CHEM 121: 5 credits (4 credits lecture; 1 credit lab)
Course Description: Lecture: Structure, properties and reactions of organic and biomolecules, and biochemical processes.
Prerequisites: CHEM 121 (was CHEM 101) and placement into ENGL 101 (was ENGL 105).
Instructor: Maxi Boeckl
Office Hours: Wed 9:00 –10:00 AM & by appt.
Office Location: IB 2423 C #2
Telephone: 206-372-0430 (use email if possible)
Lecture Text: Seager and Slabaugh, Chemistry for Today: General, Organic, and Biochemistry (7 th ed.)
Lab Text: These will be posted on my site:
Other Required Materials: Safety goggles (can be purchased at Bookstore)
Lab notebook (bound pages)
Apr 4 - 7
Apr 11 - 14
Apr 18 - 21
Apr 25
– 28
Apr 27 (W)
May 2 - 5
May 9 - 12
Review of Important Concepts from CHEM 121
Ch. 11 – Alkanes
Ch. 11
– Alkanes
Ch. 12
– Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Ch. 13
– Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Ch. 13
– Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
Ch. 14 – Aldehydes and Ketones
Exam 1 (Ch. 11, 12, 13)
Ch. 14 – Aldehydes and Ketones
Ch. 15 – Carboxylic Acids and Esters
Ch. 16
– Amines and Amides
Ch. 19
– Proteins
May 16 (M)
May 16 - 19
May 23 - 26
Exam 2 (Ch. 14, 15, 16)
Ch. 20
– Enzymes
Ch. 17 - Carbohydrates
Ch. 17 - Carbohydrates
Ch. 18 - Lipids
May 30 Memorial Day
– No Classes
May 31
–Jun 1
Ch. 21
– Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Jun 2 (Th)
Jun 6 - 9
Jun 13 - 14
Exam 3 (Ch. 17, 18, 19, 20)
Ch. 21 – Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Ch. 23
– Carbohydrate Metabolism
Ch. 24 – Lipid and Amino Acid Metabolism
June 16 (Th) Final 8:00 – 9:50 AM (cumulative)
– in
Lab 1: TLC of Colored Pigments
Lab 2: Hydrocarbons
Lab 3: Solubility
Lab 4: Recrystallization
Lab 5: Aspirin Synthesis
Lab 6: Qualitative Analysis
Lab 7: Sucrose and Lactose
Lab 8: Soap from Lipids
Finish Soap Lab and Check-out
No Lab - lecture instead
QUIZZES: There will be approximately 5-6 quizzes during the quarter. They will be worth 15 points and either be 15 minutes in class quizzes or take-home quizzes . These are intended to encourage you to keep up on your reading and attendance.
I will give at least 2 days notice before any in-class quiz. If I feel you are not keeping up, there might be an unannounced pop quiz. There will be no make-up quizzes . However, I will drop your lowest lab or quiz score.
EXAMS: There will be 4 hour exams, 75 points each (this includes the final). The dates for the exams are tentative and I will give you at least one week notice, if the exam date will change. A study guide will be provided for each exam.
NO MAKE-UP EXAMS : A written doctor’s excuse is required for missed exams.
Re-grading of Exams or Questions on Exams : If you wish your exam to be re-graded, the exam must be turned into the instructor within one week of its return in class. Attach a note to the front of your exam explaining what would like to have reconsidered.
LAB REPORTS (also see below for more details): Each lab report will be worth 15 points. The lab report is due at the beginning of class on Monday. Five points per day will be deducted for late lab reports. Attendance at all laboratory sessions is required; absence from more than one lab will cause you to fail the course (both lab and lecture). There are no make-up labs.
EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit assignments will not be given. On occasion, you will encounter extra credit questions on exams, quizzes or homework assignments.
FINAL EXAM: The final exam will be held on June 16 th (Thur) from 8:00 – 9:50 AM in AS 1623. This exam will not be cumulative.
5 quizzes or homework: 15 pts each = 75 pts
8 labs: 15 pts each = 120 pts
4 exams:
Total points possible:
75 pts each = 300 pts
480 pts (For each student, I will drop either lowest lab or quiz)
Lecture and lab points are combined for one overall grade.
Rough Grading Scale:
Below 50%
Incompletes will only be given if you have successfully completed the course through the 7 th week of the quarter.
ATTENDANCE: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain the necessary materials from classmates, the webpage or myself. You are also still responsible to turn in assignments on time. If you know you will be missing class on a quiz or exam day, please contact me ASAP.
ASSIGNED READING: Each week chapters have been assigned for reading (see schedule above). The expectation is that you have completed this reading before the beginning of the week in which it is covered in lecture. You are responsible for all material in the reading, including anything not covered in the lecture unless instructed that the material will be omitted. Be aware that the schedule is flexible; attendance in class will keep you up-to-date on the schedule.
HOMEWORK: Before we start each chapter, I will assign a list of recommended problems. Sometimes, part of your homework assignment will be turned in instead of giving a quiz that week. But most of the time, you will not be required to turn in these problems, but it is highly recommended that you do the problems. These problems are reflective of the type of material upon which you will be tested. Many of the problems are more difficult than you would see on an exam but if you understand them, then the exam is easy. If you have difficulties with a particular problem come to my office hours or bring it up in class.
NO CELL PHONES: I don’t want to hear them; I don’t want to see them. I don’t want to catch you texting during class (it’s annoying for everyone around you). If you require cell phone access for work or health reasons, etc. please let me know and set your phone to vibrate. The rest of you should turn them off and leave them in your pocket or bag!
Each Tuesday we will meet for lab in AS 1515. Assume that each lab will take the full 2 hours. Be punctual – if you are more than 5 minutes late, you will lose 5 points for every 15 minutes that you are late.
Each week I will post the lab on my web page at You are required to print out a copy and bring it to class. It is mandatory that you read the experiment before coming to lab. Each lab write up will tell you what the experiment will be, pre-lab questions, and what is required for the lab report.
Pre-labs will be collected at the beginning of lab (5 pts). The lab report is due at the beginning of class the following Monday. Each lab report is worth 10 points, for a combined 15 points per lab. Five points per day will be deducted for late lab reports. Only turn in 1 pre-lab and 1 lab report per group. Both lab partners will receive the same grade.
Attendance at all laboratory sessions is required; absence from more than one lab will cause you to fail the course (both lab and lecture). There are no make-up labs.
You are required to keep a lab notebook. You can continue using your lab notebook from CHEM 121; provided it is a bound notebook and you still have enough space in it.
SAFETY: It is expected that you will show up to each lab with your safety goggles (needed by 2 nd week) and that you wear them. Points will be deducted for each time you must be reminded. You should also know and understand the safety rules as outlined in lab lecture, and obey them.
If you require course adaptations or special accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information, of if you have special needs that need to be shared with me in the event of a building evacuation, please contact me. If you use an alternative medium for communicating, please let me know so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM: Don’t do it! Cheating and plagiarism of any kind will result in a 0.0 grade for the course . I reserve the right to report any academic dishonesty to the college according to college rules and policies. Please consult me if you have any questions.
MY PHILOSOPHY: I want all of you to be successful and have a good experience in this class. Please let me know if you are having trouble or have suggestions for improving the class. I encourage you to come to my office hours for extra help and to discuss any problems. If you cannot make office hours, please let me know to make alternative arrangements. Most of you will work hard in this course; and I will work hard to help you succeed.