OSA Senate Minutes I. II.

OSA Senate Minutes
February 17, 2015 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:46 pm
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Grayson Bourke – Present
Daniel Dennis – Excused
William Fath – Present
Valerie Hagen - Excused
James Martine – Present
Lindsey Newhauser – Excused
Michael Riley – Present
Benjamin Stepanek – Present
Steven Thompson – Present
Hallie Turnbull – Present
Troy Winkelman – Present
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Approval of the Minutes - approved
Education & Human Services (5)
Nursing (3)
College of Business (5)
Anne Cummins – Present
Stuart Karas - Present
Ashley Meyer – Present
Chase Mitchell – Present
Katrina Schiedemeyer – Present
Guest Speakers –
a. Representative Gordon Hintz – assembly rep, reach out advocate, 5th term in
office budget committee not sure where joint finance committee will meet but
they will keep us informed. Governor introduced his budget weeks ago, there are
tradeoffs involved, testimony, transportation budget sometime in April, commend
leaders in being involved in this.
Chancellor Leavitt has been in touch with him, talk to parents and friends, morale
was not that high to begin with. Winkelman: Do you feel the full cut will pass?
Answer:, early indication no but is restoring property tax some funding it has to
come from somewhere not radically change things reduce the size of cut and a
minimal tuition increase, public authority should be viewed separately, six years
without cutting legs out freeze tuition give the keys to manage own finances and
spread wings away from micromanaging to do own thing. Winkelman, last
budget rising the states sales tax where is that idea on the table is it an option that
will be explored? President Schettle: Thank you for coming. Public authority
Govern said was ok with that, public authority models in other states make,
expand k 12 5000 75 % already in private school. Scheeler : Question from
Director O’Day: Do you know status trans healthcare in Wisconsin such as
hormone replacement therapy? Answer: have not heard anything in a while.
Stepanek: How will state parks be affected? Answer: hunting fees like seg fees
put aside for certain things, when you go camping or state park that money stays
in the budget 4.8 million of state fund money goes to cover five state parks money
makers not getting rid of it or who it is funded. Bourke: cuts to UW democrats
for them republicans for them, normally legislative and govern took to steer to
take Medicaid money, not borrow to pay for transportation. Joint finance for
meetings when they are public advocate, organized on with the other campuses
co-chair not decided yet out there the next week or so in March 2 ½ weeks
Milwaukee regional one high up in Northwestern . Parson: What is the block
grant? Answer: sales tax revenue placed with public authority, state portion
shrinking, and tuition revenue rules. Where will shared governance stand with
public authority? Answer: Ray Cross states not touching, and have to trust Ray
Cross shared governance not touched, if public authority chapter 36 any
protection way it drafted now accordance from Technical colleges board not
taxed, board of regents appointed and tuition authority, good with shared
governance and tenure, it is all over the place, Virginia given everything else start
in a year and a half what assurances are there in the middle of the career what this
means to them, there is a market the unknown may present problems will go
against what we are doing locally go against what we have been doing. Sparks,
the budget side the public authority two separate ideas two separate 300 million
what do you seen effective and what do you propose our students due advocate
for a lower cut fine line coming off emotional, young naïve. Recognize that you
are not in a vacuum. Don’t go building bridges.
Motion to yield to Dr. Geneva Murray 21st at 1:00 pm asked to switch
speaking spots with IT.
Motion to change b and c speakers by Stepanek, 2nd by Thompson, voice vote
passed (02/17/15)
b. M. Gevena Murray, Women’s Center Director – Elect Her
Elevator speeches resume building competitive and flying out a national elected
opportunity to network.
c. Anne Milkovich, Chief Information Officer and Mark Clements, Administrative
Computing and Networking Director both of Information Technology. Academic
buildings Art and Communication upgrades to SAGE hall 20 access points,
Reeve, KOLF 60 or 70 concurrent connections just not realistic handle the
additional load and new generation of wireless on the academic side. Victor,
residence life Stewart Hall 32 added, South 70 Webster Hall 24 Donner 40 Taylor
hall 68. Have our commitment that we are working on making the WiFi better
12,000 to 16,000
President Schettle two of the biggest change of food and change the WiFi issue, is
there anywhere online that students can locate this information? Projects plans
online can work on that, create transparency for this heat map where weak and at
high demand and where is priority is on the map. Technology is always changing.
What is the plan from five years now? Not five years current plan is for five
years, meet network needs for five years. Bourke: did get better and improved
continuous high SAGE hall architect line, people out there with testers take
wireless had to reduce because they were talking over each other reduce the
number were able to 1200 access points 200 quality higher. VP Sparks reads
Read It technology stuff. Google fiber decides to come to Oshkosh. The
municipal decides would be nice when Google comes to town. Questions of
suggestions email Anne at cio@uwosh.edu.
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors – Director Parson: voting going on for the next two hours, Albee
is your place if you live on campus. Director Scheeler: Grad Student Association
has microwave in SAGE to use and computer lab will be open and staffed on
Saturdays from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Bourke: Dr. Slagter the survey certification
the date is not complete yet.
b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – paperwork to run for
OSA Elections due date February 24, 2015 at 3:00 pm
c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – budget cuts little more time
divisions Jordan and Graham to the seg fees positions that are on 102 budgets
only if it is applicable and needed. DT primarily any kind of cuts things are
moving start some work to address it, primarily getting embedded with
leadership and thought we would have more time more inclusive in the
Leadership council meeting next week
d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu) – revising bylaws and
working on retitling of academic staff to come together and present to the
e. Speaker Pro-Tempore –(– osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) - Austyn Booth and
introduction as well next week
f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report
g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – polar plunge, UW systems here
March 7, Senate retreat March 6 Friday 3 to 5 pm midafternoon, recap session, for
new Senate to follow it. Would like to make a video with the main concept of
parliamentary procedure. One way to market OSA and also pass along to other
club/orgs. Mike, Anne, James, Steven, and Grayson would like to help with the
videos. FLOOR – Graham will send out nomination link after this meeting,
Graham is a facilitator, Julie and other Reeve staff sponsoring and coordinating it.
i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) –
All campus exec meeting last Thursday with chancellor budget cuts what we will
be doing tabling sessions inform the students of what the cuts could be and get
their input on what they what to see. Expanded to two seats represent 14,000 what
we keep and what we wait to get rid of it what they want to see kept at the
university next week Tuesday a few comments what those priorities are. Director
Parson fills in for Jordan or informs him as well. Shared governance OSA
Faculty Academic Staff, Classified Staff what that truly means to us. Meeting
with senators the last two weeks to gather goals for this semester. Please do not
text or use laptops when state representatives are here, disrespectful on so many
levels and re-evaluate why you are on Senate.
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 14-021
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Katrina Schiedemeyer, Che Thao, and William Fath, Differential
Tuition Committee
2. Mckenzie Valenta, Gender Equity Council
3. William Fath, Pepsi Fund Committee
4. Lindsey Newhauser, Mark H. Reinhard OSA Scholarship Committee
5. Katrina Schiedemeyer, Faculty Senate
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Bourke
Vote, voice passed, no objections, no abstentions (02/17/15)
Unfinished Business – none
New Business – none
Committee Reports –
Marketing committee promoting business cards, posters, free coffee Grayson working
on St. Patty day poster, still discounts any restaurants contact us to see if we can get
more discounts, Titan transit safe driving not intoxicated especially with St. Patty’s
day going. Green Fund, Daniel Dennis elected chair and VP Val Hagen three
proposed projects this Friday and then go from there. Faculty Senate meeting
discussed budget cuts.
Discussion –
a. OSA Recognized Club/Org reform
Chase Mitchell submitted an idea in regard to the re-recognition process on campus look
over the documentation. Four groups new clubs limited for an amount of time, not large,
does not meet as recognized, new sport clubs, other clubs Greek organization that do not
fall who would design, committee speaker, OSA office manager, three senators, and two
senators simply put clubs into categories that same playing field, student club not
recognized, request funding for, not a onetime request, discuss next week. Riley funding
under student clubs ask for more than 2,000 higher amounts for some small clubs to
expand. Roter: Will send this to system to make sure it is view point neutral. Schettle:
treat clubs the same, biggest issue remembers no accountabilities on TitanLink, self-
reported. Thompson: Do not agree with club/org definitions, keep at the same playing
field never rejected a club. Clubs categorization I would like to talk about in better detail.
Schettle: Admire the attempt but at the end of the day are we going to police everyone if
it is not a huge club. Schiedemeyer: restrict the growth of club/orgs, not as much as
money not as much a club/org is able to do. Schettle: last year asked to be removed
from overseeing student allocation committee and they would have to amend their PPM.
President Schettle will hold a meeting with student allocations before brought back to the
bodies for discussion.
Better UW initiative – need OSA Senates opinion to pass along to UW System, Riley
like it website information stay with it brings together the students of the UW, Agree
with senator Riley agree fully see this higher and further broadcast.
Announcements – Marketing Committee will be meeting after this to discuss the door to
door tomorrow morning
Adjourn - Motion to adjourn at 6:32 pm by Winkelman, 2nd by Bourke, passed voice
vote (02/17/15)