OSA Assembly Minutes I. Call to Order –

OSA Assembly Minutes
March 7, 2016 at 4:00 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 307, The Theatre
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:00 PM
Roll Call Organizations with Voting Rights:
OSA Registered club/org
Advertising club
Alpha Xi Delta
Alta Resources Collegiate Entrepreneur's Organization
American Red Cross Club
Anthropology Club
APICS UW Oshkosh Student Chapter
Asian Student Association
Aviation Club
Be the Match
Beta Theta Pi
Biology & Microbiology Club
Campus for Awareness and Relationship Education (CARE/MenCARE)
Chemistry Club
Chi Sigma Iota
Chinese Culture Club
Circle K International
Club Nippon
College Democrats
College Republicans
Colleges Against Cancer
Communication Club
Converge - A Chi Alpha Campus Ministry
Criminal Justice Association
Delta Sigma Phi
Donster Community Government
Dr. Julie Henderson Chapter of PRSSA at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Economics Student Association
Evans Hall Government
Future Business Leaders of America
Gamma Phi Beta
Geography Club
Graduate Student Association
Great Lakes Chapter of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing
Gruenhagen Remarkable Events & Activities Team
His House Christian Fellowship
History Club
Horizon Hall
Hmong Student Union
Human Services Leadership Student Organization
Illinois Student Organization
Information Systems Club
Interfraternity Council
International Business Club
International Student Association
Inter-Tribal Student Organization
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Kappa Delta Pi
Model United Nations
Multicultural Education Coalition
National Society of Leadership and Success
North Scott Hall Activities Council
Omega Delta Phi
Order of Omega-Omicron Kappa Chapter
Oshkosh Collegiate Music Teachers Association
Oshkosh Gaming Society
Oshkosh League of Legends Club
Oshkosh One
Oshkosh Physical Education Club
Oshkosh Student Association
Oshkosh Student Nurses Association
Pagan Student Alliance
Panhellenic Council
Pre-Dental Society
Pre-Med Society
Pre-Optometry Society
Psychology Club
Rainbow Alliance for H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Perceive Equality)
Reeve Union Board
Residents Engaged in Activities and Leadership
Sigma Pi Fraternity
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Social Justice Club
Society of Physics Students
Spanish Club
Stewart Activities Team
Student Council for Exceptional Children
Student Environmental Action Coalition
Student Organization of Latinos
Student Social Work Association
Student Wisconsin Education Association
Students and Teachers Against the Not-quite Dead
Students For Concealed Carry
Students for Music
Students Organized for Art
Swing Dance Club
Taylor Hall Government
The Comedy Club
The Delta Chi Fraternity
The English Club
The Sisterhood
Theatre Arts Board
Titan Catholics (Formally known as Newman Center)
Titan Cheer and Stunt
Titan TV
Ultimate Frisbee Club
United Students in Residence Halls
University Honors Student Association
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Society for Human Resource Management
UW Oshkosh Student Veterans Association
UW Oshkosh Women's Lacrosse
UWO Cycling Club
UWO Optimist Club
UW-Oshkosh ROTC
Wildlife Conservation Club
Wisconsin Review
Women's Advocacy Council
Young Americans for Liberty
Zeta Tau Alpha
Gamma Iota Sigma
Natural Remedies Club
UWO Officials association
Humane Society Club
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda – approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Club/Org Recognition – none
Guest Speakers – none
Officer Reports –
OSA Directors and Ambassadors –
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu ) – OSA Elections
March 8 and March 9 from 8 AM to 8 PM click on Vote Here. Brochure listing
the candidates are located by Titan Central, University Bookstore, Clow, and Sage
newspaper stand, April 7 Housing Fair 11 AM – 1:30 PM in Reeve Concourse,
Chancellor Leavitt will be a guest next week.
c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – Encourage students to take the
Campus Climate survey, encourage constituents to fill it out, very important,
Chancellor Leavitt here next week and will most likely discuss the Strategic Plan
is done the implementation and the action plan still needs to be worked out.
Students will receive an email this week or next week in regard to voting the
primary is April 5 on Tuesday, what does it mean, where do you vote what kind
of ID do you need where you can print out the voter verification form the day off
at the polling place and speed it along if you do this ahead of time. 80% of the
emails that Petra sends are deleted don’t delete it share with your constituents, as
OSA is recognized for having highest numbers not only in state but nationally.
Titan Catholics: Which are district lines and this was coming up a lot by students
on Vine Ave and do not know where these students will vote will this information
be made available? Answer: yes will include a link and will be some changes for
those districts and put your address in and we will provide you with this
d. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu ) – sign in for
attendance, email Maria if unable to make assembly
e. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – Studen Reps this
weekend will be discussing the Affordable Care Act and Student Rep exec
meeting tonight. Lynnette and Austyn met with Dr. Sylvia Carey- Butler about
having the inclusive excellence link on the UWO home page. Less than 900
students and less than 400 staff members have filled out the survey and is
completely confidential.
f. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
Vice President – (Graham – (osavp@uwosh.edu) – no report
President – (Jordan – osavpres@uwosh.edu) – no report
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 15-099
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Karee Orrick, Student Allocation Committee
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Pagan Student Alliance, 2nd by YAL
Vote, passed, no objections, no abstentions (03/07/2016)
X. Unfinished Business – none
New Business –
OSA 15-098
WHEREAS, one of the top priorities of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is to provide
students with the necessary information they need to succeed; and
WHEREAS, the vast majority of students attending the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh either
have a vehicle on campus, commute, or otherwise utilize the resources offered by Parking and
Transportation Services; and
WHEREAS, according to a recent survey, many students report having difficulties acquiring the
information they need regarding parking rules and regulations; and
WHEREAS, these difficulties appear to stem from poor customer service, outdated information,
lack of communication, and a hesitancy to accommodate student circumstances; and
WHEREAS, the majority of the students who completed the survey don’t think parking rules and
regulations have been sufficiently explained to them, and they have never received a brochure,
pamphlet, or other item explaining said rules and regulations; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services work proactively to
ensure that parking rules and regulations are sufficiently communicated to students by keeping
their materials updated and making information readily available, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services create a brochure,
online pamphlet, or other item for distribution to students in order to do this, since many students
report difficulties acquiring information from Parking Services’ web site, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the staff at Parking and Transportation Services take care to
ensure that they are providing friendly and accurate customer service, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services begin to take an active
role in communicating with students by providing a means through which students can provide
feedback as to their experiences, and being open to suggestions regarding parking rules and
regulations, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that upon passage of the resolution, a copy of the resolution shall
be transmitted to the following: Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Andrew
Leavitt, Chancellor; Tom Sonnleitner, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services; Lori Worm,
Associate Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services; and Benjamin Richardson, Parking and
Transportation Services Director
Sponsored by: Katheryn Bermann, OSA Senator
Motion to move to floor YAL, 2nd by Cycling club
Discussion: Motion to table resolution and form an ad hoc committee with five student
members by YAL, 2nd by Pagan Student Alliance
Vote, passed placard vote, 26 yes, 10 objections, and one abstention (03/07/2016) Members
of the committee will be YAL rep, College Republicans rep, and Taylor Hall Rep. Austyn
will ask Rae to send out an email requesting two additional members for the OSA ad hoc
OSA 15-100
WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) gives the responsibility to university student
associations to review and offer recommendations for the policies concerning student life,
service and interests; and
WHEREAS the men’s soccer and tennis team is an organized sport which concerns student life,
service and interests of the student body; and
WHEREAS the Oshkosh Student Association (hereinafter “OSA”) was not asked for an opinion
and therefore could not offer a recommendation regarding the termination of the men’s soccer
and the men’s tennis team for the 2016 season and the foreseeable future; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has made an effort toward transparency in the
discretion of its employees; and
WHEREAS the decision making party has not reconsidered feasible alternatives to terminating
the team, which in fact negate the original reasoning for the action taken by Athletics Director
Sims. The current reasons that were given were that they have no conference, do not
automatically qualify for the playoffs and therefore a reduced chance of qualifying, the budget
cuts require cutting to save our university money, and that self-funding would be unsustainable;
WHEREAS 26 of the 32 years the men’s soccer team at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
has been operating, they did not have a conference. This has not prevented the men’s soccer team
from qualifying for the NCAA playoffs including this past year;8 and
WHEREAS The University of Wisconsin Whitewater has also experienced budget cuts that
actually were the largest cuts with 32.7% reductions from their last years budget, and still, they
have retained a sustainable level of funding in their athletic programs.2 The University of
Wisconsin Whitewater men’s soccer team has also not had a conference this year, yet they still
qualified for the NCAA playoffs,8 while suffering the largest percentage in budget cuts; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Whitewater understands the importance in building
school pride and culture to help recruit and retain students, and therefore does not eliminate
programs that actually generate more revenue through student recruitment and retention than
what is expensed to fund it; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has a marketing budget that exceeds $60,000
which helps fund billboard placement;3 and
WHEREAS the men’s soccer team received an annual budget of $26,000.8 Through the
program, the men’s soccer team recruited, on average, seven students every year7 that lead to
revenues to the university of $15,000 per student via tuition and fees.1 When averaged out, this
tuition brings in revenues of $105,000 a year to our university that supports our Academics,
OSA, their own program, and more. This makes a net difference (Revenues gained minus the
$26,000 for the program expense)1,8 of $79,000 our university gains from the new students
recruited through soccer alone each year. When adjusted for a conservative four years a soccer
player stays till graduation, the $79,000 per year grows to $316,000 a year for each class of
soccer players that comes and graduates through the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Being
that the program would be completely self-funded (and therefore not expensed through the
university) and still be able to recruit each year, the soccer program runs would bring in
$420,000 more revenue for our university(through soccer alone). Already, not even a year after
the men’s soccer and tennis program have been terminated, five students, Tyler Howard, Kevin
Schenk, Nick Harenda, Jakub Rys, and Javier Simone have transferred to other universities that
work “collectively toward ensuring a prosperous collegiate experience for each student by
representing, safeguarding, and promoting [their] interests and rights throughout [their] pursuit
of knowledge”; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh has shown support by planning on allocating
$10,000 yearly,4 which partly comes from student tuition dollars, for programs such as the
Advance Titan that about six years ago had a reserve balance of $26,459.07 and in those six
years went to a deficit of $75,129.85 student dollars;5 and
WHEREAS it has been said that budget cuts require cutting, yet our university is still able to to
to give $10,000 yearly to a program that in six years had a negative net change of $101,588.92
with their allocated funds. Yet, we can not allow a program that brings in funds for our
academics, student life, and university to be self-funded? This is hypocritical; and
WHEREAS it has been said that the men’s soccer and tennis team should become clubs sports to
gain fundings from the OSA and save funds for our university; and
WHEREAS the potentially allocated funds via OSA is still student money and is still student
raised, and therefore the men’s soccer and tennis team would still be using the University of
Wisconsin Oshkosh’s student dollars to pay for their teams, instead of them self-funding. It is
irresponsible to claim to the student body this will save our university money, as we lose an
average net of $316,000 through team recruiting when paid through the university and a net
$420,000 when self-funded, yet still pay for it through our own student dollars; and
WHEREAS it is retrogressive academically and fiscally to cut and not allow complete self
funding for such programs that affect our University in such profound ways; and
WHEREAS it has been said that it is wise to not allow the men’s soccer and tennis team to self
fund because it is too costly and not sustainable, even though the men’s soccer team have already
fundraised $60,000 and the men’s tennis team $18,000; and
WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin La Crosse Men’s Baseball and Tennis programs were
defunded in 2009. The University of Wisconsin La Crosse allowed the programs to self-fund.6
With the reasoning based upon in the last whereas clause, with over seven years passing, the
programs must be depleted and fully terminated by now. However, the alumni and students at the
University of Wisconsin La Crosse understand the value in promoting their university,
community, and involvement through the athletic programs and therefore are still strongly
running both programs to this day; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all of the current reasons given (they have no
conference, no automatic qualifier and therefore a much less likely chance of qualifying, the
budget cuts require cutting to save our university money, and that self-funding would be
unsustainable) are faulted in significant factual reasoning, and therefore, alternatives should be
considered; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh should
follow other UW campuses examples, such as UW La Crosse and UW Whitewater that stand
with and for their students, and allow the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh men’s soccer and
tennis team to self-fund and compete with the recognition this university has always offered
them; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the men’s soccer team understands that,
most likely, they will not be able to compete this upcoming season due to the inability to recruit.
They are not simply doing it for their own sake, but for the future program that both the alumni
and the students here support, because going to a liberal education college is more than a
technical degree. It is a university that fosters student academics, student involvement, and
student interest. That is why as the students’ official voice, we need to stand for our students and
asses what our administration and university does, as OSA was created to do.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED after passage of the resolution a copy of resolution shall be
transmitted to the following; Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs, Darryl Sims, Athletic Director.
Sponsored by: Jared Schadrie, Oshkosh Student Association Senator, Men’s Soccer Team,
Men’s Tennis Team, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club, Women’s Soccer Team,
Women’s Rugby Football Club, College Republicans, and Karate Club.
Motion to add to floor OSA 15-100 by Ultimate Frisbee, 2nd by Pagan Student Alliance
Discussion: Circle K: Not on the agenda today and it looks like it needs several tweaks,
Speaker: my advice was when a resolution so big Senate usually makes a bunch of
amendments to the resolution then come to assembly so the resolution is not delayed in
voting on. Can Assembly give advice to Senate, if we were to send it to senate tomorrow
how does that effect new business today and make amendments to it today, Answer: If
Senate makes amendments it will come back to this body to vote on when the resolution
goes to senate first it simplifies and makes the process efficient. Circle K: Present Schettle
said he was going to veto another resolution very similar to this, will President Schettle veto
this one? Jared: submitted this week due to spring break and did not want to lose any
communication on this item with spring break. English Club vote against this. Jared: the
Assembly bylaws were not followed with the other soccer resolution as a sponsor was not
here when you voted on it, and in senate we voted for it, did not have a representative here
to voice opinions.
Jared very passionate about this, lost sleep over it, these teams are going to move on and
something just does not feel right about it.
Cycle Club: Is this the appropriate time to send to committee to make edits, 2nd by Pagan
Student Alliance. College Republicans – do not see a point on going to assembly. Circle K
like what Titan Catholics stated both assembly and senate not as highly representative,
edits cold be made by the committee and not sure if all information in the resolution is
accurate (lists for schools that have soccer clubs and misrepresent of tuition dollars, etc., a
committee could check on this. Jared, would ask that this not go to committee now, let the
senators go through it, rather asks bring it up in discussion or anything that you do not
think it is correct please bring it up today. MUN: Robert’s Rule minor grammar mistakes
can be fixed. Vote, on bringing this resolution to committee, failed 5 yes, 15 objections, 2
abstentions (03/07/2016) Pagan Student Alliance, the students on the soccer team are
recruited and can any student that identities as a male be part of the Tennis team or soccer
team? Answer: have to try out and have to be accepted, all students can try out but does
not mean they will be accepted. Ultimate Frisbee member was able to find a link on the
website and email the coach that he was interested, what position he played in high school
and the coach contacted him. Novak: Division 3 level can give direct sport scholarship and
if you anyone can apply.
Committee Reports - Strategic plan complete and handed out, will discuss with
Chancellor next week.
Discussion –
a. thank you for participation and speaking mind and representing your
organizations, OSA awards will be given out and there are two awards for
Announcements – Hope sponsoring speaker today Robin 7 to 9 in theatre. Pagan
Student Alliance Defense against the dark arts Reeve 215 at 5:30 join in and learn more
about it, students and faculty invited it. Circle K book drive through March 8 new. Toga
Party this Friday 8 and midnight Ballroom C 2 DJs come to Reeve and buy a ticket
Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 4:45 PM by YAL, 2nd by Cycling Dlub, no
objections, no abstentions (03/07/2016)