University Honors Program Club Meeting Minutes October 9th, 2007

University Honors Program
Club Meeting Minutes
October 9th, 2007
Attendance: 7 Members
0 Guests
1 Advisor
Call to Order at 7:48, by Adam the Advisor
University Honors Club Meeting
A. Advisor: Adam BellCorelli
1. Thoughts on an Honors Hall or Honors Dorm in the future
a. Should we Survey the Student Body?
b. We would like to increase our retention of freshman to sophomore
status and sophomore to junior status, maybe this will help?
c. Initial connections are expanding
d. Definitely worth it?? I think so 
2. Read the Email Adam sent out today, if you have any adjustments to the
UHSA Constitution bring them with you to the next meeting
3. Fundraising Ideas
a. Adam knows a South African couple, who are getting involved
with individuals lives, and he where wondering if we’d like to help,
this would be an awesome service project!
Either by building a school classroom
Or Sending a underprivileged Student to a Culinary Arts
b. Some Ideas for Fundraising
Festival Foods: Brat Sale? Lots of Money could be raised
Kick-Ball Tournament: $10 for the day tournament
Powder Puff Tournament Game: Get the local honors clubs
and college clubs (Greeks, halls, etc…involved) Spring ‘08
1) Concessions?
Cake Auction: Silent auction in Polk? After thanksgiving
Look for Donated Ingredients/ Donated Cakes from
Rummage Sale: end of the year, we take everyone’s old
possessions that they don’t want
c. Getting Donations from area business, try to do a city outreach
program including the Oshkosh Neighborhood into UWO activities
4. Preview Days, holding informational meetings for incoming freshman this
year are going to be held at the Arts and Communication Building
a. Its going to be Thursday 25th, Friday 26th, Friday 9th
b. From 8:15-9:30
c. We’re going to need 2-3 people there to introduce the ideas of this
amazing program to the freshman
B. Officer/Committee Chair Reports
1. Secretary – Lyssa Bergstrom
a. Halloween Carnival, more information to come
Hangman Game and Bozo Pumpkin Buckets
Need to Provide our own candy
President – Eric Stetler
a. Not Here
3. Treasurer– Brian Jaworski
a. Not Here
4. Vice President – Kelly Besasie
a. Blood Drive, December 6th, more info to come
b. No report otherwise
c. Organizing an October Honors Social: Halloween Haunted
House? Probably be on a Sunday night this month. Kelly will email
out information if this social is going to happen!
5. OSA – Kayla
C. Upcoming Events
1. Stanley Crouch
a. Speaker brought to you by the Honors Program!
b. Next Semester either February 27th or 28th
c. There is also going to be a separate additional talk just for the
honors students
2. Honors Conference?
a. October’s conference is in Denver; maybe attend the April
conference in Philadelphia?
Publicity and Promotion
1. T-Shirts
a. Selling the Honors T-shirts, we currently have 90 of them!
b. $10.00 for a short sleeve, $15.00 for a long sleeve
c. Sell shirts at Honors freshman classes, targeting the night
classes. Maybe at Preview Day cater to the parents?
d. Make some posters and promo for selling these shirts…any ideas
contact Adam BellCorelli
2. Door Decks
a. We’re making door decks for all individuals in the honors program
b. Background will be multicolored card stock, (anything besides
yellow, black, and white )
c. For the Square and the Smiley it will be Black, yellow for the
d. Print University Honors on the Card Stock, Hand Write the names
with gold and silver pens.
e. Place the Upperclassmen and Commuters in the Honors Lounge,
freshman and sophomores will be on their dorm doors.
III. Adjournment
A. Next Meeting: Tuesday September 25th at 6:30pm in the Honors Lounge.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lyssa Bergstrom, University Honors Secretary
Secretary Lyssa Bergstrom: