ProQuest – Advanced Search Techniques

ProQuest – Advanced Search Techniques
With ProQuest you can create very complex search strategies. You can also limit your search
to specific publications. The example below shows a search for articles on Sarbanes-oxley
found in publications that contain the word account, accountant, accounting, accountancy, etc.,
in the title. The code so in so(account*) means source, or publication title. The term
account* will find any words in titles that start with account. The asterisk * is called a
truncation symbol. It acts like a wildcard to find variant forms of the stem account.
You could also limit your search to specific publications, for example:
sarbanes-oxley and so(forbes)
arthur andersen and so(business week)
enron and so(black enterprise)
worldcom and so(journal of accountancy)
North Seattle Community College Library
Searching by Article Type
You can also limit your search to article type. Some of the possible article types include: cover
story, editorial, feature, interview and speech. The following example shows a search for
speeches about accounting and fraud or scandals. The asterisk * after scandal will search for
either scandal or scandals.
Article type is
set to speech.
This example
shows a search
for cover stories
on Enron. The co
in co(enron)
stands for
Article type is set
to cover story.
North Seattle Community College Library