Works Cited – McDonald FINAL Project 2014 – Digital Content...

Works Cited – McDonald FINAL Project 2014 – Digital Content Research Bibliography
Akulov, Dmitriy , and Robert Nyman. "jsDelivr – The advanced open source public CDN." Mozilla Hacks the
Web developer blog RSS. Version 1. Hacks Mozilla Org, 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2014.
This web article on the open web analyzes the different references open source materials available to
users from the Mozilla organization and Google Hosted Libraries. The article clarifies usability and
reliability as a topic of the deliverable for the references sites. It also has a tutorial on adding libraries
to your source resource tools. This helps understand the target of people who use the web to
research and underscores the fact that there is still sourcing coming out of our big web engine groups.
Chhabra, M., Das, S., & Sarne, D. (2014). Expert-mediated sequential search. European Journal of Operational
Research, 234(3), 861. Retrieved from
This research journal looks at the process by which we search and catalog information on the internet.
It discusses the economic drivers that perpetuate media search cataloging on the internet and defines
media and data brokers in our modern society of the internet. It also compares the cost of harvesting
vs. the objective of withholding the process of harvesting the information from consumers. This
article looks at why I would want demonstrate the view the whole world as a digital platform catalogs
searches and collects information for commerce. It is sourced from the European Journal of Research
and very recent.
e-Books and Accessibility. (n.d.). Jisc TechDis. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from
This secondary source article covers a review the e-book accessibility for the public in libraries and
discusses the enhanced access to users by way of this form of media. It also shows the different types
of library users served under the different types of e-books available to the public. By way of
interacting with an e-book this topic continues to demonstrate the usability of digital media in our
society as source material for the library benefit. This was published by a reputable UK journal
associated with protecting digital formatting.
Finck, Nick. "Digital Web Magazine - Time To Change." Digital Web Magazine - Time To Change. Version 1.
Nick Finck, 11 Dec. 2008. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.
This web magazine article by Digital Web Magazine talks about the needs to shut down production of
this Web-e-zine because the pressure of the other “less-refined” content of the web pushing their
content work out of usefulness. The sad article explains he history of the Web-e-zine and the
dedication of the writers to analyze and write articles on the web for the web about the web with the
integrity of ethical journalistic practices. The source material located on this archived site is priceless
because of the original primary source material.
Finck, Nick. "Digital Web Magazine." Digital Web Magazine. Version 1. Nick Finck, 9 Mar. 2009. Web. 21 Mar.
This is a continuation and the final stab at the Web-e-zine Digital Web Magazine announcing the
closing of publication and the dissolution of the organization in early part of 2009. The material here
is a single proof of the detriment of evaporating source content on the web today and what happens
when the demise of primary and secondary original works are deemed obsolete.
Inventor of the Week. (n.d.). Inventor of the Week: Archive. Inventor of the Week: Archive. Retrieved March
18, 2014, from
This web page site is secondary historical data about Johann Gutenberg, the German goldsmith who
invented the first movable letter printing press in 1448. This printing press went on to modernize the
world with printed money, bibles and other books and journal. This web site is credible from the
process of verifiable factual information and from the MIT web site of information for the MIT school
of engineering. This historical reference of information continues to build on the evolution of the
printed material and reasons behind how communications transform over the years.
Kreis, S. (2012, April 13). The Printing Press. The Printing Press. Retrieved March 15, 2014, from
This web page is a secondary historical account of the printing press and according the author who
has earned his Ph.D. from University of Missouri-Columbia (History, 1990), he maintains and
published this web site on his research. He has a copyright and contact page and written definition of
Fair Use. His source for me is purely to demonstrate the ability that original work can be cited and
used fairly to reinforce the subject matter of my research and there by continue a momentum of
collaboration with original works.
Library of Congress Classification Outline. (n.d.). - Classification. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from
This web article describes from web site of the initiative of the Library of Congress to protects store
historical American works. Since 1994 the Library of Congress has made available digitized versions
of the American Memory collections, a living history of American historical documents; moving
pictures, presentations, sound recordings, print and photographic media, housed at the Library of
Congress. This is a credible source because it is published and verifiable by government sources
available on the internet and through the process of obvious facts.
List of countries by number of mobile phones in use. (2014, March 15). Wikipedia. Retrieved March 16,
This web site references the cell phone statistics for the United States referencing at use:
327,577,529 , Population: 350,000,000 , Phones per 100 citizens: 103.9. This was recorded; June
2013, data from: from the National Wireless Association of the U.S., This is a list of the current statistics of cell
phones users in the U.S. and other countries as verified by the consumer organization.
Mack, Daniel C.. Interdisciplinarity and academic libraries. Chicago: ALA - Association of College and Research
Libraries, 2012. Print.
This original print book talks about the digitization of media and source material. It addresses how
libraries need to take the opportunity to create different access systems to teach, explore, and learn
to store media for access for their users and the content they provide to the public. This source is
from an author sponsored by the Association of College and Research libraries arm of the American
Library Association. This topic is relevant by the demonstration in my research as this book addresses
the transformative process our society is adjusting to regarding printed media and how we need to
strategize to capture the best practices and formats to move forward with sources.
Matsa, K., Mitchell, A., & Sasseen, J. (n.d.). News Magazines: Embracing Their Digital Future | State of the
Media. News Magazines: Embracing Their Digital Future | State of the Media. Retrieved March 18,
2014, from
Pew Research Center, 2013.
This original journal web article sponsored by the Pew Research Center outlines specific print media’s
move to the web based model for publishing and the financial outcomes through advertising
revenue. The Pew Research Center is an outstanding organization dedicated to the research of
modern cultures in America and a credible research institution.
Mitchell, Anne M., and Brian E. Surratt. Cataloging and organizing digital resources: a how-to-do-it manual for
librarians. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2005. Print.
This original current print book speaks to the effort to utilize digital media sources and how to
strategize the process for librarians and leadership of library media groups. Both of the authors were
digital media catalogers in library management and now hold positions as metadata coordinators.
The connection to my research is direct in relationship to the topic of the source to process with
digital media and how our society is further trying to capture our printed media in an accessible
format in relationship to evolving internet access to libraries.
Naughton, J. (2012, February 19). The World Wide Web Untangled. The Mail on Sunday (London, England).
Retrieved February 12, 2014, from
This UK News article traces the experience of the writer’s journey if realization through a description
of the maze of web isolation which occurs through web searches. The writer marks the history of how
web isolation can develop for everyone eventually. “I've had an uncomfortable sense that someone,
or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the
memory. This is a credible source because the author is verifiable and has a track records of authentic
writing for a well know and reliable source The Guardian News organization.
[3] Tor Hidden Services Gateway. (n.d.). Gateway to Tor Hidden Services. Retrieved March 18,
2014, from
The deep web access point provides the Open Web users an opportunity to access the Deep
Web without a specifically formatted browser or anonymous connection. Many Deep Web sites are
only accessible through special connections on the internet from software that you download and
install on your computer in order to communicate with the unindexed web sites in the Deep
Web. This is a credible source because it exists on the web and is an alternative tool to access web
material and databases that are unindexed and exist in raw non-commercial formats.
Rapp, B. A., & Wheeler, D. L. (2005). Bioinformatics resources from the National Center for Biotechnology
Information: An integrated foundation for discovery. Journal of the American Society for Information
Science and Technology, 56(5), 538-550.
This original journal article is a study of our cultural changes through internet access and how
Research digital delivery systems are changing quickly to accommodate the changing need to
accomplish research between multipoint geographical locations. Our world is quickly evolving to
where every personal and work process is being centralized on the internet. This source is credible
because it is a published study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. This is relevant
to my focus in building the case and study pertaining as how and why digital access to sources is
changing in our culture.
This is a trustworthy and consistent publisher.
Schmandt-Besserat, D. (1986). The Precursor to Numerals and Writing Source: Archaeology. Nov/Dec86, Vol.
39 Issue 6, p39-46. 8p. . Archeology , 39(6), 39-46.
This journal article discussing the history of tokens in society and how these gave rise to writing and
the origins or letters and numbers for Sumerian human articulation. This source is related to my
building of the history of writing as it is related to printed material. Creating value of source material
is important to the evolution of societies and progress of human. The Author, Denise SchmandtBesserat (born August 10, 1933) is a French-American archaeologist and retired professor of art and
archaeology. She retired in 2004 as Professor of Art and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of
Texas at Austin.
scidevnet. (2014, January 20). Building low-cost tools to bridge the digital divide. YouTube. Retrieved March
18, 2014, from
This video is a demonstration of how collaborations between Italian computer research scientists and
small local populations encourage the participation and awareness of thelocal community to engage
in current technology and learn to adapt to emerging technology by using it. This is a credible source
because it is documented and verifable current research being done.
Talbot, D. (n.d.). Mashable. Mashable. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Mashable. MIT, 26 Aug. 2013. Web. 13
Feb. 2014.
Printing and circulation is increasingly declining all areas around the U.S. – Internet advertising and
organizations posting information for resources are rapidly moving all listings and articles to the
internet for circulation because of the low cost and fast delivery model of the information.
University of Leeds. (n.d.). Digital preservation strand - 12/11 Digital infrastructure programme : Jisc. Digital
preservation strand - 12/11 Digital infrastructure programme : Jisc. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from
This web document is about the research process of compiling and maintaining digital media and the
argument that digital media management is a viable and important engagement in the preservation of
content in our society. This is published by the University of Leeds, London School of Economics from
various researches within the college. The relevance of the information is to develop the argument
that digital acquisition and processing of printed material can be achieved in a methodological
manner and has benefit to historical preservation of source material.
Visual literacy. (2014, March 15). Wikipedia. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from
This Open Source webpage "theories of memory and learning, for instance, placed a strong
emphases" on the way lines and word fit together to communicate language. Visual Literacy involves
the act of seeing and understanding images such as text, pictures, and images. The history of visual
literacy goes back to medieval times. This is a credible source because it is part of a larger well
managed online “pedia” formatted in an open source access. The valid and verifiable citations to
each segment for the purpose of accurate citation and content management. Authors are unknown
but material is typically verifiable.
Weinberger, D. (2013). Everything is miscellaneous the power of the new digital disorder. New York: Henry
Holt and Company.
Location: Central Campus Circulating Collection - Call Number: HD30.2.W4516 2007, ,
This title book talks about he the disturbing issues of the “Your Digital Trail” by where your
information is stored in multiple databases and your personal digital trail follows you where ever you
go on the web. These personal digital data create information bias when you search for specific
information and it is believe you are being steered by these stored databases instead of by raw
simple information retrieval methods. This source is credible because it is a published printed and
digitally converted book.
Persistent Link(s) Seattle Community College Library:
Google eBooks:
Williams, S. (2012, January 22). 40 Social Media Curation Sites and Tools. - Social Media Pearls. Retrieved
March 18, 2014, from
This Blog news page is by an Huffington Post Writer that demonstrates the ways of social media
curating. One way of curating social media is by the social media function of acknowledgement,
"Like"-ing a topic, which saves that topic into the social media users account. One way of cataloging
and organizing social media "Like" topics is to let the algorithms of the social media system choose
for you. This is credible because the writer is a popular Huffington Post Blogger with much open web
published dated material. The information is consistent with Social Media Curating techniques and
can be confirmed.
Zhou, J. (2003). A history of web portals and their development in libraries. Information Technology and
Libraries, 22(3), 119-128. Retrieved from
This document from a ProQuest database search discusses the development of libraries and web
portal access for information technology that libraries maintain and make available to the public. This
is a historical work that compares difference types of media access such as television and radio as
delivery systems of content. This also covers the best practices and developing ideas around web
portal access to media today. This is a scholarly journal listed in the EBESCO Database and continues
to demonstrate explaining how media source material distribution is challenged in our society.
Zwerdling, D. (2013, October 2). Your Digital Trail: Does The Fourth Amendment Protect Us?. NPR. Retrieved
March 17, 2014, from
This web article based on a radio show from NPR with images discusses three of the most concerning
issues surrounding the widening of the digital divide; informational articles on personal data
gathering. The most disturbing issue is that your privacy rights may not protect you from digital trail
data and the gathering of your data and surveillance. This article is credible because it is from a
reliable and popular writer.
©Sean McDonald March 21, 2014 – SCS101 North Seattle College
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Works Cited – McDonald FINAL Project 2014 – Digital Content Research Bibliography by Sean McDonald is
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Its attributed to Sean McDonald and the original version of the work can be found here!.
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