Possible MTTM Source Grain Relate to

Possible MTTM
Creating a counterexample
Creating an example or non-example
Recognizing what one can conclude from arbitrarily
chosen examples
Choosing “good” examples
Working toward abstraction from specific examples
and generating specific examples from an abstract
Considering special cases
Identifying and analyzing special cases
Recognizing an exhaustive set of cases
Structuring an argument so that it extends to a more
general case
Constructing an object given a set of mathematical
Understanding the mathematical affordances and
constraints that a particular curriculum sets up
Identifying and working with given constraints
Knowing when relaxing constraints may be
Considering what happens when certain conditions
are not met
Draw-on List
Draw-on List
Snow Camp MAT List
Expert Mtg., 070520, 2:45-3:15 PM
Expert Mtg., 070522, 8:30-9 AM
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Draw-on List
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Snow Camp MAT List
Snow Camp MAT List
Snow Camp MAT List
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 83, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Grain Relate to
Size Practice
Task Present in
STN #: Focus #
Fitting a question in a larger arena
Determining mathematical extensions to a given
problem or question
Solving unfamiliar problems or answering
unexpected questions
Motivating students' thinking through questioning
Anticipating the kinds of questions or ideas a given
curriculum or lesson might lead students to ask or
Developing questions for students that focus on key
mathematical ideas
Interpreting the mathematics in the kinds of
questions being asked
Selecting a particular representation
Looking at various representations and moving
between them
Using alternative representations (shifting
representations) fluidly
Using a different representation
Selecting, creating, using models for rational
numbers (not just knowing what rational numbers
Using a variable to represent a mathematical object
Using/Creating equivalent equations to reveal
Modeling a mathematical operation through physical
Draw-on List
Draw-on List
Draw-on List
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 82, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT discussion
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070522, Red Group 3
Draw-on List
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2
Expert Mtg., 070521, 1:30-2 PM
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 59-60, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070520, Whole Group
Snow Camp MAT List
Snow Camp MAT List
Snow Camp MAT List
Connecting elements of two representations
Making connections amongst levels, to student
knowledge, to rest of curriculum etc.
Building connections - to curriculum, students'
Making connections with various “topics” in
mathematics (e.g. connection between symbolic
representation and analytic geometry)
Making connections “down” as well as “up” in the
Seeing opportunities for connections
Making connections fluidly – between ideas and
between methods
Understanding connections across mathematics but
also concepts that permeate different areas
Recognizing fluidity of mathematics through
Knowing that there are different ways of
approaching mathematics (problem solving)
Recognizing one’s own way of approaching
mathematics (problem solving)
Appreciating other ways of approaching
mathematics (problem solving)
Having a perspective that teaching mathematics is an
applied mathematics (lesson design as mathematical
Snow Camp MAT List
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 4
Expert Mtg., 070520, Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Grey Group 4
(Sitn. 41)
Expert Mtg., 070521, 9:30-10:30
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2
Expert Mtg., 070521, 1:30-2 PM
Expert Mtg., 070521, Grey Group 4
(Sitn. 41)
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 59-60, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 46 Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Writing
Group: PW, ZU, SB, EM, BA
problem solving)
Understanding what mathematics is about or the
spirit or nature of mathematics (problem solving)
Making problem solving processes transparent
(communicating mathematical thinking)
Giving students the power to do something: solve
problems, interact with the world, use structure to
help solve problems
Selecting or creating problems (given some
computational ease, focus on concept)
Choosing a simpler problem on which to base claims
Making implied aspects of a problem explicit
Multiple ways to explain – to draw on different
Reflecting on our own practice and on doing
Using precise language
Explaining a convention
Reasoning from mathematical definitions
Recognizing limitations of reasoning from diagrams
and impact these limitations have on student
Thinking about a problem from different
mathematical ways of reasoning
Reasoning by continuity; reasoning from given
conditionals; using logic, rules of the game
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 58, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Writing
Group: PW, ZU, SB, EM, BA
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 40 Group,
Page 6, Transcript
Snow Camp MAT List
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070521, Grey Group 4
(Sitn. 41)
Expert Mtg., 070521, 1:30-2 PM
Expert Mtg., 070521, Plenary,
Page 135, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Snow Camp MAT List
Expert Mtg., 070520, Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 40 Group,
Page 8, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 55, Transcript
(statement and contrapositive)
Taking empirical evidence and formulating
conjectures, then trying to prove or disprove
Knowing the structure of an mathematical argument
Understanding of how mathematical thought
progresses and how arguments are formed
Using an analogy
Using analogies when appropriate
Developing sensitivity to how far as analogy can be
Arguing by contradiction (excluded middle)
Understanding the logic through which mathematics
is presented; identifying the big idea within a formal
Formulating and reformulating conjectures
Knowing the need to state the assumptions
Recognizing instances involving uniqueness
Judging validity of statements
Determining how two classes of objects are
Explaining why a process doesn’t generalize
when trying to apply the process to a different entity
Knowing what mathematical families exist:
mathematical theories, extensions, generalized
Knowing how particular bits of mathematics fit into
a larger body of mathematics
Expert Mtg., 070521, Plenary,
Page 151, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 1
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Snow Camp MAT List
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070521, Yellow Group
Snow Camp MAT List
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 56, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Plenary,
Page 135, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070520, 4:30-5 PM
Draw-on List
Draw-on List
Draw-on List
Draw-on List
Expert Mtg., 070521, Grey Group 3
(Sitn. 46)
Expert Mtg., 070520, SIT 43 Whole
Recognizing mathematical relationships that allow
one to extend one conclusion to a larger class
Considering a definition in an expanded sense or
altering the “universe” being considered
Knowing when certain properties hold and when
they don’t
Appealing to a definition
Using technology to investigate a problem or
estimate a value
Creating a file that involves math beyond
what the file is used to teach
Having to deal with the math of a tool
Making analogies of things students understand
Taking mathematics and make and use analogies in a
way that students might understand
Putting ideas into application to motivate students
Thinking about how students might make sense of
the implied parts
Determining parts of context that are important for
students’ learning
Understanding mathematics that may not be correct
that emerges from the classroom
Understanding the assumptions and their
consequences of each mathematical situation
Focusing on what students need to learn: being able
to "zoom-in" and "zoom-out"
Snow Camp MAT List
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 40 Group,
Page 22, Transcript
Draw-on List
Draw-on List
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 4
Expert Mtg., 070520, Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070520, 4:30-5 PM
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070520, Whole Group
Identifying and building mathematical ideas that
students will need in subsequent math classes
Recognizing the “reasonableness” of what the
student said
Understanding mathematical idea development – 3
dimensions: (1) development of the idea within
mathematics, (2) psychological – what does
someone already know, what are the conceptual
obstacles, and (3) development of the ideas within
school mathematics – what’s coming up and where
have the students been?
Understanding typical development of mathematical
ideas (identifying additive versus multiplicative
reasoning, using this to develop appropriate
Ex: If a student understands 2n is 2*2*2*…*2 (n
times), then what does 22.5 possibly mean?
Recognizing the mathematical perspective of
students and what struggles they may experience
because of this perspective
Interpreting students’ solutions
Not telling students certain things that would be
detrimental to future development
Understanding mathematical idea development – 3
dimensions: (1) development of the idea within
mathematics, (2) psychological – what does
someone already know, what are the conceptual
obstacles, and (3) development of the ideas within
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 88, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Group 1
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Group 1
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 40 Group,
Page 7, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT discussion
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070522, Writing
Groups Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070522, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Group 1
school mathematics – what’s coming up and
where have the students been?
Understanding how a particular curriculum supports
the development of particular mathematical ideas
Knowing intermediate mathematics in the pursuit of
a goal
Knowing where the mathematics could go
Be aware of what comes next (e.g. commutativity 
Knowing what’s assumed by symbols; Keeping
meaning in mind is vital
Knowing what skills/algorithms are important and
knowing what the applications are
Drawing on MKT to use curricular materials
effectively – how to work with text
Interpreting mathematics found in and using
mathematics curricular materials
Aligning standards, curriculum materials,
mathematical content
Writing tests, which calls on mathematics
Thinking about how mathematical ideas build
Identifying when certain mathematical territory is
useful to move into
Making decisions about critical mathematical ideas
when facing time limitations
Knowing how to develop ideas (e.g., encapsulating
processes into objects); understanding the value of
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 82, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070522, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070521, 2-2:30 PM
Expert Mtg., 070521, Green Group 4
Expert Mtg., 070521, 1:30-2 PM
Expert Mtg., 070520, 3:45-4 PM
Expert Mtg., 070520, Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 79-80, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070522, 8:30-11:30AM
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 1
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 40 Group,
Page 14, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 88, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 1
Expert Mtg., 070521, 1:30-2 PM
Understanding how ideas might be developed, how
ideas are often represented
Understanding typical development of
mathematical ideas (identifying additive versus
multiplicative reasoning, using this to develop
appropriate tasks)
Ex: If a student understands 2n is 2*2*2*…*2 (n
times), then what does 22.5 possibly mean?
Facilitating investigation of mathematics
Considering the importance of over-riding ideas
regardless of approach, i.e. extension and
representation, decomposition, invariance,
Identifying important mathematical ideas, selecting
or developing tasks that emphasize these important
mathematical ideas
Identifying strengths and weaknesses of different
Making decisions about what part of the context is
Looking at a topic throughout the curriculum
Seeking the big themes
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 59-60, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 40 Group,
Page 7, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070522, 8:30-9 AM
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070520, Red Group 3
Expert Mtg., 070520, Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Needing to know what’s happening so it doesn’t lead Expert Mtg., 070521, Green Group 4
to confusion
Knowing something and also knowing when to or
Expert Mtg., 070521, Green Group 2
not to apply it
Understanding mathematical idea development – 3
dimensions: (1) development of the idea within
mathematics, (2) psychological – what does
someone already know, what are the conceptual
obstacles, and (3) development of the ideas within
school mathematics – what’s coming up and where
have the students been?
Having view that mathematics develops, significant
mathematical ideas are developed
Knowing rules in the axiomatic system (e.g.
converse vs. contrapositive)
Seeing and recognizing structure
Not just knowing content, but mathematical
Extending domain; preserving structure
Looking at domain and extending domain
Thinking geometrically to give meaning to
numerical symbols
Being in the habit of looking for things that have
structural similarity, i.e. similarities of Chinese
remainder theorem and Lagrange interpolation
Having awareness of mathematical structure (set and
operations on a set)
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Group 1
Expert Mtg., 070521, Writing
Group: PW, ZU, SB, EM, BA
Expert Mtg., 070521, Yellow Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Yellow Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 1
Expert Mtg., 070521, Blue Group 2,
Page 54, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 46 Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, Plenary,
Page 171, Transcript
Expert Mtg., 070521, Framework
Whole Group
Expert Mtg., 070521, SIT 3 Group