Document 15684767

Set in a futuristic setting or an alternative history
Usually set in a city or a space-ship
Always some form of “not-real” alternate reality, time, or place
Often includes space travel and time travel
Often set on distant planets or in space
If set on earth, then it’s usually a dystopic reality (set after a nuclear holocaust, or after
technology has taken over, or after an oppressive government has limited freedom or
rights, etc.)
There’s an improbable quest or epic journey – usually to save humankind or the Earth
against an invasion or oppression
There are binary opposites of good and evil
Hero on an epic quest, often is either totally arrogant
or quite self-doubting. If arrogant, then he/she gets
beaten down, but then pulls it back together and
against-all-odds goes on to defeat the enemy. If selfdoubting, then will question whether or not he/she is
the right person (destined) to do the job – has to be
convinced and developed before saving the world.
Side-kicks, mentors, or helpers (sometimes human,
sometimes not – often at least one of them dies)
assist the hero
Aliens or non-humans are the antagonists/villains
(including robots, monsters, killer microbes, space
creatures, androids, super-computers) – often the
villains are stubborn and arrogant with cronies or
soldiers to do the dirty work
Plenty of special effects and lavish costuming (to portray the aliens, robots,
spaceships, etc.)
Helmets, lasers, guns, metal
Often lots of explosions, crashes, and shoot-outs
Fast panning and tracking shots are used to follow the action and create tension
Establishing shots show the futuristic city or space-ship before moving in to closer
Lots of electronic equipment, computers, and technology that seem too complicated
for us to understand
Sometimes taps into the Horror genre codes and conventions to add suspense and
Dystopia – technological mis-utilization. The futures is bleak, oppressive, and to
be avoided.
Commentary on Societal and Cultural issues such as the warning against overuse of technology, war, racism, ecological destruction, medical ethics (genetics),
and one-world government oppression
Express society’s anxiety about technology and the future