No need to worry! There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. The purpose of this activity is to get an idea of your
dominant working style. In answering these questions, you should place yourself into a work situation. Each statement
below can be completed with four different responses/choices. For each statement, please rank or order your
responses “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”. The number “1” should be for the response/choice that best describes you. The number
“2” should be for the response/choice, of the remaining three, that best describes you. The number “3” should be for
the response/choice, of the remaining two, that best describes you. The number “4” should be for the response/choice
that least describes you.
Don’t over-think your responses, and answer according to what seems the most like you. As you look at a statement,
more than one response/choice may appeal to you. Please rank the choices in accordance with how you think you are
more (or less) likely to act in most work situations.
1. When performing a job, what is most important for me is to:
A. _____ do it correctly regardless of the time involved.
B. _____ set deadlines and get it done.
C. _____ work cooperatively with the other team members.
D. _____ demonstrate my talents and enthusiasm
2. The most enjoyable part of working on a job is:
A. _____ acquiring the information you need to do it.
B. _____ the results you achieve when it’s done.
C. _____ the people you meet or work with.
D. _____ seeing how the job contributes to future progress.
3. When I have several ways to get a job done, I usually:
A. _____ review the pros and cons of each way and choose.
B. _____ choose a way that enables me to get down to work promptly.
C. _____ discuss with others and choose the way most favored by the group.
D. _____ review the ways and follow my “gut” sense about what will work best.
4. When working on a long term job, what is most important to me is to:
A. _____ understand and complete each step before going on to the next step.
B. _____ seek a fast, efficient way of completing the job.
C. _____ work on it with others in a team.
D. _____ keep the job stimulating and exciting.
5. I am willing to take a risky action if:
A. _____ there are facts to support the action.
B. _____ it gets the job done.
C. _____ it will not hurt the feelings of others I work with.
D. _____ it feels right for the situation.
6. If I am having a conflict with another person, I:
A. _____ try to avoid discussing the issue causing the conflict.
B. _____ confront it right away so that it can get resolved as soon as possible.
C. _____ stay calm and try to understand the cause of the conflict.
D. _____ try to help the situation along by focusing on the positive.
Working Styles Assessment Questionnaire
7. If another person is upset, I:
A. _____ leave the person alone because I don’t want to intrude on that person’s privacy.
B. _____ feel comfortable, but hope that person gets over it soon.
C. _____ ask if I can do anything to help.
D. _____ try to cheer up that person and help her/him see the bright side.
8. I set goals and objectives that:
A. _____ I think that I can realistically achieve.
B. _____ I need to achieve as part of a bigger objective.
C. _____ will make me feel good when I achieve them.
D. _____ I feel are challenging and would be exciting to achieve.
9. When I feel verbally attacked by another person, I:
A. _____ ignore the behavior and try to focus on the facts of the situation.
B. _____ tell that person to stop it.
C. _____ feel hurt, but usually don’t say anything.
D. _____ let that person know in strong terms that I don’t like the behavior.
10. When I attend meetings, I usually:
A. _____ sit back and think about what is being said before offering my opinion.
B. _____ put all my cards on the table so that my opinion is understood by everyone.
C. _____ try to support the ideas of the other people in the meeting.
D. _____ express my opinion enthusiastically, but listen to the other persons’ ideas as well.
Please transfer your answers from the Working Styles Assessment Questionnaire to the following scoring
grid. Enter the numbers you have recorded, under statements 1. through 10., to the right of each
corresponding letter (A., B., C., D.) going across the page of this Scoring Grid. For example, suppose you had
ranked the responses to statement 1. as A. 4, B. 2, C. 3, D. 1; in that case, your Scoring Grid would read
1. A. __4__ B. __2__ C. __3__ D. __1__
When you are done transferring your answers to this Scoring Grid, add up the numbers in each column and
write the totals in the spaces provided at the bottom of the grid. The lowest score of the four is your
dominant workplace style. In the case of a tied score, pick the working style that you think is more often the
one that you use at work.
1. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
2. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
3. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
4. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
5. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
6. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
7. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
8. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
9. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
10. A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
A. ____ B. ____ C. ____ D. ____
The lowest score is your dominant workplace style.
Column A. = Analytical Style
Column B. = Driver Style
Column C. = Amiable Style
Column D. = Expressive Style