S T (E 2)

Paper Proposal: Due May 14
Rough Draft: Due May 18
Final Draft: Due May 24
In Essay 2, you will explore commonalities and differences that exist between two subcultures.
The idea that you could have a meaningful synthesis of two texts in this way is based on a
theory called “Structuralism,” which argues that human interactions have common structures
or patterns at their root. Therefore, you may have two groups who are interested in radically
different topics, but their will be some recognizable structural similarities or rhythms between
them. Here, you’re going to focus in on one of those similarities and explore it in detail.
The goal of this essay is to explore a relationship between two of the texts that we are reading
or watching. You will want to focus on a theme or focus inherent in each of the texts. As we
discuss these texts in the next few weeks, make sure to continue to take notes on specific issues
that they raise so that you can decide how to focus your essay.
The synthesis essay should thesis driven – its energy and organization comes from the
original and nonobvious thesis that you compose. The thesis a) constructs an argument
about the relationship between the two texts and b) answers the question, “Why is this so
Although the synthesis essay does contain an analysis of individual texts, the goal is to compose
an essay that is more than merely a sum of these parts. Your goal is to say something about
the text that arises from the conversation that occurs between them – something that
could not be said with one text alone. As you prepare for your essay, you will,
 Identify a significant theme or concern that can be found in two of the texts. (Each text
may approach this theme in a very different way.)
 Gather information related to the theme in each text.
o Quotations (approximately 4-5 references from each text)
o Descriptions of scenes
 Compose a thesis that discusses the relationship between how the theme is developed
in these two texts. The thesis should also address the question, “Why is this so
o In the conclusion, you can push this analysis even further, discussing the
relationship between the theme developed in the text and current concerns.
The essay should be 4-5 pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font with 1” margins. The
essay should be formatted in MLA style and include a Works Cited page.
Possible Texts (choose 2): “Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight,” Clifford Geertz;
Murderball (dir. Henry Alex Rubin and Dana Adam Shapiro); G. Beato, “The Lords of Dogtown”
(Youth Subcultures); Natalie Porter, “She Rips When She Skates” (YS); Dennis, “Youth Activism
in the 1990s”; Vliet, “The Bboy Style on the Eastside”; Lai, “Towards a Critical Understanding of
‘Asian Cute Culture’” (YS); another text of your choice (optional).
Provides substantial, specific
evidence from both source texts.
Thoroughly analyzes material
from both sources by answering
the "so what?" question for every
piece of evidence that she
provides. All claims are specific,
arguable and supported by
evidence from the source texts.
Explores the ideas presented in
full. 27-30 pts.
Provides significant evidence from
both texts, but more detailed
evidence is needed. Analyzes the
evidence from both sources,
answering the "so what?" question
for most pieces of evidence that
she provides. Most claims are
specific, arguable and supported
by evidence from the source texts
Explores most of the ideas
presented, but some of the ideas
remain underdeveloped. 24-26
Provides some evidence from
both texts, but evidence needs to
be more specific or presented
more clearly. Begins to analyze
the sources by answering the "so
what?" question for some pieces
of evidence, but some significant
evidence remains unanalyzed.
Some claims are specific,
arguable and supported by
evidence, but others remain
unsupported. Many ideas remain
underdeveloped. 21-23 pts
Provides insufficient evidence
from one or both texts. The
source material is not
adequately analyzed; the text
fails to answer the "so what?"
question for crucial pieces of
evidence. Most of the claims
are not specific, arguable or
supported by evidence. The
essay does not adequately
develop the ideas presented.
0-20 pts.
?? / 30
Thesis and
The thesis statement and topic
sentences are specific and
arguable, clearly defining a
complex relationship between
texts and answering the question,
“So what?” The essay is driven by
and organized around a strong
27-30 pts.
Most versions of the thesis
statement and topic sentences are
specific and arguable, but they are
unclear or under-developed in a
few places. The thesis expresses a
relationship between the two
source texts, but that relationship
could be more fully developed.
24-26 pts.
The thesis and topic sentences
are specific and arguable at some
points but unclear at other, or
they represent a statement of
fact rather than an argument.
The thesis begins to express a
relationship between the two
sources, but the link is unclear or
unconvincing. 21-23 pts
The thesis and topic sentences
are difficult to identify
throughout the paper. The
thesis fails to answer the
question, “So what?” Topic
sentences are misleading or
unclear. The thesis does not
express a clear relationship
between the sources. 0-20 pts.
Ideas are organized in a clear and
logical fashion in relationship to
each other (local, within
paragraphs) and to the thesis
(the paper as a whole). Includes a
vivid, engaging, and informative
introduction and an inventive
and thorough conclusion. 27-30
Ideas are organized in a clear and
logical fashion in relationship to
each other (local, within
paragraphs) and to the thesis (the
paper as a whole). Includes an
informative, appropriate
introduction and a thorough
24-26 pts.
Although ideas are generally
organized in a logical fashion,
some sentences or paragraphs
are unorganized or unrelated to
the thesis or paragraph.
Transitions are often lacking,
leaving the reader lost. Includes
an adequate intro. and/or
conclusion. 21-23 pts
Discernible organization is
minimal or nonexistent.
Underdeveloped or missing
introduction and/or
conclusion. Minimal or no
transitions between
paragraphs. 0-20
Style and
Ideas are expressed in clear,
engaging prose. The writer uses
specific and vivid language. The
sentence lengths and types vary,
and word choice is appropriate
throughout. Demonstrates
attention to audience and
purpose. No grammatical,
proofreading, or mechanical
errors. 27-30 pts.
Most of the ideas are expressed in
clear, readable prose, but a few
sentences are awkward or difficult
to understand. The writer uses a
variety of sentence types, but
some sentences could be more
effective. Most word choice is
appropriate. Demonstrates
attention to audience and purpose.
Infrequent grammatical,
proofreading, or mechanics errors.
(Errors do not disrupt the flow or
clarity of the text.) 24-26 pts.
Some of the ideas are expressed
in clear, readable prose, but
there are many sentences that
are awkward or difficult to
understand. Uses the same
sentence type throughout. The
relationship to audience or
purpose is sometimes unclear.
There are some strong
sentences, but there are more
than 2-4 sentence structure
problems. Grammatical,
proofreading, and mechanical
errors sometimes impede flow
or clarity. 21-23 pts
Most of the prose is difficult to
read. Does not demonstrate an
understanding of audience and
purpose. Frequent sentence
structure problems. Sentence
level, grammatical, and
mechanics problems seriously
impede the clarity of the text.
0-20 pts.
?? / 30
and citations
The paper incorporates some
ideas or quotations from both
sources, but the sources could be
used more fully. Most quotations
from both texts are cited
correctly. Quotations are
incorporated correctly into the
text, but some transitions are
awkward or unclear. 24-26 pts.
The paper incorporates at least
one quotation or idea from each
source, but more
citations/references are needed.
Quotations are cited, but some
citations are incorrect. At times
the relationship between the
quotation and the rest of the
essay is unclear. 21-23 pts
The paper does not include
quotations from one or both of
the source. Some quotations
are not cited, and they are not
well-integrated into the text.
0-20points pts.
?? / 30
??/ 30
The paper incorporates
substantial ideas and quotations
from both textual sources. All
quotations from both texts are
cited correctly. Quotations are
incorporated seamlessly into the
text of the essay. 27-30 pts.
??/ 30
Total Points: