Latona Co-operative Preschool Parent Handbook Pre-3s, 3-5s, Multi Age Classes

Latona Co-operative Preschool
Parent Handbook
Pre-3s, 3-5s, Multi Age Classes
Last updated May 3, 2016
North Seattle Community College 9600 College Way North, Room 1304
Seattle, WA
Classroom Phone: 206.934.3785
Insert Table of Contents
Role of the Parent
As a participating parent/guardian, you have several responsibilities to the on-going co-op program, the
teacher, the parent educator, and the co-op board. The first step in becoming familiar with the co-op is
to attend orientation. You will also need a record of current vaccinations for your child as required by
the Washington State Health Regulations.
Ongoing School Responsibilities:
Work as an assisting teacher one class session per week in the class your child/ren are enrolled in.
Attend monthly parent meetings, which include co-op business and parent education.
Sign up for a job for the co-operative functioning of the group. For example, you might choose to do
fundraising, scheduling, or treasurer, etc.
Responsibilities to the Teacher:
To become familiar with general classroom procedures. These include the schedule of the day, the
routines involved and the general guidelines of the class.
To be aware of the curriculum planned. To bring in materials as requested by the teacher.
To prepare and lead small group activities, as is relevant for your particular class. This is an opportunity
for parents/caregivers to share their talents. The most rewarding experience you will have when
working in school will come from the children: getting to know them, helping them to learn, and
recognizing the individual personalities that emerge.
Other Responsibilities:
To the parent educator: Attend and participate in monthly parent meetings. Work in the classroom
practicing material learned in parent meetings.
To the co-op board: Share your concerns and give your opinions in a timely fashion. You are responsible
for assisting the board by participating in classroom set up, clean up, yard work, or by helping with
general maintenance.
To your child: Help your child to become comfortable at school. You will have the support of the teacher
and the parent educator in doing this.
A few helpful hints to ensure your success at school:
Be on time to class, especially on your work day.
Arrange for a substitute when you are unable to work on your assigned day. Each class has policies
about how this works.
Direct questions about the co-op to the parent coordinator, board chair, teacher or parent educator.
Focus your attention on the children and their activities. Save adult conversation for later.
Remember to have a good time!
Parent Agreement Contract
As an enrollee of Latona Preschool under the direction of North Seattle College, I understand that my
duties and responsibilities will be as follows:
Attend any orientation meetings as necessary during the school year.
Attend regular monthly parent meetings as scheduled. I understand that if I miss a meeting I must
arrange with the parent educator for a substitute activity. I must also be responsible for obtaining all the
information passed out at the meeting and review the meeting minutes.
To work one day each week as an assistant to the teacher, or to arrange a substitute in the event I am
unable to attend.
To clean the preschool on a rotating basis, excluding board members, as scheduled.
To register and pay the North Seattle College tuition quarterly and pay my monthly preschool tuition at
the regular monthly parent meeting, with the understanding that we pre-pay May’s tuition in full by the
November parent meeting.
To provide 30 days written notice of intent to withdraw from the co-op, and to fulfill all duties including
payment during that time.
Be in good health and check child for any signs of illness. Refer to the “Health Policy” in the Parent
Handbook to determine if child is well enough to attend school.
Parents must show proof of child’s immunization as required by state law by completing the current
immunization record forms according to the instructions provided and returning the forms to the Parent
Coordinator when your child starts attending class.,
Fulfill the duties of your assigned co-op job or as a board member of the co-op.
Participate in two general cleaning days per school year.
Be prompt in arriving and departing preschool and meetings.
Participate in events scheduled with Latona Preschool.
Submit all forms by the first day you and your child attend class (MANDATORY).
Participate in co-op fundraisers, as needed. Each family is required to raise a minimum of $50 for
multiage, $80 for Pre-3s, and $120 for 3-5s.
Read and abide by Latona Standing Rules and Handbook..
To be responsible for joining the online group site and check/read messages regularly. Any members
without computer access can make alternative arrangements with the board and teacher.
Commitment Calendar
Outlined are the participation and financial commitments requested of Latona
Co-op parents.
There may be additional requirements as needed or agreed upon by the parents
Latona Co-op Tuition: See Tuition Schedule on next page
NSC Tuition: Approximately $48 per quarter (TBD by NSC)
Registration for School year: $40 Annual Registration Fee
Latona and PAC Fundraisers: Participate in class fundraiser and/or directly donate funds (minimum
Assistant teacher
Class job for entire school year
Parent Education Meetings
2 hours, one evening each month
Board Meetings – Board members
Latona and PAC Fundraisers
Participate in class fundraiser and/or directly
donate funds (minimum $80/$35/$120)
Classroom Cleaning - Board members excluded
School Set-up, Mid-Year OR Year End Cleaning
Work one 2- 2-1/2 hour shift
Orientation Meeting for New School Year
Returning members and board members only
Tuition Schedule
Tuition at Latona is due one month in advance at monthly parent meetings. September tuition is due at
the spring orientation meeting, usually in held in May. Upon withdrawal before the school year begins,
the Treasurer must be notified by August 1st for tuition refund. After August 1st, tuition is not
May tuition will be pre-paid in two consecutive installments (October & November) in order to
guarantee the Teacher's May salary. If this is a financial concern, please work with the Treasurer to
make other arrangements. May pre-pay is non-refundable upon withdrawal.
Sept. 2014
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
Oct. 2014
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
Nov. 2014
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
Dec. 2014
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
Jan. 2015
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
Feb. 2015
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
Mar. 2015
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
Apr. 2015
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
May 2015
Pre-3s $88
3-5s (3 d) $140
3-5s (4 d) $188
Multi-Age $55
* NSC tuition and parking pass are subject to change.
Explanation of Fees
$40.00 Non-refundable registration fee payable when you join, check made out to Latona Co-op
$88/140/188/55 Monthly Tuition September through May, check made out to Latona Co-op Preschool
$48.00 NSCC tuition per quarter, paid online
$16.00 Optional additional NSC tuition for a second participating family member (if the person
participates in the evening or day class more than 2 days a quarter), paid online
$50.00 Optional parking pass for NSC, purchased quarterly in September, December and March; day
parking permits available in advance at the Cashier’s Office/College Center Bldg. or at the kiosk
Additional Cost: Each family is required to raise/pay a minimum of $80 for Pre3s/$120 for 3-5s/$50 for
Multi-Age for fundraising. These fundraising amounts include a $35 per student PAC contribution that is
required to sustain PAC and the scholarship system. This fee is billed directly to the preschool from
Direct payments for fundraising (donations) to preschool are tax-deductible, a receipt is available from
the Treasurer.
Scholarship Applications
PAC Scholarship
The purpose of the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Scholarship Fund
( is to help families who need assistance in
meeting the tuition costs in our cooperative program. The maximum amount awarded to any family
would be up to 70% of the tuition costs during a college quarter. Scholarships are only for the tuition of
the quarter requested and cannot be applied to prorated May costs or registration fees. If a family
receives scholarship for May tuition, a refund will be given provided other financial expectations have
been met.
The co-op treasurer completes and signs the treasurer section of the application form and makes it
available to class members. Applicants complete the remainder of the form. Please note that the more
details you can provide concerning your financial position, the easier it is for the PAC scholarship
committee to fully consider your request.
Applications are submitted quarterly and must be mailed or hand-delivered to the North Seattle College
Health and Human Services Division by the following deadlines (address is on the form):
Fall Quarter:
3rd Friday of September
Winter Quarter :
1st Friday of December
Spring Quarter:
1st Friday of March
Applications will be evaluated by PAC on the basis of financial need. Notification of the award will be
emailed to the co-op treasurer who will inform applicants of the results.
Latona In-House Scholarship
In-house scholarships (limited to 25% of tuition) are also available for families not able to meet tuition
costs. If a family receives a PAC Scholarship, they are automatically eligible for in-house scholarship,
depending on the co-op budget.
Application forms for the PAC scholarships can be obtained from your treasurer.
Cleaning Responsibilities
Daily Cleaning Schedule Is this up to date? I wonder if we should take this section out and just say “Fulfill
cleaning duties as assigned on your work day, following the guidelines for your class posted in the
Two parents have the task of doing daily cleaning, which should take no more than 15-20 minutes after
class? Seems this happens during outside play, by the snack person?. Cleaning assignments are posted
on the bulletin board by the entry way and on the bulletin board by the daily job assignment board.
Cleaning supplies are above the sink in the kitchen and towels can be found in the laundry room.
Brooms/dustpans are by the kitchen counter. The vacuum cleaner is in the back room across from the
laundry machines.
Daily cleaners are also responsible for helping put away toys outside during gross motor play that the
class as a whole has not had time to put away before returning inside.
Vacuum carpeted floor (Tuesday and Wednesday mornings only)
Sweep linoleum floor as needed for safety (Campus facilities cleans each evening)
Spray down counters and table tops with bleach solution and let sit (after children leave).
Spray bleach on toys in the “mouthed toys” bin, allow to air dry on a towel on the kitchen counter.
Put away any left over dishes, etc…, in the kitchen sink and on counter.
Help with any additional cleaning needed.
Spray down all the plastic food toys with bleach solution and let sit for 1 minute. Spread out to dry on
clean towels laid on the kitchen counter, leave over the weekend to dry. Wash out the bins with hot
soapy water and let air dry.
Sweep linoleum floor.
Empty out vacuum cleaner.
Spray down counters and table tops with bleach solution and let sit (after children leave).
Put away any left over dishes, etc…, in the kitchen sink and on counter.
Help with any additional cleaning needed.
Special cleaning procedures are required if there is a lice infestation. Please refer to the Health and
Safety section on Lice Procedure.
Every parent in the co-op is required to attend two general all-school cleanings or yard work party
which occur at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.
Chains of Communication
Information will be forwarded to members between meetings electronically. (e.g.,: field trip
information, meeting agendas and notes, school closures, health and safety notices, enrollment
information, etc.)
All members are expected to check e-mail frequently in order to stay informed.
Group e-mails will not be used for conflict resolution or as a method to reach group consensus.
Complaints or concerns related to any e-mail should be communicated directly to the member writing
the e-mail, the Board Chairperson, Parent Coordinator, Parent Educator, or Class Teacher.
If you have an issue or concern, what can you do?
Talk directly to the person you have the issue with
Talk to your Parent Educator
Talk to your Classroom Teacher
Talk to your assigned Board Buddy
Talk to anyone on the board
Parent Education Commitment
Parent Education is an important component of your involvement in the co-op. Once a month in the
evening at the parent meeting, the parent educator will lead a discussion or prepare a presentation
that relates to your role as the parent of a 2-3 or 3-5 year-old child. Sometimes the topics come out of
issues in the classroom, sometimes from developmental issues that are typical of twos and threes –
language, tantrums, toilet training, emotional growth, temperament, and setting limits. Oftentimes, the
topics are generated by parents. These meetings are mandatory to receive a passing grade in the
college class in which you are enrolled.
Once per week, on a rotating basis, the parent educator attends class, to observe and participate in the
classroom, while being available as a resource to parents/caregivers. Contact information is also
provided on the roster for individual check ins.
The parent educator also serves as a resource/advisor to the co-op board, and partners with the teacher
to create a healthy, fun and age-appropriate classroom experience.
Health & Safety Policies
Allergy Policy
The Health and Safety Officer must be informed of any allergies that children have, and these
will be listed on the board in the kitchen for each class. When children have a documented,
severe allergy to any foods, these foods will be restricted from the school, including all classes.
The parent must also complete the allergy form from the Risk Management Manual with
doctor’s instructions regarding the allergy symptoms and steps to take in case of a reaction.
Family’s may leave an Epi-pen prescribed for their child with doctor’s permission and
instructions for use. (proposed policy for ASB to review)
Illness Policy
“Each member is responsible to send his/her child to school in good health, and may not send him/her
to school with a fever, diarrhea, vomiting or contagious disease.”
Symptoms that should keep you or your child home are:
Fever is defined as having a temperature of 100 degrees F or higher taken under the arm, 101 degrees F
taken orally, or 102 degrees F taken rectally.
Diarrhea – runny, watery, or bloody stools
Vomiting – 2 or more times in a 24-hour period.
(Child may return after 24 hours without a fever, diarrhea or vomiting. )
Body rash with fever.
Sore throat with fever and swollen glands.
Severe coughing – child gets red or blue in the face or makes high-pitched whooping sound after
Eye discharge – thick mucus or pus draining from the eye, or pink eye.
Yellowish skin or eyes.
Started taking antibiotics in the last 24 hours.
Contagious skin eruptions; unusual rashes not associated with diapering, heat or allergies.
Any evidence of lice.
Any condition requiring one-on-one care.
If It Is Your Work Day, Find A Substitute! (Pre3 and 3-5 classes)
The emergency sub list is only for last minute situations such as illness. Please plan ahead if you need to
be out for a vacation, doctor’s appt., etc.
If you have a last minute emergency or illness, please call the emergency sub parent before 9:00am
Does this time vary per class?. Check the emergency sub list. If you can’t reach them, please call the
classroom phone after 9:00am (do not leave a message, try to reach the teacher in class). Do the
teachers prefer a text?
Call parents on the roster who are able/willing to work.
Email the group and let them know that you will be out sick today.
Sickness, Medications, Immunizations
The co-op classes follow the Risk Management Manual provided by OPEP to maintain health and safety
and maintain compliance with the Liability Insurance requirements. A copy is provided in the kitchen
and is posted on the PAC website if any questions arise. The following are a few guidelines which we ask
all parents to consider before sending your child to school.
Longstanding Medical Problems
Parents should make known to the teacher any medical problems the child might have such as an
allergy, asthma, epilepsy, etc. In the case of allergy, especially a food allergy, this information should be
given to the teacher, the chair, and the health and safety officer, in order that they might alert those
preparing snacks to omit a certain food.
Sickness at School
Any child who becomes ill while at school should be taken out of the environment at once. (ie: vomiting
or running a fever) In case of accident or sudden illness which would require immediate medical
attention and if the parent cannot be reached, the emergency contact will be called, and 911 if
necessary. In the case of an illness which would not normally require medical attention and in the event
that the parent/caregiver cannot be reached, the child will remain at school but out of contact with the
other children.
Any child on medication which might have an effect on the behavior pattern of the child should be
brought to the attention of the teacher in order that she might understand the child’s new situation and
prepare to deal with it appropriately. Only the parent/guardian may administer any medication, oral or
topical, unless there is a written permission form from the child’s doctor.
A record of immunization must be given to the health and safety officer by the first day of class.
When to wash hands (mandatory, washing with soap in sink):
Upon arrival at school
When coming in from outside play time
Prior to handling or eating any food
After using the toilet or helping a child use the toilet.
After changing a diaper the adult and child both.
After blowing, wiping, or picking nose.
If you or your child comes down with a contagious disease (i.e.: chicken pox, impetigo, whooping cough,
etc.) or lice are found, you are to telephone both the teacher and the Health and Safety officer
immediately. Do not come to school.
Most common diseases: chicken pox, conjunctivitis, skin conditions (head lice), impetigo
Less common diseases: mumps, rubella, pinworms, measles, whooping cough, meningitis, hepatitis
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Each day the teacher is responsible for taking attendance. The attendance list will be on a clipboard and
will be kept on the wall to the right of the rear door. It is important that caregivers sign the children in
and out so that we are all aware of the number of children in the classroom at all times.
Fire Escape Plan
Get all children out as quickly as possible. The adults in each activity area are responsible for the
children in that area. Do not try to get your own child, but trust that other adults will help him or her.
With an adult leading, have the children pair up and escort them through the East door then down the
driveway and across the north parking lot. We will gather in the open field north of the north parking
lot, across N. 100th Street.
For Fire Drills: The teacher will lead the class to the designated meeting spot outside of the building. All
kids must be holding hands with an adult or holding hands in a group with an adult.
The teacher will take a head count and assign parent duties as needed.
Earthquake Plan
If outdoors, move away from building and utility wires. Stay in an open area until shaking stops.
If indoors, the adult in each area will guide 4-5 children under the closest table using “Jack-in-the-box”
position to cover the head. The adult goes under the table for safety and to comfort the children. Hold
on to the table. Stay clear of the windows, cabinets, or bookshelves.
Children remain where they are and listen for direction. They should not run off to look for their
parent/caregiver or hide.
When initial quake subsides, check for injuries and give first aid. Each adult will call out how many
children are with them and their condition. The teacher will know who is at school that day.
Be prepared for aftershocks.
Turn on battery operated radio located in earthquake bins to get emergency information from local
NSC instructions regarding evacuation will be followed. Teacher will take the earthquake bin. If NSC
informs us via their safety runner to evacuate the building, the class will gather in the same open field
used for fire escapes.
Parents/caregivers may come to North Seattle College as soon as possible to pick up their children.
We will maintain a safe adult to child ratio. Therefore assisting adults will remain with children until
parents have come for them.
Lice Procedures and Responsibilities (I think we should put this whole lice section in the back as an
appendix, as it seems either discouraging or boring to read thru as a new parent)
Parent’s Responsibility
When a case of head lice is discovered on your child or yourself, please check all members of the family
and treat affected parties. DO NOT come to school until all the lice are gone.
Report the case of head lice to your teacher and Health & Safety person immediately. Your anonymity is
assured. You are asked to report the head lice so that the school can be cleaned to prevent the head lice
from spreading to others. If you have ay questions or concerns, direct them to the teacher or Health &
Safety person.
After a report of head lice, all children and attending parents should be checked at home daily for head
lice for two weeks.
When a case of head lice is reported, the teacher will notify the Chairperson and Health & Safety person
of the affected class, the teachers of the other two classes, and NSC instructors for all cooperative
groups using the space.
The teacher will distribute a letter/email to all parents attending the next school session. This letter
should answer specific questions that the parents may have.
On the day that a case of head lice is reported, the Health & Safety person will make sure that members
are notified by telephone or email.
The Health & Safety person of the affected group will arrange for the immediate cleaning of the facility.
Every effort will be made to clean the facility before the room is used next, thus assuring an uninfested
school for groups attending the next class. The Health & Safety person is responsible for informing the
cleaning team of the “Cleaning Procedure for Head Lice Infestation” (appears below).
The Health & Safety person will call the class chairperson to confirm that the cleaning is complete.
The class chair will notify the other class chairs by telephone, so that ALL members of ALL groups using
the facility can be notified. The purpose of this call is to notify members that a case of head lice has been
reported, and to instruct them to check for head lice.
LICE: Classroom Procedures
Following a reported case of head lice:
Outdoor clothes of children and adults will be kept in airtight plastic bags each day for two weeks.
There will be daily head checks by parents at home.
The infested person must be nit-free before returning to class.
Cleaning Procedure for Head Lice Infestation
Wash ALL rugs and mats, if possible. Otherwise, vacuum all rugs and mats CAREFULLY! This requires a
good vacuum with a beater bar. Vacuum cleaner bags are to be discarded after each use.
Wipe down cubbies and coat hanging areas with regular cleaning supplies.
Wash all dress-up clothes and library pillows in hot water (at least 130°F) for 20 minutes, and dry in a
hot dryer or press with an iron. Remove from the environment for two weeks after last infestation.
Bag all hats and non-washable play clothes in tied plastic bags for 30-35 days.
Wash art aprons thoroughly after each use with soap and water, concentrating on neck and should area.
Ask teacher to list items that have been used that may spread infestation (beauty shop items, etc.).
Wash, bag, or vacuum as needed.
We have 3 classes:
Latona Pre3 – Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-11:30am
Latona 3-5 – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-11:45am for all, Tuesday 12:00-3:00pm for preK
Latona Multiage Evening – Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm
Class Schedules and Your Role as an Assistant Teacher – Particular Class Information will
be provided at your class orientation
Pre 3s Class
Daily Schedule Pre-3s
Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:30 – 11:30am
9:30 – 10:15
Free Choice
10:15 – 10:20 Clean up
10:20 – 10:35 Circle Time
10:35 – 10:55 Snack/Small Group (starts mid-year)
10:55 – 11:20 Gross Motor/Outdoor
11:20 – 11:30 Closing Circle/Farewell
3-5 Class Schedule:
Discovery & Snack
Welcome Circle Time
Small Group
Outside/Large Motor
Goodbye Circle Time
Multiage Class Schedule:
Preschool Procedures
ARRIVAL – Always sign your child(ren) in and out; required for safety guidelines
Please be prompt. Being prompt allows children to have smoother transitions and gives them enough
time to play.
The safety of the children depends on all working adults being there on time to supervise.
If your child is experiencing separation anxiety, please feel free to stay until your child feels comfortable.
When you do decide to leave, tell your child you will be back to pick them up. Give them a hug and then
leave. If you seem unsure about leaving, they will pick up on it and feel more anxious themselves. It can
be helpful to have a designated adult keep an eye out for them if they seem anxious. Finally, crying is
not at all unusual! Children usually stop crying minutes after their parent leaves. If your child is
distressed for a prolonged period, we will call you.
Please do not distract working parents when you drop off your child. Adult conversation should be kept
to a minimum.
Be sure to dress your children appropriately for the weather. We go outside in cold weather. Have kids
wear shoes that have traction so they are safe for climbing. Please avoid necklaces, hoods, big flowing
skirts. Please keep a complete change of clothes (along with diapers, if not using the potty) in your
child’s cubby in case they get wet or have an accident.
Plastic gloves most be worn when changing diapers.
Children need two adults (if it is your child, you may go alone) when using the toilets or changing
diapers. They must wash hands after using the toilet.
All soiled diapers must go home, not be disposed in the classroom. Thanks!
The first aid kit is located on the far kitchen wall, to the right of the chalkboard.
The kitchen area is off-limits to children. Please do not let your child hang out in there if you are
prepping snack.
Be very conscientious when supervising children outside. Balls quickly roll away. Please limit adult
conversation. Watch for “runners” from the playground.
Children need a parent-authorized adult with them to leave the classroom. It is especially important for
us to watch children so they do not leave the classroom without an adult. If an adult has not arrived for
a child, he/she will wait in the cozy area/library. The TA and the teacher must remain in the classroom
until all the children have been picked up. Please be on time so you will not inconvenience another
parent and child. In the rare case that you are going to be late, please call so we can make
arrangements. Adults sign your child out at the end of the day. Please fill out an Emergency Release
Form if someone other than a coop member is picking up your child. A picture ID from any non-coop
adult picking up children must be presented.
For the safety of the children:
No cell phone conversations in the classroom or when supervising children outdoors. If you need to
have your phone with you in case of emergency, please keep it on vibrate. If you must take a call, please
make sure another adult covers your area and leave the classroom to talk.
No hot beverages in the classroom, please.
Supervise children at all times.
Rules for preschool or Our Classroom Ideas
We treat ourselves with care and respect
We treat each other with care and respect
We treat our school with care and respect
We treat the Earth with care and respect
Joy is a choice, and at Latona, we choose JOY!!!!
Play Area Guidelines
As assistant teacher in the school setting one day a week, the adult supervises various curriculum areas,
provides snack on rotation, helps children develop self-help skills, plans and presents small group
learning activities (when set up as part of the curriculum/schedule for the class), facilitates children in
developing social relationships, and observes children's behavior for goal setting.
The teacher welcomes your suggestions. Please feel free to share ideas and discuss concerns you have
with the program which are used to evaluate and develop curriculum.
Give full attention to the area for which you are responsible. Supervision of the children is the best
accident prevention. Your job is to allow the children to initiate and direct the activity as long as they
are not hurting themselves, another child, or equipment. You assist the children in their plan and
expand on their ideas by giving vocabulary, making parallel personal comments and adding thoughts, “I
wonder what would happen if.....” It is important to let the children know you are interested in what
they are doing. Other adults will guide and direct your child when he/she is in their area.
Avoid involved conversation with other adults while you are in the classroom. Please turn off all cell
phones while in class.
Allow children to make their own choices and move freely from one area to another. Encourage
children to put away the toys and materials that they have used. Describe where the toys go and when
they complete the task you could acknowledge with, “you got it.”
In order to help your child share your attention with all the other children, let him/her know that
he/she is very special to you. But while you are at school you have a job to do. If needed, allow your
child to take on a special job while at school; for example, sitting next to you at small group and passing
out the materials for small group.
With this very popular area, you will be doing a lot of talking about materials staying INSIDE the sensory
table. “Beans stay inside the table”, “the cornmeal stays inside the cup”, “this is for pouring, not
Encourage children to ask each other for an item. Offer duplicates to children in conflict.
Keep floor clean so area does not become too slippery.
Playdough is wonderful for pounding, poking, cutting, squeezing, rolling, etc. Encourage exploration
rather than creating items for the children.
Clean up Time: Empty material into its bucket, usually under the table. Two stoppers are placed into the
plug. Watch for dropped play dough on the carpet and floor.
Check the monthly calendar on the bulletin board to see what the project will be.
Aprons are available.
Art is a process, a feeling, experimentation, etc. so we don’t stress the end product. They will do things
their way!
Comment on what the child is doing (ie: “the line goes off the page” or “you are using a big brush”).
Ask child where he/she would like their name written on project, otherwise label on back of artwork.
Place wet pictures on the drying rack.
Clean up Time: All items to be washed are washed in the kitchen sink and set to dry in the art drying rack
(1st rack between sink and refrigerator). Art supplies should be returned to their proper places. Tables,
chairs, easels, and floor wiped clean, if necessary.
Help children get started playing with materials on block rug. Seeing you play will encourage them.
Adults may get out extra accessories but too many will be overwhelming.
Children may need help taking turns.
If a child destroys another child's work (crashes down a tower); say, “Look at Jenny’s face, I can see that
she is sad about you knocking down her tower.” Redirect child to help rebuild or work somewhere else
on the rug, “You can help rebuild the tower.” “Let’s all do it together.” or “You can work with these
blocks over here.” And finally.. “If you continue to knock over other children’s towers, you will have to
move to a different play area until you are calm and ready to follow the rules in the block area.” If the
child continues to destroy other’s work follow up on what you said.
At clean-up, adults encourage children to participate, mostly describe where the blocks go or offer
choices like “Will you do cars or square blocks?”
Role play with children following their lead; cook dinner, feed babies, phone other family members.
Allow children to play/explore as they wish.
There is a lot of “tidying” up to do here. This area is more inviting when it looks rather neat.
Work with children at the tables.
Try to involve another child if the toy is better suited for sharing.
Adults may get out other toys for play, especially from the cabinet.
Clean up Time: Put table toys in their proper places. (The teacher usually indicates where they should
Read, read, read to the children.
Help them find a book to share or to find a book for themselves.
Clean up Time: straighten up books on the shelves.
Help get toys outside and stay alert to safety issues.
Clarify expectations: Climb ladders and slide feet first. Up the ladder, down the slide.
Wear shoes in the playground area, preferably non-skid shoes.
In poor weather, large motor play will be in covered porch area.
Close supervision is necessary during large motor play. Be ready for any missteps. Adults should
encourage safe play. If you observe something that does not seem safe, stop the activity and please tell
the teacher or parent educator.
Stations for outdoor play may be assigned on your class schedule. However, if you forget to look to see
where you are supposed to be, please do not run back inside to check. Just spread out, watch kids, if you
see a need, fill the need. Look out for the safety of the children.
TOYS & GAMES, MATH & LITERACY TABLE Everyone in our class gets to have their own space and do
their own work. We expect for children to respect another child’s work. If the boundaries get crossed,
you might say, “We ask before we touch another’s work.” “I can see by his face that and he is sad that
you moved his puzzle.”
MUSIC & MOVEMENT is often a group experience, but at times it may be an individual, pair or small
group experience indoors or outdoors. In the space between the blocks and dramatic play area there
may be planned experiences at times. Sometimes instruments or other movement materials such as
scarves may be used outdoors.
Often simple breathing exercises such as pretending we are balloons or a limp doll can be fun ways to
help children who you notice may be increasingly stressed to relax in a positive and fun way.
Singing happens anytime at Latona! Sing out!
Snack guidelines should be posted in kitchen and given out along with the specific guidelines for each
class at orientation; or perhaps included in the appendix of this document?
Tips for Parents While Working In the Classroom
Listen and talk to the children. Encourage the use of language between the children.
Learn and use the name of each child as soon as possible.
Use positive statements, tell children what to do rather than what not to do. “Let’s keep the popcorn on
the table” vs. “Don’t throw the popcorn on the floor”
Give choices, but only when the child has a choice.
Instead of “Do you want to ----?” say “It’s time to ----,” when there is not a choice.
Distraction still works sometimes, also offering a similar type of toy when there is a dispute.
Kneel or sit on chairs or the floor when interacting with children, get down to their level.
Get activity going in your area as quickly as possible. You are the guardian of your area, help keep it safe
and fun.
Ask for help if you start feeling overwhelmed.
Focus on the joy of being with the children and enjoying together accomplishments big and small.
Avoid talking about a child in her/his presence.
When children are working or playing well, do not interfere – just observe and perhaps add to or
provide resources when appropriate.
Utilize positive guidance techniques in the classroom.
Role of the Board
The Board discusses the needs and concerns of the group. The officers of the Board are special
supporters of the co-op and keep attuned to areas that might need improvement or situations that
might be brewing discontent. This way any problem can be handled quickly and resolved, and the co-op
can move on in a positive way.
Composition: The co-op elects the officers for their group to serve approximately one year. The elected
officers for each class include the All School Board, as outlined below, and usually include a class chair,
health & safety officer, a parent coordinator, a treasurer, a PAC representative, and a secretary. The
elected officers, the co-op teacher and the Parent Educator constitute the Board. The teachers and
Parent Educators are non-voting members.
Initially, this Board will assume a major role in leadership in the group. The aim, however, is to involve
all group members in the planning and execution of the group program.
Frequency of Meetings: The Board generally meets once a month with meetings open to any member.
The meeting may be scheduled right after school, afternoons, or evenings, depending on the
convenience of the members.
Role: The Board functions as the leaders of the co-op in maintaining its nonprofit status and fiscal
responsibilities, and in an advisory capacity in which it makes decisions for the group in accordance with
the by-laws/standing rules. For example, the Board must obtain group approval for determining
registration and tuition fees and in hiring a teacher. In addition, the Board serves as a clearinghouse for
ideas, reports, and concerns which any officer or individual member may have. Minutes are kept of all
board meetings and are available to all interested members.
Activities may include the following: Planning parent orientation, recommending equipment and supply
purchases, overseeing building and safety maintenance, assuring compliance with the Risk Management
Manual, proposing enrollment maximums for students and class times, being fiscally responsible,
recommending hiring procedures, paying teachers, informing non-board members of activities of the
Board, keeping records of all board activities, developing and proposing standing rule revisions, planning
for an easy transition period from year to year and staying in compliance with North Seattle College
Parent Education Program’s directives.
In addition to the work of the Board, each elected officer has a certain role and specific tasks to be
performed in the group. It is recommended that each officer keep a notebook to be passed on to
incoming officers.
Board & Committee Positions
Latona Co-op All School Board Positions
(Representatives from the pre3, 3-5 and evening multiage classes)
All School Chairperson
• Signs the annual Parent Education Agreement between NSC Human and Health Services Program and
the Preschool.
• Oversees the business details of the Preschool and coordinates the planning that is necessary for the
operation of the cooperative.
• Prepares agendas and presides at board meetings.
• Serves as liaison between the preschool and North Seattle College.
• Oversees committees necessary for the operation of the preschool.
• Coordinates pertinent activities and communicates with the other on-campus classes as needed.
• Ensures the preschool is responsive to and supportive of the teachers.
• Coordinates preparation of letter of intent to the Teachers in February, stating the Preschool’s intent
and requesting input from the teacher if appropriate (see Article VI, Section 4, Standing Rules).
• Attends parent education leadership workshops and classes when possible.
• Connects with class chairs, teachers and Health & Safety Officers as needed to ensure compliance with
the Risk Management.
• Co-signs checks/contracts on behalf of the preschool.
All School Secretary
• Takes minutes of all Board meetings, prepares, copies as needed, posts, distributes them to officers
and maintains them on file.
• Prepares, reviews, and maintains records of correspondence.
Makes sure that the Latona Handbooks and Standing Rules are current, up to date, and provided to all
class members via PCs.
• Prepares and provides notice of proposed amendments to the Latona Handbook and Standing Rules to
all members, with 2 weeks notice provided before a vote to approve changes in Standing Rules.
• Responsible for any further correspondence as necessary (e.g. thank you notes for excursions or
presentations, and informing NSC of special events using Risk Management Manual form.
• Co-signs checks.
All School Treasurer
• Signs the annual Parent Education Agreement between NSC Health and Human Services Division and
the Preschool.
• Works with bookkeeper to maintain accurate financial records following the guidelines of the PAC
treasurer’s consultant and NSC.
• Maintains checking and savings accounts for the preschool. Sets up signature and contract forms with
the bank at the beginning of the term of office.
• Co-signs checks on behalf of the preschool with another officer as designated by the bylaws/standing
• Works with class treasurers to collect all fees and tuition, make timely deposits at least once per
month. Responsible for working with class treasurers in following up with any families who are not
paying tuition as required.
• Provides scholarship forms to members upon request and assists members in completing them
according to the guidelines of PAC and NSC. Makes sure scholarship applicants are aware of the Latona
in-house scholarship process as well.
• Promptly pays all bills and fulfills all tax requirements.
• Provides a written monthly financial report (provided by bookkeeper) to the Board, posts at preschool,
and presents it to members at each parent meeting.
• With the help of the bookkeeper, prepares an annual budget at the beginning of the school year and a
financial report at the close of the preschool year. Prepares a projected budget in March for the
following year for distribution at the Spring Orientation meeting to be voted on by the parent group
prior to distribution at Spring Orientation.
• Pays insurance coverage through WA State’s group policy.
• Participates in trainings with the bookkeeper as scheduled.
• Arranges for an annual financial review as recommended by NSC.
Facilities Coordinator
Organizes all school cleanings in coordination with the teachers and schedulers
Maintains the outdoor covered play space and playground, coordinating work parties for repairs and
wood chip replacement, etc. as needed; with each class being notified in advance to sign up participants,
including arranging for child care during the work party as needed
Oversees repair and maintenance of the co-op equipment; notifies appropriate NSC contact for
classroom concerns; working with class members as needed
• Maintains a current inventory of preschool equipment for the purpose of providing accurate data for
insurance coverage. The inventory is updated in coordination with the classes’ Health & Safety Officers
and TAs.
Communications Chair
Organizes all classroom and board email accounts (handles email adds and drops)
Administers and generates content for a Latona Facebook page, website, and makes sure the PAC
website information about the Latona classes is updated as needed.
Leads marketing efforts for the classes in conjunction with the On-Campus Registrar and class PCs
Develops and produces marketing materials as needed, working with PCs and teachers for input
Class Board Positions
All School Board members serve on their class board as well.
Class Chair
Attends All School Board meetings when possible, and may serve in an all school board role as listed
Prepares agendas, notifies class members of parent meetings and other class events, and facilitates
Works with teacher, Parent Education Instructor, and other class board members to make sure the class
runs smoothly, concerns are addressed, annual evaluation of teacher completed, and that class
members know and fulfill their job duties for the class.
Works with the teacher, class and all-school board on teacher hiring, evaluation & feedback, and annual
agreement, which shall include professional development, plan.
Class Secretary/Treasurer
Takes minutes of all membership meetings, copies, distributes them to officers and members, and
maintains them on file.
Keeps track of attendance and notifies class members of missed meetings & make up responsibilities;
communicates with the Parent Ed Instructor about those who missed meetings.
Collects class tuition at the parent meetings the month before the time period being paid for, following
the tuition payment guidelines in the Standing Rules and as outlined by the All School Treasurer.
Track the tuition payments and follow up as needed to collect appropriate amounts. All-School
Treasurer will have information about scholarship amounts so correct tuition is collected.
Record and deposit tuition checks, give record and deposit slip to All-School Treasurer.
Parent Coordinator
Facilitates registration into the co-op class according to the Standing Rules and PAC Registration
Works with On-Campus Registrar to maintain a class roster and promote enrollment.
Provides information and tours for prospective parents/families to learn about the class and enrollment
Maintains accurate, updated roster and waiting lists for the class.
Responds to inquiries in timely manner, and arranges for other class members to provide tours when
Keeps On-Campus Registrar and PAC Registration Committee and/or webmaster updated on enrollment
Provides orientation and information to new members at Spring and Fall Orientations and throughout
the year if new members join the class.
Collects signed agreements from all families enrolling so that they confirm they understand and will
fulfill the obligations to the co-op.
Serves as liaison with parents about concerns that may arise about the co-op class and/or teacher. If
conflicts arise, carries out action with involved parties as determined by the Grievance Procedure
outlined in the standing rules.
Assists individual parents/co-op members if problems arise which affect the performance of their
Initiates contracts for change/dismissal proceedings as outlined in the standing rules as needed.
Parent Advisory Council Representative (PAC Rep)
(PAC meetings are the second Monday of the month, typically; if a Monday worker is the PAC rep for the
3-5 class, then a sub will be needed.)
• Represents Latona Class in which s/he is enrolled as PAC rep and advisor to the North Seattle College
Parent Education Program.
• Attends one PAC meeting each month to promote quality education for parents of preschool children
and to provide a communication network among other preschools in the system.
Arranges an alternate if unable to attend.
• Assumes Board or Committee Position in PAC.
• Brings information to the class about PAC events & activities and shares any Latona parent concerns
with PAC as appropriate.
• Explains to our preschool membership PAC decisions affecting us.
• Assists the treasurer in providing PAC scholarship information to members.
• Acts as liaison between the preschool and NSC, PAC, and other affiliated preschools.
Health & Safety
Oversees the fulfillment of Preschool’s compliance with Risk Management manual, presenting an
overview of the requirements at the beginning of the school year to the membership.
Distributes, collects, and maintains files of various health related forms,
specifically, WA State Immunization form (see specific guidelines on how to store these records
confidentially), (Parental) Consent for Emergency treatment. Note: All emergency consent forms must
have original signatures.
Collects and maintains emergency information cards showing parent’s phone numbers, child allergies,
physician and phone number, emergency contact person(s).
Maintains records of teacher’s and class members with current CPR and First Aid certification;
recommended that the H & S Officers are current as well.
• Compiles a list for the check in/out clipboard of each child and the adults approved as listed in their
files to pick them up.
• Oversees auto insurance forms for excursions by Field Trip Committee as required by Risk
• Provides overview at Spring & Fall Orientations at the beginning of the school year regarding
toy/climbing equipment safety, fire and earthquake drills, and location of phones. Discusses first aid at
school. Shows the first aid kit and emphasizes its location for quick access.
Completes a quarterly review of the classroom safety checklist, as provided in the Risk Management
Notifies class members and other Health & Safety Officers using the classroom when there is an
outbreak of a contagious disease, following the guidelines in the Risk Management Manual and Latona
• Maintains First Aid and Emergency Supply Kits by checking kit monthly and replenishing supplies.
• Informs all new preschool members of all of the above when they join.
• Works with All School Treasurer to maintain a current inventory of preschool equipment.
(some positions may have 2 members if enrollment allows; these positions will vary for the different
Fund Raising
• Work with All School Board and Fundraisers in the other 2 classes to investigate various options for
fund raising activities: present the pros and cons of each option to co-op parents for group decisions;
coordinate fund raising efforts and activities (i.e., sign up sheets, setting dates, providing instructions
and directions, etc.); keep records of monies spent and earned in fund raising process, provide status
reports as needed or requested to the parent group at monthly meetings.
• Work with Treasurer and parent group to determine fund raising goals
Teacher’s Aides
Each class needs a Teacher’s Aide/substitute to fill in when a teacher is absent. Typically there is one
Teacher’s Aide for each class day, with the person subbing on their workday and a substitute for their
position being arranged as needed.
• Obtain CPR and First Aid Certification and provide copy of certification to Health & Safety Officer for
files. Free class may be provided at NSC during early Fall Quarter.
• Meet with Teacher in the beginning of the school year to discuss:
o Role of the TAs in the classroom
o General Risk Management guidelines.
• One T.A. is to work each day of the week to assure that with the teacher there are 2 adults certified in
CPR and First Aid in the classroom.
• When PC is not available, may lead classroom tours.
• Weekly classroom activities:
o First aid provider if necessary
o Substitute teacher if necessary.
O Leading class out of classroom for fire and other emergencies (and drills).
O Making sure that the children are being checked in and out by parents or other approved person listed
in child’s file.
Support teacher in making sure daily clean up is completed. Make sure the compost is taken home daily.
O Stay with Teacher after class until last child is picked up.
For the 3-5’s Class - 4 positions
Each TA will also take on one of the following jobs:
Art/Curriculum/Classroom Supplies
Coordinate with the teacher to assist in preparing art materials and other curriculum supplies as needed
Responsible for inventory of curriculum, cleaning supplies and equipment. Work with the teacher to
coordinate what is needed. Notify the supply person to purchase specific supplies as needed.
Oversee maintenance of the vacuum cleaner and keep it in good working order.
Inventory books in classroom.
Work with teacher to select books relating to current curriculum
Mend books as needed and keep library area organized
Classroom Organization
Rotate checking the various areas of the classroom and storage throughout the month to ensure all
areas are checked monthly for neatness and organization. The areas of the room include art supplies,
table toys, cabinets, board games, toy shelves, supply rooms, outdoor equipment, etc.
Make play dough as needed
Special Events Coordinator/Field Trips Coordinator
Planning and implementing of special events including but not limited to:
• Fall Harvest Celebration Potluck
– Create sign up sheets for members to provide food and kid’s activities and set up before and clean up
• Special Person’s Night
Invitations sent out beforehand. Organize set up and clean up after.
Work with teacher to plan and coordinate field trips
Plan as far in advance as is practical to ensure choice of dates and times.
Inform Scheduler of dates of upcoming excursions
• Provide co-op parents with specific information regarding mode of transportation, cost, etc.
Provide permissions slips and Emergency Medical Consent forms for signatures and collect prior to trip
(parent meetings are a convenient time for this).
• Arrange carpool drivers with proper auto insurance coverage and driver’s licenses for each excursion
where private cars are needed as transportation. Emphasize that appropriate car seats must be
provided for and used by each child and that only children enrolled in the 3-5s program may go on the
excursion with working parents and those driving in the carpool. The class may also meet at the field trip
site if it is the full day of preschool, instead of carpooling.
• Submit field trip request form (see Risk Management Manual) to the NSC Parent Ed Program
Coordinator and to the Instructor.
• Coordinate “Thank you notes” with the Teacher. Thank You notes may be sent directly by you or
provided to the Board Secretary with the necessary names and addresses after each excursion
Special Event/Care Coordinator
• Coordinates hospitality efforts such as arranging donated meals to families with new babies or other
needs for support, purchasing gifts, and suggesting/organizing social events or play dates during school
breaks. Completing Special Event form for any special events arranged for the class.
Before the start of the school year, organize and coordinate with the All School Board the September
classroom cleaning and set-up; communicate with the Teachers to plan dates and times. Notify all
members of the dates and times and coordinate scheduling for cleaning and set-up. Ensure cleaning and
set-up completion via on-site participation and supervision. Follow this same process for mid-year
cleaning during winter break and year-end cleaning and classroom takedown. (Members will work either
mid-year or end of year clean up; exempting All School Board members?).
At a scheduled parent meeting, conduct membership cleaning education, detailing member
responsibilities and location of supplies.
Insure that the members on their scheduled cleaning rotation (this rotation is scheduled on the monthly
calendar by the scheduler person) carry out cleaning duties. If necessary, remind designated persons the
week they clean. Consult with the Teacher for special cleaning assignments.
Contact the teacher for the monthly curriculum to be included on the schedule for the month
Include information about parent meetings, board meetings, who is to bring snack for those meetings;
scholarship deadlines, special events, field trips, and other pertinent information.
Provide monthly calendar with a rotation of working parents through the different classroom work
stations on a weekly rotation; make sure the families have the schedule at least one week before the
month begins
Rotate all working parents other than All School Board members through the classroom cleanings as
scheduled for the class.
Include on the monthly calendar the “Emergency Subs” as scheduled via a sign up sheet at the monthly
meetings. Each person serves as an emergency sub as needed (and possible) on a non-workday on a
regular basis, with frequency depending on the number of families enrolled. This person is called in the
morning if there is a last minute illness or emergency preventing a working parent from attending the
class and fulfilling their assistant teacher responsibilities. (Does not apply for the evening multiage
Distribute the calendar electronically and on paper to members who request a paper copy. It is also
posted on the classroom bulletin board.
Board Support
Several positions needed per class as is possible and based on the number of children needing care, to
provide board support to be in the classroom with children during the All School and class board
meetings when they are held at the classroom conference room during the day.
Provide board support for the PAC representative as needed so that the PAC rep can attend the PAC
meetings, typically the 2nd Monday of the month. May include care for the PAC rep’s younger children
for the 3-5 class, which meets on Monday mornings.
Photographer/Memory Books
Take photographs of all the children regularly.
Follow parental guidelines based on the enrollment permission forms for photograph usage; contact
Health & Safety Officer for that information.
Work with parents/class members on the non-working day to take photos on those days.
Create place mats and/or memory books based on the class’ interest and budgeting concerns for the
Purchases needed supplies at Costco or other low cost suppliers as is possible, and within the budgeted
Parent Education Program Objectives
. To better understand the typical development and temperament traits of the young child.
. To select and practice discipline techniques from a specific theoretical framework which
are consistent with a personal belief system and provide a positive guidance approach in the group setting.
. To identify concerns about parenting preschoolers and to evaluate available options.
. To establish, maintain, and supervise a safe, healthy, and creative environment, which stimulates healthy
child development both at home and school, with a culturally sensitive, anti-bias approach.
. To recognize one’s current stage in parenting and the resulting implications for parenting a preschooler.
. To provide small group activities for preschool children, as is appropriate within the class curriculum.
. To demonstrate understanding of cultural perspectives, societal expectations, and family values.
. To respond appropriately to individual and cultural differences in approaches to parenting and parenting
. To identify and implement strategies for establishing support networks for the parent, child, and family.
Instructor Role
How the Parent Educator Can Be of Help to You
Serve as a resource to you: providing information you need, familiarizing you with services at the college
and in the community, and being available to talk confidentially with you regarding child and family
Assist with goal setting in the classroom environment in partnership with the teacher and you, your
child, and the group.
Observe your child and give you feedback on him/her regarding particular questions you have and guide
you in conducting observations of your own and other children.
Provide strategies for relating to and working with children through participation in the classroom.
Assist you in becoming familiar with how the cooperative works and your role as teacher assistants.
Serve as a resource for input and feedback regarding the children’s program.
Serve in an advisory capacity regarding business and organizational matters including assisting officers
with role clarification and the group with adult and child interaction and dynamics.
Maintain communication between the cooperative and the college, which includes bringing any
concerns you have about the college’s role or the cooperative’s functioning to the attention of the
Lead and facilitate small and large group discussions around parenting education topics. Topics may
include child development, child guidance, child rearing and parenting issues, goal setting,
communication, problem solving, conflict resolution, and group organization and management; the
parent educator will also develop discussions or resources around other topics of your choice.
Most of all, to appreciate you and your child and the joys and challenges of parenting. To help you
become more aware of your own resources, strengths, skills, and good sense as a parent/caregiver.
Fulfilling Parent Education Requirement
COPY of Missed Meeting Letter that the secretary gives parents who miss a meeting:
The Latona Preschool Cooperative is sorry that you were unable to attend the parent meeting on (insert
date). Please take the initiative to find out what information was conveyed and be responsible for
receiving any materials distributed at the parent meeting. A copy of the meeting minutes is attached.
Your presence at the monthly parent meetings allows you to give input into decisions, ensures good
communication, eases gathering of monthly fees, and enables us to better understand and thus support
one another. In addition, our affiliation with North Seattle College requires that each parent spend a
certain number of hours in parent education, which is part of each parent meeting. Of course,
circumstances occasionally make it impossible to attend, so the co-op allows one absence per year to
cover you for emergency situations. There are also a number of options for making up the missed parent
education material. You may choose from the following list:
This is my one (1) absence for the year.
I will work with the Latona parent education instructor on fulfilling my parent education requirements.
Please check the appropriate box, sign your name, and return this form as soon as possible to the Latona
board secretary. Obligations need to be completed within the college quarter.
Parent’s Name
(If checked, our records indicate that you have missed more than one meeting this year.) Keep in mind
that our standing rules state that repeated unexcused absences from parent meetings are cause for a
person’s name to come before the board for discussion and possible dismissal. If you have any
questions, please check with the board secretary or refer to the handbook. Thanks for your cooperation.
Section V
Bylaws and Standing Rules
Latona Cooperative Preschool
Article 1. Name
The name of this nonprofit corporation is Latona 3-5’s Cooperative Preschool, now doing business as
the Latona Cooperative Preschool with multiple classes. The corporation will be referred to as the
“cooperative” in these Bylaws.
Article 2. Principal Offices
The initial principal office for the transaction of the business of the cooperative is located at 9800
College Way, Seattle, Washington. The Board of Directors may change the principal office from this
location to another location within this city.
Article 3. Purpose & Powers
This cooperative, in conjunction with North Seattle College of Seattle, WA, is organized to support
families with young children by providing programs where children and parents learn together as
participants in a college laboratory setting. The preschool shall provide a flexible, stimulating
environment in which each child may freely experience, at his or her own rate, a broad range of
physical, social and intellectual activities. The preschool shall provide parents with an opportunity to
be directly involved in the education of their children and to get instruction in the skills of
parenthood. In furnishing services to its members, the cooperative’s operations shall be so conducted
as nearly as possible at cost and not for profit. The cooperative shall have all of the general or
specific powers conferred on this cooperative by the laws of the State of Washington, all of which
are hereby expressly claimed.
Article 4. Membership
Section 4.1 One Class of Members; Joint Membership: The cooperative shall have one class of
members, which shall consist of the parents of a child or children enrolled in the preschool. The
parents/guardians of an enrolled child(ren) shall be considered joint members of the cooperative. A
single parent or guardian of an enrolled child(ren) shall be considered a member of the cooperative.
Section 4.2 Eligibility for Admission and Membership: The Latona Co-op preschool admits students
of any race, color, gender, religion, national and ethnic origin, age, handicap, or sexual orientation
and does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies,
scholarship and loan programs, or other school administered programs. Provided, however, a
condition of the admission of any child(ren) is that the parent(s) or guardian(s) of such child(ren)
shall agree to be member(s) of the cooperative and to comply with all of the policies, rules and
regulations of the cooperative.
Section 4.3 Voting Rights: Each member or joint member shall be entitled to one undivided vote per
child on each matter submitted to a vote of the membership. A joint member vote may be cast by
either of the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the child(ren) enrolled in the school.
Section 4.4 Termination of Membership: The Board of Directors, by an affirmative vote by a
majority of the Directors present at any regular meeting at which a quorum is present, may suspend
or expel any child(ren) and terminate any member for cause after appropriate notice and hearing,
including but not limited to, the non-payment of tuition as herein provided as defined by Article II
Section 7 A-H of the Pre-school’s Standing Rules.
Section 4.5 Powers of Members: The membership shall elect a Board of Directors and Officers at
the annual membership meeting. The membership may rescind any action of the Board of Directors
by majority vote of the members at a regular monthly membership meeting at which a quorum is
Section 4.6 Admission and Membership Eligibility Criteria: The cooperative may establish tuition
requirements and admission standards for students and membership requirements for
parents/guardians, which shall be set forth in standing rules, which shall be available to all members
and potential members.
Section 4.7 No Personal Liability. No Member shall be liable to third parties for this Cooperative’s
acts, debts, liabilities, or obligations. A Member will, however, be liable to this Cooperative for
tuition and annual dues and assessments as provided by these Bylaws and for other contractual
obligations of the Member to this Cooperative or as may otherwise be agreed to by this Cooperative
and the Member.
Article 5. Meetings of Members
Section 5.1 Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the members shall be held in the month of May
of each year. Such annual meeting shall be held at such place and time as designated by the Board of
Section 5.2 Special Meeting: Special meetings of the members may be called by the Chair, or a
majority of the Board of Directors, or not less than 50% of the members.
Section 5.3 Notice of Meetings: All notices of meetings of members shall be sent or otherwise given
not less than ten (10) days before the date of the meeting. Such notice shall state the nature of the
business expected to be conducted and the time and place of the meeting. No business shall be
transacted at any special meeting other than that referred to in the notice. Provided, the failure to give
notice or of any member to receive notice shall not invalidate any action taken at the meeting if a
quorum was present.
Section 5.4 Quorum: At any meeting of the members of the cooperative a majority of the members
shall constitute a quorum for any and all purposes; provided that if a quorum is present, thereafter,
the meeting may be conducted until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough
members to leave less than a quorum, provided that not less than one-third of the members are
Article 6. Board Directors and Officers
Section 6.1 Number and Qualification of Officers and Directors: The authorized number of Directors
shall be no less than three (3) and no more than seven (7). The Officers of this cooperative shall be a
president/chair, a vice-president/vice-chair, a secretary, treasurer, each of whom shall be Directors.
Any two or more of the foregoing offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of
president and secretary. Any member in good standing is eligible to be elected as an Officer and/or
Director. Membership in the cooperative shall be a continuing qualification to hold office as an
Officer and/or Director. Any Officer or Director who ceases to be a member shall be deemed to have
resigned as an Officer and/or Director and his/her position shall be deemed vacant.
Section 6.2 Election and Term of Officers and Directors: Officers and Directors shall be elected by
the members at the annual meeting of the members. The Officers and Directors so elected shall hold
office for a term of one year beginning June 1-May 30; however, if any annual meeting is not held, or
if Officers and Directors are not elected at any annual meeting, they may be elected at any special
members’ meeting subsequently held for that purpose. Each Officer and Director, including an
Officer or Director elected to fill a vacancy or elected at a special members’ meeting, shall hold
office until expiration of the term for which elected and until a successor has been elected.
Section 6.3 Nomination of Officers and Directors. At the time of the annual meeting, any member in
good standing of the cooperative may nominate himself or herself to be an Officer and/or Director. In
addition, any member may nominate any other member to be an Officer and/or Director. It is
intended that candidates shall be nominated to serve as both an Officer and as a Director or as a
Director. Candidates nominated to be both an Officer and a Director shall be voted upon by the
membership for both positions at the same time (i.e., on the same ballot).
Section 6.4 Vacancies: Except as otherwise provided by law, vacancies in the Board of Directors,
whether caused by resignation, death or otherwise, shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the
members of the Board of Directors. A Director thus elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the
unexpired term of his predecessor and until his successor is elected. If there is a vacancy caused by
resignation, death or otherwise of a Director who is also an Officer, any member, including the
existing Officers and/or Directors may be nominated for the vacant Officer/Director position. If an
existing Director is elected to fill the Officer/Director position of the departing Officer/Director,
additional elections shall be held as may be needed until any vacant positions are filled.
Section 6.5 Meetings by Conference, Email, Telephone or Similar Communications: Except as may
be otherwise restricted by the articles of incorporation or bylaws, members of the Board of Directors
or any committee designated by the Board of Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board of
Directors or committee by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by
means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time.
Participation by such means shall constitute presence, in person, at a meeting.
Section 6.6 Annual Meeting: Following each annual meeting of the members, the Board of Directors
is authorized to hold a regular meeting for the purposes of organization, and the transaction of other
business without further notice of such meeting.
Section 6.7 Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly, or
at such times and at such places as the Board of Directors may determine. Oral or written notice of
such meetings shall be given not less than 24 hours prior to the time of meeting. But such notice may
be waived by all the Board of Directors, and their appearance at a meeting shall constitute a waiver
of notice.
Section 6.8 Special Meetings: A special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held whenever
called by the president or by a majority of the directors. Only the business specified in the written
notice shall be transacted at a special meeting. Each call for a special meeting shall be in writing or
by printed notice given by electronic transmission, stating the place, day and hour of the meeting.
Notice of any such meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given at least two (2) days prior to the
Section 6.9 Quorum and Failure of Notice: A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a
quorum at any meeting of the Board. The failure to give notice or of any Director to receive notice of
a Regular or Special Meeting shall not invalidate any action taken at the meeting if a quorum was
Section 6.10 Powers and Duties of Directors: Subject to the limitations provided in the articles of
incorporation, other sections of these bylaws, and of Washington law, the business of the cooperative
shall be exercised by the Board of Directors. Without limitation, the Directors’ powers and duties
include the following:
6.10.1 General supervision and control of the business and the affairs of the cooperative.
6.10.2 Subject to any applicable policies of North Seattle Community College, authority to admit
and terminate members and to adopt rules and regulations to govern the operation of the
cooperative and the members.
6.10.3 Authority to procure insurance covering general liability of the company for accidents.
6.10.4 Directors shall provide for installation of an accounting system adequate to meet the
requirements of the cooperative.
6.10.5 To select one or more banks to act as depositories of funds of the cooperative.
6.10.6 The foregoing enumeration of powers and duties is not intended to be exclusive and shall
not limit or restrict the exercise of the general or specific powers conferred on this cooperative by
the laws of the State of Washington.
Section 6.11 Reimbursement and Compensation: The cooperative may reimburse Officers and
Directors for actual and reasonable costs of travel, meals, and lodging for attendance at conferences,
seminars, and training sessions that are for the benefit of the cooperative provided that such expenses
shall be approved by the Board President (preferably in advance) or if the expense is for the Board
President by two other Board officers.
Directors serve in a volunteer capacity and will not be entitled to compensation for attendance at
meetings or for travel to and from regular and special meetings.
No voting member of the Board of Directors, or member of the immediate family of any Board
member, shall occupy any position in the cooperative on a regular salary.
Section 6.12 Removal of Directors: A Board member may be removed from office for cause by a
two-thirds (2/3) vote of members. Any Board member who resigns or fails to attend at least three (3)
consecutive regularly scheduled meetings without cause shall be deemed as having resigned from the
Board of Directors.
Article 7. Officers and Committees
Section 7.1 Officers: The following Officers of the cooperative shall be elected as Officer/Directors
by the membership:
Section 7.2 President: The Chair shall (1) preside over all meetings of the cooperative and of the
Board of Directors; (2) call special meetings of the Board of Directors; (3) appoint such committees
as the Board of Directors may deem advisable for the proper conduct of the cooperative; and (4)
perform all acts and duties usually performed by a presiding officer.
Section 7.3 Vice President: In the absence or disability of the president, the vice president shall
perform the duties of the president, provided, however that in the case of death, resignation,
or disability of the president, the Board of Directors may declare the office vacant and elect any
eligible person president.
Section 7.4 Secretary: The secretary shall keep a full and complete record of all meetings of the
cooperative and of the Board of Directors and shall have general charge and supervision of the books
and records of the association. The secretary shall sign papers pertaining to the cooperative as
authorized or directed by the Board of Directors. The secretary shall serve all notices required by law
and by these bylaws and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the cooperative or the
Board of Directors. Upon the election of a successor, the secretary shall turn over all books and other
property belonging to the cooperative.
Section 7.5 Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for the keeping and disbursing of all monies
of the cooperative, and shall keep accurate books of accounts of all transactions of the cooperative.
The treasurer shall perform such duties with respect to the finances of the cooperative as may be
prescribed by the Board of Directors. At the expiration of his term of office, the treasurer shall
promptly turn over to his successor all monies, property, books, records, and documents pertaining to
his office or belonging to the cooperative.
Section 7.6 Other Officers. The Board of Directors, as they may deem for the best interest of the
cooperative, may provide for the appointment of additional officers to manage the activities and
affairs of the Cooperative. Such additional officers may be appointed from within or outside the
membership and may, but need not be members of the Board of Directors.
Article 8. Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 8.1 Books and Records: The Cooperative shall keep the following at its principal or
registered office: (a) current copies of the Articles, Bylaws and Standing Rules, if any; (b) copies of
correct and adequate records of accounts and finances, including the approval budget; (c) minutes of
the meetings of the Board of Directors, Members and any committees; (d) records of the name and
address of each of the Members; and (e) such other records as may be necessary or advisable,
including copies of all contracts of the Cooperative.
Section 8.2 Fiscal Year: The Cooperative’s fiscal year shall end on June 30.
Section 8.3 Rules of Procedure: To the extent that it is not inconsistent with the Articles, these
Bylaws or applicable law, the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all
questions of parliamentary procedure at meetings of the Board of Directors or the Members.
Section 8.4 Conflict of Interest/Compensation: No Officer, voting Board member, or Member of the
Cooperative shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in any activity undertaken
by the Cooperative. No Board member, committee member, or Officer shall receive compensation
for their service, but may receive reimbursement for approved expenditures incurred on behalf of the
Cooperative. Board Members, Officers, and Members of the Cooperative shall be eligible to apply
for tuition scholarships.
Section 8.5 Dissolution: Should the Cooperative be dissolved, the Board of Directors shall be
responsible for liquidation and disposition of all assets, including equipment and cash on hand. Upon
dissolution, all assets remaining after payment of all liabilities shall be distributed to another
Section 8.6 Standing Rules: The Board of Directors may adopt such Standing Rules, relating to the
amount and payment of tuition and all other matters which the Board of Directors deems appropriate,
as the Board of Directors may deem beneficial to the fulfillment of the purposes of the cooperative.
Section 8.7 Amendment of Bylaws: These Bylaws amend and restate in their entirety the Bylaws of
the Cooperative heretofore adopted, as same may have been revised. These Bylaws may be further
altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the
Section 8.8 Indemnification, Limitation on Liability and Insurance. The cooperative may indemnify
any director, officer, or former director against all judgments, penalties, fines, settlements, and
reasonable expenses, including attorney’s fees, in connection with any proceeding to the maximum
extent authorized under RCW 23B.17.030, subject to the provisions of Chapter 23B.08.560 RCW, as
now enacted or hereafter amended. The risks covered by this indemnification may be protected
against by the purchase, maintenance, and payment of premiums for such insurance as in the
discretion of the Board is deemed to be appropriate.
Section 8.9 Non Discrimination. The cooperative will comply fully with all applicable state or
federal statutes and regulations forbidding recipients of state or federal financial assistance from
discriminating on the ground of race, color, gender, national origin, age, handicap, or sexual
orientation. Furthermore, the cooperative shall provide equal employment opportunities without
regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, handicap, or sexual orientation.
I hereby certify the forgoing Amended and Restated Bylaws of Latona Coop were duly adopted by
the Board of Directors at a meeting held on March 2016.
Revised 3/22/11; 2/18/16
Latona Cooperative Preschool
Standing Rules
This document is meant to be used as a supplement and in association with the Latona 3-5
Cooperative Pre-school By-Laws; now DBA as Latona Preschool. The Latona Cooperative Preschool
shall be known as “The Preschool” throughout this document.
ARTICLE I. Affiliation and Education
The preschool shall be affiliated with the Child and Family Division Parent Education Program and
with the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) of North Seattle College (NSCC). The preschool is a
Washington Corporation organized pursuant to RCW 24.03 et. seq.
The members shall be provided with three types of parent education: member education, business
meetings (parent meetings), and participation in the children’s laboratory (preschool).
This preschool is organized and will be operated exclusively for educational purposes within the
meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The preschool will not carry on any
activities precluded by the Internal Revenue Code for an organization exempt from taxation under
this section.
Because of our affiliation with NSC and the use of their laboratory preschool, there may be occasions
when students from NSC will ask to observe in the classroom. Early Childhood Education (ECE) and
Nursing students often observe as part of their college coursework.
ARTICLE II. Membership
Section 1. Eligibility
Children may be enrolled if they will be the appropriate age by August 31 of the enrollment year, as
determined by the college and PAC guidelines. Exceptions to the age limit may be permitted after
September 1, or according to the recommended policy from the college/PAC at the discretion of the
Board, Parent Educator, and Teacher. Eligibility of children kindergarten age and beyond shall be
decided by mutual agreement between teacher and the members. We have a one day per week
multiage class, a two day per week Pre3 class, and 3- and 4-day program for children 3-5 years. The
4th day is an option for children who are 4 years of age by August 31st of the enrollment year.
Exceptions to Age Grouping
Beginning September 1st of the school year, any child/children not currently enrolled in a cooperative
preschool class, who do not fall within the established age grouping, up to Oct. 31 of the appropriate
year, may be considered for enrollment. The application of each child who is an exception to the age
group shall be individually reviewed. The decision to enroll should be made jointly by the teacher, parent
education instructor, and the class Board taking into consideration the ages of the already-enrolled
children, consistent with each coop’s governing documents.
Currently Enrolled Children with Age-Exception Status
Children who have received an age exception from the cooperative class they are currently enrolled in,
will be eligible to register for the next class during the designated priority registration time frame,
provided that the current teacher provides a recommendation that the child moves up. These
students will still be subject to an observation trial period in September, and the decision to continue
their enrollment should be made jointly by the teacher, parent education instructor, and the class
A member may enroll more than one child at the discretion of the Board and Teacher. The member
shall be expected to bear full member responsibility for each child.
Section 2. Non-Discriminatory Policy
NSC Parent Education Cooperative Classes do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability. However, in order to
provide gender and age equality and a quality learning environment for the member and child, the
preschool reserves the right to enroll a minimum of five children of either sex and/or a minimum of
five children for either the 3- or 4-day program. Also, due to the nature of preschool co-op, there
shall be no more than two families with multiple children enrolled in any one of the classes.
Section 3. Registration Process
Membership registrations shall be received and processed by the Parent Coordinator. Prospective
members must observe a Latona class to complete registration. Children may not accompany the
observing parent(s) unless a Special Event form authorizes the visit in advance. Certain parents shall
have priority in enrolling their children into the preschool. Priority shall be given in the following
A) Children enrolled in Latona the previous school year.
B) Children joining a sibling who is continuing in a Latona class from the previous school year.
C) Children whose sibling graduated from Latona preschool.
D) Children enrolled in an on-campus toddler class the previous school year.
E) Crossover within NSCC Cooperative system for children currently enrolled.
F) All other children are enrolled through open registration and thereafter on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Those joining a class after crossover registration are eligible to join the next year’s class only through
open registration and thereafter. A waiting list, maintained by the Parent Coordinator, will follow the
eligibility guidelines set down by NSC and these standing rules.
In any priority category, if there are more children than slots available, those slots will be filled by
lottery. The remaining children after the lottery will be placed on the waiting list according to the
results of a lottery in each priority category.
Names can be added to the general waiting list by contacting the Parent Coordinator on or after open
registration, except those names automatically added by lottery. The general waiting list is valid only
for the current school year.
Section 4. Voting
Each member shall have one vote per child enrolled in the preschool. The parent(s) or designated
participant may be joint members of the preschool, sharing responsibilities and having one vote per
Section 5. Size
Enrollment of children in the preschool shall be a minimum of eighteen and a maximum of 23, with
an optimum size of 20. The preschool will be considered full when 20 children are enrolled.
Section 6. Grievance Procedure
Grievances shall be handled in the following manner: the aggrieved party shall contact the Parent
Coordinator (or Chairperson, if the Parent Coordinator is an involved party) and explain the problem.
The Parent Coordinator shall immediately inform all involved parties and the Chairperson of the
problem. The Parent Coordinator may act as a mediator between the parties. At the discretion of the
Parent Coordinator, or at the request of any party to the grievance, the Board shall be informed of the
dispute and appoint a grievance committee (Grievance Committee) to investigate it. The Grievance
Committee shall consist of one member of the Board other than the Parent Coordinator, one
mutually-agreed upon member not involved in the dispute, and the Parent Educator from NSC. If the
Parent Educator is an involved party, then the Parent Education Coordinator will be involved. The
Grievance Committee shall evaluate the dispute and make a recommendation to the Board regarding
its settlement. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding and must comply with any
employment agreements in force at the time.
Section 7. Contract for Change/Dismissal Procedures
This procedure will be invoked when a member and/or child are not fulfilling the duties and
responsibilities outlined in the Membership Contract and bylaws or not abiding by general classroom
rules and procedures.
A) Specific problem(s) will be identified and brought to the attention of the Parent Coordinator. All
related information will be kept confidential except to those individuals directly involved in the
Contract for Change/Dismissal procedure.
B) The Parent Coordinator will make sure the member is aware of these procedures in the standing
C) Problem(s) will be discussed by Parent Educator, Parent Coordinator, and Chairperson to define
the problem(s), the severity of the problem, and possible solutions. The teacher will be included if
there is a child involved or if the problem is related to classroom procedures. If there is gross
misconduct on the part of the Member or child, and all three or four board members listed above
agree that immediate dismissal is appropriate, or if they cannot agree, this group will bring their
recommendations to the Board in an emergency Board meeting. The Board will determine if it is
necessary to invite the Member to share their perspective, and the board will vote whether or not to
dismiss the family from the co-op.
D) If the problem(s) has the potential for resolution or is not gross misconduct, Parent Educator and
Parent Coordinator or Chairperson (and Teacher, if appropriate) will conference with Member (and
child, if deemed necessary by the Teacher). During this conference, the problem(s) will be discussed
and methods for resolution will be addressed. Dates for weekly evaluations of the Member’s progress
will be set up.
E) Parent Coordinator or Chairperson, Parent Educator, (Teacher) and Member will draw up and
agree upon a written contract including the following:
i. definition of the problem(s) to be resolved
ii. specific procedures and timeframes for resolution of the problem(s)
iii. consequences if problems are not resolved in agreed upon time frames (e.g. dismissal)
iv. dates for weekly evaluation of Member’s progress
v. date for completion of this contract (it is recommended that the contract extend no longer than a
30-day period). The member may wish to submit a retractable 30-day notice of withdrawal to Parent
Coordinator in order to have partial tuition refunded, if possible.
vi. the contract for change is signed by the Member, Parent Coordinator, and Parent Educator (and
Teacher, if involved).
F) Individuals cited in E. above will confirm compliance with the specified procedure each week.
G) If the Member successfully meets the terms of the contract, thereby resolving the problem(s), the
member will remain as an active member of the co-op. If the member is unable to meet the terms of
the contract, the agreed upon consequences will be effective immediately. If the Member wishes to
appeal the decision, s/he may take the issue to the board, in which case, the following appeals
process shall be used.
H) Appeals Process. If a Member has been dismissed from the co-op via the Contract for Change
process or is subject to any other consequence(s) as agreed upon in the Contract for Change and
wishes to appeal the decision, s/he may bring the issue before the board within one week. The board
will use the following process in deciding the appeal:
i. Board will review all written documentation of the case, looking for breaches of due process, lack
of clear agreements, or other reasons why the decision should be rescinded.
ii. As soon as possible, Board will hear the Member’s perspective in a special board meeting held for
this purpose.
iii. Without the Member present, the board will have further discussion and vote whether to uphold
the original decision or to initiate a second Contract for Change. The Member will be notified
immediately of the board’s decision and the basis for it.
ARTICLE III. Responsibilities of Parent Members
Section 1. General Responsibilities
Collectively, and working through their officers and committees, the members hire and supervise the
teacher, work cooperatively with the teacher on the children’s curriculum and activities, and are
responsible for the financial management of the organization. Each member shall enroll in the Parent
Education Child Study Lab course offered by North Seattle Community College, abide by the
standing rules and Membership Contract, and attend parent meetings.
A member may enroll more than one child at the discretion of the Board and Teacher. The member
shall be expected to bear full member responsibility for each child. That would include enrolling two
parents in North Seattle College classes.
If both parents in a family wish to assist in school sessions, routinely alternating in the classroom,
they both must enroll and abide by the Membership Contract and standing rules.
If a person other than the parent or guardian routinely assists in school sessions (i.e. twice a month or
more on a regular basis), that person, along with parent or guardian, is required to enroll and abide by
the Membership Contract and standing rules.
Members are allowed six (6) weeks maternity/paternity leave from preschool responsibilities in the
classroom. Member is responsible for informing the Parent Coordinator as soon as possible of the
need for maternity/paternity leave. Additional time may be taken if substitutions (among preschool
members) are arranged by the member.
Section 2. Teaching Assistance
Assistant Teacher. As scheduled, each member shall participate as an assistant teacher (”working
parent”) under the supervision of the preschool teacher. Workdays will be chosen or assigned during
Spring Orientation. Those members enrolling after Spring Orientation will work with the Parent
Coordinator to agree on a regular workday. If a member is unable to attend a regular workday, it is
her/his responsibility to find a qualified substitute.
Teacher’s Aide. One of the working parents will be designated as the Teacher’s Aide (T.A.) for each
school session, and will be certified in current First Aid and CPR. The role of teacher’s aide is one of
the committee positions.
Section 3. Sibling Policy
Only children enrolled in the classes are covered by Latona Preschool’s insurance; therefore, siblings
(including infants) and other non-enrolled children are not allowed in the classroom, except at dropoff and pick-up; and when they are enrolled following the approved policy. Special events are open to
siblings when so designated (see Secretary for designations). Adult visitors are welcome on an
occasional basis.
Newborn infants up to the age of six months may attend class with their enrolled parent(s) under
the following circumstances:
Ratio of no more than 1:2 adult to child for the adult with the infant
Infant is listed on the roster and daily sign in sheet
Infant health and safety paperwork is maintained during the time the child attends
Infant is held or in a carrier to maintain safety; constant adult supervision is maintained.
No more than two infants may be in attendance in a class at a given time for pre3 class; 3-5
limited to one
Section 4. Committees
Each member shall serve either as an officer or as a member of one of the committees that carry on
the work of the preschool. After electing officers, members shall have an opportunity to choose their
committee position at the Spring Orientation meeting. Those members enrolling after Spring
Orientation will work with the Parent Coordinator either to choose one of the remaining positions or
trade positions with another willing member.
Section 5. Meetings
Each member shall attend an Annual Meeting held in spring and Fall Orientation meeting and
monthly member education/business meetings (”parent meetings”). Those enrolling after the
orientation meetings will be given all necessary information and material by the Parent Coordinator
and Vice Chair. In the event that a member is unable to attend any scheduled meeting, a member
shall notify the secretary in advance, if possible (the secretary can collect an extra set of handouts). If
unable to attend, the member is responsible for obtaining all information regarding the business
meeting and contacting the Parent Educator regarding making up the parent education portion of the
meeting. Make-up projects will be required beginning with the second absence. Repeated absences
from parent meetings will be cause for a Contract for Change.
If both parents in a family wish to assist in school sessions, routinely alternating in the classroom,
only one parent is required to attend monthly parent meetings.
If a person other than the parent or guardian routinely assists in school sessions, that person, along
with the parent or guardian, is required to attend monthly parent meetings.
Section 6. Attendance
A member shall build up working days prior to any foreseeable absence from preschool by trading
workdays. The Board, in cases of illness or other emergency, may grant leaves of absence. Repeated
unexcused absences, constant tardiness, or lack or participation at preschool sessions, parent
meetings, or committee meetings will be cause for a Contract for Change and/or dismissal of both
member and child from the preschool.
Section 7. Snack
Each member shall provide a nutritious snack for preschool as part of the scheduled rotation.
Section 8. Cleaning
Each member, except the officers, shall participate in the weekly cleaning of the preschool facility as
part of the scheduled rotation.
Section 9. Set Up and Clean Up
Each member shall participate in setting up preschool at the beginning of the year and cleaning up at
either mid-year or close of the year.
Section 10. Transportation
If any member transports a child other than his or her own on a field trip for which the preschool
organizes carpools, then s/he shall maintain a valid WA State Drivers License; an automobile
insurance policy providing the liability requirements as specified by the Washington State
Department of General Administration, Risk Management Office; and shall make proof of these
available to the Health and Safety Committee (Vice Chair) as requested. In addition, that member
shall provide and use a seat belt for each child and an authorized car seat for those children who still
need one, according to Washington State law.
Section 11. Health and Safety
The following records shall be submitted to the Health and Safety Committee (Vice Chair) prior to
attending the first day of school: emergency medical release forms, child immunization form. Each
member is responsible to send his/her child to school in good health, and may not send him/her to
school with a fever, diarrhea, vomiting or contagious disease. The Teacher may send the child home
for illness or other valid reasons.
A non-vaccinated child will be excluded from class during declared communicable disease
Section 12. Fund raising
Each member shall assist with fund-raising projects administered by the Board and Committees.
Section 13. Early Withdrawal
A member shall give at least four weeks written notice to the Parent Coordinator before withdrawing
from preschool and must fulfill all normal preschool obligations, including tuition, during that period
unless a replacement undertakes these responsibilities. Failure to give such notice when withdrawing
from the preschool may result in forfeiture of all paid tuition (see Article X, section 1, Fees). In the
event that the preschool chooses not to replace the withdrawing member, the member will be relieved
of all normal preschool obligations as soon as agreed upon with the board. The withdrawing member
will be refunded all pre-paid tuition, with the exception of any of May’s tuition already collected.
Section 14. Emergency Substitute Policy
All members are required to sign up to be an emergency substitute on one of their non-working days.
This policy is in place in the event that a parent who is supposed to work that day has a sudden
illness or emergency.
Members will sign up for two to three emergency substitute days per quarter, depending on preschool
enrollment. Members will be given the opportunity to sign up for emergency substitute dates prior to
the beginning of each quarter; members who do not sign up for emergency substitute dates prior to
the beginning of the quarter will be assigned days from any remaining dates. If a member is unable
to serve as an emergency substitute on their assigned days, they should make arrangements with
another preschool parent to cover their emergency substitute shift.
The emergency substitute schedule is for true emergencies that become known the day before or in
the morning before preschool. It is not for planned absences, such as a vacation or doctor’s
appointment. Parents in need of an emergency substitute should make phone contact with the
assigned emergency sub no later than 8:00 am on their assigned work day.
ARTICLE IV. Preschool Calendar
Section 1. School Year
The preschool year shall run from September through May. Set up shall take place the week before
or of Labor Day and clean up the week before or of Memorial Day. The calendar shall follow that of
the Seattle Public Schools regarding school holidays. Preschool will be open during the Seattle
Public School in-service days.
Section 2. Preschool Hours
The Board and the Teacher shall set preschool hours.
Section 3. Inclement Weather Policy
When Seattle Public Schools are closed, due to inclement weather, the preschool shall close, and
evening parent meetings shall be rescheduled.
One free closure day is allowed per year. Additional days may be made up at the discretion of the
teacher and board. Special events may qualify as make-up days, and the teacher shall not be paid
extra for make-up days.
When the Seattle Public School District is running late (either one or two hours) because of weather
1) The morning preschool will be closed.
2) Afternoon preschool and evening parent meetings may meet. A decision to cancel afternoon
preschool should be made in joint consultation between the teacher and chairperson. A decision to
cancel parent meetings should be made in joint consultation between the parent education instructor
and the chairperson.
ARTICLE V. Officers
Section 1. Officers
The officers of the preschool shall be the All School Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Facilities and
Communications; each class shall have a class board with Chairperson, the Health and Safety
Officer, Parent Coordinator, Treasurer/Secretary, and Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Representative
(Note: It is highly recommended that PAC be a two-year position and Chairperson be a returning
Latona Preschool member).
In the event that the PAC representative holds the vice-chair position of the PAC Board, she/he will
be reinstated as PAC representative the following year.
Section 2. Eligibility
Any member shall be eligible to serve as an officer.
Section 3. Selection Process
The outgoing Chair and/or Parent Coordinator will notify incoming pre-registered members of the
open board positions to be filled at the Spring Orientation Meeting.
At the Spring Orientation Meeting the chair will invite incoming members to nominate themselves or
other members to fill board positions. If more than one person is nominated for a position, the chair
will seek to resolve the dilemma though discussion. If the multiple members still seek the board
position, each will have the opportunity to give a two minute speech. At the conclusion of the
speeches, the entire membership will vote by confidential ballot to decide who fills the position.
Section 4. Term of Office
Preschool officers shall serve a one-year term. New officers shall meet with the outgoing officers to
arrange for the transfer of responsibilities at the end of the school year, normally in May or June.
Section 5. Duties of the Chairperson
A) Signs the annual Parent Education Agreement between NSC Child and Family Division Parent
Education Program and the Preschool.
B) Oversees the business details of the Preschool and coordinates the planning that is necessary for
the operation of the cooperative.
C) Prepares agendas and presides at board and membership meetings.
D) Serves as liaison between the preschool and North Seattle College.
E) Oversees committees necessary for the operation of the preschool.
F) Coordinates pertinent activities and communicates with all Latona chairs
G) Ensures the preschool is responsive to and supportive of the teachers.
H) Coordinates preparation of letter of intent to the Teachers in February, stating the Preschool’s
intent and requesting input from the teacher if appropriate (see Article VIII, Section 5).
I) Attends parent education leadership workshops and classes when possible.
J) Knows and ensures compliance with the Risk Management requirements as defined in Section 10.
Duties of the Vice Chair.
K) Co-signs checks/contracts on behalf of the preschool.
Section 6. Duties of the Parent Coordinator
A) Facilitates registration according to Article III, Section 3 of the bylaws and as trained by PAC.
B) Provides information about the nature of the program and assists parents with specific concerns.
C) Maintains waiting lists and responds in a timely manner to community inquiries.
D) Provides orientation and information to new members during the year (e.g. committee notebooks,
parent packets).
E) Provides information to and arranges observations for prospective members.
F) Keeps a current roster of members and children and provides updated copies to members as
G) Serves as a liaison between members and the teacher. If conflicts arise, carries out action with
involved parties as determined by the Grievance Procedure outlined in the bylaws.
H) Initiates Contracts for Change/Dismissal proceedings if necessary.
I) Is available to assist individual parents if problems arise which affect the performance of their
J) Coordinates efforts with Pre-3’s Parent Coordinator (e.g. recruiting, advertising, telephone
K) Serves as part of the nominating committee for new officers as outline in Article VII, Section 3.
Selection Process.
L) May co-signs checks.
Section 7. Duties of the Secretary
A) Takes minutes of all Board meetings, prepares, copies, posts, distributes them to officers and
maintains them on file.
B) Takes minutes of all membership meetings, prepares, copies, prints, distributes them to officers
and members, and maintains them on file.
C) Prepares, reviews, and maintains files of correspondence.
D) Maintains attendance records of membership meetings and forwards to the Parent Educator.
Notifies members of make-up requirements for missed meetings.
E) Maintains good communication and coordination with the Pre-3’s group.
F) Issues notice of proposed amendments to the standing rules to all members.
G) Arranges, with Board input, for a location for Board meetings.
H) Keeps board updated on any correspondence dealing with the use of the preschool room.
Responsible for any further correspondence as necessary (e.g. thank you notes for excursions or
presentations, other official amenities [e.g. gift purchasing]), and informing NSCC of special events
using said form.
I) May co-signs checks.
J) Collects handouts for absentees who gave advance notification.
Section 8. Duties of the Treasurer
A) Signs the annual Parent Education Agreement between NSC Child and Family Division Parent
Education Program and the Preschool.
B) Maintains accurate financial records following the guidelines of the PAC and NSC.
C) Maintains checking and savings accounts for the preschool. Sets up signature and contract forms
with the bank at the beginning of the term of office.
D) Co-signs checks on behalf of the preschool with another officer as designated by the bylaws.
E) Collects all fees and tuition, making timely deposits at least once per month. Responsible for
following up with any families who are not paying tuition as required.
F) Provides scholarship forms to members upon request and assists members in completing them
according to the guidelines of PAC and NSCC.
G) Promptly pays all bills and fulfills all tax requirements.
H) Provides a written monthly financial report to the Board, posts at preschool, and presents it to
members at each parent meeting.
I) Maintains good communication and coordination with the class treasurers and bookkeeper
J) Prepares an annual budget at the beginning of the school year and a financial report at the close of
the preschool year. Prepares a projected budget in February for the following year for distribution at
the Spring Orientation meeting to be voted on by the parent group prior to distribution at Spring
K) Pays insurance coverage through WA State’s group policy.
L) Maintains a current inventory of preschool equipment for the purpose of clarifying ownership and
providing accurate data for insurance coverage. The inventory is updated in coordination with the
vice chair.
M) Attends all Treasurers’ Workshops sponsored by PAC and/or the bookkeeper.
N) Arranges for an annual financial review as needed or recommended by NSC.
O) Co-signs checks.
Section 9. Duties of the Parent Advisory Council Representative (PAC Rep)
A) Represents Latona in the NSC System.
B) Attends one PAC meeting each month to promote quality education for parents of preschool
children and to provide a communication network among other preschools in the system. Arranges an
alternate if unable to attend.
C) Assumes Board or Committee Position in PAC.
D) Brings any Latona parent concerns before PAC.
E) Explains to our preschool membership PAC decisions affecting us.
F) Assists the treasurer in providing PAC scholarship information to members.
G) Acts as liaison between the preschool and NSC, PAC, and other affiliated preschools.
H) Coordinates appropriate activities with the Pre-3’s PAC Rep.
I) May co-signs checks.
Section 10. Duties of the Health and Safety Officer
A) Assumes the Chairperson’s responsibilities and substitutes in chairperson’s absence.
B) Acts as Health & Safety person with the following responsibilities:
i. Oversees the fulfillment of Preschool’s compliance with Risk Management manual, presenting an
overview of the requirements at the beginning of the school year to both the Board and the
ii. Distributes, collects, and maintains files of various health related forms, specifically, WA State
Immunization form, (Parental) Consent for Emergency treatment,. Note: All emergency consent
forms must have original signatures.
iv.Collects and maintains emergency information cards showing parent’s phone numbers, child
allergies, physician and phone number, emergency contact person(s).
v.Maintains current CPR and First Aid certification.
D) Oversees auto insurance forms for excursions by Field Trip Committee as required by Risk
E) Conducts parent education at the beginning of the school year regarding toy safety, fire and
earthquake drills, and location of phones and fire extinguishers..
F) Discusses first aid at school. Shows the first aid kit and emphasizes its location for quick access.
G) Maintains First Aid and Emergency Supply Kits by checking kit monthly and replenishing
H) Informs all new preschool members of all of the above when they join.
I) Attends PAC meetings when PAC Rep is unable to attend.
J) Arranges a telephone tree system within membership so all parents are relayed information and
reminders in a timely fashion. Initiates the phone tree when necessary.
K) Works with Treasurer to maintain a current inventory of preschool equipment.
L) May co-signs checks.
ARTICLE VI. Board of Directors
Section 1. Composition
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers plus two ex-officio (non-voting) members (the
Teacher and the Parent Education Instructor).
Section 2. Resignation
An officer shall give at least two weeks notice of resignation from the Board.
Section 3. Vacancies
Any vacancy in office shall be announced to the membership, and candidates shall be solicited from
the group at large. The Board shall fulfill the officer’s responsibilities until the next regular
membership meeting, when members shall elect a new officer.
Section 4. Responsibilities of the Board
In addition to duties indicated by the By-Laws and standing rules, the board:
A) Serves as a clearinghouse for preschool business, determining which issues need to be brought to
the membership for consideration at monthly or special meetings. Conducts all routine business at
monthly membership meetings. Conducts the routine business of the preschool between meetings and
during the summer.
B) May make emergency decisions on behalf of the membership, including emergency closures; or
suspension of the teacher, an officer, or a preschool member due to gross misconduct.
C) Works closely with the Teacher and Parent Education Instructor to plan and implement a qualitylearning environment for members and children.
D) Is responsible for a written performance evaluation of the Teacher in January and recommends
employment agreement renewal/salary or termination to the membership in February. Submits a
letter of intent to the Teacher in February, stating the Preschool’s intent and requesting input from the
teacher if appropriate. Prepares and signs the Teacher’s employment agreement by March 31st.
E) Is responsible for appointing and supervising a teacher selection committee, if needed, to recruit,
interview, and hire a new teacher.
F) Encourages members, officers, and teacher to attend professional development workshops and
classes. Resolves all disputes brought to it. Participates in Grievance Procedures and Contract for
Change/Dismissal Procedures as outlined in Article III, Sections 6 and 7.
G) Is responsible for setting up the Spring Orientation meeting, at which members enrolled for the
coming year elect a Board.
H) Coordinates all necessary communication and activities among the classes.
ARTICLE VII. Ex-Officio Members
Section 1. Teacher
Through its Board of Directors, the Teacher is hired, supervised, evaluated, and paid by the preschool
membership to teach the children’s preschool program affiliated with NSCC. The general duties of
the Teacher are as follows:
A) Plans, organizes, and teaches developmentally appropriate children’s activities with assistance of
the members and Parent Education Instructor.
B) Supervises assistant teachers (”working parents”) in the preschool.
C) Attends all Board meetings, parent membership meetings, and appropriate committee meetings.
D) Reports on curriculum at Parent meetings and upon request at Board Meetings.
E) Recommends and/or selects curriculum materials for purchase, subject to the budget.
F) Attends professional development workshops and meetings scheduled by NSCC.
G) Complies with all terms of the Teacher’s Contract.
H) Coordinates appropriate changes and activities with Pre-3’s Teacher and members.
Section 2. Parent Education Instructor
The Parent Education Instructor is assigned to the preschool by North Seattle College, Child and
Family Division, Parent Education Program for three hours per week. The instructor’s duties are as
A) Plans, organizes, and/or provides parent education at monthly parent meetings.
B) Attends membership meetings and Board meetings, serving as a resource to the preschool
regarding business and organizational concerns.
C) Models early childhood teaching and guidance techniques in the classroom.
D) Consults with and advises the teacher on classroom organization and management, curriculum,
goal-setting, and specific problems or needs of individual parents and/or their children.
E) Serves as a resource to individual parents regarding child and family concerns.
F) Serves as a liaison between the parents and teacher and the college.
ARTICLE VIII. Fees and Finances
Section 1. Fee
Each member shall pay a non-refundable registration fee.
Monthly tuition for preschool programs is due one month in advance at monthly parent meetings,
regardless of school attendance; however, September tuition is due at Spring Orientation, and May
tuition shall be paid in four installments (at the Spring Orientation Meeting, as well as at September,
October, and November parent meetings) in order to guarantee May expenses. In the event of
withdrawal on or before August 1st, all tuition paid for the coming school year is refunded. For
withdrawal notices received after August 1st, no May tuition paid for the coming year is refundable
but other monthly tuition paid for classes beyond the 4 weeks written notice period will be
reimbursed on a prorated basis, determined by a per diem cost..
Each member shall be responsible for paying NSC tuition each quarter.
Section 2. Non-sufficient fund charges
All bank charges for returned checks shall be billed to the member. If more than one check is
returned, the member will be required to pay with cash or money order subsequently.
Section 3. Late payments
The Board will handle late payments on an individual basis. Tuition one month in arrears is grounds
for dismissal.
Section 4. Financial Procedures
All checks issued on behalf of the preschool shall be co-signed by two officers as designated in
Article VII. Any non-budgeted preschool expenditures over $5.00 shall be Board approved. All
expenditures over $50.00 shall require membership approval. An annual financial review shall be
completed during the summer, after the treasurer completes the financial report to the college, due at
the end of June, and before September/the responsibilities of the new treasurer begins.
Section 5. Scholarship Funds
Scholarship funds are available through both PAC and Latona. See “How to Apply for Scholarship
Funds” in parent handbook.
Section 6. Fiscal Year
The preschool’s fiscal year shall run from July through June.
ARTICLE IX. Amendments to the Standing Rules
Any member may propose changes to the Standing Rules. The Standing Rules may be amended at a
membership meeting. A 2/3 majority vote of the full membership shall be required. Proposed
amendments to the standing rules must be distributed in writing to all members at least two weeks
(14 days) prior to the date of the meeting.
ARTICLE X. Disaffiliation
In the event of disaffiliation with North Seattle College (at the college’s or preschool’s initiative) and
if the preschool continues to function as a non-profit program, the equipment shall remain with the