Document 15680515

Grammar & Writing 3
Quiz 4 –Simple Past and Past Progressive – 50 points
Complete the following sentences with did, was, or were. Use capitals when necessary. (______/5 points)
1. Where ______________ you go last night?
2. ______________ your friends with you?
3. ______________ you have a good time?
4. How ________________ the weather?
5. I stayed home. It _______________ relaxing.
Read the facts about Sophie’s daily activities and compare the information to the sentences about what
she did yesterday. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the given verbs. Use negatives
and questions when necessary. Be careful with spelling and capitalization! (_________/7 points)
Sophie’s Daily Activities:
1. wake up at 6am
2. make coffee
3. have breakfast
4. go for a run
5. take a shower
6. get ready for school
7. catch the bus
What did Sophie do yesterday?
1. _____________ ________________ up at 10am?
2. _____________________________ coffee.
3. _____________________________ breakfast.
4. _____________________________ for a bike ride.
5. _____________ ________________ a shower.
6. _____________________________ ready for school.
7. _____________________________ the train.
Complete each sentence with the simple past or past progressive form of the verbs in parentheses.
(________/10 points)
When Michelle ______________________ (come) out of the room, I ______________________________ (talk)
to someone else so I ___________________________ (miss) her. It’s a shame because I really
________________________ (want) to talk to her. I ___________________________ (think) about inviting her
to the school dance. I __________________ (be) so nervous! I __________________________ (sweat), my
hands __________________________ (shake) a little, and my stomach ____________________________ (feel)
a little upset. Even so, I can’t believe that I _____________________________ (allow) that opportunity pass me
by. I hope nobody else asks her to the dance before I get another chance!
Combine each set of sentences into one sentence by using the given word in parentheses to make a past time
clause. Use correct punctuation and capitalization. (_________/8 points)
1. (after)
First: We stopped for lunch.
Then: We went shopping.
2. (until)
First: I kept applying to schools.
Then: One accepted me.
3. (as soon as)
First: The plane landed.
Then: Everyone turned on their cell phones.
4. (when)
First: The dog licked the baby’s toes.
Then: He laughed.
Unscramble the words to make complete questions using used to. Answer the questions in full sentences. Do
not use short answers. Be careful with spelling and punctuation! The first one is done for you as an example.
(_________/6 points)
1. use to / when / play / you were young / where /you / did
Where did you use to play when you were young?
I used to play in the park when I was young.
2. as a child / doing / what / used to / you / did / hate
3. did / used to / watching / you were a child / what / love / when / you
Answer the questions in complete sentences using the simple past, past progressive, or past habit. Be
careful with spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. (_________/6 points)
1. Did you come to class today sooner or later than you did yesterday?
2. What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
3. What did you used to do on Saturday when you were 10 years old?
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence. (__________/8 points)
1. When I was young, I (wanted/was wanting) to be a veterinarian.
2. My younger sister used to (annoy/annoyed) me, but now we’re great friends.
3. What (did you learn/were you learning) last quarter?
4. My little cat (waited/was waiting) when I got home.
5. Frank (was used/used to) enjoy painting, but now he prefers writing.
6. Traveling (helped/was helping) me to understand the world better.
7. Coffee never used to (bother/bothering) my stomach, but now it does.
8. While Mona (performed/was performing), the fire alarm went off.
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (+_______/3 points)
1. What did you use to liked doing as a child?
2. The sun was rising while we slept.
3. I was knowing Sari before we became students at NSC.
Grammar & Writing 3
Quiz 4 –Simple Past and Past Progressive – 50 points
Complete the following sentences with did, was, or were. Use capitals when necessary. (______/5 points)
1. Where ___did___ you go last night?
2. ___Were____ your friends with you?
3. ____Did_____ you have a good time?
4. How _____was_____ the weather?
5. I stayed home. It ___was____ relaxing.
Read the facts about Sophie’s daily activities and compare the information to the sentences about what
she did yesterday. Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the given verbs. Use negatives
and questions when necessary. Be careful with spelling and capitalization! (_________/7 points)
Sophie’s Daily Activities:
1. wake up at 6am
2. make coffee
3. have breakfast
4. go for a run
5. take a shower
6. get ready for school
7. catch the bus
What did Sophie do yesterday?
1. _________Did she wake______________ up at 10am?
2. _________She made___________ coffee.
3. _________She had____________ breakfast.
4. _________She didn’t go___________ for a bike ride.
5. _________She took ________________ a shower.
6. _________She got ____________________ ready for school.
7. _________She didn’t catch____________________ the train.
Complete each sentence with the simple past or past progressive form of the verbs in parentheses.
(________/10 points)
When Michelle ____came________ (come) out of the room, I ________was talking____________ (talk) to
someone else so I ______missed__________ (miss) her. It’s a shame because I really
______wanted_____________ (want) to talk to her. I _____was thinking_______________ (think) about
inviting her to the school dance. I _____was_________ (be) so nervous! I ____was sweating_____________
(sweat), my hands _____were shaking_________ (shake) a little, and my stomach ____felt / was
feeling______________ (feel) a little upset. Even so, I can’t believe that I ____allowed______________ (allow)
that opportunity pass me by. I hope nobody else asks her to the dance before I get another chance!
Combine each set of sentences into one sentence by using the given time clause in parentheses. Use
correct punctuation. (_________/8 points)
1. (after)
First: We stopped for lunch.
Then: We went shopping.
After we stopped for lunch, we went shopping. / We went shopping after we stopped for lunch.
2. (until)
First: I kept applying to schools.
Then: One accepted me.
I kept applying to schools until one accepted me. / Until one accepted me, I kept applying to schools.
3. (as soon as)
First: The plane landed.
Then: Everyone turned on their cell phones.
As soon as the plane landed, everyone turned on their cell phones. / Everyone turned on their cell
phones as soon as the plane landed.
4. (when)
First: The dog licked the baby’s toes.
Then: He laughed.
When the dog licked the baby’s toes, he laughed. / The baby laughed when the dog licked his toes.
Unscramble the words to make complete questions using used to. Answer the questions in full sentences. Do
not use short answers. Be careful with spelling and punctuation! The first one is done for you as an example.
(_________/6 points)
1. used to / when / play / you were young / where /you / did
Where did you use to play when you were young?
I used to play in the park when I was young.
2. as a child / doing / what / used to / what / you / did / hate
What did you use to hate doing as a child?
I used to hate XXing as a child.
Answer the questions in complete sentences using the simple past, past progressive, past habit, present
perfect or present perfect progressive. Be careful with spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
(_________/6 points)
1. Did you come to class today sooner or later than you did yesterday?
2. What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
3. What did you used to do on Saturday when you were 10 years old?
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence. (__________/8 points)
1. When I was young, I (wanted/was wanting) to be a veterinarian.
2. My younger sister used to (annoy/annoyed) me, but now we’re great friends.
3. What (did you learn/were you learning) last quarter?
4. My little cat (waited/was waiting) when I got home.
5. Frank (was used/used to) enjoy painting, but now he prefers writing.
6. Traveling (helped/was helping) me to understand the world better.
7. Coffee never used to (bother/bothering) my stomach, but now it does.
8. While Mona (performed/was performing), the fire alarm went off.
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (+_______/3 points)
1. What did you use to liked doing as a child? like
2. The sun was rising while we slept. rose/were sleeping
3. I was knowing Sari before we became students at NSC. knew