Math 67-211 Syllabus Spring 2007 Instructor: Dr. Carol Seaman Office: 111 Swart E-mail contact: Phone: 424-1059 Office hours: Office hours: 11:30am–1:00 TR, 3:00–5:00pm W, or by appointment (don’t hesitate to ask – we will find a time that works!) Textbook: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, Bennett & Nelson (special printing of Chapters 9, 10, & 11) and Course Notes, Szydlik & Seaman Materials: Compass, protractor, scissors, and straightedge; tracing and graph/grid paper Prerequisite: Math 67-110 with a grade of C or better. Website: You will find the course site on D2L. Please check it regularly for course information, assignments, announcements, and grades. Welcome to Math 211, Fundamentals of Geometry and Measurement for Elementary and Special Education Programs. Section 002 meets TR from 9:40 to 11:10 am in Swart 14. Course Outline & Goals In this course you will have the opportunity to learn about geometry by doing geometry. This course is first and foremost a content course. We will cover such topics as constructions, polygons, polyhedra, tessellations, symmetry, motions, patterns, and measurement. The course will cover topics that are intended to increase your mathematical awareness as well as topics you need to master to become effective teachers of geometry in the elementary school. Our approach will be intuitive and investigative and will center on problem solving. It is important as future teachers to have the opportunity to hone your problem solving skills. Successful students will be involved in investigation, questioning, and conjecturing. Reasoning, making arguments, and writing about mathematics will also be important components. A course objective is for students to gain an appreciation for the beauty, the importance, and the necessity of the teaching and learning of mathematics. In addition, it is important to develop your mathematical background so that you may successfully complete the requirements to earn a degree in elementary or special education. Another goal for this course is for students to become more confident in tackling large problems and in assessing the quality of their arguments independently (of the instructor). The problems you will work on in this class will not be exactly like examples you’ve seen, and they will not be immediately solvable. You will need to spend more time than you might expect simply understanding what a problem is asking for! Most problems will require you to collect data from several examples that you will choose yourself, or to investigate the definitions of concepts word by word. You will need to visualize geometrical objects both in the plane and in three dimensions, as well as to transform them and generalize from them. In addition (as in other classes as well) I hope you continue to develop: (1) effective written and oral communication skills; (2) skills related to critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity; (3) the ability to understand symbol systems and use quantitative methods; and (4) inductive and deductive reasoning skills. Class time will be a combination of problem solving, group activities, mini-lecture, and discussion of pre-assigned reading and exercises. Students will be expected to present solutions to problems, make 1 conjectures and arguments, and provide summaries of activities for their classmates. It is important that you come to class prepared to participate. Poor attendance, poor participation, and poor grades usually go hand-in-hand. Besides, there is a grade penalty for excessive absences. Assessment We will have three exams – each worth 20% of your course grade. The tentative dates for the exams will be: March 1/2, April 12/13, and May 10/11. These exams will be offered over a two-day period in the Testing Center, allowing you some scheduling flexibility and unlimited (up to 2 hours) testtaking time. Do not schedule travel or appointments that conflict with any of these dates. In cases of extreme emergency, serious illness, or school-sponsored activity, if I am notified by the scheduled exam day, you may make up one missed exam. I will give these make-up exams on Friday, May 4, 2007 only. Quizzes, written group and individual assignments, and class participation (includes regular attendance, asking and answering questions based on reading assignments, participation in class discussion of problems, active involvement in classroom group work, and completion of non-graded assignments) will compose the other 40% of your grade. Each written assignment (both individual and group projects) collected will be worth from 10 to 25 points. There will be short unannounced quizzes based on homework reading and class notes, each worth 5 points. Your class participation will be worth a possible 50 points. There will be no make-up quizzes, and I will not accept assignments after the due date. However, assignments and quizzes may be turned in early if your absence is caused by a school-sponsored activity or discussed with me in advance. The grading scale will be approximately as follows: A: 94 – 100% AB: 90 – 93% B: 82 – 89% BC: 79 – 81% C: 68 – 78% (68 – 70% will revert to CD if participation is not close to 50 pts.) D: 60 – 67% F: 0 – 59% You are expected to attend all classes. Excessive (more than three hours) absences will affect your participation grade. If you are absent because of extenuating circumstances, it is your responsibility to be in touch with me in a timely fashion. You are responsible for all material covered in class and for all assignments (including readings), whether present or absent from a particular class meeting. You may always check the course site on D2L or contact me by email for current assignments, due dates, and announcements you may have missed. Assignments It is important that you read the text and other materials assigned. You should read about a topic ahead of the classroom activities on it. This allows you to be prepared to digest what is presented and gives you the opportunity to ask questions about ideas you struggled with in the reading. After each class, you should go back through the section covered and review through rereading. You are responsible for all material in reading assignments, whether discussed in class or not. 2 Approximately every two weeks you will have a written assignment to turn in for evaluation. These assignments will come from problems found in your text or the notes and occasionally from outside sources. Problems solutions must be complete and well organized, with the mathematics explained. The “why does this solution make mathematical sense?” question must always be addressed. At times I will give assignments that are to be completed for participation points only. More information about these assignments will be provided in class. You are highly encouraged to work together on written assignments. Work together, learn from each other, discuss the problems and concepts, investigate proposed solutions, but then be able to write up the solutions on your own and in your own words. You may be given the choice to turn in written homework assignments individually or in groups of 2 or 3 students on some assignments. If you choose to work as part of a group it will be your responsibility to ensure that each member contributes a reasonable share of the work toward the completed write-up, and that each member understands all the solutions completely. All students in a particular group will receive the same grade for the assignment. There will be group projects assigned during the semester. These will also be written assignments that are to be prepared according to the attached guidelines. These projects will differ from the other written assignments in four ways: they are required to be done in groups, they are problems requiring more intensive investigation, the write-up requirements are more extensive, and you will be given one hour during class time to work on the project. Simply reading or doing the homework doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve really learned the material. You should be reflecting on what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. What is the process or concept? How did we develop the process or concept? In what contexts does the process make sense? How is this process or concept related to the other ideas in the course? Thinking and doing is more effective than just doing. Mathematics is a subject that requires work, practice, reflection, and concentration. Expect to spend a minimum of six to nine hours per week outside of class engaged with the wonders of geometry. An Invitation Finally, let me encourage each of you to spend time with me during office hours. Good students take advantage of the opportunity for one-on-one time with their instructors. We can talk about your course concerns, about homework assignments, about quizzes and exams, or explore some aspect of geometry or teaching you find exciting or challenging. My time is your time during office hours and appointments to fit your schedule are always possible. Each of you is welcome! At other times, take advantage of e-mail. I promise to check and answer e-mail each day – provided the system is “up!” I am looking forward to an exciting semester of geometry. 3