Diversity in Science: Why It Is Essential for Excellence Science and technology are society's main engines of prosperity. Who gets to drive them? Sep 16, 2014 |By Fred Guterl Edel Rodriguez More In This Article State of the World's Science 2014 Collaboration has been a recurring theme in science and technology in recent years. The life of the mind is increasingly transnational in nature. It roams centers of excellence from every continent, linked by communications of great speed and breadth. Twice we have looked at collaboration in our State of the World's Science reports, last year with a focus on innovation, the year before on basic research. Here we address it again, from the standpoint of the individual. The word “diversity” is shorthand for a vast effort to remake society to include everyone—not just those in privileged positions—in politics, culture and the pursuit of happiness. This ambition goes well beyond the scope of this report; we have stayed within the realm of science and its activities. Because we prefer to look at evidence, we take the opportunity to focus on the empirical grounding of diversity, which often gets lost in the larger conversation. Diversity, it turns out, goes to the heart of how to do research and innovation effectively. In the scientific literature, it is clear that diversity speaks directly to the quality and effectiveness of teams. As Katherine W. Phillips tells us, starting on page 42, when we have to work with people who are not like ourselves, we tend to prepare more thoroughly and work harder to marshal our arguments, and we do better work as a result. Diversity is beneficial for teams precisely because we react differently to people who are different from us. If the end goal is excellence, diversity is an essential ingredient. For diversity to be effective, the working environment must be right. For an individual, it takes conscious effort to be on the watch for unconscious biases and to overcome them. For an organization, it takes processes, procedures and an ethos of acceptance. Victoria Plaut points out, beginning on page 52, that groups who abandon color-blind policies and embrace the differences among their members in ways that do not stereotype or pigeonhole tend to be successful in taking advantage of what diversity has to offer. We do not treat diversity exclusively as a utilitarian matter in this special section, of course. Science imposes the discipline of having to find the best ideas among varied teams of people, which gives scientists and engineers the opportunity to be pioneers in cultural change. So we have sprinkled this package with essays from some extraordinary people who are embracing that challenge. We would like to have included a Diversity Index—a measure of how nations fare when it comes to inclusiveness in the science and technology workforce. At the moment that is too tall an order, however. In a welcome development from two of the world's most visible technology companies, Google and Apple recently released data on the diversity, or lack of it, of their respective workforces. It is a drop in the information bucket, however. Data overall are scarce, for several reasons. Racial and ethnic identity, for one, are hard to define consistently. A United Nations census found that two thirds of nations categorized their populations along these lines but used a kaleidoscope of terms— race, ethnic origin, nationality, ancestry, tribal, Aboriginal, and so on. Many countries track the poor and underprivileged, but these categories mean different things in different places. Disability is even more difficult to pin down. Gender is easier to define (although ambiguities exist there as well), but little information is gathered that is specific to the science-related workforce. “Comprehensive, internationally comparable data on the worldwide science and engineering workforce do not exist,” says the National Science Foundation in its Science and Engineering Indicators 2014 report. From what we do know, however, it's clear that we can do better. To that end, we believe that data should be a high priority. Scientists pride themselves on their objectivity, but personal experience and point of view have a lot to do with what questions get asked in the first place and how researchers go about answering them. The people in science and engineering are driving the world's most vital engine of prosperity and new ideas. Who are they? This article was originally published with the title "The Inclusion Equation." Sign In Subscribe ABOUT THE AUTHOR(S) Fred Guterl is executive editor of Scientific American. Share this Article: Comments rhoma September 17, 2014, 8:10 AM "Science and technology are society's main engines of prosperity" That's an interesting hypothesis. Evidence? Report as Abuse | Link to This sunnymarek rhoma September 17, 2014, 11:41 AM How about the fact that information technology has developed to the point where such a significantly larger percentage of our global population has access to knowledge. There are drawbacks to technology and we must understand them, in particular when it comes to children. They mustn't spend so much time playing video games and should spend more time playing outside like in the past. However they are the ones that will likely build and program a practical quantum computer. Or perhaps understand "closed timelike curves" that quantum mechanics allows and build a computer significantly faster than even a classical quantum machine. That's why I channel my kid's interest in technology and games into programming where they can make their own games. - semiconductor and microprocessor engineer Report as Abuse | Link to This EthanTaliesin rhoma September 18, 2014, 10:00 AM I think it's pretty clear that advancements in science and technology are what has enabled capitalism to stave off the Malthusian fate. Report as Abuse | Link to This flueedo rhoma September 18, 2014, 2:16 PM The history of our civilization, its improvements and prosperity, has been the history of developing new technologies that allowed us to 'tame' nature to an ever-increasing extent. From ancient agricultural techniques to the latest most efficient electrical motor or the newest developed anti-biotic, it's all evidence of that. A never-ending amount of it.. Report as Abuse | Link to This mlangdon September 20, 2014, 12:45 PM Many of the studies that are cited in this story are biased. Studies that use successful firms and do not include failed firms are taking part in winners bias while also confusing correlation with causation. They also fail to take into account luck. Using current significance tests, 1 in 20 firms out of 1500 will show success that is simply luck and not diversity. Also, if diversity is so important, why are most tech firms homogenous. In fact, many of your largest economies are homogenous--Germany and Japan stand out for their success and lack of diversity. Studies that use a small number of participants are too variable to be reliable and should not be cited. Also, if you are going to talk about diversity, but ignore age as part of it, you are selling bunk. You will notice that Apple and Google provided "some" demographic data, but not age. Age bigotry is the new norm in the tech field. Report as Abuse | Link to This JSBrooks September 25, 2014, 7:48 PM After 15 years of research and advanced education I found the wealthy bought their PhDs and professorships in the USA. IQ and ability had nothing at all to do with academic success, or acknowledgement. Thus, I conclude the next great power will recognize and empower its genius regardless of one's social status. Report as Abuse | Link to This You must sign in or register as a ScientificAmerican.com member to submit a comment.