Spring 2016 Don Perry ECON 202 Introduction to Macroeconomics

ECON 202
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Spring 2016
Don Perry
What You Need to Know - Tools
 Text:
 Macroeconomics – Greg Mankiw (ver 7)
 Ebook (with access code) or hard copy
 Publishers software – Aplia
 homework, exams, gradebook
 Will need access code (bookstore or on-line)
 Grace period (free) starting 4/4/2016
until 4/24/2016
 Bundled with and without text at the bookstore
At the Bookstore
Accessing Materials on Aplia
1. How to access your Aplia course – copy the url into
your browser
 http://login.cengagebrain.com/course/(course key
code – see handout)
 If you already have a Cengage account,
 Login with the email address and password you used
 If you don't have an account, click the Create an Account
button, and enter your course key when prompted.
Free (grace period): 4/4 – 4/24
What You Need to Know - Tools
 http:\facweb\northseattle.edu\dperry\econ202
 Organized by week
1. Each weekly folder
2. Lecture notes
3. Relevant articles
Overview of What We Will Be Doing
Microeconomic fundamentals necessary for Macro models
Demand and Supply
Taxes and their effects
International Trade
Macroeconomic Fundamental Concepts
GNP, Cost-of-Living metrics, Unemployment
Savings and Investment, Monetary System, Money Growth and
Macroeconomic Models
Classical, Keynesian, Monetarists/Rational Expectations, neoKeynesians
Modeling policy impacts: monetary and fiscal policy
Impact of government intervention – should it?
Grades – How Will They Be Determined?
Three Components to Your Grade Calculation
Homework and Class Participation (20%)
Assigned weekly, available in Aplia (mostly)
Three exams (65% each)
(20%) Week 4 – Chpt. 1-4,6-9
(20%) Week 8 – Chpt. 10-13,15
(25%) Final Exam: Chpt. 16, 17, 20-22)
+ readings on budget deficit and income inequality
3. On-line quizzes (15%)
4. Extra Credit Short Paper (3-5 pages)
On Trade Barriers, Budget Deficits or Income Inequality
Topic Approved by 5th week; turn-in at start of 9th week
Short Papers
Paper Length
 3-5 pages
Analysis of current economic problem
 From Approved List, or
 My Approval of a Topic of Your Choice
Suggested Outline
Problem Statement – what is the “economic problem”
Literature Survey
Brief review of what the academic economic literature says about it
Critical review of Article
My Schedule and Office Hours
 Monday, Wednesday and Friday – at North
 9-10 AM Econ 201 (Micro)
 10-11 AM Econ 202 (Macro)
 11 AM – 12 Office Hours (M, W)
 Tuesday and Thursdays – at UW Bothell
 11 AM – 1PM at UWB (Stats)
 No Office Hours at North
By Appointment – Fridays?