Attendance  Sarah  Nathan Koffkee  Nathan Krueger

 Sarah
 Nathan Koffkee
 Nathan Krueger
 Reggie
 Curtis
 Chris
 Joe
 Megan
 Quin
Last Budget Hearing:
 Reggie: How many members do you have
o 15-20
 Will it be the same 15 going to each
o We had 11 new members
o We see new members each time we get a new exec board
 Nathan: are the 5 that go in fall the offices
o 4 are the exec board and leave one space for a chapter member
o this year we are bringing 7, we leave it open to the group. We divide the
allocated money among the people going and then we pay the rest
 Reggie: do the members pay the difference
o We personally pay the difference.
 Note from speaker: next year will cost more because it is in DC
Bylaws update
 Sarah: yesterday we found out that we need a set of bylaws as well as the PPM
before we begin deliberations.
 Bylaws need to go through OSA. They are how we operate; elections etc.
 PPM is what we are going to fund, etc.
 Review of view point neutrality
We are going to separate out the bylaws from the PPM material
o Purpose will be reflected in both
 Moving as is:
o Purpose (Article 1)
o Committee membership (Article 2)
 (section 2.1) changing non-voting to “ex-officio”
o Roles and Responsibilities (Article 3)
 Changing 3.1.2 adding: If a committee member is going to be
absent or will arrive late, they must inform the chair, controller, or
advisor prior to the meeting in order for absence to be excused.
 The rest of article 3 is moving as is
o Committee Procedures (Article 4)
 Question: Nathan: selected vs elected positions
Controller needs skills in excel and there isn’t always
someone on the committee with those skills so we open it
up to a hiring process
 Question: Reggie: if someone elected is kicked out of office, are
they eligible from running for that committee again?
 Legally if it is a hired position they can apply again
 Otherwise elections are re-held
 Changing 4.7.1 to say 4.5 instead of 5.5
 4.8 through 4.9 will be moved to PPM
 It’s a policy that we have done not one that is required.
 Question: Nathan Krueger: do we need to have anything in
the bylaws that says refer to the PPM
o No…
 4.10 (committee minutes) and 4.11 (agenda deadline policy) will
be kept in bylaws
o Article 8 Oshkosh Student Associations will be kept in bylaws
 Changing 8.1.1 to: The SAC By Laws are subject to approval from
the Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) Senate. Once approved by
both OSA and the SAC the bylaws will be considered viable until
the time when Sac determines they must be changed or replaced at
which point a committee comprised of half allocations members
and half OSA representatives will convene to discuss changes.
Following edits, the SAC and OSA Senate will vote on approval of
the new bylaws.
 Vote to approve bylaws as written in previous meetings
o Motion by Quin second by Kurtis
o No discussion
o 8-0-0
Secretary Position
 Paid position next year so we think it should be a paid position this year as well
 $250 as a yearly stipend
 Kurtis: $250 at one time for the whole year? I think we should split the stipend so
half gets this year and half next semester
 Joe: Could we get a diff secretary the following semester
o yes
 Nathan Koffkee: I like the semester idea and they get it at the end of the semester
 Joe: decide the value of the secretary at the end. And if they don’t do their duties
they don’t get the full stipend
 Quin: how did you come up with $250
o Meetings required, and additional time
o Came out to about 230 so we rounded it up to 250
 How many are in favor of $125 each semester
o Straw vote: 7-1-0
Reggie leaves
PPM Discussion
Quin: hard to give anything like that full attention on less than 24 hours notice.
Sarah: we are going to walk through it together now
Looked at UWM PPM and UW LAX PPM
We want to make the structure of ours easier to read
Look at F50 when you get a chance
o Has rules we have to follow anyway as part of the UW System
 Article 6:
o Question: Quin: wording, do we want to say new groups instead of orgs
that couldn’t submit budget
 Sometimes new leadership, means people need to submit a budget
 Adding “or new clubs and orgs”
Curtis leaves
 Student Assistants
o Sarah: need a description, and amount of hours
o Quin: should we make a base pay? Do we want to be deciding how much
people should be paid per hour
o Chris: some groups say they are going to be working 80 hours a week but
aren’t getting paid every hour
o Nathan Krueger: Post on titan jobs is a requirement
o Joe: don’t put a limitation on pay but request a description and expected
 Travel
o Quin: hadn’t we talked originally about having a preference toward
competitive travel. So many budget requests wanted to go to museums.
o Joe: with noncompetitive travel, we asked groups what they are bringing
back to campus as a whole. In PPM we should state we expect an
explanation of what you will bring back to the campus
o Nathan koffkee: should we limit the number of educational conferences a
group can attend
o Sarah: 6.8.13
o Quin: that seems difficult with sports teams going to competitions.
o Sarah: competitive travel benefits are easier to see, but non competitive
still has beneficial. Although some of them are field trips
o Chris: can you put something in about fundraising? A portion of travel
should be fundraised, the group should have to pay for some of it
 Sarah I agree with you but I think that is hard to enforce.
o Nahtan Koffkee: Competitive, conferences, field trips
o Sarah: I don’t think we should fund all conferences
o Quin: can we list the order of types of conferences
o Nathan Krueger: Can we distinguish between conferences and retreats
o Nahtan Koffkee: leadership conferences and workshops
o Sarah: I want to say official conferences
o Chris: national, state and regional conferences
o Quin: some argue that some issues are only addressed at national level
o Chris: can we say it will be considered at deliberations
o Nathan Koffkee:
o Megan: We shouldn’t choose which one we fund. Closer conf. take more
o Sarah: some go to volunteer that are not considered conf.
o Quin: add community service travel
o Sarah: limit community service travel as well.
o Joe: some go farther like to New Orleans
o Limit to four trips a year
 No objections
o Nathan Koffkkee: they are getting UWO name out there too, just like
competitive travel
o Max. of 2 for conferences.
o Quin: does that say we have to fund 2
o Joe: no more than 2
o Competitive travel: Sports clubs, dance teams, debate, forensics, Model
UN, etc.
o Nathan Koffkee: Doing what we did for noncompetitive to this would
cause an uproar
o Chris: sports take everyone and like debate they only go when they want
o Sarah: we need to look at the benefit. The variety of amounts needs to be
considered. Some go on 15 and spend less than a club that only takes 2.
o Nathan Koffkee: can we say case by case basis
 Not really b/c of viewpoint neutrality
o Quin: can we limit out of state?
o Sarah:
o Chris: fundraising; can we say whatever you ask from us can we say you
need to fundraise 50%
 That would require some clubs to have to raise $20,000
o Sarah: you also have to wonder how much of that falls on the student.
o Quin: How can we word that, and create a policy.
o Nathan Koffkee: we also need a way to track that
o Sarah: there is a system for turning info in. but it may not be in place for
this semester
o Nathan Krueger: can we say we will consider your funding compared on
how much you have fundraised
o Sarah: Jim has brought up that we could cut food for travel.
o Sarah: we could put in PPM we will not cover admission to any individual
o Quin: can we say we won’t cover individual fees for conference; only pay
for groups.
o Nathan Koffkee: pay fee for entire team but not for individual fees
o Cut travel food, individual registration fees, or entrance fees, or dues
Joe: move to adjourn
Second by Chris
Vote: 6-0-0