EGEP Team meeting #2 12/19/07 1:30 pm

EGEP Team meeting #2
1:30 pm
In attendance: Gary Adams, Perry Rettig, Peter Meyerson, Bill Wresch, Linda Freed,
Susannah Sandrin, Todd Sandrin
The meeting was called to order at 1:40 pm.
Updates on EGEP Team activities
- Linda Freed and Todd Sandrin hosted informal get-togethers to facilitate
conversation regarding grantwriting on-campus and identification of barriers to
grantwriting. One group included faculty and staff from the natural sciences,
while a second gathering including faculty and staff from COEHS. In addition,
Todd Sandrin met with COEHS grantwriter, Theresa Duren, to gain additional
COEHS perspective
- Deans of each of the Colleges were notified of the EGEP Team’s formation and
activities by Todd Sandrin at the November 27 meeting of the Provost’s
Administrative Staff
- Todd Sandrin solicited input on EGEP Team activities from the Graduate
Council at a recent meeting of the group (12/6/07). Greg Wypisinski is working
to find an individual to represent the Graduate Council. Discussion regarding
expanded roles of graduate students as instructional assistants occurred at this
meeting. The question of whether graduate students can serve as instructional
assistants was discussed.
Wresch: There is a state statute about students “teaching” but the statute has been
interpreted differently by different campuses.
Meyerson: We may need to examine the TA union at UW Madison
Adams: Opportunities for graduate students to serve instructional roles will vary
by department and campus.
Sandrin: It appears several other comprehensives have graduate students serving
as instructional assistants. Can we find the precise language of the relevant
- UW Oshkosh Today intends to announce the formation and activities of the
EGEP Team around the end of the year. An additional announcement should also
go out in February (near the time of the launch of the University Research
Program/Associate Program).
- Linda Freed contacted Peggy Vanco at UW Milwaukee to explore inviting
relevant personnel to discuss the RGI with members of the UW Oshkosh campus.
Ms. Vanco requested that the invitation come from the Provost or the Chancellor.
Barriers to Grantwriting Survey
Meyerson: The word “the” needs to be added to a few of the first items.
Rettig: The timing of the survey needs to be coordinated with the launch of other
campus surveys.
Sandrin: The survey could be hosted on D2L
Adams, others: Brian Ledwell’s group does a great job with surveys.
Freed, others: Be sure first questions regarding grant funding specify “as PI or coPI”
Freed: A question regarding whether respondents have served on an external grant
review panel should be included.
Wresch, others: The term “off-campus” should replace “external”
Seed Money Fund RFP
Sandrin: Should we use an acronym for the program?
Wresch, others: No need.
Adams, others: Should clarification be added regarding composition of the review
Freed: The panel will be a fluid one, designated by and advisory to the EGEP
Team and/or University Research Professor/Associate Program members
Wresch, others: An emphasis on projects with relevance to NE Wisconsin may
discourage qualified individuals from applying to program.
Sandrin (S.), others: Should points 3 and 4 be reversed on p. 1? Perhaps,
additional language should be added to point #3 to emphasize relationships
between UWO researchers, the region and beyond?
Adams: P. 1., ln. 9. Should “rigorous” and “relevant” be used rather than
Freed, others: Addition of “rigorous” and “relevant” would be appropriate, but
“timely” should be kept.
Freed, others: Need to add an “eligibility” section to specify that only faculty and
staff with 0.5 FTE or greater are eligible.
Wresch: What is the mechanism for creating a named position as we are
proposing to do (University Research Professor/Associate)?
Sandrin (T.), others: The $15k budget assumes 6-7 people will be funded by
program. Should priority be given to resubmissions? Should we use residual
funds be used to support resubmissions?
All: Can the campus provide support (e.g., use indirects generated by this
program) to support this program beyond its 1-year scope?
Sandrin (S.): Include “Milestones” as a section under “Application”.
Next Steps
Perry Rettig will determine when the survey can be launched as well as whether
we can designate faculty and staff “University Research Professors/Associate”.
Linda Freed and Todd Sandrin will meet with Integrating Marketing Team
Director soon.
Linda Freed and Todd Sandrin plan to contact Kris Andrews at UW System to
find out what other comprehensives are doing in this arena and how UW
Oshkosh can serve as a model for expanding external grants on comprehensive
Linda Freed presented information regarding prior research into what other
campuses are doing to expand external grants.