Vocabulary Exercise for Latin & Greek Roots Winter Quarter 2015

Vocabulary Exercise for Latin & Greek Roots
Winter Quarter 2015
Instructor: Richard Alishio
Directions: Try to complete the following exercises using only your memory; if that doesn’t
work, look at your handouts/note cards. All of the descriptions are of words in the Latin and
Greek roots handout.
1. A device for keeping precise time __________________ (chron)
2. A person who controls people through appeals to emotion (Hitler is a good
example)____________________ (dem)
3. A formal declaration by an official body such as a government or university
_____________________ (dict)
4. Something one must do to get a magazine delivered to one’s home
___________________ (scribe)
5. To make a requirement of something _______________ (pel)
6. An object worn around the neck _________________(pend)
7. Government action sending you home, never to return ________________ (port)
8. Giving money to charities ______________________ (phil)
9. Time things so they happen simultaneously _________________ (chron)
10. Study of the form of something ______________________ (morph)
11. Conclude based on given information ________________ (duc)
12. Rapidly shoot out _________________ (ject)
13. Give aid or assistance to ________________ (port)
14. Indifference; not caring ________________ (path)
15. An error in chronology ___________________ (chron)
16. A rapidly spreading disease ________________ (dem)
17. The sounds a language makes ________________ (phon)
18. Without shape or definition ________________ (morph)
19. Assigning human qualities to non-human things _________________ (anthro)
20. The study of human cultures _____________ (anthro)
21. Children’s doctor _____________________ (ped)
22. Return to a former way of doing things _______________________ (vert)
23. Remove from __________________ (tract)
24. Draw towards ________________ (tract)
25. Forward movement ____________________ (gress)
26. A written record of oral information ___________________ (script)
27. Say the opposite of a statement ________________ (dict)
28. Say what will happen in the future _________________ (dict)
29. Tell someone what to do ________________ (dict)
30. Behave in a manner conformable to what is right, proper, or expected
______________________ (port)
31. Interrupt what someone else is saying ______________ (ject)
32. Break the rules, violate an order __________________ (gress)
33. What the doctor gives you for medicine ______________ (script)
34. to introduce into something forcefully __________________ (ject)
35. the study of people by groups __________________ (dem)
36. Insane ____________________ (path)
37. Irritating noises _________________ (phon)
38. Variety of sounds ______________ (phon)
39. A record of events _________________ (chron)
40. Feeling for another person ___________________ (path)
41. Experiencing another’s emotions _________________ (path)
42. Make smaller _________________ (duc)
43. Force away from _________________ (pel)
44. Go off topic __________________ (gress)
45. Add to a written work _____________ (pend)
46. To draw away from a source; take attention away from _________________ (vert)
47. Change one’s beliefs ________________ (vert)
48. To take back __________________ (tract)
49. About to happen _______________ (pend)
50. The thing that swings back and forth on a clock _________________ (pend)