OSA Senate Agenda April 14, 2015 at 4:45 PM Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221 I. II. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:46 PM Roll Call – College of Letters and Science (12) Grayson Bourke – Present Daniel Dennis – Excused William Fath – Present Valerie Hagen - Present James Martine – Present Lindsey Newhauser – Excused Steven Thompson – Present Hallie Turnbull – Present III. Open Forum - none IV. Approval of the Agenda - approved V. Approval of the Minutes - approved VI. VII. Education & Human Services (5) Nursing (3) College of Business (5) Anne Cummins – Present Ashley Meyer – Present Chase Mitchell – Present Katrina Schiedemeyer – Present Guest Speakers – none Officer Reports – a. OSA Directors – no report b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – Controller position on TitanJobs 77624, mancrates.com 10% discount working now with Taco Johns and 10% I will keep everyone posted c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu) – no report meeting Thursday e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – nursing program enjoyed being involved in OSA great opportunity. f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) - Senate more involved. She would like to see additional members of Senate at Assembly. Like Rae Ann stated Senators previous assembly and senate joint session. Meeting today for Search Vice Chancellor Enrollment Management nine of the top candidates, phone candidates do not know how many to bring would like one hired before July 1. g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – Robert Rule books $10 charge on student account. Few resignations today Riley newly elected to allocations and Stepanek election to Oshkosh common counsel. Maybe leaving some friends that will still be here in the fun and continue the involvement of OSA, few names Graham or Jordan to get Senate filled up for next year. Public Administration – Rewrite the OSA Mission Statement as it defines what we do. i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – May 2nd student rep meeting more regents and legislators there new chair Ryan Sorenson president of Milwaukee right now – finalize his agenda VIII. IX. Presidential Appointments – no report Unfinished Business – SS 14-036 BE IT RESOLVED: The OSA Senate approves the updated University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Declaration for Fair Trade. Sponsor: Jordan Schettle, OSA President Dispense Motion to table indefinitely, Mitchell, 2nd by Martine Vote, passed voice vote, no objections, no abstentions (04/14/2015) X. New Business – no report XI. Committee Reports – Green fund chair Daniel three people submit proposals heard last proposal on Friday funded by the end of the year or beginning of 5:00 on Fridays Oviatt House on the 2nd floor. Scheeler – potential projects that may be funded will they kick off this summer, really project specific – some immediately, planting things can start right away and up to the person spear heading as well. XII. Discussion – a. OSA Graduate Student Seat – yield to Director Scheeler graduate student association became director here a lot going on, three years old making strives to get in touch with grad student 1200 to 1400 active grad students on campus, give them a place and give them a voice, psychology class put together a project for grad student information provided by Jordan numerous grad students on other campus around the state. Hagen appreciation grad student only here elections for next school year, more awkward on how the elections take place more grad student involvement on senate. President – great idea sister campuses already do and it helps make them fell as they have a place, very supportive, how many senate seats do we have do we want to change our current structure do we want to increase or decrease amount of seats. Hagen – graduate students do apply to specific schools more representative of graduate students b. Decision on moving Counseling Center to Seg Fees – process of reducing 102 budgets and our counseling center, alcohol educator res life took in on the last two years and a small fee ad we provide the classes take it here at reduced rate only institution that counseling center on 102 have to figure out how we are going to cut in 102. Seven staff members we have waiting list cut back on the number of outreach as there is a demand for direct service students need and want, option to refer out to the community but a cost to students, move some counselors on to seg fees fits under the health module remain stand-alone center with a director to fully do that almost 600,000 in salaries and fringe benefits a phase of that concept, conversations with Chase, Jordan, and graham more difficult time talk at regent and legislators level no increase in seg fees, more of a plea to keep counseling center that some of our students really need. Schettle: To be clear any other costs that any other cost that seg fees have to absorb? Turn over the amount of number of FTE’s positions. Tracy provides direct service for student success not in the 600,000 next two weeks seg fees Petra will be there if works in schedule. No new kind of things and conversation of business plan of Rec Flex not full amount in escrow some sort of guarantee agreement if we don’t meet revenue targets somewhere down the line replace the dome or carpet revenue plan and business plan conservation and do think we will meet our target some sort of good faith and understanding and that seg fees would be willing to assist with that. XIII. Announcements – a. OSA Awards – do that next week b. Grad student festival. Social Justice Week this week tons of presentations going on. Meyer – marketing down stairs after this. XIV. Adjourn - Motion to adjourn at 5:15 PM Hagen, 2nd by Fath, passed voice vote, no objections, no abstentions (04/14/2015)