Final Self Evaluation Personal Learning Plan: Student Name Goals: The aspect of small group communication that I am interested in learning how to do better is with facilitating groups. Looking further into areas such as keeping the process on track, learning more about the process of questioning and when and how to be correctly assertive. I feel that I have advanced with this on several fronts. I participate in and on occasion lead a men’s study group on Saturdays. The information from “Dialogue” by Isaacs has given me a platform to share from with this about learning ways to provide for more effective sharing in the group setting; “suspending”, allowing others the chance to input discussion and not monopolizing the conversation and allowing others the freedom to speak without being judged or put down. In sharing this information initially, it required me to pretty assertive, which was well received by the group, although I had to get “in the face” of several members to do this. As I am pursuing a Project Management Certificate to further my abilities with Project Management, I see that the skill of becoming an effective small group communicator is at the center of management, and I plan to acquire more skill as a communicator. It will also add to my abilities with classes I facilitate at my church. In the men’s group and in the classes I facilitate, I can see in me a new knowledge and skill in drawing people’s opinions and feelings out in discussions. Giving them freedom, and a space in which, to share safely and effectively. Also I feel that I have advanced in my ability to model the concept for the group, of allowing this to happen more frequently. It is exciting to see this evolve! I plan to have a greater understanding and in-depth knowledge of ways to better facilitate and communicate in the groups I am working with, whether at work or in a teaching setting. My response to this is similar to my goal above. My involvement with groups is currently limited to church and online classes with being unemployed. The reading we have had this quarter has been very helpful in shaping my knowledge and approach to these areas of facilitating groups. Along with the growth that I have mentioned in this area, I am expecting to see greater ability and strengths when I do reenter the job market. I will be able to gauge my success in meeting my goals by how well I am able to facilitate groups at my workplace, and in community settings. I should be able to demonstrate skills with; keeping the process on track, assertiveness in making sure that the process is moving ahead smoothly, appropriate questioning to draw out needed information, and being able to sort through symptoms and go to the real causes. Page 1 One area of success I have seen during this class was with our online small group. Taking the initiative to create an agenda for each meeting proved to be quite helpful and appreciated by the other members. In terms of facilitation, it gave us focus and a rallying point to call us back if we became sidetracked. This was also beneficial because the agenda was a neutral thing everyone bought into, so in calling us back to our focus, there was not a bad-guy, the agenda was a kind of norm for us to work to that was accepted by all. In particular, I am excited about using Isaacs thoughts that “Instead of good answers, we need good questions. The power of dialogue emerges in the cultivation, in ourselves, as well as in others, of questions for which we do not have answers. Identifying one good question can be vastly more significant than offering many partial answers.” (Isaacs 148). I am finding that in the small groups I am involved with, the right question can take the group down an exciting path of discovery as each member finds ways to share from their personal experience. Course Goals Course Goal #1: My experience with group communication in the architectural world is one reason that I am interested in gaining more practice, techniques and information to better facilitate discussions and meetings. Also working toward my PM Certificate, I am increasingly aware that communication, and its facilitation, is at the root of management. I will know I have reached this goal when I am able to lead/facilitate meetings in a constructive way that allows all team players to have input, and when the participants leave feeling the time was well spent and addressed real issues and solutions. I am excited to see my ability to refocus on making sure, as much as possible, that everyone participating in my small groups have the chance to input in the discussions in the time we are together; looking for questions and ways to draw people out, working on reading body language as an indicator, keeping the time and topic on track, setting up group expectations and working with “norms”. Course Goal #2: It will be empowering and freeing to have a good understanding of my role in any group, whether that is facilitator, authority or participant. This allows me to give my best effort for the team without feeling pressure to outperform others. I will know that I have reached this goal when the groups I am involved with can ascertain their own abilities in a given group and become fully engaged by bringing their skill sets to the table for the good of the client, the project and the team. I felt that the goal of “empowering and freeing” myself and others to understand our roles in our group was achieved. I felt that I saw this played out in the class small group. The different players had, and perhaps were freed up to take, the chance to exercise their strengths and Page 2 talents. This was defined by the boundaries of the project we as a group set up, and by the class outline. Course Goal #3: I want to become more effective with sorting out the agendas and subtleties in a group’s interactions, with each other and with the project. Managing projects requires managing people, and as Isaacs points out, “Thinking together implies that you…relax your grip on certainty and listen to the possibilities…that might not have otherwise occurred.” Dialogue P.19 This goal would be achieved when I can see more participation with all team members, and not discussions dominated by a few more aggressive team players. This is addressed to a degree in my previous two responses. I can see this most clearly in the two groups I am involved with at my church. The men’s group has been challenging in regard to redirecting so that there are not people who dominate. With our online group for this class, what I did see was our collective ability to “relax our grip on certainty and come to other possibilities” was beneficial for us, and the final project. Course Goal #4: I am looking for a chance to further develop the leadership skills that I already have. To add to and embellish traits such as keeping meetings focused on the purpose and finishing on time and on a high note, knowing when to be assertive and asking the right questions at the right time. This goal will be visible to me as I am involved in meetings with the CMST230 class and in community settings with my being able to facilitate and lead in ways that draw people out and allow them to participate freely. I will see some of Bens’ Core Practices such as; staying neutral, active listening, paraphrasing and giving and receiving feedback. I felt I was able to remain neutral in our class group setting, while encouraging input and arriving at decision making scenarios from the others. There were not so many chances to “paraphrase” with an online group, but I felt that giving and receiving feedback was effective as we met. There were also a few times I as well as others found the need to be assertive in either pulling the meeting back on line, or moving it ahead when we were stuck or idling in conversation. Course Goal #5: For me, it is important to understand that every person has a positive or negative impact on the group, and the group on each individual. This dynamic has much to do with success of failure of the group and projects they are involved in. The goal will be achieved as team members feel energized to share and combine their individual thinking, realizing that the sum of the everyone’s input is greater that any one person’s ideas. Page 3 The synergy of the group with sharing ideas and finding ways to put them together, or how to focus the direction of conversations was exciting for me to see. Everyone had the same goal in mind with the group and our goal, and I thought that it showed in our times together and the end product. Course Goal #6: I need to acquire and become more familiar with the Core Practices and Process Tools that Bens lists on pages 5 and 6. Being an effective communicator in either scenario requires an understanding of the desired outcome or goal. Without this understanding, I am not effective as a leader of facilitator. Achieving this will be evident by positive responses from group and team members, and from the meetings I am involved with. In particular, I felt growth in the “Core Practice” areas of staying neutral, synthesizing ideas, collecting ideas and summarizing clearly. In area of “Process Tools”, our group mostly worked with: Visioning- this was of course different than suggested in the text being online, but the process felt similar – goal setting, clarifying thoughts and ideas to create a clear group goal. Brainstorming- great exchange of ideas and the creation of direction to take with the project. Forcefield Analysis- there was some of this as well, but again, not particularly as outlined in the text. It involved looking at opposites such as; shall we do just pros or cons for GM products? Should we be neutral or provide an opinion as a result of our research? These helped us clarify what our individual goals were, and how to pull it all together for the final project. The grade I would like to receive and how I intend to achieve this grade Grade – 4.0 My plan to achieve this grade would be to take reading and recording assignments seriously, to participate with and in the discussion boards, and to arrive at and complete a challenging project with my group. You are correct. Please respond to the six course goals in your final self eval. I posted this one example because I thought that the student showed a depth of reflection that I always look for in these final evaluations, not necessarily because he/she followed the assignment exactly. I'm looking for examples of learning that have produced meaningful change with students because of what they have experienced. That's the bottom line. Thanks! Jane An Important Component of this Course: I believe that one of the most surprising things I discovered about myself this quarter was how certain I am of myself, my views and opinions. This is in contrast to how open to other opinions I have always thought myself to be. As Isaacs peeled the layers of the onion, it became apparent to me that I had room, and need, to grow and expand with what he was laying out. Page 4 The art of “Suspending” seems surprisingly simple and obvious, yet it is a challenge to effectively and consistently put into practice; sometimes one of monstrous proportions. Being able to “…change direction, to stop, step back, see things with new eyes.” does really impact the freedom that a group, or a few people, can experience in relating to each other, or in addressing a purpose. I saw this with our small group for class, and with two other small groups I am involved with. I am working to make this a life-change in my own way of thinking and dialogue, since I see more clearly how it impacts almost everything. The greatest challenge for me is probably to bring this “heady knowledge” down to earth and begin consistently applying it to my closest relationships; at home with my wife, with my daughter-in-law and with my son. I find it easier to work with these principles in a work setting, but I think that the real test is close to home – in my home! And when I am employed again, I hope to be able to find ways in Project Management, to engage these useful tools in communicating and drawing others into dialogue to discover relationship, or the “flow of meaning” as the Greek word translates. The Creative Process: I initially had no consuming ideas for a project. Justin shared the thought of a project centered on researching GM foods. This caught on with the group right away, so we headed that direction day one. As we individually did research for the project, and then in combining our information, the concerns with the GM food issue loomed larger to me. I was not aware of everything involved in the genetic modifications to foods, and organisms, so the research opened my eyes to the potential concerns and the blatant ways the governing organizations are looking the other way to allow the process to continue without appropriate checks and balances. I am finding myself increasingly concerned with the food I purchase and consume, and with looking at labels for the content of the food. The thing that was new to me was how thought provoking and life changing it could be to bringing a random group of people together, ask them to come up with a project that meets a community need, and to find a way to address it. The process was one of evolution, where we collectively discovered the magnitude of how we felt about GM products and came up with a means of sharing this with the community. The evolution of the group’s organization was quite intriguing for me, seeing how natural strengths and abilities surfaced as we set up roles and responsibilities. We quickly developed trust, fueled by the consistency in finishing our assignments and by the level of energy each member put into achieving the end goal we had decided upon. This trust and consistency was especially important to everyone with one team member joining after we had already had the first team meeting. They jumped right in and were a great team player! We meshed well, and everyone was willing to pull their weight to see the work through. The way we set up communication using google docs worked well with our group. Page 5 As I noted above in how my goals were met, one area of success I have seen during this class was with our online small group. I took the initiative to create an agenda for each meeting, and this proved to be quite helpful and appreciated by the other members. It gave us focus and a rallying point to call us back if sidetracked. I also felt that I was able to add with the editing process and in ideas for how the overall presentation could be organized. I must say too, that everyone had a hand in and good input related to these aspects of the work, which I really appreciated and respected. There were the “Yes, I like that.” and the “Nah, let’s not do that.” comments which were taken in stride and with grace by everyone, pointing out to me that we were successful with our group. Related to changes, the one thing I think we all agreed on was wishing we could have had more time face-to-face as a group. The drawback for me was the drive, living 32 miles away, so I had enrolled in classes that were completely “online” on purpose. Other than that, I cannot think of what I would change. Listening Quiz: Taking the listening quiz again, my score comes up at 74 compared with the 64 on my initial score. That is an 10-point change. Looking over the scores, there are no areas that have had significant changes, just some subtle adjustments. With my ability to allow people to tell me a story or make a point, and not allowing my mind to wander until it’s my turn to talk, even if I know what is going to be said, I feel that my ability to “suspend” is reflected by the score increasing by 2,. Another score that changed by 2 for the better was my “need” to try and give people advice when they tell me their problem. That is a constant challenge for me with my wife; I know I have the solution, all of the time! Shutting my mouth though, almost always reaps better results. It’s better to only share if and when asked. The other differences were 1 point changes. For example, I am finding that I don’t stop listening just to create a rebuttal to someone’s thoughts, or because I am judging what the other person just said. It is becoming more second nature to “suspend” and “…let go of the conviction...” (Isaacs 148). This allows me to sidestep the need to fix something or “…solve what we see…” and gets back to dialogue … so that we can begin to inquire into what we observe.” (Isaacs 147) Diversity: I did notice that several of the other groups were culturally diverse, but our group was composed of all Caucasians. Even so, we brought very diverse backgrounds to the table. One was an architect, one was a caregiver who both had quite a few years in the work force. The other two group members were younger college students just starting out. This brings the idea to mind that “Dialogue seems to be one of the ways in which it is possible to welcome the diversity of voices that people bring to the table – and move to a new level of collective insight.” (Isaacs 37). Page 6 Being completely online until our final meeting, we had no idea about the composition of the group. I don’t think it would have made any difference in our performance to have known, but it was interesting when revealed. The diversity that I thought became apparent as we worked together was how we were each wired differently. There was the one who was detail oriented, the one who was fluent with graphics and pulling the material together, the ones with a lot of ideas, the one who helped to lend structure and direction. As I noted above, the evolution of the group was quite intriguing for me. A random set of unrelated people coming together, discovering the qualities that each had, figuring out how to organize these and address a challenge, and finding a way to meld these into a functional team to meet project requirements – all within 8-weeks! Pretty amazing! There was no “Stinking Thinking” that “discourage(d) rather than encourage(d)” (Masterson 296) the group. We found ways to play off of this diversity that resulted in more strength when we combined them than what we could have had alone. Course Grade: In the learning plan you requested us to create at the beginning of class I stated my interest in earning an A for the course. I feel that my approach, participation and work this quarter merit that grade. I have been; Serious with my reading, Involved in meaningful participation in the discussion boards, (tried to set an example there early as I communicated with you my concern for many short responses), Serious about completing a challenging group project that meets real community needs. Field Notes – Greatest Learning: An interesting aside to keeping the Field Notes was that it required me to keep on my toes and make sure everything was moving ahead as planned. With the short fuse for summer quarter, anything that helped to keep me focused was useful. My cutting edge with the Field Notes would have had to be realizing, again, that nothing happens unless it is planned out, and there is accountability. These notes emphasized this time and again to me. These worked hand in hand for me with creating an agenda for each meeting, which is a further outworking of the entire process. Communicating and managing require being able to organize and have control of processes. Something like the Field Notes seems to be at the root of these processes. Following is a complete set of my Field notes for this quarter. Page 7 7/8/2011 Group Meeting #1 Kent Schmuland, Justin Smalls and Ken Eckert met online using Google Docs as a meeting platform. We decided on a project, and laid out some initial direction for everyone with research for the project, and with meeting times. The project we chose was to research Genetically Modified (GM) foods, the risks associated with them, and to look into possible solutions. After discussion, the group felt researching and presenting information about GM products was a very relevant topic, one that needs a thoughtful response from everyone in society. Our assignment for next week was to research 3 sites related to GM foods, and bring these to the next meeting on Thursday evening, 7/14/11. We will be working on presentation format as we progress. A tentative schedule would be: First 5 weeks: Research GM information, and share findings, decide format of project. Last 2 of 3 weeks: Do physical project. Last week: Tweak final project, and go spread information. Page 8 7/14/2011 Group Meeting #2 Ken, Kent, Jen and Justin met online via google docs. With Jen’s addition, we further sorted out some of the individual assignments and duties within the group. We had a bit of trouble getting everyone online to google docs with the chat format, but prevailed, and left our session with a better understanding of the software. 1. 2. 3. 4. Designated Team Leader: – Ken Research: – We are all doing research Minutes/Secretary: – Jen Decision Making – Group vote We all shared the sites that we have found in research this past week, and discussed more about how to compile the information. One aspect I am learning about myself as a communicator is that I tend to want to organize things I am involved with. With this thought, I have offered agenda each week, and suggested using google docs for chat. Affirmation with my communicator abilities comes with comments of thanks for setting these things up. I find myself writing and then rewording some of my information to present to the group, making sure it is not directing them, but offering suggestions, and then tempering further action with listening to the heart in their responses. I see my course goal #2, of understanding my role in any group, coming clearer in my small group. There is affirmation of and encouragement to us, some of the abilities in facilitating and managing portions of the group. I feel that my leadership in aspects of organization and trying to move things ahead is being seen and looked for. I am also working to find opportunity to allow others to be fully engaged in the group. I felt good about getting Jen hooked up with the group kind of late and getting information to her so she could get up to speed quickly. Page 9 7/21/2011 Group Meeting #3 Ken, Kent, Jen and Justin met online via google docs. We further clarified/defined the project, and our overall goals. We also shared sites we had researched related to the GM foods with our project, and discussed how to pursue research. Part of the time also involved brainstorming ways to present the information we acquire – power point presentation, pamphlets or brochures and so forth. A tentative idea was to look at pamphlets that spring from a power point presentation. Designated Team Leader: – Ken Research: – We are all doing research, and will be compiling Minutes/Secretary: – Jen Document maintenance on google docs: - (may divide) docs re minutes – Jen Communication w/ Teacher - Kent Presentation: i) Brochure – All ii) Power Point – Jen 7. Decision Making – Group vote 8. Dealing with deadlines and noncompliance – Group should meet with person if we have to 9. Non-performance – Kent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The work was further broken up – Ken and Justin will pursue the “cons” with GM foods, and Kent and Jen will research the “pros” with GM foods. Our project will then present both sides, not making a judgment call, but allowing the viewers to make an informed decision for themselves. Jen provided some basic documents on google docs as a place for everyone to deposit their research date. These will be compiled and massaged to use in the Power Point presentation and for the pamphlet. Name phone and email address were shared with team. There was further discussion about using Skype or ooVoo for the next meeting, and Justin will investigate. A face to face meeting was discussed, but the video chat may be enough. Page 10 7/28/2011 Group Meeting #4 Ken, Kent and Jen met online via google docs. Justin was not there, he had the dates crossed up. We adjusted next week’s meeting day to Friday the 5th. Discussed the idea using of Skype for the meeting in the future again, no decision. We spent quite a bit of the time working out the approach we want to take with the pamphlet and the information in it. Also further tightened up our thinking and direction for the PowerPoint presentation. Discussed setting deadlines to get information into our google docs location so it can be put together, by the end of next week. PowerPoint layout should be ready by next meeting for review. Just basic slide arrangement. We will then add the research information and graphics. Kent is doing this, and Jen will work on the pamphlet layout and information. I left Justin a message to get back to me. He did call the next day, and clarified the fumble. I shared information with him and we are moving ahead. Page 11 8/5/2011 Group Meeting #5 Ken, Kent, Justin and Jen met online via google docs. We spent most of the time on our “chat” working on the PowerPoint presentation: format, layout, information. Kent had a nice rough-draft of the PowerPoint presentation for us to look at. It was difficult to work on collectively in google docs though, so he ended up emailing everyone a copy to everyone, so that through the coming week we could each add our research with picture suggestions to, and then we will collaborate further at the meeting on the 11 th. After conversation in our “chat”, the decision was made to abandon the thought of using Skype, and we will meet face to face on the 11th, at the library on the NSCC campus. This seemed to work best for everyone. I am looking forward to hooking up with everyone finally! Page 12 8/11/2011 Group Meeting #6 Ken, Kent, Justin and Jen met at the NSCC library for our final meeting to polish-up our final project PowerPoint presentation. We had 2-laptops to review and revise the slides, images and information. Going back and forth between research information and the presentation images worked really well. Justin was even able to quickly grab a bit more refined research information while we were fine-tuning the information. We were able to combine Kent and Ken’s thoughts and modifications to the file with everyone there to view and input, real-time. This worked very well, although the time was limited, so we had to work smart and quick. Kent will finalize the project and forward to everyone for a final review, then we submit the 16th! The group also went over what Jen had so far for the pamphlet, which looked and worked great! We were able to add further information and clarify how it is presented. Also finalized the ways we planned to share the information; Post at places like Fred Meyer and local grocery stores. Jen will email the finished product to each of us and we will print our own copies and distribute. Pretty exciting end to the research! One of the down-sides to having been completely online was not meeting each other and getting better acquainted, especially with the very short fuse associated with the summer quarter of 8 weeks vs. 11 weeks. We did feel like we were able to work well together and that it has been a fulfilling class, just much different than sitting in a classroom together. Page 13