General Psychology 3416-PSYC&100.H3-Fall 2015 Please print and read this syllabus

General Psychology
3416-PSYC&100.H3-Fall 2015
Please print and read this syllabus
Dr. Robert J. Atkins, Ph.D.
Phone: (206) 934-7011 (email is preferable and faster)
Office hours: 9:30-10:00 and 11:00-11:30 T, Th and Online 8:00 – 9:00 M, W, F.
Office: Rm. IB2327A
E-mail = Please send email for this class through the instructor’s campus email. I do not check the Canvas course website email.
Subject: Include the item # and class you are in (E.g.#9600 Psychology 100.D1)
Class website:
Login material (Write your items in the space below)
User name: _______________________
Your entire student ID number
Password: ______________________
The sic (6) letters of your last name. (Repeat if less than six eg. Liuliu)
Psychology LaunchPad: Log In =
Psychology LaunchPad
Technical support = 1-877-587-6534 or 1-800-936-6899 or (800) 936-6899
through the online form
by chat
Also, there is a “Help” button in the upper right corner of the home page for a
User Guide, email technical support, and chat with an agent.
Registering your i>Clicker+:
If you have difficulty, copy and paste this URL address into your browser address bar.
i>Clicker tech support = 1-866-209-5698
Course schedule:
The Course Calendar in the back of this syllabus gives you a schedule for the quarter.
Grading: Your class grade is based on the four non-cumulative multiple-choice
midterms (50 points each), “Psychology Launchpad” (50 points), and participation
(clickers) (50 points).
My Grades:
Exam #1 _____, Exam #2 _____, Exam #3 _____, Exam #4 _____,
Participation (clicker and activity) points = _______
Psychology LaunchPad (% divided by 2) = _______
Total = _______
(Finding this total on the Grading Scale in this syllabus will give you your final grade).
Required materials for the course:
1. Text and Access code:
Myers Psychology, 11th. Ed. with LaunchPad access code
ISBN: 9781319017057
Access code: May be purchased separately from the
Publishers at:
2. “i>Clicker+”
The “i>Clicker+” student response system can be purchased from the NSC
bookstore. Please bring this to class every day to participate. Use the dedicated
i>Clicker remote.
ISBN: 9781498601641
3. Makeup exam materials:
Scan-tron answer sheets, correction fluid (white-out), #2 pencil
4. Computer:
Your computer needs to be a PC or Mac with a good internet connection, internet
browser, ability to view Power Point, PDF, and MP4 video files. Most computers come
with the ability to view these, if not, you can search for free player downloads for these
items. Search for: “Microsoft Power Point Viewer”, “Adobe PDF reader”, Windows
Media Player MP4” or “Apple QuickTime”.
Google Chrome netbook computers are not recommended.
This course will give you the knowledge to:
* Understand the nature of the individual, of human values and of the relationship
between the self and the community.
What are the main objectives of the class?
The objectives are to give you the basic information you need in Psychology and to show
you the wide scope, practical application, and current topics that personally interest you.
You will be actively involved in adjusting the course to your personal interests!
What is class time used for?
1. Discussing practical situations involving the topic for that day (with your individual
clicker input). This gives you participation credit.
2. Small group and entire class discussion.
What is outside class time used for?
1. Listening to lectures with power points, diagrams, and study guides, which are the
basis of the four mid-term exams. These multiple choice exams are taken online, and you
may use all the supplements during the exam.
2. Listening to video examples and activities (in Psychology LaunchPad) related to the
topics being discussed in lecture that week and taking the short quiz online.
Note: Often people have had traumatic experiences or have strong feelings on certain
topics. If you feel any of the topics in the text or class will be emotionally damaging to
you, or difficult to learn about or discuss, or would create a “hostile environment” for you
- do not take this course.
Registering for Psychology LaunchPad
The LaunchPad activities will help you interact with the concepts, better
understand what I talk about in lecture, do better on the exams, and add interest to the
Follow these steps to get started. If you need additional guidance, consult the
student Get Started guide, especially the system requirements which list the
recommended browsers.
To register for the course go to:
Please bookmark the page to make it easy to return to.
You have three options to enroll in the course: you can purchase direct access,
you can buy an access code, or you can get free 21 day access while
deciding. Your registration options are explained here. If you use the temporary
access, remember, your scores will not be available for a final grade until you
actually purchase access. I recommend simply purchasing the access to begin
To navigate and start using LaunchPad please consult the Get Started guide
If you have problems registering, purchasing, or logging in, please contact
Customer Support. You can reach a representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a
• through the online form
• by chat
Or from 9 a.m. to 3 a.m. EST, 7 days a week:
• by phone at (800) 936-6899
The website has two types of activities:
1. Video Activities, in which you watch a short video and answer a few multiple
choice questions. While taking the quiz, you can listen to the video, or read the script
until you find the answer.
2. Concept practice, in which you do activities to reinforce the topics we are
discussing. You may also check your answers and repeat the activity.
For a video on how to register for LaunchPad, go to:
Additional registration questions with step-by-step answers can be found at:
For a video on using LaunchPad, go to:
If you have difficulty with any of these links, simply copy and paste it into your browser.
Overview of “LaunchPad”
There are two types of activities, which will generate credit toward your grade in the
Videos – These videos discuss items in the lecture. In this activity, you simply watch the
video and take a quiz at the end. You may also watch the video again while taking the
quiz, however, I suggest taking notes because you can only take the exam once. I expect
everyone will get 100% on these.
Concept activities – These walk you through a series of paragraphs to read, activities to
do, and questions to answer, helping you understand the concepts which could be on
All these graded LaunchPad activities are located on the date in the calendar that
everything closes at the end of the quarter as shown in the Course Calendar at the back of
this syllabus. When doing these activities, I suggest you simply go to the calendar on the
left-hand side of the LaunchPad home page and scroll down to all the activities. These
will all be in the same order as they are in the syllabus.
Getting to the activities:
1. Login with your email and password
2. Assignment Calendar:
A. Click the title “Assignment Calendar” on the left hand side of the page
B. Find the one day listing all the activities. This will be indicated in the course
calendar near the end of the quarter.
C. Click on the activity you want, and click “Open”.
D. Complete the activity
Your LaunchPad quiz grades:
Click on “Gradebook” on the left hand side to see your grades.
Scoring for the Psychology LaunchPad quizzes
The average percentage correct (divided by 2) on the video quizzes equals the points
received (out of 50) on this portion of the course. For example, if you average a score of
80% on all the video quizzes you have 40 points on this part of the course.
LaunchPad e-book and other resources:
There is an e-book and many other resources in LaunchPad to help you; which I suggest
you take advantage of. However, the activities in the calendar are the only items that go
into the grade book.
How to register and insure your i>clicker is working properly:
(To be done before the second meeting of the quarter.)
How to register your i>Clicker:
Go to
> click on “Register” then “Register an i>clicker” from the dropdown menu > for “Does
you school use a Learning Management System, click “No” > put in your first name, last
name, student ID (your NSC student ID number), the remote ID, copy the image code
letters, and click “Register”. Finally, print out the registration information after you click
How to tell if everything is registered and working properly:
When you click on a button to respond, the light to the left of that button will turn green
for an instant. This indicates your reply has been recorded, and a return signal has been
sent back from the control box. If you get a red light, it means your reply has not been
recorded, or your instructor has not started polling. If you have new batteries (and
removed the protective battery tab) and have registered your clicker properly, you
probably need to reset the frequency as described below.
Setting the correct frequency:
We will be on frequency “AA”. New clickers will be set on that frequency
automatically. To change to frequency “AA” do the following: 1. Press and hold the
Power button until the Power light flashes green (about one second). Press the “A”
button twice (“AA”). A green light indicates the frequency was changed successfully.
Remember: - Your i>clicker points will be determined by the computer records. Each
day the computer records who received the points and who was absent. Do not come to
me at the end of the quarter and say your clicker must have had a problem because you
were here and participated during all the days the computer says you were absent and
expect me to give you participation credit for all the absences. I will go with the
computer records.
Receiving clicker participation credit:
I>Clicker participation points are given for “clicking in”, not correct answers. If you
were not in class for any reason, did not bring your clicker, or did not have working
batteries, you will not receive participation points. The credit you receive for clicker
participation will be the score registered by the computer. Saying, “I was there, and used
the clicker, but it did not register my response.” will not change the score.
General description:
The four mid-term exams (50 points each) are not cumulative and cover only the
chapters for that exam. The exams are all multiple-choice, and will test your knowledge
of concepts, terms, and findings. You will also be asked to apply some of the
fundamental concepts to new situations.
Make-up exams
If you miss a scheduled exam, you may take the make-up exam at the end of the
quarter on the day indicated in the course calendar.
I recommend you take the exams as scheduled, because the make-up exams are
more difficult. The difference is that I "teach to the test" for the scheduled exams.
The make-up exams are only from the text. I ask the computer to randomly select
questions from a database of questions (e.g. randomly select 50 questions from chapters
1-4). These exams look the same (e.g. 50 multiple choice questions), however, they will
have different questions than the originally scheduled exam.
Since you have had more time than other students to study the material, you may not use
any study materials during the makeup exams.
Bring a Scan-Tron answer sheet, a #2 pencil, and correction fluid (white out).
Simply erasing (not using correction fluid) may cause the machine to score your exam
incorrectly, which will not be changed, because you did not follow the exam directions.
Scoring exams:
The score you receive for the exams will be the grade indicated by the computer. I feel
this is the fairest for the largest number of students. While I am glad to discuss the exam
with you, it will not change your score. Any changes in question wording, etc. will be
considered for next quarter, but will not be used to change scores this quarter.
Other online exam concerns:
1. Take the exams on a stable internet connection. If your internet crashes, try repeatedly
to restart the connection during the time you have to take the exam. The test will return
at the same place you left off, however, the timer will keep going.
2. Once you start an exam you must complete the 50 questions in 50 minutes. You
cannot pause an exam to look up the answer and come back to it later.
3. The exam labeled, “Practice Exam (Not graded)” is the only practice exam. All others
are real exams. This is to familiarize you with the test taking system. You may take this
exam unlimited times. The real exams can only be taken once. You are not expected to
know the answers to this practice exam, and it is not graded. This is just a trial run to be
sure you know how to take an exam.
4. You may use any notes, study guides, text, or other materials provided in the class
during the exams. You may not use any other source of help.
You need to know the material. You will not have time to look up all the answers; the
exam will turn off before you finish, and you will have a zero for the remaining
questions. Please do not email me saying you had a slow internet connection, your
computer crashed, or something else and ask for the exam to be reset. It will not be.
You may use the computer lab at the college (Rm. 3303) for exams if you wish.
5. To reduce cheating, you can only see one question at a time. You cannot go back to
previous questions.
6. I suggest you make notes on topics you are unsure about during the exam if you wish
to restudy those items. To protect the exam, I will not email you the questions you
missed. With online digital questions it is easy to copy the exam questions and send
them to other students, friends, relatives or archive them for future reference.
7. If an answer option is “All the above” and it is in position “B” for example, it means
all the other answers. This option may occur in other than the last (“D” or “E”) position
because the questions and answers are scrambled for each student.
8. Scoring exams: The score you receive will be the grade indicated by the computer. I
feel this is the fairest for the largest number of students. While I am glad to discuss the
exam with you, it will not change your score. Any changes in question wording, etc. will
be considered for next quarter, but will not be used to change scores this quarter.
9. I do not recommend taking the exam at Starbucks, Panera, or similar location. You
may be disconnected from the internet if your ant-virus software does not recognize the
When you click “Take this quiz” you must take the exam:
Do not click “Take this quiz” (even by accident) and look through the exam without
answering the questions, then tell me your computer crashed, or you clicked it by
mistake, and ask me to reset the exam. This is the digital equivalent of stealing the exam,
looking at the questions, then asking to take the exam. I can see how long an exam was
open, and print a spreadsheet showing which questions you opened (even if you did not
answer the question) along with the time and date you did it.
You can only open an exam once. It will not be reset.
Go to “Quizzes” not “Grades” to take the exams:
If you use the grades tab to take the exams, the countdown clock will not be
Taking the online exams:
When taking the exams, you must answer one question before going on. You
may not go back. Also, If you skip a question you may not go back to answer it. It is
best to have an answer for each question.
NOTE *** Turn off the pop-up blocker in your web browser
To turn off the pop-up blocker. With Firefox, go to tools > Options >Content,
and uncheck the "Block pop up window". With Explorer, go to Tools > Pop-up blocker >
Turn off pop-up blocker.
1. Log in and go to your course home page in Canvas.
2. Click on “Quizzes” > then quiz (exam) number > then “Take the quiz”.
(Note the time remaining on the right side)
3. Answer the first question >then click “Next” (Answer all questions) >
4. Finally, when all questions are answered, click “Submit” then “OK”.
Note: Your time remaining is shown in the upper right hand corner. At the end of that
time, the exam will automatically stop and will not be reset. Therefore, please watch
your time remaining.
The Course Calendar gives you a suggested schedule.
You need to take the exams on or before the date and time indicated in the Course
Calendar. The closing dates will not be extended. If you cannot complete the exam by
the time it turns off, you will need to take the makeup exam at the end of the quarter.
Your final grade will be based on the total questions you answered correctly on all
four exams and the website materials.
(See the "Grading Scale" page for a more detailed grade distribution)
Exam #1 = 50 pts.
Exam #2 = 50 pts.
Exam #3 = 50 pts.
Exam #4 = 50 pts.
Participation (clicker) = 50 pts.
“Psychology LaunchPad” website = 50 pts.
Total = 300 points
(See the “Grading Scale” page for a more detailed grade distribution)
Exam timer: This will help you stay on schedule when taking an exam.
Count up clock
(your watch)
1-50 minutes
10 Minutes
25 Minutes
30 Minutes
49 Minutes
50 Minutes
Count down clock
(on Canvas)
50-1 minutes
50 Minutes
40 Minutes
25 Minutes
(Half way)
20 Minutes
1 Minute
You should at least
be on question:
(Half way)
Exam closes
Students who know the material can complete the exam in 20-22 minutes with a 100%
Grading Scale
300 (100%)
298 4.0
293 3.9
288 3.8
282 3.7
277 3.6
272 3.5
268 3.4
265 3.3
262 3.2
259 3.1
256 3.0
253 2.9
250 2.8
247 2.7
244 2.6
241 2.5
238 2.4
235 2.3
232 2.2
229 2.1
226 2.0
223 1.9
220 1.8
217 1.7
214 1.6
211 1.5
207 1.4
201 1.3
195 1.2
189 1.1
183 1.0
179 0.0
All students are treated the same:
After all grades are in, or even during the quarter, some students want me to make a new,
grading scale or create exam options just for them that do not apply to the rest of you.
These requests sound like this: “Can I take the exam again, I didn’t like my score.” “I
only need one more point to get the next higher grade … please.” “I am failing the
class, so don’t give me the grade I earned, give me an NC (or an Incomplete) instead.”
“If you give me the grade I earned, I can not get into the university.” “I need a 2.0, or I
will be deported.” “I will lose my financial aid.” “I forgot to take the test (or do an
activity) when it was scheduled with everyone else, so can I take it now (several days
later)?” “I tried (or I learned a lot) so you should give me a higher grade.” “I did not
know I was registered in the class and did absolutely nothing, so I should not receive a
0.0 grade.” “I had personal problems during the quarter, so you should increase my grade
(or any deadlines should not apply to me).” “I did not remember it was due then, so can I
turn it in now?” I cannot grade based on any of these factors. You need to do the best
you possibly can from the first day of class, and feel confident the grade you receive at
the end was the best you are capable of.
Here is an example of an email sent to a student explaining my thoughts on this matter.
“I receive many mails from students wanting me to make an exception because of their
personal situations. It would not be fair to other students to make individual decisions
allowing one student to do something others were not allowed to do (based on the syllabus
they received the first day). I have no doubt that what you say is true. However, I cannot
make grading or changes in the syllabus based on each student's difficult situation. Many
students have families, take a heavy course load, and work long hours, have family
emergencies in another country, get sick and have other situations during the quarter.
I do not believe you would be happy if you learned I allowed someone to retake an exam
and not you because I liked his or her story more than yours. As a result, I attempt to treat
all students fairly and equally based on the syllabus.”
If you need help with anything, please see me. I want you to do very well in class and
have established many items to help you do so. These include:
(1) “How To Study” sheet in this syllabus,
(2) Class Presentations
(3) Power point slides,
(4) The text
(5) Study Guides,
(6) Chapter Diagrams
(7) My office hours if you need additional help understanding the material.
With all this support, please remember, all students are treated the same.
**Instructor created support materials:
Class Presentations (Videos):
To view the presentation, click on the file. After the introductory slide appears, click on
the right pointing triangle. This will start the presentation. Be certain the volume is on
(mute turned off) and the volume is turned up to a comfortable level. You may then
simply sit back and listen to the presentation as if you were attending the class which
created these presentations. However, you have the advantage of being able to pause or
rewind and review the presentation using the controls at the bottom of the screen.
These recordings have been made “live” in class.
When listening to the recordings and watching the slides, it is good to have the Study
Guide, Chapter Diagram, and text in front of you to use as guides to what will be on the
exam. If you wish to print out the slides, they are available in a file entitled “Power Point
These recordings, and the related Power Point slides, have been included for the
following reasons:
1. It gives you a feeling of being in class, complete with stories, examples, and
2. You get to know your instructor on a more personal level
3. You get to hear explanations of topics that may be difficult to comprehend.
Playing the video files:
If you cannot play the videos, you need the ability to download and play .mp4 files. This
software is available as a free download from the internet. I would search for “Download
.mp4 files”, and choose one you feel may be reputable. Windows Media player, Real
Player and Quick Time will all do that. Most computers (PC and Mac) come with this
ability, and it is not a problem for most students.
“Do You Remember?” questions:
The videos have “Do You Remember?” questions to help you review the material
immediately after it has been presented. If you cannot remember the answers to these
questions, then is a good time to go back and immediately review them to reinforce your
memory. These questions have also been duplicated in a Word document for each exam,
and are in a file under the “Start Here” videos. Print these out and complete the answers
when listening to the videos. You can then use these to study for the exams.
Also, since the videos can be long, I suggest you take a break when you get to these
questions. You can walk around, or get something to drink. This will reset your
attention span, which will help you to refocus and start remembering the material again.
A fun way to listen to the videos:
Rather than listening to the videos alone, if you have friends in the course it may
be more fun to get together with pizza and popcorn and listen to them (like going to the
movies). Pause the tape at the “Do You Remember” questions and discuss them among
yourselves to see if you understand them. This is also a good time to take a break before
Power Point slides:
The Power Point slides are not “canned” from the textbook, they have been made by your
instructor specifically to help you with the exams, and are the same ones used in the class
presentations. If you wish to print out the slides, they are available in a file entitled
“Power Point Slides”. I suggest printing out three or six slides per page.
Study Guides:
This file gives you a study guide for each chapter. These are designed directly from the
exams. While you read the text, listen to the class presentations, and view the Power
Point slides, keep these sheets with you, and work toward being able to answer each of
the questions. These will then help you during the exams.
Chapter Diagrams:
Chapter diagrams are “Concept Maps” of the key concepts being discussed in
lecture, text, and exams. The theory behind these maps is that you can remember a
diagram (or photograph or drawing) better than written text or an outline. This is
particularly true of visual learners.
How to use them:
The best way to use these is to print them out on a color printer and have them in
front of you (along with the study guides) when you listen to the lectures. When listening
to the lectures, or reading the text, you can take notes and transfer the key ideas to the
concept diagrams for later study.
When writing the notes into your diagram, ask yourself if you understand them;
then explain it to yourself (or someone else). It will work even better if you can say this
aloud to yourself so you can hear it.
How to study with them:
1. Add any notes you want to the diagram
2. Develop a mental image of the diagram
3. Try to reproduce that image on a blank piece of paper without looking at the
original diagram.
4. Compare your diagram to the original.
A. The missing items are the ones you need to concentrate on
B. Repeat this process.
Finally, these are just study aids. You do not need to use them if you do not want, and
there is nothing to complete or hand in.
“Discussion questions” are idea starters
The discussion questions in each chapter do not need to be completed or handed in.
How to study:
Look at the course calendar to see what materials need to be covered that day.
Psychology LaunchPad:
Complete these items on or before the date they are scheduled in the course calendar.
All activities are available from the start of class. Following the course schedule
will be the most helpful for you.
Class materials (for each chapter):
1. Print out the study materials. This includes the power points (3-6 to a page), chapter
diagrams, and the study guide.
This will help you focus your studying on the most important items.
2. Spread out all the materials in front of you, then listen to the lecture video. Pause the
video to make notes on the study materials.
This will help you recall the lecture material.
3. In the text, highlight and review the “Terms and Concepts to Remember” at the back of
the chapter covered in the power points. Also, turn to Appendix “C”, Complete Chapter
Reviews, and read about the items covered in the power points. Finally, read that section
of the chapter for a more detailed discussion of each item.
Use the e-text as a reference book, do not read page after page.
This will help you review the class material, and see how it relates to the text.
4. After listening to the video:
A. Add to any notes you may have made on the power points, diagrams, etc.
B. Complete the “Do You Remember?” questions.
They do not need to be handed in.
This will help you further understand the material presented in the video and
focus your study time on what is most apt to be on the exam.
Each day:
Take about fifteen minutes per chapter to review the materials presented since the last
Learning research tells us that many short reviews helps you remember the
material much better than one long review.
Miscellaneous items
Acceptance of the syllabus: Your registration for, and continued presence in this class
indicates you have read, understand, and accept the entire syllabus (including the grading
scale, time limits, etc.).
Text: Please bring your text to class
Extra credit: You may receive up to five points extra credit for the syllabus quiz.
Incompletes: No “Incomplete” (I) grades will be given.
No Credit “NC” grades and Withdrawals: You must request an "NC" grade or
withdraw by the “last day to withdraw” indicated on the course calendar. If you
have not, you will receive a decimal grade for this course.
When the Registrar’s office says you can get an “NC” grade up until the end of the
quarter, they mean they will process it. What they tend not to tell you is that you
can only receive an NC if requested by the instructor based on the criteria for
assigning an NC grade. My criteria are that you can only receive an NC grade if it
is requested prior to the last day to withdraw. After that date you will receive a
decimal grade. Do not tell me the Registrar said you could get an NC grade up until
the end of the quarter – you cannot.
Cheating: Any cheating on exams will result in a score of zero (“0”) for that exam (which
can not be retaken). Copying an exam, sending an exam to another student, or keeping
an exam is considered cheating. Facilitating the cheating of another student is also
considered cheating, and both parties will receive a zero.
Religious holidays: If you miss class because of religious holidays, I will need to be
notified of that before the holy day, not after.
Guidelines for Student Conduct: Students are expected to comply with student conduct
policy and procedures. Information on student responsibilities and rights is available at
the following website:
Americans with Disabilities Act: If you need course adaptations or accommodation
because of a disability; you must contact Disability Services at phone 206-934-3697, or
TTY: 206-934-0079 or on the web at
Academic Honesty: Academic honesty is highly valued at NSCC. A student must
always submit work that represents his/her original words or ideas.
How to check your internet browser if you are having problems
1. Go to the class website and log in.
3. Often, simply turning off “pop-up blockers” on your web browser will solve problems.
4. Another way to check your browser is to try all the class activities, such as the Power
Points, the recordings, and the class materials. If these all work, you are ok. If you still
have questions, contact the eLearning office on the first page of this syllabus.
How to see your final course grade:
You may check your grades via the internet at: NSCC home page > Online
Services > Grades/Records>Grades/Unofficial Transcript. Put in your Student ID and
Student PIN, then click on “Get My Transcript”.
How to withdraw from the course:
You may withdraw from a course via the internet at: NSCC home page > Services >
Online Services > Register/Add/Drop Classes, and follow the directions
Course Calendar
3416 – PSYC&100.H3 – Fall 2015
All the LaunchPad activities are open when the quarter starts.
Online exams close at 10:00 am (class time) on the date shown.
You may complete the LaunchPad activities early if you wish.
Class Presentation Videos
View BEFORE coming to class
September 29 Download and read the syllabus
Listen to the “Start Here” videos
October 1
1 – Thinking Critically
October 6
2-Biology of the brain
October 8
October 13
Syllabus quiz closes Oct.10 at
4-Nature – Nurture
October 15
“Psychology LaunchPad” Activities
All LaunchPad activities are on Dec. 5th.
Watch “Start Here” videos in class website
Register for Psychology LaunchPad and complete this
week’s activities by the end of this week.
Video: Correlation and Causation
Concept: Positive and Negative Correlations
Video: Research Methods
Concept: Steps in the Scientific Method
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
Video: The Neuron
Concept: Neural Communication
Concept: Structure of a Synapse
Video: Central Nervous System
Concept: Autonomic Nervous System
Video: Compulsive Gambling
Concept: Cerebral Cortex
Video: Mapping the Brain
Video: Split Brain
Video: Hypnosis
Concept: Selective Attention
Video: Gorilla on the Court
Video: Sleep Deprivation
Concept: Dreaming
Concept: Stages of Sleep
Concept: Psychoactive Drugs
Video: Medical Marijuana
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
Concept: Environment and the Brain
Video: Nature-Nurture Issue
Video: Openness to Casual Sex
Video: Gender Development
Exam #1 Review
Exam #1 Opens October 15 - Noon
Closes Oct. 17 – 10:00 am
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
October 20
5-Development & Life Span
October 22
6-Sensation & Perception
October 27
October 29
November 3
Exam #2 Review
Exam #2 Opens November 3 -Noon
Closes Nov. 5 -10:00am
9-Thinking & Language
Concept: Confirmation Bias
Concept: Stroop Color-Word Task
Video: Learning Through Visualization
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
November 5
Concept: Prenatal Development
Video: Prenatal Development
Video: Cognitive Development
Concept: Piaget and Conservation
Video: Piaget’s Conservation-Liquid
Video: Piaget’s Conservation-Numbers
Concept: Piaget’s Stages of Development
Concepts: Erikson’s Stages of Development
Video: Theory of the Mind
Concept: Depth Cues
Concept: Figure-Ground Problem
Concept: Muller-lyer Illusion
Concepts: Perceptual Grouping
Video: Coping with Pain
Video: Hypnosis: Medical and Psychological
Video: Phantom Limb Sensation
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
Concept: Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment
Video: Classical Conditioning
Concept: Sequence of Classical Conditioning
Video: Do Video Games Teach People to be Violent?
Video: Overcoming Fear
Video: Operant Conditioning
Concept: Reinforcers and Punishers
Concept: Schedules of Reinforcement
Concept: Shaping a Response
Concept: Conditioning in Daily Life
Video: An Amazing Memory
Video: Memory Retrieval
Concept: Serial Position Effect
Concept: A Case of Amnesia
Concept: How Reliable Is Your Memory?
Video: Creating False Memories
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
November 10
10 – Intelligence
November 12
What Drives Us: Hunger, sex,
November 17
12-Emotion, Stress & health
November 19
Exam #3 Review
Exam #3 Opens Nov. 19 - Noon
Closes Nov. 21– 10:00 am
November 24
13-Social Psychology
Video: Savant Art Skills
Concept: Multiple Intelligence
Concepts: Wechsler Intelligence Tasks
Concept: Maslow’s Hierarchy
Video: Sexual Dysfunctions and their Treatment
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
Concept: Theories of Emotion
Video: Emotion = Arousal Plus Interpretation
Video: Rage: One Man’s Story
Concept: General Adaptation Syndrome
Video: Measuring Stress While Running
Concept: The Stress Response system
Video: The Search for Happiness
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
Video: The Stanford Prison Study
Concept: Cognitive Dissonance
November 26 14-Personality
Thanksgiving No Class
Concept: Making Attributions
Video: Social Influence
Video: Interpersonal Attraction
Concept: Conformity: The Asch Experiment
Concept: Obedience: Milgram Studies
Video: Psychodynamic Theories of Personality
Concept: Defense Mechanisms
Concept: Freud’s Personality Structure
Video: Trait Theories of Personality
Concept: The Big Five Personality Traits
Concept: Locus of Control
Concepts: Reciprocal Determinism
Complete this week’s activities by this Saturday
December 1
15-Psychological Disorders
December 3
December 8
Exam #4 Review
Exam #4 Opens Dec. 8 - Noon
Closes Dec. 10 –10:00 am
Make-up exams (On campus)
Bring a Scan-Tron sheet, #2 pencil,
and correction fluid if taking a
make-up exam.
If you have completed all the exams
online, there is no need to come to
class today.
(Last day – no final exam)
Video: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Video: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Video: Depression
Concept: Predictors of Happiness
Concept: Types of Mood Disorders
Video: Schizophrenia: New Definitions
Concept: Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Video: Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa
Video: Cognitive Therapies
Video: Psychodynamic and Humanistic Therapies
Concept: Methods of Psychoanalysis
Concept: Systematic Desensitization
Concept: Types of Therapies
Video: Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers
All LaunchPad activities turn off December 5th at
about 6:00pm. No extension for any reason.
Nov 20, 2015 is the last day to withdraw