TITLE III Planning Sessions I and II Ideas/Concepts/Frameworks discussed Organize ideas around Strengthening Student Success Building communities across campus Identify our major student profiles (5 or so groups of students at NSCC? Transfer/developmental/non native English/night student were some ideas) and identify specific challenges common to those groups. Address challenges with strategies focused on building community amongst common student groups. How does the Gen-Ed task force work connect with the effort to build community amongst students? Gen Ed outcomes are a place of commonality for student experience. How to build more common experiences, opportunities, expectations for students to in turn build a stronger sense of community amongst students? Writing Across the Curriculum, for example? Facilitate student learning communities like they exist in coordinated studies – Requires significant faculty development to address the importance of learning communities, methods for fostering learning communities, etc. Look at our current student data W/O Val’s coop preschool students in the mix to analyze who we’re currently serving. Get some data about who our students are and what they come here to study. Who is successful and who is not? Look to LaGuardia College in Queens, NYC for models on student learning communities. Need to think about how technology can facilitate community (look towards My Space, FaceBook etc.) – not just physical interactions. Time is so short for students and faculty – how can communities be integrated into their existing experience rather than ‘tacked on’ as an extra? Building NSCC Alumni Association as a method to facilitate community. Work with Ed Fund on their goals in this area. Alumni mentoring program? NSCC – we’re the community in community college. NSCC’s learning communities put community in community college… Service Learning Programs as a method to facilitate community – this was talked about a few times…how do we strengthen Service Learning? Faculty Development around I-Best Instruction – team teaching skills (how can we draw on the experience of Coordinated Studies?) Career Pathways as a model for student communities. Bridging the gap between ESL/ABE and college level students and programs. How do we facilitate? How do we encourage development of more social groups among students – encourage a sense of attachment to NSCC. Physical Spaces to encourage social interaction (build on success of new lounge/green room). Student Lounges in IB – can we remodel w/ grant? What about other areas to improve? Cafeteria changes – the designed conversation corners have become TV lounges…. Electronic Coffee Shop type service for NSCC students? A “Student Stage” to highlight NSCC talent and programs on an ongoing basis – not just once per year in Making Learning Visible Symposium. How does the professional environment need to transform so we model community for students? If we don’t work as a community students won’t either. What are the unique issues for PT faculty and PT student in creating communities? Time constraints must be paid attention to. Make building community an institutional value – revealing the importance of our interconnectedness. Building an understanding of our inherent interdependence at NSCC, in society, in the world (etc.). Faculty/Staff PD to build learning communities – within classrooms, within departments, across departments, across divisions, across our institutional silos. Faculty learning communities to discuss student work. Create opportunities for Meta Themes across classes around which students and faculty can engage. Campus-wide themes Develop consistent PT faculty (and FT for that matter) connections with institutional resources, etc. Identify practices to foster a community of learners. Day II Develop iterative process including data collection from all stakeholders (students, industry, staff/faculty, etc. -- focus groups, surveys) should lead to policy review and planning. Needs Assessment -- Policy Development -- Assurance/implementation. Hire outside firm to assist in an online tool that can be run ever 3 years or so? Develop decision making model and process to guide above process Physical Improvements: Add color on campus! Door colors, signage, etc. Murals on outside walls More student gathering spaces like Green Room and espresso café Update classrooms for better learning environment Campus communication improvements – daily blog rather than “email all”. develop consistent leadership communication channels for internal and external information sharing Childcare center to bolster work environment and honor the new era of faculty and staff that are younger and from 2-working-parent households Comprehensive course scheduling process – should be input from 3 sources: faculty/students/institutional needs to develop schedule…elevate the decision making process beyond the faculty/dean level where it is currently stuck. Students aren’t getting the courses they need to complete their programs. Schedule is currently driven by faculty requests rather than student need.