Quiz Chapter 5:

Quiz Chapter 5:
1. List the three possible ways to classify sediments in the ocean (3 pts):
2. For terrigenous, biogenous, hydrogenous and cosmogenous sediment types,
please provide the sources (4 pts):
3. Well sorted sediments have an equal distribution of grain sizes from silts to
cobbles for example. T/F (1 pt.)
4. Where would you expect to find poorly sorted
sediments? A) Montauk or B) Fire Island
5. Where would you expect to find well sorted
sediments? A) Montauk or B) Fire Island
Quiz Chapter 5:
6. List three reasons why marine sediment deposits along the east coast of the US
are thicker than deposits along the west coast of the US. (3 pts):
7. What type of sediment is most common along continental margins? (1 pt)
a. terrigenous
b. biogenous
c. hydrogenous d. cosmogenous
8. What type of biogenous ooze would you expect around Antarctica? (1 pt)
a. siliceous
b. calcareous
(Bonus: which organism)