North Seattle Community College Business, Engineering & Information Technologies Division Course Outline Spring 2006 Division: Business, Engineering & Information Technologies Program/Dept.: Electronics Technology Course Number: Course Title: Credits: EET 242 Variable: 5.0 Principles of Telecommunications II Inst. Intent: 21 Vocational Preparatory Fee: CIP: Computer Lab Fee Type: Yes Degree/Certificate Requirement: Name of Degree/Certificate Requirements: 47.0103 Yes AAS Telecommunications Electronics (May also be used as an elective for Network Administration, and Electronics Technology) Distribution Requirement for AA/AS: No Transfer Status to 4-year institution: No If yes, please describe: Course Length: Based on 11 weeks/qtr. Class Size: Course Contact Hours: 44.0 Lecture: 66.0 Lab: Prerequisite: If yes, please describe: YES Required Placement Tests: Comments: 22 No Clinical: 24 Other: EET-241 or Permission If yes, please describe: Permission to enroll without prereq requires 6 months’ minimum industry exposure Course Description: This is an introduction to telephone apparatus and plant design, network design, network traffic planning, private networks, data systems and distribution of switched networks. The testing equipment that is used by industry is presented through classroom activities and hands on lab experiences. Prerequisites: EET 241 or 6 months’ minimum industry exposure. Computer lab fee. Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the course students will be able to: 1. Apply basic telephony theory and principles of broadband data distribution using telecommunication equipment. 2. Define and use terminology common to the industry 3. Describe operation and basic maintenance of data transport telecommunication systems 4. Read, comprehend and interpret technical material, schematics, and manuals 5. Use a variety of test equipment 6. Demonstrate and adhere to industry standards and safety practices NSCC General Education Outcomes and/or Related Instructional Outcomes EET 242 Outline (for technical courses) Met by Course: (list each outcome): Outcome # 1 Think critically in reading and writing. Outcome # 2 Use quantitative reasoning processes to understand, analyze, interpret, and solve quantitative problems. Topical Outline and/or Major Divisions: 1. Microprocessors in Telephony Phone set Ancillary equipment Data and FAX equipment Wired and Wireless Services Switching systems 2. Network Design Fiber Optic - SONET Cable distribution Local Exchange Data Systems Long Distance Data systems Internet World Wide Web Satellite Fixed and Orbital satellite patterns 3. Network Traffic Planning Switch and private circuit capacity Bandwidth maximization 4. Data Systems Layers Protocols TCP/IP, SNA, SDLC, HDLC, X.25 Transport methods Packet, Streaming, Spoofing LAN to WAN 5. Testing Equipment Analog Digital 6. Telephone - Privacy Telephone employee ethics What you can and can’t do 2 EET 242 Outline 3 Course Requirements (Expectation of Students) Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to perform specific competencies listed under “Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives”. Methods of Assessment/Evaluation: Final grades are assigned according to published grading standards for course. Required Text(s) and/or Materials: As determined by instructor. Supplemental Text(s) and/or Materials: As determined by instructor. Outline Developed by: Bob Pfeiffer Revised by:Pfeiffer Date: Nov 10, 2002 Date: March 2006