Lecture Quiz 1

Bio 242 Anatomy and Physiology II
Lecture Quiz 1
20 pts. total. Use a Scantron for all answers.
1. Which hormone is NOT produced by the anterior pituitary?
a. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
b. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
c. thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
d. prolactin
e. growth hormone
2. In the steroid hormone mechanism of action, the hormone binds to a receptor and:
a. acts to initiate transcription
b. stimulates the production of second messenger like cAMP
c. causes change only in the cytoplasm of the target cell
d. moves through the blood stream to other cells
e. causes glucose breakdown within the cell
3. The way the hypothalamus causes hormonal release in the anterior pituitary
is through:
a. neural stimulus
b. hormonal stimulus
c. humoral stimulus
d. bipolar diphasic stimulus
e. intentional stimulus
(part of brain)
Use the diagram at the right to answer the following questions. If the correct
answer is more than one letter, like "ab", filling BOTH "a" and "b" on your
answer sheet for that question.
4. One of the body's hormones is responsible for making the blood
hypercalcemic. Where is this hormone produced?
5. Where is growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) produced?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRUE/FALSE Answer "a" if true and "b" if false.
6. One function of the thyroid gland is to regulate the rate of cellular
respiration in most of the body's cells.
7. Glucagon and aldosterone have exactly opposite effects in regulating blood
glucose levels.
8. The heart can regulate the release of some of the hormones of the adrenal glands.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. The three different chemical types of hormones found in the human body are:
a. chemical, neural, and exocrine
b. peptide, steroid, and carbohydrate
c. catecholomine, peptide, and tropic
d. steroid, peptide, and catecholomine
e. carbohydrate, protein, and lipid
Lecture Quiz 1 Bio 242 A&P II Stavney pg. 1
(Small nodule
on posterior
10. By what route does the "trigger" for the release of prolactin reach the gland where prolactin is released?
a. sympathetic nervous pathways
b. parasympathetic nervous pathways
c. the body's systemic circulation
d. the hypophyseal portal system
e. via a second messenger
11. A young man has experienced low body weight, hypertension, and nervousness for many years and now shows since of
exopthalmos. Which of the following situations would cause this man's condition?
a. hypersecretion of glucagon
b. hypersecretion of thyroid hormone (TH)
c. hyposecretion of thyroid releasing hormone (TRH)
d. hypersecretion of thyroid stimulating hormone
e. Both b. and d. are true
12. Which of the following is a steroid hormone?
a. estrogen
b. aldosterone
c. cortisol
d. All of the above are true.
e. None of the above is true.
---------------------------------------------------TRUE/FALSE Answer "a" if true and "b" if false.
13. Mineralocorticoids are produced by cells of the zona reticularis in the adrenal cortex.
14. Aldosterone release is stimulated by high blood sodium (hypernatremia) or low blood potassium (hypokalemia).
15. People with Cushing's disease may experience severe dehydration, hypotension, and skin pigmentation
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------16. The antagonistic hormone (one that has the opposite effect) to insulin is:
a. a glucocorticoid
b. thyroid hormone
c. luteinizing hormone
d. antidiuretic hormone
e. None of these is correct.
------------------------------------------Match the description of a hormone at the left with the name of the hormone at the right. If more than two answers
are correct, fill in all the letters of all the correct choices on your answer sheet. For example, if "ab." and "bde" are
true, fill in "a", "b", "d", and "e" for that question.
a. parathyroid hormone
17. Hyposecretion of this hormone causes Addison's
b. thyroid hormone
c. insulin
d. anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
18. Hyposecretion of this hormone causes diabetes
e. prolactin
ab. glucagon
ac. calcitonin
19. This hormone is sometimes called the "cuddle
ad. oxytocin
hormone" because it increases bonding between a
ae. adrenocorticotropic hormone
mother and her newborn.
bc. growth hormone
bd. aldosterone
20. Hypersecretion causes a prolonged "fight or
be. luteinizing hormone
flight" response and hypertension.
cd. thyroid stimulating hormone
de. cortisone/cortisol
abc. androgens
abd. follicle stimulating hormone
abe. epinephrine/norepinephrine
Lecture Quiz 1 Bio 242 A&P II Stavney pg. 2