Sloan Management Review, Summer 2004 KM Articles KM Process, Experience, and Experiments

Sloan Management Review,
Summer 2004 KM Articles
KM Process, Experience, and
 Global Knowledge Innovation
 KM Technologies in E-Businesses
Why Don’t We Know More
about Knowledge
Focus on Process (Michael Hammer)
Seek Out “Deep Smarts” (Dorothy Leonard)
Learn from Experiments (Thomas Davenport)
For 15 years, to increase workers' productivity,
companies have invested large sums in
databases, content repositories, mobile
technologies ...
However, some helped, much a waste of
the knowledge-worker era: companies still
have much to learn about what makes such
workers tick.
Views from three leading management thinkers
Focus on the Process
The dichotomy between manual and
knowledge workers: not meaningful.
"How do we increase knowledge-worker
productivity?“: the wrong question.
Focus on process instead of isolated
The key: eliminate non-value-adding work
Remove the misconception: process specifies the
steps and requirements, but also keep the
freedom for how you do it.
Seek Out “Deep Smarts”
Dilemma: technology improves access and
transmission, but creates no shortcuts to
most valuable knowledge
Manager mistakes: overlook “deep smarts”,
protect “shallow smarts”
Deep smart (like a satellite): can grasp overall
situation and zoom in critical details and potential
How to capture and transfer the wisdom of
deep smarts? – guided learning by experience.
Learn From Experiments
Established consensus about knowledge work
Definition of knowledge worker
Knowledge workers need to be segmented
Autonomy of knowledge work
Knowledge work is work practice
What we know and do not know
Learn by experiment
Apply experiment design principles in
“IT-for-KM investment, some helped, much a
waste” Do you agree? Can you do without?
Productivity vs. process? How to improve
process? BPR all over again?
Learn from experience or experiments? What’s
the difference?
How to apply experiment design principles in
organizations? From small to large? Slow to fast?
Is Your Innovation Process
Few companies have global innovation
Global innovation process (metanational
innovation): sourcing and integrating
knowledge from dispersed geographic
For companies, more innovations of
higher value and lower cost
The Strategic Advantages
Motorola vs. Nokia
Being Co. vs. Airbus
McDonald vs. Starbucks
metanational innovation: a decisive source of
competitive advantage
Not only new product and services, but also
valuable business models, strategies and
Harnessing the Potential of
Companies can improve flow of innovation by
assembling the best combinations of technical
know-how and market expertise
The probability of successful innovation
constrained by the weakest source of
Therefore, accessing sufficient diversity of
knowledge is the key challenge
Relationships between
Geography and Knowledge
The relationship is important but not
immediately evident (e.g. Finland,
Germany, Japan)
Innovation process globalization is an
important way for accessing the great
diversity of knowledge
For example, pharmaceutical industry
A greater number of innovations of
higher value
Cost reduction
How to reap the benefits?
Tapping Into the Benefits
Prospecting: find the relevant pockets of
knowledge from around the world
Know where, how and what (e.g. Shiseido Co. Ltd.
from Japan)
Keep an open mind
Assessing: decide on the optimal "footprint"
for a particular innovation
Similar as in trade-off in global supply chain
Keys: necessity, company strategy, history …
Tapping Into the Benefits
Mobilizing: use cost-effective
mechanisms to move distant knowledge
without degrading it
Two types of knowledge: technological
and market
Mobile strategies
Classify by type (simple versus complex)
and nature (technical versus market)
Mobilizing Knowledge
A New Imperative
New organizational forms such as
virtual teams
Metanational innovator view diversity as
opportunity, not problem
How to develop Global Innovation Chain,
akin to Global Supply Chain? Technologies,
culture, and process?
As a knowledge worker, how to leverage
the global innovation opportunity?
Oversea assignment? Local learning?
International experience? Language and
cultural challenge and opportunity?
Learning From the Internet
The problem: lost productivity as
employees fail to find knowledge and
waste time on searching or recreate
Challenge: help employees find what
they want and need
Opportunities: Google, eBay and
Amazon provide experiences that can
be learned
Frustrated Employees
Three common frustrations
Finding: multiple repositories, time consuming
Browsing: incomparable formats
Qualifying knowledge: redundant and outdated
To overcome the problems: three actions
One stop access to content
Dynamic classification approach and consistent
content formats
Entice employees to easily find the knowledge
One-Stop Access to Content
Google: simple one-stop search
functionality & existing experiences on
using Google
An integrated repository and one single
Content meta-data and tags help search
Dynamic Classification,
Consistent Formats
Good taxonomy and classification are
Dynamic navigational taxonomy
Classification system based on what
customers want to buy and sell
Standard and consistent formats
Organizations: identify common format
as first step
Comparative Techniques
Proper tools (e.g. multiple search criteria and
product snapshot)
A lot of useful information (e.g. customer review)
Should provide tools & categorizations to help
employees determine the relevance and quality of
the knowledge
E.g. Relevance rating, quality rating, display of
first few sentences, snapshot, links
In Summary
Do Amazon, Google, and EBay succeed
because of IT or fancy search techniques?
Business models and first-mover effect
What are other new technology
opportunities and how to apply them in
other killer-apps?