heads) – semimembranosus – semitendinosus • All are knee flexors Muscles that Move the Leg Figure 11–20a Extensors of the Knee • 4 muscles of the quadriceps femoris: – 3 vastus muscles: • vastus lateralis • vastus medialis • vastus intermedius – rectus femoris muscle Muscles that Move the Leg Figure 11–20b, c Summary: Muscles that Move the Leg Table 11–17 (1 of 2) Summary: Muscles that Move the Leg Table 11–17 (2 of 2) Muscles that Move the Foot and Toes • Extrinsic muscles that move the foot and toes include: – muscles that produce extension at the ankle (Plantar flexion) – muscles that produce flexion at the ankle – muscles that produce extension at the toes – muscles that produce flexion at the toes Muscles that Produce Extension at the Ankle (Plantar flexion) Calf muscles Large posterior calf muscles, both insert on Achilles): • Gastrocnemius • Soleus • Fibularis longus Muscles that Move the Foot and Toes Figure 11–21a, b Muscles that Move the Foot and Toes Figure 11–21c, d The Achilles Tendon • The calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon): – shared by the gastrocnemius and soleus Muscles that Produce Flexion at the Ankle • Tibialis anterior: – opposes the gastrocnemius Muscles that Move the Foot and Toes Figure 11–21a, b Muscles that Move the Foot and Toes Figure 11–21c, d Muscles that Produce Extension at the Toes • Extensor digitorum longus • Extensor hallucis longus Toe extensors are on top of foot Note: there are no muscles in toes themselves (only tendons) The Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot Figure 11–22a Muscles that Produce Flexion at the Toes • Flexor digitorum longus • Flexor hallucis longus: – oppose the extensors Toe flexors are on bottom of foot The Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot Figure 11–22b, c Summary: Muscles that Move the Foot and Toes Table 11–18 Today • Lab 21 – Ignore muscles that are not on the list Due Next Week