ENGL&151/152/153 – Creative Writing (Online) Writing Exercise #2 Complete this exercise only after reading ALL the Week 2 chapters in Burroway as well as the Companion Notes and sample stories. Use this form to complete the exercise and then submit it using the drop box in the Week 2 Module. Part 1: Write a scene (about 125 words, which is roughly half a double-spaced page) that includes ALL the following elements: one location; no jumps in time; exactly two characters; at least one reference each to weather, food, sleep, travel of some kind; no description of eyes or hair; all five senses. You may write in first- or third-person limited. Either way, practice limited rather than omniscient narration. Start your scene with either of these sentences: Third-person limited—They came out of the building. First-person—We came out of the building. From there, let your imagination go wild! Part 2: This part asks you to complete two exercises from Imaginative Writing. Burroway calls these exercises “Try This.” Try This 5.4 (pg. 142) Try This 9.6 (pg. 268) Complete each separately and label them.