Appendix B Working Group Re Scrutiny Committees’ Titles and Remits

Appendix B
Working Group Re Scrutiny Committees’ Titles and Remits
The Working Group referred to in Minute C3085 of Cabinet of 22nd February, 2016
has now met for the first time. Consideration was given to proposed titles and remits
of Scrutiny Committees in light of changes to the Performance Management
Framework. A further report on this matter is to be submitted to Cabinet and Council
on 25th and 27th April respectively. However, Members are asked to note that the
titles agreed by the Working Group for consideration by Cabinet and Council are as
Homes and Safe Communities Scrutiny Committee
Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee
Learning and Culture Scrutiny Committee
Healthy Living and Social Care Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Resources and Performance Scrutiny Committee.
7th April 2016