Peer Review Worksheet – Research Project Reviewer:___________________________________________________ RULES FOR SECTION 04: - You may only say “I like it” once. - Must offer AT LEAST one suggestion or new idea - Base feedback on rubric RESEARCH PROJECT RUBRIC: 60 pts - Annotated Bibliography (15 each format, summary, assessment, reflection) 20 pts – Thesis (is it interesting, non-obvious, and arguable?) 80 pts – Synthesis/Argument (do sources work together, are all claims supported) 40 pts – Organization/Grammar, spelling, and punctuation/MLA citations FOR ANNOTATIONS: What type of source is this? (i.e. book, article, speech, video.) Has the writer chosen the correct MLA format for the source? Indicate potential formatting errors or missing information. Summary: Remember that the three qualities of a good summary are brevity, completeness, and objectivity. Does the summary stay at or under five sentences? Does it seem to present a complete picture of the source in an even level of detail? Is it relatively free of opinion, response, or strong language? Assessment: Has the writer identified whether the source is scholarly/popular and primary/secondary? Does it address potential bias or reliability of the information or the author? Have they supported their assessment and do you agree? Complicate the writer’s assessment – are there ways it might be considered differently than they have? Did the writer miss any potential bias? Reflection: Has the writer indicated how this source might be used or how it relates to their research as a whole? Is the writer clear in their intended use? Help them think outside of the box – are there other potential implications, connections, or uses they haven’t considered? Get creative, and consider uses of pieces of the source as well as the whole. FOR THE WRITER: Explain what you are trying to DO in the essay and WHY. What do you most hope to get from this peer review? What advice will be most helpful at this point? FOR THE REVIEWER: In addition to the specific help requested by the writer, focus on clarity and completeness. Are there any points that need more support and/or explanation to be clear and welldefended? Do you feel as though you have unanswered questions after reading the essay? Are all the connections/transitions between ideas clear and smooth? Focus on editing. Identify any potential grammar, punctuation, or MLA issues directly on the draft. If you notice any type of error that repeats, point that out specifically to the writer so they can establish error patterns to look out for during the final editing this weekend. If you are unsure whether something is correct, check the style guides we have available in class today. On the reverse side of this sheet, give the writer at least three specific revision and/or editing goals/tasks to complete this weekend.