Students may follow these guidelines to fundraise, use a University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation Account and use the UW Oshkosh Foundation tax exempt number for study abroad and study away programs run through the UW Oshkosh
Office of International Education.
Awards to an individual student or students based on academic achievement and including selection criteria.
Criteria may include such things as extracurricular involvement, leadership, participation on a particular program or on a program within a particular field, etc. Scholarships may be awarded by a university department, student organization or student group formed for the purpose of awarding a study abroad scholarship.
Grant to a single program or to multiple programs
Monies collected may be applied to a particular program to reduce the program fee for all students on that program or to multiple programs designated by the fundraising group to reduce the program fee for all students on programs within that group. For example, students may raise money for all College of Business program options or for all program options which include a service-learning component as defined by the fundraising group.
Offset personal expenses and program fees
Groups of students who fundraise receive funds to offset program fees or personal expenses using a formula developed by the fundraising group. Individuals who fundraise alone may not raise funds to offset their own personal expenses.
Students may fundraise to provide financial assistance or goods to a partner or designated entity.
Students may host brat fries, sell candy bars, etc. to raise money. These sales are not considered charitable contributions for tax purchases. Study abroad-related fundraising may not equal $25,000 or more in sales for the year; once this threshold has been reached all money earned through fundraising will be subject to sales tax.
Donations may be solicited using pledge cards, with the appropriate APPEAL CODE to indicate the intent of the donation, sent to potential donors along with a cover letter and return envelope. Donations cannot be earmarked for a particular individual but can be used toward scholarships, grants to single or multiple programs or for assistance. Donations can be sent directly to the Foundation Office using a pledge card or can be deposited in a
Foundation account by fundraisers.
Donations are considered charitable contributions for tax purchases. Fundraisers who receive donations for deposit at the Foundation Office must provide the donor’s contact information when making the deposit. The
Foundation Office will mail a receipt which can be used for tax purposes. These donations are always exempt from sales tax and are not subject to the $25,000 maximum per year.
Organize a group and identify a group leader (or fundraise alone)
Find students interested in fundraising with you. Work together to choose a group leader and liaison to the Office of International Education and set a fundraising goal (how much money would you like to raise?). Then, list activities which will help you reach that goal. If no one else is interested in fundraising, you can fundraise on your own and include your experience on your resume!
Get approval and an Appeal Code
Complete the “Application to Begin Fundraising”.
Without prior approval to fundraise, you won’t have a tax exempt number. Without the tax exempt number, you can’t fundraise!
Once you have a viable plan, make an appointment to review and explain your plan to your Fundraising Advisor in the Office of International Education.
Once you have approval to fundraise, your group will be given an APPEAL CODE. Because all donations and funds are deposited into one account for all study abroad and study away-related fundraising, your appeal code allows you to identify which funds within the account belong to your particular group. You will not be able to deposit any funds or solicit any donations until you have this code.
Begin organizing your fundraising activities.
Identify group members to complete tasks associated with each type of fundraising activity, from making arrangements for the activity itself to buying supplies and making sure you have enough volunteers.
Keep in mind that others outside of the fundraising group can participate in fundraising events. You may be able to call on family and friends to help fundraise, especially if you hold events in your hometown.
Contracts: In some cases a business may require someone at the University to sign a contract verifying that your group is indeed fundraising for a tax exempt entity. For example, if you plan a brat fry at a local grocery store that store will likely have a contract that needs to be signed in advance. BE AWARE THAT YOU MAY NOT
Raffles: Raffles are regulated by the Division of Gaming in the State of Wisconsin Department of
Administration. Strict regulations apply:
Drawings: Drawings are allowed without a license from the Division of Gaming as long as the amount collected in order to enter the drawing is voluntary. Fundraising organizers can make a suggestion for the donation amount, but anyone may enter at any donation level, including entering without offering a donation at all.
Silent Auctions: Donors may use donations for silent auctions as charitable contributions for tax purposes.
Fundraising organizers must provide “gift in kind” forms to donors, which donors will use to set the value of the contribution. These forms are available from the Foundation Office located in the Alumni Welcome and
Conference Center located at 625 Pearl Avenue.
You are required to use the following forms to track revenue, expenses, deposits and withdrawals associated with your appeal code. These forms must be submitted to the OIE, along with your original receipts, before you may access funds.
Accounting Worksheet/Disbursement Request Form for Fundraising Activities
Group Activities Worksheet
Individual Activities Worksheet
All funds collected by fundraisers must be deposited in the appropriate Foundation Account using the appropriate
APPEAL CODE within five business days of receipt.
Donations mailed directly to the Foundation Office by donors
Fundraisers must ensure that all potential cash donors receive a pledge card with the appropriate APPEAL CODE on it to indicate the intent of the donation. Donors may then complete the pledge card and send this directly to the
Foundation Office with their donation.
Depositing Checks
Checks must be submitted to the OIE, along with the relevant Group Activities Worksheet and/or Individual
Activities Worksheet , and must be made payable to “UW Oshkosh Foundation”. Ask anyone writing a check to write your APPEAL CODE on the check.
Credit Card Payments
Donations may be made by credit card using a pledge card with the appropriate APPEAL CODE on it to indicate the intent of the donation. Your fundraising group will receive the full amount of any credit card donations; credit card fees are covered by the Foundation Office.
Fundraisers must write a check, payable to “UW Oshkosh Foundation”, to cover any donations or revenue collected in cash. Do not bring cash to the Office of International Education to deposit. If you do not have a checking account, bring your cash to the UW Oshkosh Credit Union to purchase a “money order”. Save your receipt for the money order for reimbursement.
Disbursement Requests
To access funds for any purpose, you will need to submit the following forms to the OIE or ensure that the most up-to-date forms are on file:
Accounting Worksheet/Disbursement Request Form for Fundraising Activities
Group Activities Worksheet
Individual Activities Worksheet
The scholarship committee connected to your fundraising activities will use the Disbursement Request Form to request that the Foundation Office release a specific amount of money to specific students’ student accounts.
Grant to a single or multiple programs
The fundraising liaison will use the Disbursement Request Form to request that the Foundation Office release a specific amount of money to the Office of International Education for a specified purpose.
Offset personal expenses and program fees
The fundraising liaison will use the Disbursement Request Form to request that the Foundation Office release a specific amount of money to specific students’ student accounts. The liaison must provide an accounting of all funds raised using the proposed formula.
The fundraising liaison will use the Disbursement Request Form to request that the Foundation Office release a specific amount of money to the appropriate entity. The Office of International Education can assist in this process if needed.
Funds which exceed specified purpose for fundraising
If a fundraising group raises more funds than needed to cover 100% of fees and costs related to the specified purpose for fundraising as listed on the Application to Begin Fundraising , the group may identify additional purposes within the scope of these guidelines for approval by the OIE; funds raised under these guidelines cannot
Timing be used for any purpose which is not consistent with these guidelines.
No funds will be applied to students’ accounts until after successful completion of the associated study abroad/study away program. This includes the percentage of funds a student may receive if funds were to be applied to a particular program to reduce the program fee for all students on that program or to multiple programs to reduce the program fee for all students on programs within that group.
Study abroad/study away program withdrawal and dismissal
Regardless of a student’s level of participation in fundraising activities, a student who withdraws or is dismissed from a study abroad/study away program either before or during the program is not eligible to receive money from fundraising activities.
Group Leader (liaison to the Office of International Education)
Cell or Phone:
Purpose (check all that apply)
Scholarships (complete a Scholarship Plan)
Grant to a single program (program name: )
Grant to multiple programs (program names: )
Offset personal expenses and program fees for a group (NOT for use to offset individual expenses/fees)
Assistance (specify: )
Fundraising Activities
This is not a contract with the OIE; activities listed below do not have to be completed. If you plan to add additional activities, however, you must update this form and re-submit this to the OIE in advance to ensure that planned activities are permissible as fundraising events using the Foundation tax ID number.
Sample: Brat Fry
Activities We Intend to Undertake Potential Net
Total fundraising goal
Potential Student Fundraising Volunteers
This list may be changed after approval.
If fundraising will result in offsetting personal expenses or program fees for group members, choose one of the formulas listed below. All funds raised will be divided as specified below.
100% of net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will be evenly divided among all students who participate in fundraising (all students listed on the final Group Activities Worksheets and/or Individual Activities
Worksheets ) regardless of the level of funds raised by individuals, the number of hours spent fundraising by individuals, or the number of fundraising events attended by individuals.
The first $ of net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will be used to provide financial assistance to
(organization name) in (city, country). Remaining net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will go directly to (program name) to reduce program fees evenly for all participants regardless of whether they participated in fundraising or not.
%) of net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will be used to provide financial assistance to
(organization name) in (city, country). Remaining net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will go directly to (program name) to reduce program fees evenly for all participants regardless of whether they participated in fundraising or not.
The first $ of net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will be used to provide financial assistance to
(organization name) in (city, country). Remaining net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will be evenly divided among all students who participate in fundraising (all students listed on the final Group
Activities Worksheets and/or Individual Activities Worksheets ) regardless of the level of funds raised by individuals, the number of hours spent fundraising by individuals, or the number of fundraising events attended by individuals.
% of net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will be used to provide financial assistance to
(organization name) in (city, country). Remaining net earnings (revenue minus expenses) will be evenly divided among all students who participate in fundraising (all students listed on the final Group
Activities Worksheets and/or Individual Activities Worksheets ) regardless of the level of funds raised by individuals, the number of hours spent fundraising by individuals, or the number of fundraising events attended by individuals.
I agree to follow established guidelines for fundraising, using a UW Oshkosh Foundation Account and using the UW
Oshkosh Foundation tax exempt number. I agree that all funds raised will be deposited in accordance with fundraising guidelines for deposits and within the specified time period.
_____________________________________ __________
Fundraising Group Leader Signature Date
For use by the Office of International Education Only Appeal Code: ________________________
Account Description: ______________________________________________________
I agree to provide oversight and to help the Fundraising Group Leader understand and follow established guidelines for fundraising, using a UW Oshkosh Foundation Account and using the UW Oshkosh Foundation tax exempt number.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________ __________
Signature Print Name Date
Group Activities Worksheet/s: Use to record donations and proceeds from group fundraising activities.
Individual Activities Worksheet/s: Use to record proceeds from individuals’ sales or activities.
Receipts: Submit ORIGINAL receipts for all relevant expenses. No copies can be accepted.
Total Revenue to date: $
Total Expenses to date: $
Total Previous Disbursements to date: $
Net Remaining: $
Disbursement Request APPEAL CODE: ______________________
Scholarships ( Attach the Scholarship Plan. Type in the names, IDs and scholarship amounts for each recipient.
Name ID Scholarship Award
Grant to a single program (program name: )
Grant to multiple programs (program names: )
Offset personal expenses and program fees ( Type in the names and IDs for each recipient.
Name ID
Assistance (specify: )
_____________________________________ __________
Fundraising Group Leader Signature Date
If donations resulted in a prize (e.g. winning a gift basket following a silent auction, receipt of a t-shirt or other item in return for a donation of a specific amount), prizes and prize value MUST be included in the detail you provide below.
Group Activity Student Volunteer Name List Total Expenses --$
Prizes Awarded and Prize Value
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Group Activity
Group Activity
Group Activity
Group Activity
Group Activity
Student Volunteer Name List
Prizes Awarded and Prize Value
Student Volunteer Name List
Prizes Awarded and Prize Value
Student Volunteer Name List
Prizes Awarded and Prize Value
Student Volunteer Name List
Prizes Awarded and Prize Value
Student Volunteer Name List
Prizes Awarded and Prize Value
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Student Volunteer Name: __________________________________________
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Total Expenses --$
Total Collected $
Net Raised $
Submit this form with your Application to Begin Fundraising if you plan to award a scholarship. Then, use this information to develop a scholarship application.
Scholarship Name:
Anticipated Number of Scholarships:
Anticipated Scholarship Amount: $
Who will award this scholarship?
university department (specify):
recognized student organization (specify):
student group formed for the purpose of awarding a study abroad scholarship (member names: )
List all eligibility requirements & criteria for selection:
These may include such things as extracurricular involvement, leadership, participation on a particular program or on a program within a particular field, etc.
Example: Applications are due by (date).
All scholarship announcements must include the following: Scholarships will be applied to the recipient’s UW
Oshkosh student account following successful program completion.
_____________________________________ __________
Fundraising Group Leader Signature Date