OSA Senate Minutes
September 9, 2014 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 pm
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Grayson Bourke - New
Daniel Dennis –Present
William Fath – Present
Valerie Hagen - New
James Martine – Present
Cory Nader – Absent
Lindsey Newhauser – Present
Michael Riley – Present
Benjamin Stepanek – Present
Steven Thompson – Present
Hallie Turnbull – Present
Troy Winkelman – New
Jeramiah Gruendemann – Associate – New
Kylee Kubis – Associate - New
Open Forum - none
Education & Human Services (5)
Nursing (3)
Taylor Bombinski – Present
College of Business (5)
Anne Cummins – Present
Stuart Karas - Present
Ashley Meyer – Present
Chase Mitchell – Present
Approval of the Agenda –
Motion to amend agenda by striking SS 14-012 by Martine, 2 nd by Riley (passed voice vote) 09/09/14
Guest Speakers – none
Approval of the Minutes - approved
Officer Reports – a.
OSA Directors – Director Parson – updated senate on the fiscal status of the state
1.8 billion debts. Dennis: Since just hearing this how does this compare to the previous governor? Part of debt was inherited. Hopper chief of staff no report as of today only two directors sent your availability. Lee O’Day Exclusive
Excellence Director look into it more S.A.F.E. Training Sunday Oct 5 6 to 9,
Sunday sign up and register if not SAFE trained as the Exec Board should be
SAFE trained.
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu
) – Welcome back!!!
Look forward to another great year. Location of agenda and minutes on OSA website and TitanLink c.
OSA Advisor – (Sharon – kipetzs@uwosh.edu
) - Office in Dempsey Dean of
Student’s Office, look forward to working with OSA d.
OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu
) – Crystal Buss – academic staff nothing to report. Attended school here is a librarian at UW-Oshkosh. e.
Speaker Pro-Tempore –(Jackie – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu
) – no report f.
Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu
) – first meeting yesterday new faces, recognized student org training on September 29 th
at 4:00
PM in place of Assembly. g.
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu
) – Exec’s assist work on committees email a few weeks ago from there is firm deadline of Sept
12 th
to email your preferences to her and then on Monday committee appointments will be open to the whole student body h.
Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu
) – hopes everyone’s summer was as wonderful as his, excited to get in the swing of things, attendance – if have to miss meeting email myself and cc Rae, 2 unexcused and the third removal from
Senate for the year, four Excused for the semester put in a position that best fits your schedule, no shorts, no jeans, no T-shirt the career center has a closet students may take four pieces of business casual. Three office hours a week in
OSA office. Check out the resolution board and find out when people are meeting for resolutions if you are interested in them. No resolution on the agenda without being on the board, no phones during the meeting, no text, if you do have phone please put it on silent. Food during office hours is fine, no loud food or strong scented food, no chips, no swearing on public record, first will be friendly reminder then I will ask that person to be removed. Senate picture next week before meeting come well-dressed next week. Sept 15 th
at 5:00 pm Jordan and Graham attending a food meeting with a third party consult that will be evaluating food plan two to three OSA reps have been invited, let Jordan or
Graham know if you want to attend. i.
President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu
) – GPS units will be installed by next
Monday on the Titan Transit. We also found out the Titan Transit contract expired it has now been extended to December. Enterprise car share the end of
June, all students to rent a car but should be in place by next week. Student voter registrations we want to make sure all students on the campus are registered to vote. Working with Reggie and Lindsey tabling in Reeve the America
Democracy campaign while we are in senate. Rae Ann worked on Student
Savings Club summer still working on Olive Garden. Titan Discounts Club but no logo as of yet. E-cigs faculty senate touching upon this too. Quick Robert
Rules better members of this body. Dress code is great look more professional,
OSA get your size for you sometime in October, SUFAC meeting this week.
Presidential Appointments –
SS 14-004
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those
Organizations with “Assembly” after their names:
UWO Campus Cleanup Club, Assembly
Sponsored by: Nicole Lehto, Speaker of Assembly
Motion to move to floor Newhauser, 2 nd by Hopper
Vote, voice passed, no opposed, no abstentions
SS 14-005
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate approves the following Presidential appointment:
1. Kylee Kubis, Associate Senator, College of Letters & Science
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president
Motion to move to floor Newhauser, 2 nd by Martine
Vote, voice passed, no abstentions
SS 14-006
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate approves the following Presidential appointment:
1. Jeramiah Gruendemann, Associate Senator, College of Letters &
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president
Motion to move to floor Fath, 2 nd by Cummins
Vote, voice passed, no abstentions
SS 14-009
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate approves the following Presidential appointment:
1. Grayson Bourke, Senator, College of Letters & Science
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president
Motion to move to floor Fath, 2 nd by Cummins
Vote, voice passed, no abstentions
SS 14-010
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate approves the following Presidential appointment:
1. Valerie Hagen, Senator, College of Letters & Science
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president
Motion to move to floor Kubis, 2 nd by Fath
Vote, voice passed, no abstentions
SS 14-011
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate approves the following Presidential appointment:
1. Troy Winkelman, Senator, College of Letters & Science
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president
Motion to move to floor Fath, 2 nd by Cummins
Vote, voice passed, two opposed, no abstentions
OSA 14-002
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
Lee O’Day, Preferred Name Committee
Lindsey Newhauser, Stuart Karas, Daniel Dennis, Student Allocations
Emily Herrick, Chancellor’s Award for Greek Excellence
Benjamin Stepanek, Differential Tuition
Graham Sparks, Faculty Senate Representative
Valerie Hagen, Gender Equity Council
Cody Nader, James Martine, Intercollegiate Athletic Committee
Benjamin Stepanek, Lindsey Newhauser, Pepsi Fund Committee
Anne Cummins, Hallie Turnbull, Jordan Hansen, Segregated Fee
Steven Thompson, Student Conduct Panel/Student Tribunal
Adam Steinbach, Student Tech Fees
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA president
Motion to move to floor Newhauser, 2 nd by Bourke
Voice, vote, passed 09/09/14
Unfinished Business –
New Business –
SS 14-007
WHEREAS: A freshman student that has not taken a college course yet would begin their first semester with a 0.0 GPA; and
WHEREAS: A student of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) that wishes to join the
Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) Senate must have a GPA of at least 2.25; and
WHEREAS: This limits the ability of a member of UWO’s student body to partake in OSA’s upper house; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Under Article 2 of the OSA Senate bylaws (Membership), a new section shall be added, stating the following:
2.3 Associate Freshman Senators
.31 Shall be a student of freshman standing (0-29 credits)
.32 Shall have all powers and duties given to Regular Senators, in the exception of voting rights as outlined in section 3.2 and GPA as outlined in section 2.12
Sponsored by: President Jordan Schettle and Vice President Graham Sparks
Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2 nd by Riley
Discussion: Current constitution freshman not allowed on senate would be allowed on senate serve as an associate freshman senator does not prohibit, transfer students
Motion to amend by striking 0-29 from 2.31 by Winkelman, 2 nd by Turnbull, one abstention, no opposed
Voice, vote passed 09/09/14
OSA 14-003
BE IT RESOLVED THAT all mention of United Council within the OSA Constitution shall be replaced with Student Representatives .
Sponsored by: President Jordan Schettle, Vice President Graham Sparks
Motion to move to floor Newhauser, 2 nd by Stepanek
Senator Stepanek: Has it gotten any better? Answer: No
SS 14-008
WHEREAS: As student leaders, members of OSA Senate should hold themselves to a high standard of academic work; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 2.12 of the OSA Senate bylaws (Membership/Regular
Members) shall be amended to state the following:
2.12 Student Senators shall maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.25 during their term of office and receive a passing grade in all courses in an academic semester per University standards.
Sponsored by: President Jordan Schettle and Vice President Graham Sparks
Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2 nd by
Motion to amend by adding during their term of office and receive a passing grade in all courses in an academic semester per University standards by Turnbull, 2 nd by Newhauser
Voice, vote, passed one abstention 09/09/14
Committee Reports –
Two committees for each senator submit them to Rae Ann and write them. Most committees on
OSA website still wanting bi-weekly. Search and Screen committee, Reggie and Nicole help the five finalist to the initial Dr. earns treated with the same fairness since he is 21, 11 faculty 2 not hiring authority the system is these folks will hire the next chancellor will have to interview in
Madison tomorrow student.
Discussion – a.
OSA Senate Retreat Saturday 20 th
at 3:30 pm starts at OSA Office at 3:30 pm on
Sept working on agenda. Need to select the food. b.
SAGE Crosswalk – city will not be moving city discovered it would cost $30,000 to move it. Dennis: don’t blame the city. Winkelman – decided by university.
Move the stop light. Hopper stupid that we put it there can there be two. Answer:
State statue move the one by Kolf then.
Campus Sustainability Council Executive Summary for Campus Sustainability
Plan – end of last year we would support the universities idea of sustainability
before a new chancellor goes in to the role – the dream sustainability will formally be asked to state if we d.
E Cigarettes – faculty senate did not want to see any E cigarettes research we cannot assume that it is nontoxic and other keep in mind specifically. Hopper” will this be Tobacco free, limiting the liberty of the students. Fath, wait for for
FDA documentation to come out.
Announcements – a.
Email committee choices to Lindsey by Sept 12 th
Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 5:44 pm by Riley, 2 nd by Stepanek (passed voice vote) 09/09/14