Document 15687935

The term political organization refers to the way _______________, or the ability to control others’ behavior, is/are
distributed or embedded in society.
a. resources
b. wealth
c. taxes
d. power
e. favors
An egalitarian, autonomous group composed of related people who occupy a single region is called a/an
a. government
b. form of political organization
c. band
d. tribe
e. state
The Kpelle are an example of a _______________.
a. tribe
b. band
c. chiefdom
d. state
e. none of the above
Bands and tribes are both _______________.
a. centralized
b. associated with industrialism
c. dependent on age groups for political organization
d. uncentralized and egalitarian
e. hierarchical in social organization
The form of social organization typical of hunter-gatherers is the _______________, whereas horticulture and pastoralism
are usually associated with the form of social organization called the _______________.
a. tribe/chiefdom
b. tribe/state
c. tribe/band
d. band/chiefdom
e. band/tribe
A _______________ is a regional polity in which two or more local groups are organized under a single authority figure
at the head of a ranked hierarchy of people.
a. band
b. kindred
c. chiefdom
d. phratry
e. common-interest association
A group of nominally independent communities occupying a specific region, sharing a common language and culture,
which is integrated by some unifying factor. This is the description of what type of political organization?
a. band
b. tribe
c. chiefdom
d. state
e. segmentary lineage system
A _______________ is a ranked society in which every member has a position in the hierarchy, and an individual’s status
is determined by membership in a descent group.
The primary means of distributing goods in a chiefdom is
a. reciprocity
b. negative reciprocity
c. redistribution
d. market exchange
e. silent trade
The state is distinctive in the extensiveness of its legitimate use of _______________ to regulate the affairs of its citizens.
a. kinship
b. force
c. chiefs
d. religion
e. gossip
A centralized political system with the power to coerce is a _______________.
a. tribe
b. chiefdom
c. state
d. tonowi
e. redistributive system
In a chiefdom, an individual’s status is determined by membership in a _______________.
social class
descent group
secret society
The _______________ is the most formal of political organizations and is one of the hallmarks of civilization. Its
political power is centralized in a government, which may legitimately use force to regulate the affairs of its citizens, as
well as its relations with other similar political systems.
a. band
b. tribe
c. chiefdom
d. state
e. kindred
Among the Igbo of Nigeria, ______________.
a. men and women each had separate, autonomous spheres of political activity
b. women were bought and sold as slaves
c. women were imprisoned in their homes and allowed out only on marketing days
d. men and women lived in separate villages
e. men had no political role in the village, which was controlled and ruled by women
When the British imposed colonial rule on the Igbo of Nigeria, _______________.
a. they killed all the women
b. they introduced changes that sustained the equality of political power between the sexes
c. they introduced changes that made women more powerful than men
d. they did not recognize the political power of women, and introduced changes that resulted in women
becoming subordinate to men
e. they introduced changes that caused men to change into women
How is social order maintained in bands and tribes?
a. public beatings
b. murder carried on under cover of darkness
c. occasional use of police and the court system
d. threats of killing the first-born child
e. gossip and fear of supernatural forces
Wape villagers avoid quarreling with each other because _______________.
a. they are afraid that a ghost will misdirect a bullet and kill a quarreling person during hunting
b. they believe that a hunter misses his prey only because of the intervention of ancestral ghosts who are angry
with quarreling in the community
c. they know they will be put in jail by the New Guinea government
d. a hunter will refuse to loan his gun to a quarreling person
e. the ancestors will go away from their villages if they quarrel
Sanctions refer to _______________.
internalized social controls
holy behavior
externalized social controls
decadent behavior
ritualized behavior
_______________ sanctions attempt to precisely and explicitly regulate people’s behavior. They can be positive (such as
military decorations) or negative (such as imprisonment).
a. Hierarchical
b. Egalitarian
c. Informal
d. Formal
e. Magical
Which of the following is not a form of political organization?
a. tribe
b. band
c. group
d. chiefdom
e. state
A method of resolving disputes in which the disputing parties voluntarily arrive at a mutually satisfactory agreement is
called _______________.
a. negotiation
b. mediation
c. adjudication
d. use of sanctions
e. law
Which of the following are likely to be associated with warfare?
a. centralized political systems
b. the rise of cities
c. a technology that supports population growth
d. possession of complex, valuable property
e. all of the above
Which of the following is part of an uncentralized political system?
a. band
b. chiefdom
c. state
d. a and b only
e. b and c only
Power based on _______________ always results in authority.
_______________ is the ability of individuals or groups to impose their will upon others and make them do things even
against their own will.
a. force
b. sanction
c. legitimacy
d. authority
e. power
Which of the following political systems would be considered centralized system?
a. states
b. bands
c. chiefdoms
d. tribes
e. a and c
In the United States, the man who wears tennis shorts to a church service may be subject to a variety of _______________
sanctions, ranging from disapproving glances from the clergy to the chuckling of other parishioners.
a. social
b. anti-social
c. positive
d. formal
e. informal
Awards like the Nobel Peace Prize are examples of _______________ sanctions, by which societies promote approved
a. positive
b. negative
c. political
d. informal
e. economic
Which of the following are minority nations is trying to improve its political position by founding an independent state?
a. Kurds
b. Palestinians
c. Chechens
d. Aceh
e. all of the above
_______________ is viewed most simply as organized belief in the supernatural, and all fulfill numerous social and
psychological needs.
a. Curanderismo
_______________ may be defined as the beliefs and patterns of behavior by which people try to control those aspects of
the universe that are otherwise beyond their control.
a. Political organization
b. Government
c. Kinship
d. Common-interest associations
e. Religion
A people’s collection of gods and goddesses is called a _______________.
a. mana
b. shaman
c. pantheon
d. priest
e. fetish
Belief in _______________ is found in societies in which women make a major contribution to the economy and are
relatively equal to men in power and authority.
a. mana
b. gods
c. goddesses
d. fetishes
e. ancestor worship
The belief that nature is animated with spirits is called _______________.
a. animation
b. anima
c. animatism
d. animism
e. ennui
The major difference between animism and animatism has to do with whether the supernatural force which occupies an
entity is _______________.
a. personal or impersonal (a being or an impersonal force without identity)
b. natural or supernatural
c. a god or an ancestral spirit
d. a priest or a shaman
e. an example of witchcraft or of divination
Which of the following is an example of animism?
a. a lucky baseball bat
b. the goddess Athena in Greek mythology
c. the god Zeus
d. an ancestral spirit
e. the malevolent spirit inside your baseball who jumps erratically through the air just as you think you’re about
to hit a home run
A rabbit’s foot in Western culture; the overwhelming sense of beauty with which a particular place “such as Yosemite or
the top of Pike’s Peak, or Luke Skywalker telling Han Solo, “May the Force be with you”—all of these may be used as
examples of _______________.
a. animism
b. animatism
c. pantheon
d. sympathetic magic
e. divination
In acting as a healer, the shaman _______________.
a. provides reassurance to the community through an elaborate drama that may involve trickery
b. may use modern medical techniques
c. may be coping with his/her own problems by becoming intensely involved with the problems of others
d. may improve the patient’s state of mind, which aids in recovery
e. all but b
Ceremonies such as bar mitzvahs, elaborate wedding ceremonies, baby showers, and graduation parties that help
individuals make major changes in their lives are referred to as rites of _______________.
a. transition
b. intensification
c. separation
d. passage
e. incorporation
The anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep analyzed ceremonies that help individuals through crucial stages of their life
cycles. He said that each ceremony may be analytically divided into three stages, _______________, transition, and
a. inculcation
b. separation
c. revitalization
d. intensification
e. initiation
The initiation rites for male Australian aborigines include a stage when they are isolated from the rest of society and
undergo a cram course in tribal lore; the trauma associated with their ordeal is part of a teaching method that ensures that
they will remember what they are taught. This particular stage in the puberty ceremony would be referred to as the stage
of _______________ by Arnold Van Gennep.
a. initiation
b. intensification
c. separation
d. transition
e. incorporation
Rites of _______________ help groups get through crises such as drought or some other external threat to the survival of
the group.
a. separation
b. revolution
c. rebellion
d. passage
e. intensification
Many magical incantations require the use of fingernail clippings of the intended victim. This is an example of
a. imitative magic
b. contagious magic
c. witch magic
d. nightmare magic
e. scientific thinking
_______________ magic is based on the assumption that things that are like each other somehow have a connection with
each other; and thus if you do something to one, it will affect the other.
_______________ is an explanation of misfortune based on the belief that certain individuals possess an innate, psychic
power capable of causing harm, including sickness and death.
a. Imitative magic
b. Contagious magic
c. Witchcraft
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
A _______________ is a deliberate effort by members of a society to construct a more satisfying culture.
a. divination
b. rite of intensification
c. fetish
d. segmentary lineage system
e. revitalization movement
In one of anthropology’s classic works, _______________ analyzed the rites of passage that help individuals through the
crucial crises of their lives.
Erik Erikson
Hilda Kuper
Carlos Castaneda
Arnold Van Gennep
Sir James Frazer
_______________ is typical of peoples who see themselves as a part of nature rather than superior to it.
_______________ forms part of a cultural system’s superstructure, which comprises a society’s worldview.
a. Political philosophy
b. Economic organization
c. Social structure
d. Religion
e. The arts
Which of the following nature-oriented religions has 310,000 adherents today in the United States?
a. Lutheran
b. Buddhism
c. Shintoism
d. Wicca
e. Holy Roller
Most people plan for the future by looking at trends in _______________.
a. ancient history
b. hemlines
c. third-world countries
d. food supplies
e. recent history
Anthropologists are _______________, meaning they take into account many interacting factors to understand the
functioning of a complex whole.
a. evolutionary
b. cross-cultural
c. holistic
d. relativistic
e. ethnocentric
Anthropologists are trained to develop effective predictions of the future because they _______________.
a. are holistic in perspective
b. are good at seeking how parts fit together into a larger whole
c. are trained to have an evolutionary perspective
d. are able to see short-term trends in longer-term perspective
e. all of the above
Approximately how many people now live outside their countries of birth?
a. 1 billion
b. 250 million
c. 175 million
d. 85 million
e. 55 million
Over the past 5,000 years, political units have _______________.
a. grown steadily smaller in size
b. grown steadily larger in size and fewer in number
c. eliminated multinational corporations
d. promoted individual freedoms
e. eliminated slavery
Global corporations _______________.
a. have been widespread in Western culture since medieval times
b. were very common during the colonial period
c. have become a major force in the world today since the 1950s
d. have been disintegrating since the 1950s
e. promote relativistic rather than ethnocentric ideas
Which of the following expresses the negative consequences of global corporations on the international and domestic
a. Global corporations crosscut nations and thus achieve a global unity.
b. Global corporations have become a major force in the world since the 1950s.
c. Global corporations have become so powerful that they have been able to influence government decisions so
that they benefit the company rather than the people.
d. Global corporations are products of the technological revolution.
e. They have developed sophisticated data-processing techniques that enable them to keep track of worldwide
In their search for cheap labor, global corporations have tended to favor _______________ for low skilled assembly jobs.
North Americans
third-world males
non-human primates
One of the consequences of the development of global culture has been _______________.
the disappearance of differences between people
reduction in the possibility of war
a resurgence of separatist movements
the replacement of traditional cultures by more adaptive, modern cultures
reduction in the number of anthropologists
_______________ is a public policy for managing cultural diversity in a multi ethnic society.
a. Acculturation
b. Multiculturalism
c. Modernization
d. Innovation
e. Global unity
Cultural pluralism _______________.
a. may constitute a temporary stage in a process of integration into a single melting-pot culture
b. implies the absence of bigotry and racism
c. implies respect for the cultural traditions of other peoples
d. may result from conquest or from several culturally distinct groups occupying an area that eventually
becomes unified as a larger political entity
e. all of the above
In the United States there are _______________ different ethnic groups within its borders (in addition to hundreds of
federally recognized American Indians).
a. 543
b. 57
c. 179
d. 234
e. 120
_______________ is violence produced by social, political, and economic structures rather than by the unique and
personal decisions of individuals.
a. Torture
b. Modernization
c. Structural violence
d. Insanity
e. Religion
The change from subsistence farming to cash crops _______________.
a. enables farmers to enlarge their holdings and feed their families more effectively
b. results in the relocation of subsistence farmers to urban areas or to lands ecologically unfit for farming
c. leads to the decline of multinational corporations
d. supports cultural pluralism
e. leads to revitalization
An Asian wet rice farmer might choose not to adopt North American techniques of intensive agriculture because
a. he cannot afford to buy the chemical products typically used in this type of agriculture
b. the North American method requires at least 8 calories of energy to be expended for every calorie produced,
whereas the wet rice farmer produces 300 calories for every calorie he invests
c. the North American method produces toxic substances that destroy delicate ecological balances
d. the North American method, while successful for a short period of time, is sowing the seed of its own
e. all of the above
The worldwide spread of such products as Pepsi is taken by some as a sign that a _______________ world culture is
a. standardized
b. heterogeneous
c. homogeneous
d. motley
e. varied
So great is the power of _______________ that they increasingly thwart the wishes of governments.
tribal groups
global corporations
_______________ is the social and political interaction of people with different ways of living and thinking within the
same society of a multinational state.
Cultural pluralism
Of all the world’s states, _______________ is one of the very few where pluralism really has worked out to the
satisfaction of all parties to the arrangement.
Northern Ireland.
the United States
The current world population is around _______________ billion.
According to the authors of your textbook, _______________ has become a direct threat to humanity.
Insufficient food production
The one thing that all large states, past and present, irrespective of other differences among them, share in common is
a tendency to grow beyond their capacity to maintain their society
a tendency to fragment
a tendency to stagnate
a tendency toward the development of a dictatorship
a tendency toward the development of a democracy
Coercive power that is backed up by economic and military force is called _______________.
a. structural violence
b. imposed force
c. coercion
d. hard power
e. soft power
Today, about _______________ people in almost half of the world´s countries are either internally displaced or have
crossed international borders as refugees.
a. 11 million
b. 47 million
c. 1 billion
d. 73 million
e. 35 million
In _______________ indigenous peoples joined together to establish the World Council of Indigenous Peoples.
a. 1964
b. 1983
c. 1975
d. 1994
e. 2005
Global warming is primarily caused by _______________.
a. climate shifts
b. tilting of the earth
c. loss of ozone
d. burning fields
e. burning fossil fuels