
Ways We Play & Work Together At Latona .............................................................................................. 2
Class Schedule and You as an Assistant Teacher ...................................................................................... 3
Discovery & Snack ......................................................................................................... 3
10:15-10:25 Clean-Up ........................................................................................................................... 5
10:25-10:45 Welcome Circle Time ........................................................................................................ 6
10:45-11:00 Small Group ...................................................................................................................... 6
11:00 - 11:30 Large Motor Outside ....................................................................................................... 6
11:30 - 11:45 Goodbye Circle Time ....................................................................................................... 6
Guidelines for Classroom .......................................................................................................................... 7
Snack Set-up Responsibilities.................................................................................................................... 7
Words That Help ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Rules for Preschool ................................................................................................................................. 10
Gross Motor Practices............................................................................................................................. 11
Sick Child Criteria .................................................................................................................................... 11
Latona 3-5s Standing Rules, Section 11, Health & Safety ................................................................... 12
Emergency Evacuation Procedures..................................................................................................... 12
Fire Escape Plan .................................................................................................................................. 12
Earthquake Plan .................................................................................................................................. 12
Role of the Board .................................................................................................................................... 13
Role of the Parent ................................................................................................................................... 14
Ongoing School Responsibilities: ........................................................................................................ 14
Responsibilities to the Teacher: .......................................................................................................... 14
Other Responsibilities: ........................................................................................................................ 14
Chains of Communication ....................................................................................................................... 15
E-mail .................................................................................................................................................. 15
If you have an issue or concern, what can you do? ............................................................................ 15
Reporting an illness ............................................................................................................................. 15
Scholarship Information and Application Procedure.............................................................................. 15
How to Apply for Scholarship Funds: .................................................................................................. 16
BOARD POSITIONS .................................................................................................................................. 16
Chairperson ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Parent Coordinator ............................................................................................................................. 16
Secretary ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Treasurer ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Vice Chair ............................................................................................................................................ 18
NON-BOARD POSITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 19
Fund Raising/Treasurer’s Assistant ..................................................................................................... 19
Teacher’s Aides – 4 positions .............................................................................................................. 19
Newsletter/Bulletin Board (*See Disclaimer) ..................................................................................... 21
Supplies Coordinator (*See Disclaimer).............................................................................................. 21
Scrapbook/Publicity/Photographer Up to 2 positions (*See Disclaimer) ........................................... 21
Excursions ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Calendar (*See Disclaimer) ................................................................................................................. 22
Board Support Providers 2 Positions – Up to 3 positions (*See Disclaimer) ...................................... 22
Ways We Play & Work Together At Latona
Children may:
Tear Down
Be Alone
Express emotions
Adults May:
Adults are prepared to “step in” with guidance to prevent a child who may be on the verge of: hurting
themselves, another child or property.
Opening words might be, “I care about you enough to stop you from…We want our school to be safe…”
Class Schedule and You as an Assistant Teacher
Discovery & Snack
Welcome Circle Time
Small Group
Outside/Large Motor
Goodbye Circle Time
Children are welcome in the classroom at 8:55. Sign your child in and never leave your child unless
there are at least two working adults in the classroom. Working adults must arrive to school on time.
We are starting the day with Discovery and all Assistant Teachers are expected to be at their work area.
Discovery & Snack
There are at least five working adults on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Each adult has a job: Art,
Sensory, Dramatic Play & Blocks, Table Toys & Discovery, and Snack. The Monthly Calendar will indicate
what job you have. On the first Tuesday of October Pre-K Tuesdays begin. Four working adults will be
ART is Creative Expression.
Most all projects are designed for the process and not the product. Refrain from doing the project for a
child. Roles for adults are: encourage but do not force children to wear aprons; supply materials; make
sure names are on art work by asking child where he/she wants it, then printing it for child unless child
wants to; encourage children to clean up after themselves by describing, modeling what needs to be
done and where things go.
Let children explore mediums and talk when appropriate. Avoid praise like, “it’s beautiful.” Try to
describe what child is doing: describe colors, materials, brush strokes…; ask children to tell you about
their work: How was this for you? Are you pleased?
At clean-up time the children will pick-up the area, you describe what needs to be done and where
things go. The CLEANING STATION located near the Sensory Table includes buckets of damp sponges,
paper towels, hand brooms and dustpans. Children can and will do clean up. We teach and demonstrate
skills at the first of the year. If anything needs to be washed, bring it to the sink and the snack person
will wash and return it.
DRAMATIC PLAY Children are free to come and go at will and may move materials from the dramatic
play area, but remind children when they are packing and moving that they are responsible to return the
materials back to the proper shelves. Follow-up when it is time for them to clean up.
Early in the year we have basic home life play, but area will be adapted to meet the needs of what we
are learning: doctor’s office, post office, flower shop, camping…
Sometimes adults can assume a pretend role and still remain in adult guidance mode.
PLAYDOUGH may be at science/discovery, art, toys & games, math & literacy and snack tables, or
dramatic play based on planned group size (2-8) and potential developmental goals: small motor,
creative arts, emotional, social, language, math, literacy, science, problem solving…
Welcome children who are onlookers by saying, "Hi (child’s name), would you like to have some play
dough?" If the area is too crowded, you may have to redirect children to another area and invite back
when there is room.
Children assist in clean up.
SENSORY will have many different mediums to explore and play with. There could be water, bubbles,
sand, corn meal, or shaving cream. Children learn many science and math concepts at this table.
Children explore and learn: weighing, weigh, measuring, manipulating, interacting, learning vocabulary…
When interacting with children ask open-ended questions like: “I wonder what would happen if you?;
How does that feel?” And offering words like wet, fluid or dry may be appropriate.
Safety: materials stay in table and stay low, cover table at clean up and guide children to clean up after
TOYS & GAMES, MATH & LITERACY TABLE Selected materials will be on large and/or small table(s).
Please use only these materials designed for individual, pair or small groups. 4-5 children can work
easily at the large table, 1-2 at small table.
Children must respect another child’s work, no destroying or positively said, “We ask before we touch
another’s work.”
Children put away materials away as they finish. Early in the year or with new children, teach by saying,
modeling “the puzzles go back on the puzzle rack.” Give reminders when needed.
BLOCKS Be alert and on top of safety issues: we keep it safe when block towers are not taller than a
child's chin and when we prevent children from crashing into others work or bodies.
If a child destroys another child's work (crashes down a tower); say, “We don't crash another child's
work.” Redirect child to help rebuild or work somewhere else on the rug, “You can help rebuild the
tower or work with these blocks over here. If you continue to knock over other children’s towers, you
will have to leave the rug.” If the child continues to destroy other’s work follow up on what you said.
At clean-up, adults do as little as possible, mostly describe where the blocks go or offer choices like “Will
you do cars or square blocks?”
MUSIC & MOVEMENT is often a group experience, but at times it may be an individual, pair or small
group experience indoors or outdoors. In the space between the blocks and dramatic play area there
may be planned experiences at times. Sometimes instruments or other movement materials such as
scarves may be used outdoors.
Often simple breathing exercises such as pretending we are balloons or a limp doll can be fun ways to
help children who you notice may be increasingly stressed to relax in a positive and fun way.
Singing happens anytime at Latona! Sing out!
SCIENCE & DISCOVERY area will be an ever-changing area based on children’s interests and what we are
Children are encouraged to bring in items they find from nature such as rocks, leaves, sticks, maybe
even caterpillars or banana slugs for exploration with magnifying glasses, measuring devices or other
Sometimes what starts as an experience may become a more in-depth over time study as children want
to read, build or other as they learn more about the world around them.
COZY AREA/LIBRARY is often a place where children who want to be alone or with one other child may
go to relax or read. Feel free to redirect a child to take a rest when needed.
At times, there may be puppets, flannel figures or other to invite children to dramatic play a book we’ve
just read which encourages memory and comprehension.
Feel free to read books to children as you are able. When appropriate you may bring a book to other
areas in the room. For example: children may have created a bridge in the block area and there may be
a book on bridges or children may want to create a bridge and a book on bridges may help them plan for
their building.
SNACK TABLE & COOKING Be alert to all food allergies posted in the kitchen! Snack preparation area is
cleaned and the snack table is ready for the children to drop by and have snack. Invite several children
to help you. When the snack is prepared, announce that snack is ready, "If you want to eat wash your
hands and come to the snack table." When children are at the table encourage table manners "Please
pass the____." When a child is finished with snack they should throw away their cup, napkin and wipe
up their place with a sponge. Children will wash hands after snack before returning to play. The snack
person is responsible to clean-up art materials and play dough equipment along with the snack dishes.
Snack person has no Small Group table, instead you help set up the large motor equipment outside
during Small Group time.
Snack is a time for social interaction and learning about nutrition, sanitation such as hand washing and
not sharing licked utensils. The snack person might be asked by the teacher and/or might suggest a
simple “cooking” or nutrition experience on the day you bring snack. When children are involved in the
growing, preparing and learning about nutrition they tend to try new things and make healthy choices.
Early in the year it may be something simple like having children slice with a dull knife their own banana,
then spreading cheese on a cracker and later making simple recipes.
10:15-10:25 Clean-Up
The children participate in clean up. Describe where the toys go, explain that the sponges are at the
Cleaning Station. Give positive encouragement to the children who are cleaning. "Jay picked up all the
play dough off the floor." When the children and adults are done please come to large group rug in
block area. The snack person cleans snack dishes and art materials at Circle Time.
10:25-10:45 Welcome Circle Time
Children are free to sit anywhere. Adults need to be free to move around the rug, so try not to have
children sitting in your lap. Plese sit near the children who are having trouble calming down. A rub on
the back can work wonders in helping a child attend to the teacher. Adults please participate in the
songs and finger play. Circle time will include singing, chants, instruments, movement, and flannel
board stories. Sometimes (rarely) adults assisting in the classroom may need to remove a child from the
rug at Circle Time. Be alert and take care of that need so the teacher may focus on the planned group
experience with children who are participating. If a child needs to be removed, the cozy/library or art
area with drawing are the alternate options. You may need to stay with child to prevent the child from
floating around the room creating distractions for the others.
10:45-11:00 Small Group
We may not use all this time at first since children will not be able to attend long at Small Group
depending upon what is planned and the children. Adults are to go to their workstation for Small
Group. The Snack person will clean up art, snack materials and set up outside play. Children will have
assigned Small Group Tables, but your child may sit at your table when necessary. Small group activities
will be provided for September and parents will plan and provide activities starting after the October
meeting. As your small group winds down your children help you clean up. When done, you and your
group can go out to the playground. The playground is open by 11:00.
11:00 - 11:30 Large Motor Outside
Large motor activities include running, riding bikes, scooters, climbing, basketball, bubbles, blocks and
games. We must focus on the children and keep talk between adults to a minimum. We always stay
together. We help the children work out the sharing process with the bikes. Remind everyone that they
will get a chance on the bikes. If there is a waiting line for the bikes, we have a system. Children go
around the playground three times, and then return the bike to the waiting area. No bike crashing
allowed or only safe drivers remain on the bikes. A child plays somewhere else after three crashes. At
least 2 or more adults must be at the climbing structure when children are playing. Face the structure to
watch children with hands ready to grab an off balanced child. No guns at Preschool, even finger guns,
so remind children about this rule.
Later in the year engage children in other games like Duck, Duck, Goose, London Bridges, Freeze Tag or
others. A few minutes before the whistle, the time to put all equipment away, a verbal notice is given.
Tell the children where to stack the equipment. Snack and Block adults will put all the equipment into
the storage area. I will wait with the children and other adults at the waiting spot, do a head count and
conduct an experience with the children.
Supervision is critical on the playground and at all transition times.
11:30 - 11:45 Goodbye Circle Time
Children come in hang up their coats, wash hands and sit down at the rug. This is a time for a teacher
led focus activity until everyone is at the rug, reading a book, reviewing the day's activities and planning
for the next time we are together. We will sing a good-bye song and excuse the children.
It is especially important for us to watch children so they do not leave the classroom without an adult. If
an adult has not arrived for a child, he/she will wait in the cozy area/library. The TA and the teacher
must remain in the classroom until all the children have been picked up. Please be on time so you will
not inconvenience another parent and child. In the rare case that you are going to be late, please call so
we can make arrangements 527-3785. Adults sign your child out at the end of the day. Please fill out an
Emergency Release Form if someone other than a coop member is picking up your child. A picture ID
from any non-coop adult picking up children must be presented.
Revised 8/11
Guidelines for Classroom
As assistant teacher in the school setting one day a week, the adult supervises various curriculum areas,
provides snack on rotation, helps children develop self-help skills, plans and presents small group
learning activities, facilitates children in developing social relationships, and observes children's behavior
for goal setting.
The teacher welcomes your suggestions. Please feel free to share ideas and discuss concerns you have
with the program which are used to evaluate and develop curriculum.
Give full attention to the area for which you are responsible. Supervision of the children is the best
accident prevention. Your job is to allow the children to initiate and direct the activity as long as they
are not hurting themselves, another child, or equipment. You assist the children in their plan and
expand on their ideas by giving vocabulary, making parallel personal comments and adding thoughts, “I
wonder what would happen if.....” It is important to let the children know you are interested in what
they are doing. Other adults will guide and direct your child when he/she is in their area.
Avoid involved conversation with other adults while you are in the classroom. Please turn off all cell
phones while in class.
Allow children to make their own choices and move freely from one area to another. Encourage
children to put away the toys and materials that they have used. Describe where the toys go and when
they complete the task you could acknowledge with, “you got it.”
In order to help your child share your attention with all the other children, let him/her know that
he/she is very special to you. But while you are at school you have a job to do. If needed, allow your
child to take on a special job while at school; for example, sitting next to you at small group and passing
out the materials for small group.
If you cannot come on your work day you are responsible to have your spot filled by an emergency
substitute. Notify the teacher, after 8:00 AM, at school 527-3785. Any exchange in working days (such
as vacation) is your responsibility and please notify the teacher. The emergency substitute schedule is
for true emergencies that become known the day before or in the morning before preschool. It is not
for planned absences, such as a vacation or doctor’s appointment. Parents in need of an emergency
substitute should make phone contact with the assigned emergency sub no later than 8:00 am on their
assigned work day.
Snack Set-up Responsibilities
Snack Set-up is rotated on a weekly basis. Snack set-up means that you provide snack and staff the snack
table. You assist the children at the snack table, clean up after snack, wash art materials, wash play
dough utensils and help set up large motor equipment. Snack is a choice activity during Discovery so
snack set up starts when you arrive.
The snack table is bleached every morning. A spray bottle of bleach water is stored in the cabinet above
the sink along with extra bleach.
All food allergies will be posted in the kitchen. This is a nut free school. Please double check on food
Water pitchers set out so children may serve themselves.
Clean placemats are set out for children.
Announce that snack is ready and include what there is to eat.
Make sure children wash hands, “make bubbles with the hand soap.” Children get their placemat and
find a place at the snack table. Use verbal cues like, “One piece of fruit, two pieces of cheese and three
crackers.” Children are welcome to take seconds. Remind children that, “this is a snack not lunch.”
Encourage table manners by modeling them. Promote conversation between the children. Children
must stay at the snack table while eating. During this time adults may trade so they can have snack with
their child.
Children throw away their cups, napkins and wipe their space before leaving the snack table. The
children are to put their placemats on the used tray. That is how we tell who has had snack.
Children must wash their hands after snack.
Make an announcement that we only have 20 minutes left for snack. At 15 minutes before the end of
Discovery I will make the, “last call for snack” announcement. There might be a rush, let the children
take a serving and then remove the food. We do not want the children coming over to eat snack at clean
up time. No all the children will eat snack, but we do encourage them to eat.
Snack utensils washed in soapy water, rinsed and placed in dish rack then sprayed with bleach water
solution. Play dough utensils and art materials are cleaned up and placed in the art rack during music
circle. Make sure the kitchen is left neat and clean. Two other groups share this space with us.
The snack adult helps me set up large motor equipment along with the Block adult. Snack and Block
adults will put away all large motor equipment.
Keep an eye on both doors so that children do not wander off.
Words That Help
Note that we want to use positive statements. Tell the children what they can do. These are words that I
most often use in guiding children. I think this will be useful for you.
Don’t give the child a choice if there is no real choice. Instead of “Do you want to_________?” say “It’s
time to_______________.”
Instead of using good or bad when describing action. For positive actions say “You learned how
to_________.” or “You worked a long time on ___________.”
For negative actions say, “You can_______or________ but you can not _____.”
“What are the rules about________?” or “You forgot and_________.”
“Chairs are to sit on.”
“Tables are for snack and work.”
“You can _______or_______. If you can’t make a choice, I will help you.”
“We are gentle with people. Pushing is not gentle.”
“Your body is showing me that I will have to help you move.”
“When there is space I will come and get you.”
“Walk carefully when you carry paint.”
“Look at all the blue you used, you filled the entire page with blue.”
“That was an accident. The sponges are over there; you can clean it up.
Paint spilled intentionally, “Paint goes on the easel paper.” “The sponges are over there, you can clean
the paint off the floor.”
“Keep the _________in the sensory table.”
“If you throw the _________again, you will have to find somewhere else to work.”
“I’ll help you find someplace else to work.” (later invite the child back to the area)
“Towers are as tall as your chin.”
“We build with blocks here.”
“You can help rebuild Scott’s tower.”
“You crashed their work, come, I’ll help you find somewhere else to work.”
Circle Time:
“Now is the time to listen.”
“You can visit with your friend later.”
“Here’s a lap to sit on.”
“Here is your special spot.”
“I wonder what Teacher________ is going to say.”
“We use Preschool words for our songs.”
“You are having trouble sitting in the circle, you can go sit in the library or at the drawing table, when
you are ready to sit and sing you can come back.”
Sharing (Children at this age do not understand sharing, so try not to use that word, but instead describe
the process.):
Two want the same toy,
“She has the ball now, you can ask her to give it to you when she is finished.”
“When he has finished, it will be your turn. Now you can play with_____.”
You can say,”When you are finished, I want a turn.”
If a child hits or grab,
“John is using it now, it’s John’s turn. You can ask him for a turn when he is done.”
“I won’t let children get hurt.”
“I’ll help you find someplace else to work.”
“I know that you are mad, I understand that you want that __, but I won’t let you hurt someone.”
“You have to go somewhere else till you feel calm.”
“When if feel angry I count to ten and take a deep breath.”
Clean Up:
“It’s _pause_ ,time to clean up.”
“The blocks go on the shelf.”
“All the puzzles go on the shelf.”
“I see clothes on the floor.”
“Here’s the garbage can.”
Some of these suggestions come courtesy of : Sally Zuck-Jones, revised by Sharon Kovacs 6/82, revised
by Chris David 9/93, 7/97, 9/98, 7/02,8/04,8/05, 8/06
Rules for Preschool
Materials can’t be thrown.
A child can’t destroy another child’s work.
A child can’t hurt another child with hitting or words.
A child can’t hurt themselves.
Adults must focus on fun, pleasure, delight, accomplishments, and satisfaction.
Gross Motor Practices
Safety is our biggest concern during large motor time. Our attention is to be on the children at all times.
We want the children to take risks and test their physical abilities, but not to the point where they
endanger themselves or other people. Monitor all exits off the playground; we won’t know who might
wander away from the group.
When children are playing on the climbing structure at least two adults must be watching, the more
children more adult supervision. You must face the climbing structure, with hands ready to catch a child
who loses balance. Remember the children will have different abilities, so don’t assume the children
have all mastered climbing skills. The children are *not to jump off the structure. We only *slide down
the slide, no walking up the slide. Watch closely as the children climb up and down the structure.
*Wood chips and sand stay on the ground at all times. *No hula hoops or balls on the climbing structure.
*If a child pushes while on the climbing structure, he/she must find someplace else to play. “When
you’re ready to play without pushing, you can come back and play.” If you ever are alone by the climbing
structure with more than two children, get my attention. I will come to help or get someone else over
there right away. I will point out to adults the stations for specific supervision (climbing structures)
We have two different areas for outside play (The covered area for rainy day play and the
woodchip/grass play yard.) I provide diagrams for set up and supervision for each.
Any child riding a bike, *wears a helmet. *No crashing bikes into people, other bikes or things. At the
beginning of the year we give the children three reminders. After the third reminder, the child must find
somewhere else to play. When many children want to ride bikes we have children wait on at the waiting
spot. Children riding bikes will go around the playground 3 times and then come back to the waiting spot
(the steps) to let another child have a turn on the bikes.
Other outside options could be the basketball, hula-hoops or balls. Hula-hoops are not to be used to
catch or be thrown over people. We often put out bubbles, plastic bag kites, streamers or water and
Springtime always brings out the chasing games. The children love it up to a point. Children love to run
and chase but they don’t like to be grabbed or pushed down. That is when you give children words. “You
can say you don’t want to be chased anymore.” Or, “Don’t push me I don’t like it.” Or, “I don’t like it
when you grab me it hurts.” This is a good time to introduce “Duck, Duck, Goose” or “Freeze Tag” or
some other group games. *We take care not to hurt people in our preschool.
No jumping off the equipment, mats under all equipment in the covered area.
Adults supervise all climbing equipment *We only slide down. *No walking up the slide.
Rocking boat also must have adult supervision to make sure children are holding on tight.
No crashing bikes into people or things. RUN, JUMP, CLIMB, AND HAVE FUN.
Sick Child Criteria
“Each member is responsible to send his/her child to school in good health, and may not send him/her
to school with a fever, diarrhea, vomiting or contagious disease.”
Latona 3-5s Standing Rules, Section 11, Health & Safety
The following are guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), which
we ask all parents to consider before sending your child to school. The CDC considers these “Symptoms
Requiring Removal of a Child from the Child Care Setting”.
Fever – AND sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, irritability, or confusion. Fever is defined as
having a temperature of 100 degrees F or higher taken under the arm, 101 degrees F taken orally, or 102
degrees F taken rectally.
Diarrhea – runny, watery, or bloody stools
Vomiting – 2 or more times in a 24-hour period.
Body rash with fever.
Sore throat with fever and swollen glands.
Severe coughing – child gets red or blue in the face or makes high-pitched whooping sound after
Eye discharge – thick mucus or pus draining from the eye, or pink eye.
Yellowish skin or eyes.
Child is irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention that you can provide without hurting
the health and safety of other children in your care.
One more note, not covered by the CDC list, please keep your child home if he/she has
Started taking antibiotics in the last 24 hours.
Let’s have a happy and healthy school year!
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Each day the teacher is responsible for taking attendance. The attendance list will be on a clipboard and
will be kept on the wall to the right of the rear door.
Fire Escape Plan
Stay calm.
In the event of fire, the most important thing is to get all the children out as quickly as possible. The
parents in each activity area are responsible for the children in that area. Do not try to get to your own
child, but have faith in the other parents to help your child.
With an adult leading, have the children pair up and escort them through the rear door (east side of the
room), down the sidewalk and to the lower playground.
The teacher will take a head count and assign parent duties.
Earthquake Plan
Do not enter or leave the building during an earthquake.
If outdoors, move away from buildings and utility wires. Once in the open, stay there until the shaking
If indoors, the adult in each area will guide 4 or 5 children under the closest table using “Jack-in-theBox” position to cover the head. The adult goes under the table for safety and to comfort children. Hold
on to the table. Stay clear of windows, cupboards, and bookshelves.
Children must remain where they are and listen for direction. They should not run off to look for mom
and dad.
When initial quake subsides, check for injuries and give first aid. Each parent will call out how many
children are with them and their condition. The teacher will know who is at school that day.
Be prepared for aftershocks.
Turn on battery-operated radio to get the latest emergency bulletins and instructions from local
Be ready to leave the building when the school runner comes.
We will follow instructions implemented by Latona School (Seattle Public School District) staff.
Parents will come to school as soon as possible to pick up their own child/ren unless otherwise
instructed by the Seattle Public School District. Main switchboard: 206-298-7000.
We will maintain a safe adult to child ratio. Therefore, assisting adults will remain with children until
parents have come for them.
Role of the Board
The Board discusses the needs and concerns of the group. It handles topics that cover anything from
mousetraps to what to do when the entire group has been exposed to chickenpox! The officers of the
Board are special supporters of the co-op and keep attuned to areas that might need improvement or
situations that might be brewing discontent. This way any problem can be handled quickly and resolved,
and the co-op can move on in a positive way.
Composition: The co-op elects the officers for their group to serve approximately one year. The elected
officers usually include a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a parent coordinator, a treasurer, a PAC
representative, and a secretary. The elected officers, the co-op teacher and the Parent Educator
constitute the Board. The teacher and Parent Educator are non-voting members.
Initially, this Board will assume a major role in leadership in the group. The aim, however, is to involve
all group members in the planning and execution of the group program.
Frequency of Meetings: The Board generally meets once a month with meetings open to any member.
The meeting may be scheduled right after school, afternoons, or evenings, depending on the
convenience of the members.
Role: The Board functions primarily in an advisory capacity and only makes decision for the group in
accordance with the by-laws. For example, the Board must obtain group approval for determining
registration and tuition fees and in hiring a teacher. In addition, the Board serves as a clearinghouse for
ideas, reports, and concerns which any officer or individual member may have. Minutes are kept of all
board meetings and are available to all interested members.
Activities may include the following: Planning parent orientation, recommending equipment and supply
purchases, overseeing building and safety maintenance, assuring compliance with the Risk Management
Manual, proposing enrollment maximums for students and class times, being fiscally responsible,
recommending hiring procedures, paying teachers, informing non-board members of activities of the
Board, keeping records of all board activities, developing and proposing standing rule revisions, planning
for an easy transition period from year to year and staying in compliance with North Seattle Community
College Parent Education Program’s directives.
In addition to the work of the Board, each elected officer has a certain role and specific tasks to be
performed in the group. It is recommended that each officer keep a notebook to be passed on to
incoming officers.
Role of the Parent
As a participating parent, you have several responsibilities to the on-going co-op program, the teacher,
the parent educator, and the co-op board. The first step in becoming familiar with the co-op is to attend
orientation. You will also need written confirmation of negative TB status for yourself and a record of
current vaccinations for your child as required by the Washington State Health Regulations.
Ongoing School Responsibilities:
Work as an assisting teacher one school session per week.
Attend monthly parent meetings, which include co-op business and parent education lectures and
Sign up for a job for the co-operative functioning of the group. For example, you might choose to do
fundraising, scheduling, or newsletter, etc.
Responsibilities to the Teacher:
To become familiar with general classroom procedures. These include the schedule of the day, the
routines involved and the general guidelines of the class.
To be aware of the curriculum planned. To bring in materials as requested by the teacher (buttons, egg
cartons, old greeting cards, etc.).
To prepare and lead small group activities. This is an opportunity for parents to share their talents. The
most rewarding experience you will have when working in school will come from the children: getting to
know them, helping them to learn, and recognizing the individual personalities that emerge.
Other Responsibilities:
To the parent educator: Attend and participate in monthly parent meetings. Work in the classroom
practicing material learned in parent meetings.
To the co-op board: Share your concerns and give you opinions in a timely fashion. You may be asked to
assist the board by joining a special project committee, or by helping with general maintenance.
To your child: Help your child to become comfortable at school. You will have the support of the teacher
and the parent educator in doing this.
A few helpful hints to ensure your success at school:
Be on time to work.
Arrange for a substitute when you are unable to work on your assigned day.
Direct questions about the co-op to the parent coordinator, board chairperson, teacher or parent
Focus your attention on the children and their activities. Save adult conversation for later.
Remember to have a good time!
Chains of Communication
Information will be forwarded to members between meetings electronically. (e.g.,: field trip
information, meeting agendas and notes, school closures, health and safety notices, enrollment
information, etc.)
All members are expected to check e-mail frequently in order to stay informed.
Group e-mails will not be used for conflict resolution or as a method to reach group consensus.
Complaints or concerns related to any e-mail should be communicated directly to the member writing
the e-mail, the Board Chairperson, Parent Coordinator, Parent Educator, or Class Teacher.
If you have an issue or concern, what can you do?
Talk directly to the person you have the issue with
Talk to your Parent Educator
Talk to your Classroom Teacher
Talk to your assigned Board Buddy
Talk to anyone on the board
Reporting an illness
If you or your child comes down with a contagious disease (i.e.: chicken pox, impetigo, whooping cough,
etc.) or lice are found, you are to telephone both the teacher and the Health and Safety officer
immediately. Do not come to school.
Scholarship Information and Application Procedure
Partial scholarships for tuition are available from the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Scholarship fund and
the Latona 3-5’s Scholarship fund. Members in need of financial assistance must first submit a
scholarship application to PAC for each quarter assistance is needed. After a decision of eligibility is
made by PAC, a member still in need may apply for a Latona Scholarship. Applications for scholarships
are available in the classroom or from the Latona 3-5’s Treasurer. The confidentiality of scholarship
applicants will be maintained. The Treasurer is the only member who will know who is requesting funds.
All matters relating to scholarships brought before the Latona 3-5’s board will preserve the anonymity of
the applicants.
Scholarship funds are sometimes not distributed until well into the school year. Those applying for
scholarships need to pay monthly tuition until notified of official acceptance by the Latona 3-5’s
Treasurer. Fees not included in scholarship awards include NSCC quarterly tuition, registration fees, and
any extended day program fee.
How to Apply for Scholarship Funds:
Obtain the Parent Education Program/Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Scholarship Application Form from
the classroom (usually on the bulletin board or in the Scholarship Folder) or from the Latona 3-5’s
Treasurer each quarter.
Fill out the PAC form and add as many details as possible. Mail or hand deliver to the address listed on
the form by the due date. Application must be received on time. Every co-op member who applies for a
PAC scholarship is eligible to apply for a Latona scholarship.
The Treasurer will contact the applicants with the results of the PAC scholarship awards. If funds are still
needed, ask the Treasurer for Latona 3-5’s scholarship form. The form must be returned to the
Treasurer before the next scheduled board meeting.
The Treasurer will notify the applicant.
Signs the annual Parent Education Agreement between NSCC Human and Health Services
Program and the Preschool.
Oversees the business details of the Preschool and coordinates the planning that is necessary
for the operation of the cooperative.
Prepares agendas and presides at board and membership meetings.
Serves as liaison between the preschool and North Seattle Community College.
Oversees committees necessary for the operation of the preschool.
Coordinates pertinent activities and communicates with Latona Pre-3’s Preschool.
Ensures the preschool is responsive to and supportive of the teacher.
Coordinates preparation of letter of intent to the Teacher in February, stating the Preschool’s
intent and requesting input from the teacher if appropriate (see Article VI, Section 4, Standing
Attends parent education leadership workshops and classes when possible.
Knows and ensures compliance with the Risk Management requirements as defined in Section
10, Duties of the Vice Chair in the Standing Rules
Co-signs checks/contracts on behalf of the preschool.
Parent Coordinator
Facilitates registration according to Article II, Section 3 of the Standing Rules and as trained by
Coordinates and provides a Spring and Fall orientation to new members of the preschool.
Provides information about the nature of the program and assists parents with specific
Maintains waiting lists and responds in a timely manner to community inquiries.
Provides orientation and information to new members during the year (e.g. committee
notebooks, parent packets).
Provides information to and arranges observations for prospective members.
Serves as a liaison between members and the teacher. If conflicts arise, carries out action with
involved parties as determined by the Grievance Procedure outlined in the standing rules.
Initiates Contracts for Change/Dismissal proceedings if necessary.
Is available to assist individual parents if problems arise which affect the performance of their
Coordinates efforts with Pre-3’s Parent Coordinator (e.g. recruiting, advertising, telephone
Serves as part of the nominating committee for new officers as outlined in the Standing Rules,
Article V, Section 3. Selection Process.
Co-signs checks.
Keeps PAC updated regarding enrollment status.
Takes minutes of all Board meetings, prepares, copies, posts, distributes them to officers and
maintains them on file.
Takes minutes of all membership meetings, prepares, copies, prints, distributes them to officers
and members, and maintains them on file.
Prepares, reviews, and maintains files of correspondence.
Maintains attendance records of membership meetings and forwards to the Parent Educator.
Maintains good communication and coordination with the Pre-3’s group.
Issues notice of proposed amendments to the bylaws to all members.
Arranges, with Board input, for a location for Board meetings.
Keeps board updated on any correspondence dealing with the use of the preschool room.
Responsible for any further correspondence as necessary (e.g. thank you notes for excursions or
presentations, and informing NSCC of special events using Risk Management Manual form.
Coordinates hospitality efforts such as arranging donated meals to new mothers, purchasing
gifts, and suggesting/organizing social events or play dates during school breaks.
Co-signs checks.
Collects handouts for meeting absentees who gave advance notification.
Keeps a current roster of members and children and provides updated copies to members as
Signs the annual Parent Education Agreement between NSCC Child and Health Services Program
and the Preschool.
Maintains accurate financial records following the guidelines of the PAC treasurer’s consultant
and NSCC.
Maintains checking and savings accounts for the preschool. Sets up signature and contract forms
with the bank at the beginning of the term of office.
Co-signs checks on behalf of the preschool with another officer as designated by the bylaws.
Works with fundraiser to collect all fees and tuition, make timely deposits at least once per
month. Responsible for following up with any families who are not paying tuition as required.
Provides scholarship forms to members upon request and assists members in completing them
according to the guidelines of PAC and NSCC.
Promptly pays all bills and fulfills all tax requirements.
Provides a written monthly financial report to the Board, posts at preschool, and presents it to
members at each parent meeting.
Maintains good communication and coordination with the Pre-3’s group, billing the Pre-3s
Treasurer for agreed upon expenditures as described in the Working Agreement between
Latona 3-5s and Latona Pre-3s.
Prepares an annual budget at the beginning of the school year and a financial report at the close
of the preschool year. Prepares a projected budget in February for the following year for
distribution at the Spring Orientation meeting to be voted on by the parent group prior to
distribution at Spring Orientation.
Pays insurance coverage through WA State’s group policy.
Maintains a current inventory of preschool equipment for the purpose of clarifying ownership
and providing accurate data for insurance coverage. The inventory is updated in coordination
with the vice chair.
Attends all Treasurers’ Workshops sponsored by PAC and/or NSCC.
Arranges for an audit as needed or recommended by membership or NSCC.
Co-signs checks.
Parent Advisory Council Representative (PAC Rep)
Best if not a Monday worker.
Represents Latona 3-5s in the NSCC System.
Attends one PAC meeting each month to promote quality education for parents of preschool
children and to provide a communication network among other preschools in the system.
Arranges an alternate (Vice Chair) if unable to attend.
Assumes Board or Committee Position in PAC.
Brings any Latona parent concerns before PAC.
Explains to our preschool membership PAC decisions affecting us.
Assists the treasurer in providing PAC scholarship information to members.
Acts as liaison between the preschool and NSCC, PAC, and other affiliated preschools.
Coordinates appropriate activities with the Pre-3’s PAC Rep.
Co-signs checks.
Vice Chair
Subordinates the Chairperson’s responsibilities and substitutes in chairperson’s absence.
Acts as Health & Safety person with the following responsibilities:
Oversees the fulfillment of Preschool’s compliance with Risk Management manual, presenting
an overview of the requirements at the beginning of the school year to both the Board and the
Distributes, collects, and maintains files of various health related forms, specifically, WA State
Immunization form, (Parental) Consent for Emergency treatment, proof of negative TB. Note: All
emergency consent forms must have original signatures.
Collects and maintains emergency information cards showing parent’s phone numbers, child
allergies, physician and phone number, emergency contact person(s).
Maintains current CPR and First Aid certification. • Compiles a list for the check in/out clipboard
of each child and the adults approved as listed in their files to pick them up.
Instruct parents on the current health regulations requiring a TB test, chest X-ray, or other
confirmation of negative TB status from a health professional.
Oversees auto insurance forms for excursions by Field Trip Committee as required by Risk
Conducts parent education at the beginning of the school year regarding toy safety, fire and
earthquake drills, and location of phones.
Discusses first aid at school. Shows the first aid kit and emphasizes its location for quick access.
Maintains First Aid and Emergency Supply Kits by checking kit monthly and replenishing
Informs all new preschool members of all of the above when they join.
Attends PAC meetings when PAC Rep is unable to attend.
Arranges a telephone tree system within membership so all parents are relayed information and
reminders in a timely fashion. Initiates the phone tree when necessary.
Works with Treasurer to maintain a current inventory of preschool equipment.
Co-signs checks.
Fund Raising/Treasurer’s Assistant
Up to two positions (*See disclaimer)
Investigate various options for fund raising activities: present the pros and cons of each option
to co-op parents for group decisions; coordinate fund raising efforts and activities (i.e., sign-up
sheets, setting dates, providing instructions and directions, etc); keep records of monies spent
and earned in fund raising process, provide status reports as needed or requested to the parent
group at monthly meetings.
Work with Treasurer and parent group to determine fund raising goals
Work with Treasurer to collect and track monthly tuition and make deposits.
Teacher’s Aides – 4 positions
Obtain CPR and First Aid Certification and provide copy of certification to Vice Chair for files.
Free classes are given at NSCC during Fall Quarter.
Meet with Teacher in the beginning of the school year to discuss: o Role of the TAs in the
classroom General Risk Management guidelines.
One T.A. is to work each day of the week to assure that with the teacher there are 2 adults
certified in CPR and First Aid in the classroom.
Leading classroom tours at enrollment time.
Weekly classroom activities: o First aid provider if necessary
Substitute teacher if necessary.
Leading class out of classroom for fire and emergencies (and drills).
Making sure that the children are being checked in and out by parents or other approved person
listed in child’s file.
Stay with Teacher after class until last child is picked up.
Each TA will also take on one of the following jobs:
Cleaning Coordinator
 Before the start of the school year, organize and coordinate with the Latona Pre-Three’s the
September classroom cleaning and set-up; communicate with our 3-5s Teacher and the Pre3s to plan dates and times. Notify all members of the dates and times and coordinate
scheduling for cleaning and set-up. Ensure cleaning and set-up completion via on-site
participation and supervision. Follow this same process for mid-year cleaning during winter
break and year-end cleaning and classroom takedown. (Members will work either mid-year
or end of year clean up).
 At a scheduled parent meeting, conduct membership cleaning education, detailing member
responsibilities and location of supplies.
 Insure that the members on their scheduled cleaning rotation (this rotation is scheduled on
the monthly calendar by the calendar person) carry out cleaning duties. If necessary, remind
designated persons the week they clean. Consult with the Teacher for special cleaning
 Responsible for inventory of cleaning supplies and equipment. Notify the supply person to
purchase specific supplies as needed.
 Oversee maintenance of the vacuum cleaner and keep it in good working order.
Assistant to Parent Coordinator
 Duties may include photocopying and sending parent packets (fall & spring)
 Assisting the Parent Coordinator with enrollment tours, i.e. making sure there are
registration forms and information packets available
 Be available for open registration to assist the Parent Coordinator
Special Events Coordinator/Pet Care (if any)
 Planning and implementing of special events including but not limited to: • Halloween
Potluck – Create sign up sheets for members to provide food and kid’s activities. Set up
before and clean up after.
 Special Person’s Night – Invitations sent out beforehand. Help set up and participate during
event. Clean up after.
 End of Year Celebration – Reserve location. If using a picnic site through Seattle Parks
Department you can find the application online and it must be faxed or mailed in by the end
of February. Create sign up sheets for food and kids activities. Set up before and clean up
Routine care of classroom pets.
Classroom Organization
 Rotate checking the various areas of the classroom and storage throughout the month to
ensure all areas are checked monthly for neatness and organization. The areas of the room
include art supplies, table toys, cabinets, board games, toy shelves, supply rooms etc.
 Make playdough as needed.
 Inventory books and keep a current list of books in the library (or update existing one).
 Keep books organized according to subject matter for easy access.
 Distribute order forms for Scholastic Books. Collect orders with money from interested
parents and send for books. Distribute books/materials to each family via cubbies.
 Mend books as necessary and keep library area neat and organized.
Newsletter/Bulletin Board (*See Disclaimer)
The monthly newsletter is a means of conveying information to all co-op members after
monthly board meetings and prior to parent meetings.
Check with the Teacher for curriculum information to be included.
Solicit news, stories, ideas, photographs, art or recipes, etc. from parents and children to share.
Type, duplicate and distribute newsletter by placing it in classroom folders one week before
each parent meeting.
Supplies Coordinator (*See Disclaimer)
Meet with Teacher at the beginning of the school year for supply ordering and with the
Treasurer for budget and reimbursement information and procedure. Be prepared to do some
purchasing during the summer upon request.
In the beginning of the school year, purchase non-perishable snack to be kept in the classroom
and used as needed. This should be replenished by whoever uses it but must be monitored to
ensure availability.
Purchase supplies on a regular basis from lists complied by the Teacher, Cleaning Coordinator,
members and you. Put supplies away in their designated places.
Supplies to be purchased periodically throughout the year in bulk quantities at Price Club,
Costco, etc. Membership is helpful but not required.
As directed by the group, purchase bulk food and/or supplies for snack, emergency barrels, and
Scrapbook/Publicity/Photographer Up to 2 positions (*See Disclaimer)
Take individual and group pictures at the beginning, end and throughout the school year to
compile a scrapbook for each child to be presented at year’s end. (Receipts for film and supplies
must be presented to the Treasurer for reimbursement. See Treasurer regarding allowable
Arrange for and coordinate professional school photographs, individual and group.
Include pictures of individuals or special characters that make ongoing appearance and may
have significance for the children, such as teacher’s puppets, school animals, etc.
Consult with the Teacher to plan excursions so they are consistent with curriculum and group
interests. It is recommended that the year’s excursions be planned as far in advance as is
practical to ensure choice of dates and times.
Inform calendar and newsletter persons of dates of upcoming excursions before their
designated deadlines.
Provide co-op parents with specific information regarding mode of transportation, cost, etc.
Provide permissions slips and Emergency Medical Consent forms for signatures and collect prior
to trip (parent meetings are a convenient time for this).
Arrange carpool drivers with proper auto insurance coverage and driver’s licenses for each
excursion where private cars are needed as transportation. Emphasize that appropriate car
seats must be provided for and used by each child and that only children enrolled in the 3-5s
program may go on the excursion.
Submit field trip request form (see Risk Management Manual) to the NSCC Parent Ed Program
Coordinator and to the Instructor.
Coordinate “Thank you notes” with the Teacher. Thank You notes may be sent directly by you or
provided to the Board Secretary with the necessary names and addresses after each excursion.
Calendar (*See Disclaimer)
Compile information of daily school events into a monthly calendar to be distributed to
members at least one week prior to the month in question.
Contact the teacher for the monthly curriculum to be included with the calendar
Rotate all working parents through all workstations on a weekly rotation.
Rotate all working parents other than board members through classroom cleaning on
Note on each calendar: ”I am Special” days Parent Meetings, location and snack providers
Board meetings, location and snack providers. PAC Meetings and location Newsletter deadlines
Special events such as excursions and evening events. Scholarship application deadlines.
Curriculum information. Any other pertinent information.
Print copies of the calendar; distribute to members, Teacher, Parent Educator and post in the
classroom for general use.
Board Support Providers 2 Positions – Up to 3 positions (*See Disclaimer)
**It is best if one of the persons in this position is NOT a Monday worker, see below.
Position holder will have the duty of being a board support person each month and if needed
will set up a schedule for parents to do board support throughout the year for the monthly
board meetings.
**Provide board support for the PAC Representative (usually every 2nd Monday of the month
September through May). It is best if this person is not a Monday worker and can either work
for the PAC Representative one Monday per month if the PAC rep is a Monday worker, or
provide child care for PAC rep’s other children (if any) one Monday morning per month.
For board meetings, a minimum of two registered member adults shall be present. The ratio of
children to adults shall be 2:1 for children under 18 months, 3:1 for children 18-35 months old,
and 5:1 for children 3-5 years old, which conforms to policies in the Risk Management Manual.
*Disclaimer – Positions noted with a disclaimer are subject to change. Please note if you are in a position
notating a disclaimer you may be asked to give up your position in order to fill another or combine your
job with another should someone leave the co-op, and it is determined that the person leaving will not
be replaced by a new member.