OSA Senate Agenda October 13, 2015 at 4:45 PM Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221 I. II. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM Roll Call – College of Letters and Science (12) Bryan Carter – Present Zachary Dunton – Present Heather Mader – Present Andrew Sprung – Present Margot Elliott – Present Wesley Lodel – Present Alevander Novak – Present Karree Orrick - Present Education & Human Services (5) Rachel Adams - Present Nursing (3) Sherine Johnson – Present College of Business (5) Alexander McCarville – Present Jared Schadrie – Present Goodwill Obieze - Present III. Open Forum – Ambassador Scheller – Professors and campus should be informed of Protocol for shooting on campus, emergency management. Home Coming this week and Zach running for court IV. V. VI. Approval of the Agenda – Motion to charge line item SS 15 -021 University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Official Association Carter, 2nd by Lodel. Move to add discussion about name tags Dunton, 2nd by Novak under Discussion letter b. passed no objections, no abstentions Approval of the Minutes - approved Guest Speakers – a. Chancellor Andrew Leavitt – thank OSA for buses important for the Installation , good year here manage budget changes and make investments to the university, enrollment management work hard to increase the enrollment of intuition down 5% down 3 million in tuition, cap program coming to reschedule, student credit hours, CAP in the state doing our part in the region, Dean Koker runs successful CAP program. Homecoming this week amazing Women’s golf WIAC championship just crushed it by 47 strokes; Whitewater was here competition on the playing field beat number one team in country. Schettle, thank you for coming today removal of the out of state enrollment cap who will it affect on our campus is that going to benefit us. Answer: Yes will benefit, last week UW Madison capped the in state enrollment remove the cap going out of state then, this state needs additional talent lower than four years ago upturn have the capacity to take more students Madison agreed highest ability looking past, much more aggressively causes some when Madison needs to have a larger lists those students would go to comprehensive but doing it at a late date not take any more then we know what students. Dunton: Do you have personal concerns about increasingly enrollment are we going to lower expectations? Answer: No evidence of that this year down dropped a small amount admissions worked hard to maintain quality could drop the line a little lower a greater taxed on our student services who we believe can we successful at this time in college turned down 37% of application and they receive a letter suggesting a two-year UW college or a technical college once an associate degree. Novak, enrollment why do you think it is down? Answer: change in demographics is not helping we are victim of our own success if you are student applying any other comprehensive UW O 30% apply to another college, Menasha high school where do you want to go, go away students are making decision to coming here and I think you should apply to more than one space in competition with other comprehensives. Orrick increase on advertisements. Association Vice Chancellor for Enrollment people get degrees Dr. Brandon Miller from Texas now going to be in charge of 2. CRM system sales force is the brand track applications at the first awareness student maybe interested in attending. Student success collaborative – technology that inform you that they are in trouble before they even now. The system will track any changes in behaviors going to the gym less, the library. Hired more recruiters face to face recruiter budgets travel and go out and travel recruiting students. Sprung: We currently have larger Titan Scholarship 58 students from this campus out of state students on this campus increase that number already Midwest student exchange program pay 150%, meet 23 ACT anywhere in this country can come here with instate tuition, 91% graduates remain right here, legislation likes that when that happens. b. Dean Koker, College of Letters and Science – applied to one school 35 years ago 40 minors, social science Dean of the college for 10 years for 15 years quarter of the employees 230 facility 30 to 40 support administrative support , maintain seats in all classes most of USP first and second year students on campus increase retention. Schettle: USP transition fourth year next year a lot of students before USP will be gone how will that effect the curriculum open to students, will that effect USP? Answer: Has been difficult implementing a brand new program but concurrently the same program challenging to run Wibis and Comm I for the first year. Curriculum program – each does their own for their major and minors. Novak: Budget cuts will there still be a focus on larger class rooms. Hopefully do not Quest 1 instead of would not have given student any choice and they can explore what they are interested yet for Odyssey down to 25 after, no more large classes, dedicated to retention first and second years still some time in a pit but not as much. Lodel: students in criminal justice concern curriculum tell students when every right in the world in to ask why are we taking this class if we can’t answer it they should not go to faculty members why do I have to take broad base learning outcomes, why math course could make you ask your . Transfer students c. d. e. f. VII. will do new two have an associate degree have met requirements fewer than 30 credits do. Dean Yeo, College of Education and Human Services feels it two or three years later a little difficult low numbers variety limited in the teacher ed side that students have to take, DPI state rules that they have to follow, driver by DPI semester by semester changing in the external environment, ACT 10 budget freeze, teacher ACT 10 no longer needed a major impact on the college but the university less and less of an interest in fewer and fewer students but only have five students in the section on the other end for years come in and say they want to be a teacher. We do have wait lists not in most of majors elementary when that happens raise it up by 2 if students will let me know or someone in the Dean’s office Human Services step child of a college not a strong rep on campus leadership nonprofit leadership and nonprofit it is the colleges and universities work comp development and local. Daniel Dennis, Green Fund Chair – will need to reschedul Reginald Parson, Strategic Planning – What is strategic plan charge of the Chancellor, student success, academic excellence, more support the process 34 individuals three students Jordan, Ann- OSA curriculum making college OSA rest of two expand community engagement build an inclusive and supportive institution environment. Strategic plan at UWosh.edu, share your feedback is, see plan task marketing strategic group. Laura Knappen, User Service Director – IT, Campus Student Printing Update – fall 2014 not on billed account, over in spring 2015 will go into accounts shortly, just one student over the $25 allocations minor 10 and $18 over the $5 and $10 nothing under $15 what have not changed $10 in spring fall never a hard limit and the lap consultants can help with any laps those printers are more recent less jamming reflecting, change that we would like to make Oct student tech fee farrows and c board installed this and testing not sending a list use your titan card to pay for and print more copies a better reflections, start Oct 21 system in place and emailing system . If gone over. Elliottt: would not need Titan dollars until they run out. Carter reload charged to account comes through. Fowler: can go back to recycles paper not 100% because they have more jams will be working with HP to moves in that direction. Begins October 21. Also, new knowledge base kb@uwosh.edu Officer Reports – a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – tent city GSA. Having OSA marketing ambassador joining us chair the OSA marketing committee. English dept is being BSU and Soul Carolyn. McKenzie give report started a big project one or two of you to help me before academic winder academic doors last year social justice about a third of the doors don’t work. Map online for the university and quite a few of these doors do not work if interested email McKenzie at email check doors and write work orders to get the doors wants valenm98@uwoshe.du, Petraas you find out doors don’t work Jim Schlinsog who works with students with disabilities and Chuck Hermes facilities management and all else false cc Petra b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – budget hearings begin next week c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report d. OSA Academic Liaison – (vacant - ) e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – assembly photo next week, RSOT went well; explanation want to know what they are being appointed to take five and give a rundown of them, RSOT – biggest complaint is on old Risk Management video. Petra: Point of Information the UW System is working on risk management info and will provide us with risk management video podcast g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) – some committees only meet if they have quorum h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – no report i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – Student reps Sheybogen this week. I am a lobbyist for reps outreach Nov 12 in Madison Thursday all day event around 4 to 6 if interested myself and a few others staying Wednesday night into Thursday Chuck Todd, meet the press , pay out of own pocket $59 put can come finalized shared governance transfer finalized shared governance. The UW system does not have a recognized student org for the state meet as us rep and we have connection but not a formal recognition make a legitimate, voter ID new laws notcompliant, lose credits from the institution that you are leaving 105 biology work with them over the next few months to make the transition a little more user friendly all one UW system at the end of the day taught the same thing and the location is different where you learn it. Not a student governor appointee the intent that counts currently appointed by governor’s office is they want to have a say in the process may loss a power, long term funding cut last year would like to see UW Madison 18 and then 17 at least relationship when. Lot of bills at state level 295 assembly bill 389 focused on voter registration vote electronically on line create mechanism to register to vote online and not have the special registration deputies that help people vote before an election at the same not helping in his opinion not taking the time of their day to take the time to vote these deputies but should know about it. Point of information chancellor’s and administration came up with a statement earlier today, criminals will not follow the law they break the law, more localized Safety Walk 6:00 PM safety concern identify safety 6 pm with chancellor and walk and discussion tomorrow let Jordan know asap at least extend, responsible action – bad discussion the idea if underage friend needs help you friend, sexual assault will not receive a ticket Medical Safety five to six years they do not have it at UW Madison mistakes can be made have friends aware of that policy. Bike friendly unable to register for this upcoming city might be pursuing city which they are great if they can partner with them bike advisory committee on this campus in the city streets and more bike friendly only four in Wisconsin now environments accepted not provided to the student body at Cassandra helping heavily with this and pursue this the following year when you gone. Few weeks ago own issue or goal don’t forget to mention after meeting with Graham send goals to me due this Friday have some direction that they want to go, very simple . Novak: What number do you call to report issues and not get an underage drinking ticket? Answer: Responsible call normal number 911city does honor that to a certain extent, Dean’s office may not receive a ticket may be academic life consequences. VIII. Presidential Appointments – OSA 15-046 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Wesley Lodel, Intercollegiate Athletic Committee Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-047 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Tyla Abrahim, AODA Task Force Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-048 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Donald Bantle, Differential Tuition Committee Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-049 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Christopher Totten, Academic Policies Committee Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-050 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Christopher Totten, Parking Appeals Committee Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-051 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Christopher Totten, Parking Policy Advisory Committee Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-052 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Christopher Totten, Assistant Vice Chancellor Facilities Management Search and Screen Committee Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-053 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Amy Schlueter, The Edward Penson Distinguished Teaching Award Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-054 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Christopher Totten, The Edward Penson Distinguished Teaching Award Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-055 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Amy Schlueter, Employee Assistance Program Council Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-056 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Brooke Berrens, Student Conduct Panel Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-057 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Kurt Ness, Student Conduct Panel Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-058 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Tala Chavis, Race & Ethnicity Council Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-059 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Tala Chavis, LGBTQ Council Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-060 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Kilee Garrity, University Honors Program Council Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-061 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Jared Schadrie, Differential Tuition Finance Committee Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President OSA 15-062 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Jared Schadrie, American Democracy Project Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President Consent agenda and vote on resolutions OSA 15-046 – OSA 12-062 McCarville, 2nd by Sprung Dispense Motion to move to floor Johnson, 2nd by Obieze Vote, voice passed, no objections, no abstentions, 10/13/15 SS 15-021 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. University of Wiscosin Oshkosh Officiats assocaition Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of Assembly Dispense Motion to move to floor by Elliott, 2nd by Schadrie Discussion - All intermural officials and students get them connected with officials around the area to get their foot in the door get bigger as this gets recognized have not refereed at all. Schettle certified in getting certified to officials pay and take test not make a long process, test sent a booklet of rules once you take the test then your certificiation goes through tested at UW Whitewater income high school. Parson sit on this organization came up sounds up that individuals to go into this each dollar spent for all students and not a person benefit get connected share the same interest, four or five year, how long committed every year still something not probably covered not a huge expense members due take and own, VPPT focus recognize and meet take focus on allocations. Vote, passed voice no objections, no abstentions, 10/13/15 SS 15-022 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. Natural Remedies Club Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of Assembly Dispense Motion to move to floor Carter, 2nd by McCarville Discussion Present ways of staying healthy or fixing issues with natural remedies, gargle hot salt water, stress and anxiety lots you can do instead of medication. Sprung any idea of what budget not asking for printing of newsletter and have paid for out of pocket and no need for budget nine members now and first meeting last month. 3rd Thursday of every month at 3. Scheller: suggestion nursing students may be interested still working on accepting all majors, can add to list Motion to amend by adding Assembly after their name, would give them voting rights in OSA Assembly by Lodel, 2nd by Novak Vote, voice passed, no objections, no abstentions Vote, on amended resolution, passed voice vote, no objections, and no abstentions IX. X. Unfinished Business – none New Business – OSA 15-061 BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA Senate approves the OSA Marketing Committee Bylaws. Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President Dispense Motion to move to floor Motion to table by Obieze, 2nd by Schadrie goodwill Vote, 6 objections, no abstentions, motion falls, 10/13/15 Discussion – resolution is not necessary as already passed as an SS XI. Committee Reports – Document seg fees and dt and what you pay for has done for use Reeve front entrance will cost some money veteran resource center, veteran , November 6 through the 14 veteran awareness week a time sporting events asking for money to XII. Discussion – a. OSA Office next to B&G moving the week of Jan 4 or Jan 11, 2016 b. Name tags – Senator Johnson brought up the fact that Titan Central makes names tags. Rae Ann sent Shirin an email looking into it. Elliott why do we need name tags? Obieze: If others ask questions they will know we are part of senate as we have the name tag on. Carter: I do not see a purpose for name tags and struggle to see why we need them? Obieze: CSO how do know you are a CSO? Carter: uniform but a different position no uniform but two positons. Further discussion on name tags will be had if someone writes a resolution to support or not support name tags, then will consider moving forward with it. XIII. Announcements – Johnson suggestion drop box library tomorrow encourage friends to place suggestions in the drop box other drop box library tomorrow. Flyers table available to us, the Chancellor IT study group is in need of a student member. XIV. Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 7:17 PM by Obieze, 2nd by Novak, passed voice vote, no objections, no abstentions, 10/13/15