ProQuest Direct – Basic Search To access ProQuest, go to the library’s web site and click on the link periodical databases, under Search for Articles. Click on ProQuest. Type in the main keywords for your topic. The example below shows a search for articles on accounting fraud and reform. Creating a Search Strategy When searching a database, select a few of the most important keywords that describe your topic. Link these with Boolean operators, such as AND and OR. AND Operator Use the AND operator to link main concepts or keywords. Linking keywords with AND means that all the keywords or phrases must be present in the article. Using the AND operator narrows your search. Examples: accounting and fraud and reform arthur andersen and enron sarbanes-oxley and reform OR Operator Use the OR operator to link synonyms or related terms. Using the OR operator broadens your search. Examples: fraud or scandals enron or worldcom North Seattle Community College Library Combining Operators (Nesting) You can combine keywords linked with AND and keywords linked with OR. This is called nesting. For example: accounting and (fraud or scandal) accounting and (fraud or scandal*) When linking keywords with AND and OR, put the keywords linked with OR inside parentheses. This tells the database to run that search first and then combine it with the keyword linked with AND. The asterisk * after scandal is called a truncation symbol. It acts like a wildcard and will search on scandal or scandals. Results Page After you run your search, you will get a list of articles. Some are available full text, (either as HTML files or PDF) while others are available only as an abstract (summary.) Print or Email Your Articles You can print or email articles to yourself, using the yellow buttons at the top of the article screen. Accessing ProQuest from Off Campus You can access ProQuest from anywhere on the campus network, without a password. From off campus, access ProQuest through the library’s home page <>. After clicking on ProQuest, you’ll logon using your last name and student ID (SID.) North Seattle Community College Library