Cover Sheet For Faculty Leadership Fund Application This fund supports the travel expenses of faculty that attend professional events while serving as presenters, panel discussants, or organizational officers. Deadlines for review of applications are April 15th, September 1st, and January 1st . Applicant:______________________ Date:____________ 1. Purpose of trip:_________________________________________________________ 2. Location of event:______________________________________________________ 3. Dates of event:_________________________________________________________ 4. Your role at the event:___________________________________________________ 5. Attach an explanation of how this event fits into your overall plan for professional development. 6. Budget: Transportation________________ Registration__________________ Miscellaneous________________ Lodging_______________________ Food__________________________ 7. Attach a current Summary of Professional Activities. 8. Attach an itinerary and contact information in case the College needs to contact you in case of an emergency. __________________ Total Budget __________________ Amount Requested from VPAA 1