BID DOCUMENT Open Competitive Bid (OCB) For Providing Catering Services To A) 5,500 Staff &Studentsat Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology(CBIT), Gandipet, Hyderabad - 500 075 B) 4,000 Staff & Students at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology(MGIT), Gandipet, Hyderabad - 500 075 C) 500 Boarders at Chaitanya Bharathi Educational Society (CBES) Hostel, Gandipet, Hyderabad-500 075. AND D) To Run Food Courts at CBIT and MGIT Campuses ISSUED BY CHAITANYA BHARATHI EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY (CBES) D.No: 3-5-925/2B, Keshava Memorial High School Lane, Near Masjid,Narayanguda, Hyderabad-500029, Telangana Contact: 040-23223300, 65503276 Proprietary & Confidential No part of this document can be reproduced in any form or by any means, disclosed or distributed to any person without the prior consent of CBES except to the extent required for submitting Bid and no more. CONTENTS S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Particulars Newspaper Advertisement (Tender Notification) Time Schedule Tender Form Statement of important limits and values of bid and payment terms Tender Schedule Requirement Price Bid: CBIT Canteen Menu & Food Court Items Price Bid: MGIT Canteen Menu & Food Court Items Price Bid: CBES Hostel (Boys) Day-wise Menu to be Served Bid Security (EMD) Form Performance Guarantee Form Service Agreement Form Bid submission letter Particulars of Bidder Details of Turnover, Major clientele etc., Specifications of Quality and Brands to be used of Perishable and Non-Perishable items Check List Page No. 1 2 3 4&5 6 to 15 16 17 to 19 20 & 21 22 23 24 25 to 29 30 31 32 33 & 34 35 Newspaper Advertisement CHAITANYA BHARATHI EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY (CBES) D.No: 3-5-925/2B, Keshava Memorial High School Lane, Narayanguda, Hyderabad - 500029, Telangana, Ph. Nos. 040-23223300, 65503276. ======================================================================= TENDER NOTIFICATION Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed Branded, Quick Service, Restaurant Companies / Catering Service Contractors for providing Catering Services at the Canteens, Food Courts and Hostel Mess at (a) CBIT for 5500 Staff & Students (b) MGIT for 4000 Staff & Students (c) CBES Hostel (Boys) for 500 Boarders & (d) Food Courts at CBIT & MGIT, at the Campus Premises, Gandipet, Hyd., for a period of one year (2016-17). Tender documents can be downloaded from our websites & from 22.05.2016 to 08.06.2016. The duly filled in Sealed Tenders addressed to Chairperson, Development & Purchase Committee (D&P Committee), along with D.D. for Rs.2000/- in favour of Secretary, CBES, towards cost of tender documentshould be deposited in the tender box kept for the purpose at CBES at the address given above on or before 10.06.2016 upto 4.00 pm. For further information please visit our websites & Sd/Date: 21.05.2016 Mrs. D. Sandhya Sree, Chairperson, D & P Committee Page 1 of 35 Time Schedule of Various Tender Related Events (CateringServices) Tender Notification Date 22.05.2016 Tender documents (to be download from websites) Bid closing date and time From 22.05.2016 to 08.06.2016 up to 4.00PM Technical Bid Opening date/time 11.06.2016 at3.00 pm Price Bid - Opening date/time 18.06.2016 at 3.00 pm Bid Document fee Rs.2,000/- (By way of DD drawn in favour of "Secretary, CBES") Contact person Mr. K.R.K. Prasad, Executive Engineer, Mobile:9848249469,8466997234 Reference No. CBES/D&P/CS/2016 10.06.2016 - 4.00 pm Page 2 of 35 TENDER FORM Reference:CBES/D&P/CS/2016 Date:______________ Name of Bidder :____________________________________________________________________ Subject: Tender for providing Catering Servicesfor Kitchen&Dining Halls and Hostel Mess at(a) CBIT for 5500 Staff & Students (b) MGIT for 4000 Staff & Students (c) CBES Hostel (Boys) for 500 Boarders & (d) Food Courts at CBIT & MGIT, at the Campus Premises, Gandipet, Hyderabad,for a period of one year (2016-17) Last date for submission of the TENDER atCBES Office, Narayanaguda, Hyderabad is10.06.2016 upto 4.00 P.Mby depositing in the Tender Box kept for the purpose. Dear Sir/Madam, CBESinvites sealed Tenders comprising of Technical Bid and Price Bid separately from reputed Suppliers/Contractors to provide Catering Services for three Campuses(a)CBIT (b) MGIT and (c)CBES Hostel (Boys)ANDto run (d)Food Courts at CBIT and MGIT at Campus premises atGandipet, Hyderabad. A. The Tender form consists of 33pages from 3 to 35 of which pages from 6 to 15 are instructions, andPage Nos.17 to 22 containMENUand PRICE BID. The duly completed Technical Bid together with a copy of the Bid document (this Tender) signed an all pages, and the Price Bid should be kept in separate covers and these sealed covers may be submitted in a sealed master envelope superscripted with "Tender for providing CateringServices to the Staff and Students of CBIT&MGIT and boarders of CBES Hostel (Boys)AND to run Food Courts at CBIT and MGIT ". B. CBES reserves the right to award the Contract for facilitating of the above Services to One or more than One Bidder or to a Bidder other than (L1) at its absolute discretion based on the assessment of the information furnished in the TechnicalBid . For any clarification and further details on the above Tender, Please contact Mr. KRK Prasad, Executive Engineer, Mobile No. 9848249469, 8466997234. Page 3 of 35 STATEMENT OF IMPORTANT LIMITS / VALUES RELATED TO BID ITEM EMD DESCRIPTION Rs.1,00,000/- for each Campus for which the Price Bid is submitted,by way of Demand Draft or Irrevocable Bank Guarantee from any Scheduled Bank as detailed below: 1) In the case of CBIT in favour of "Principal, CBIT" 2) In the case of MGIT in favour of "Principal, MGIT " 3) In the case of CBES in favour of "Secretary, CBES Bid Validity Period 60 days from the date of opening ofPriceBid EMD Validity Period 60 days from the date of opening of PriceBid Variation in Quantities / Number of persons to be served Period of conveying the Order Acceptance Furnishing Performance Guarantee & Service Agreement Performance Security Value Performance Security Validity Period Payment Terms Payment of Bill ±10% Within 7 days from date of receipt of Letter of Intent(LoI) from CBES awarding the ServiceContract. Within 15 days from date of receipt of Letter of Intent(LoI) from CBES awarding the ServiceContract. Rs.10.00 Lakhs for CBIT Rs. 7.50 Lakhs for MGIT and Rs.10.00 Lakhs for CBES Hostel (Boys) Rs. 1.00 Lakh for Food Court at CBIT Rs. 1.00 Lakh for Food Court at MGIT Bank guarantee to be valid for a period 15 Months. In the case of Staff and Students of CBIT and MGIT Service will be provided on cash payment at the counter. For CBES Hostel Mess and for direct orders received fromDepartmental Heads,Sections In-charges and Administrative Officeof CBIT & MGIT, the Billing shall be made on a monthly basis which will be settled within 7 days from the date of submission, making necessary Statutory and other deductions as provided under the Service Agreement to be signed under this Tender. Page 4 of 35 Penalty deduction based on the performance scale 1-10 The Service Provider should ensure: a. Timeliness of Service b. Tidiness of surroundings c. Wearing of Uniform by Service Provider's Employees while on duty d. Quantity of Food as per Menu as specified in the agreement. e. Polite behaviour andCourtesy of Service Provider's Employees towards Staff, Students and Boarders. f. Total prohibition of use of Gutka, Pan, Cigarettes/Beedis by its employees. g. Periodical Medical evaluation of the Kitchen & Servicing Staff. h. That all the garbage disposal is undertaken by the Service Provider himself as per MCH rules. Penalty Deductions: i) The Performance of the Service Provider in the above CateringServices will be assessed every fortnight by a 'Food Committee' constituted for the purpose by CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be with Staff and StudentsandPayment of Bills will be in accordance with the performance index on a 1-10 point scale. ii) The Service Provider will abide by the ratings given by the 'Food Committee' and the schedule of payment for different ratings are as under ≥9 - 100% ≥8 and <9 - 95% ≥7 and <8 - 90% and if the rating is <7 - the Contract is liable to be terminated. iii) Student's feed-back will also be obtained directly on a 5point scale as part of a food survey report. If the rating is below 2.3 a penalty of 5% of the Bill amount will be imposed independent of the schedule of payment mentioned in (ii) above. If the rating is below 2.3 five times in year, the Contract is liable for cancellation. iv) If the Contract is terminated for the reason(s) mentioned in(ii) and/or ( iii) above, the performance security will be forfeited . Page 5 of 35 CHAITANYA BHARATHI EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY (CBES) D.No: 3-5-925/2B, Keshava Memorial High School Lane, Near Masjid, Narayanguda, Hyderabad-500029, Telangana.Contact: 040-23223300, 65503276 TENDER SCHEDULE 1. PREAMBLE a. The Chairperson, Development & Purchase Committee (D & P Committee), Chaitanya Bharathi Educational Society(CBES), Hyderabad invites sealed Tenders comprising TechnicalBid and Price Bidseparately from reputed suppliers / Contractors to provide Catering Servicesfor (A) 5500 Staff and Students of Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT) (B) 4000 Staff and Students of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology (MGIT) and (C) 500 Boarders at Chaitanya Bharathi Educational Society (CBES) Hostel (Boys) and (D) Food Courts at CBIT & MGIT Campuses atGandipet,Hyderabad. The Sealed Tender must contain: i. Sealed Cover marked as 'A' on top of the cover superscripted"Technical Bid" containing Technical Bid, D.D. for Rs.2000/- towards cost of Tender Document and Demand Drafts / Bank Guaranteestowards for EMD and other supporting documents and certificates as mentioned in this tender. ii. Sealed Cover marked as 'B' on the top of the cover superscripted containing "Price Bid". iii. SealedCover 'C'shall contain covers 'A' & 'B'and superscripted with " Tender for providing Catering Services to the Staff and Students of CBIT & MGIT and boarders of CBES Hostel (Boys) AND to run Food Courts at CBIT and MGIT ". b. Sealed Tenders will be received as per the procedure mentioned at clause 8 of this Tender schedule up to 4.00 PM on 10.06.2016and will be opened in the following manner in the presence of Bidders or their Authorized Representative/s. i) On 11.06.2016at 3.00 PM. cover 'A' consisting of eligibility criteria (Technical Bid) will be opened. ii) On 18.06.2016 at3.00 PM. the cover 'B' consisting of price Bid of only those Bidders who fulfilled eligibility criteria will be opened. (NOTE: In case of postponement of the above dates, the Bidders will be intimated .) Page 6 of 35 2. SCOPE OF WORK: Providing Catering Services(for Kitchen and Dining Halls) to (A) 5500 Staff and Students of CBIT (B) 4000 Staff and Students ofMGIT and (C) 500 Boarders at CBES Hostel (Boys)and (D) to run Food Courts at CBIT & MGITCampuses at Gandipet, Hyderabad. The evaluation of Price Bid is done separately for the above three Campuses. The Service Provider should prepare the food itemsindependently at each of the three Campuses CBIT,MGIT and CBES Hostel. The Service Provider should provide at each of the three Campuses, Supervisory and other Staff in the DiningHalls and the Kitchen as given below: i. The Service Provider will carry out regular cleaning and maintenance of Dining Halls, Kitchen, Kitchen Equipment and Utensils by procuring and utilising cleaning material at his own cost. Pipe line connectionsfor the useof LPGare provided in the Kitchen, but actual cost of the gas consumed will be borne by the Service Provider. ii. Electricity consumed in the Kitchen& Dining Hall will be chargeable as per Tariff of State Electricity Board. iii. Water consumed in Kitchen& Dining Hall will be chargeable as per the rates of the Hyderabad Metro Water Supply Sewerages Board. CBIT/MGIT/CBES will provide required and sufficient good quality KitchenEquipmentand Utensils and Furniture for to be used in the Kitchen and Dining Hall. 3. PERIOD OF CONTRACT: The period of Contract will be for a period of oneyear from the date of commencement of Services, extendableby one more Year on mutual consent in writing executed at least 15 days before the expiry of the agreement with the Service Provider, if the Catering Services by the Service Provider are Satisfactory. 4. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT / SECURITY DEPOSIT: 4.1 The Tender should be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for Rs.1,00,000/- for each Campus for which the Price Bid is submitted by the Bidder by way of Demand Draft or Irrevocable Bank Guarantee from any Scheduled Bank as detailed below : i)In the case of CBIT in favour of "Principal, CBIT" ii) In the case of MGIT in favour of"Principal, MGIT " iii)In the case of CBES in favour of ""Secretary, CBES" Tenders received without EMD and / or D.D. for Rs.2000/- towards cost of tender document (which should be in cover 'A') will be summarily rejected. Page 7 of 35 4.2 Forfeiture of the EMD will be made in the following event/s: a) Withdrawal of Bid during the Bid validity period. b)If the Successful Bidder fails to sign the agreement in time or fails to submitperformance guarantee in time as specified in this Tender Schedule. 5. PERFORMANCE SECURITY: The successful Bidder has to deposit the following amounts as Performance Security by way of DD issued by any schedule bank OR submit an IrrevocableBank Guarantee for a similar amount separately for the three (3) Campuses. S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Campus CBIT MGIT CBES Hostel Food Court at CBIT Food Court at MGIT Amount of Security Deposit (Rs.) 10,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 DD to be taken in favour of Principal, CBIT Principal, MGIT Secretary, CBES Principal, CBIT Principal, MGIT 5.1. The Performance Security Deposit / Bank Guarantee of successful Bidder will be retained for the period of agreement in force and will be returned 3 months after expiry of the Contract period, after deduction/settlement of dues if anypayable by the Successful Bidder. 5.2. The Performance Security Deposit / Bank Guarantee shall not carry any interest. 6. ELIGIBILITY CRITERA: 6.1. The Bid is open to all Business entities within India who are eligible to do Business under relevant Indian Laws as in force at the time of bidding , subject to meeting the prequalification criterion. 6.2. The Bidder should have adequate experience in providing Catering Servicesas required in the Tender. Bidder should furnish proof of having provided such Services in the last 3 financial years i.e., 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16with a minimum turnover of Rs.2.00 crores per Financial Year. A Turnover Certificate for the last three years as mentioned above duly certified by a Chartered Accountant in practice shall be submitted along with the Bid document. 6.3. Experience in Institutional Cateringis required (preferably Service to IITs, IIITs, NITs etc.). Copies of Agreements/Work Orders forthe last three (3) years' turnover in this regard may be enclosed. Page 8 of 35 6.4. The Biddershould furnish satisfactory Performance Certificate from the Parties concerned to whom bulk supplies were Catered, if such supplies were made. CBES may contact any such parties to elicit details. 6.5. The Bidder should have beenRegistered for VAT,CST,Service Tax etc., with the relevant State/Central Tax Authorities. The Bidder should furnish along with the Bid document , the relevant Certificates of Registration along with the copies of Annual Returns filed for the years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16. All Bidders shall also submit the following information and documents with their Technical Bid in cover "A". a. Copies of Original documents defining the Constitution or Legal Status, Place of Registration ,and Principal place of Business of the Bidding Firm/Entity, written power of attorney of the signatory of the Bid to sign and submit the Bid document. b. Number ofStaffEmployed by the Bidder, Labour License with proof of PF/ESI/PT and TDS payments. c. The Copies of Income-Tax Returnsfiled for the last (3) three years shall be enclosed together with Copiesof AssessmentOrders received. d. List of Present Clientele with Contact Address &Telephone Numbers e. Food License Certificate and Certificates such as ISO-9001 and other such Food Certificates will be of value. 6.6. The Certificates, Documents furnished by the Bidder along with Technical Bid as specified above should be authenticated by the Bidder and attested by a Gazetted Officer. 6.7. The Bidders must submit all relevant Documentary evidence to demonstrate their eligibility for considering their bid. 6.8. Experience in serving Telangana/Andhra food at least for one year is mandatory.Proof of Work orders/Contracts indicating experience in this regard are to be furnished. Tenders received without the above documents will be rejected. 6.9. CBES may award the ServiceContract to any one Bidder for all the three (3) Campuses or to different Bidders separately for each Campus or appoint more than one Service Provider within the same Campus for different categories of service (like Canteen Service/Food Courts) and also award the Contract to a Bidder other than L1 at its own discretion which is final and binding on all the Bidders. Page 9 of 35 7. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: The Bidder may quote for one or more Campuses and or for different Services (like Canteen Service/Food courts). However he has to submitPrice Bid separately for each Campus/Service. The evaluation of PriceBid is done institute wise separately for Catering Servicesand for Food Courts. 7.1. Bids with over writings, alterations etc., will not be accepted unless they are attested by the Bidder. Where there is a discrepancy between the amount (Rupees) in figures and words, the Price, which is least of the two, will prevail. 7.2. Bid should be strictly in conformity with the Terms and Conditions mentioned in the Tenderschedule . 7.3. Bidders are expected to examine all the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender schedule andto prepare their proposals accordingly. Failure to provide all requisite information will be at the Bidder's own risk and may result in the rejection of the Tender. 7.4. All assertions made in connection with the Tender are to be supported/substantiated by relevant documents. The Chairperson, D & P Committee reserves the right to verify the credentials of the Bidder as per the eligibility criteria. 7.5. The Chairperson, D & P Committee will notify the Bidder whose Tender has been accepted through a Letter of Intent (LoI). The Bidder should acknowledge the same and convey his acceptance within 7 days of receipt of LoI. 7.6. The successful Bidder to whom LoI is issued shall execute an agreement with CBIT/MGIT/CBES separately on Non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.100/- agreeing to all the conditions of the Contract within 15 days upon receipt LoI. Before executing the agreement the successful Bidder has to submit a Performance Guarantee for the amounts specified the clause 4.1. Failure on enter into an agreement within the stipulated time will result in forfeiture of the EMD. The Chairperson, D & P Committee reserves the right to issue instructions /modifications at any time before award of Contract. 8. METHOD OF SUBMISSION: 8.1. The Bidder should submit the supporting papers of eligibility criteria as specified in Clause (6), Bid document signed on all pages by the Bidder and Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee towards EMD in cover 'A'. The price Bid shall be kept in cover 'B'. Both cover 'A' and cover 'B' areto be kept in cover 'C' and sealed with wax/gum tape. Page 10 of 35 Submission of incomplete information may render the Tender invalid and result in rejection of the bid. Conditional Tender will also be summarily rejected. 8.2. The Sealed Tenders shall be deposited in the Tender Box kept in the office of ChaitanyaBharathi Educational Society, D.No: 3-5-925/2B, Keshava Memorial High School Lane, Near Masjid, Narayanguda, Hyderabad-500029, Telangana before04.00PM on 10.06.2016. 9. EVALUATION PROCEDURE: 9.1. The sealed Tenders will be opened on 11.06.2016 at 3.00pm by the Chairperson, D & P Committee or his Authorized Representative in the presence of the Bidders or their Authorized Representative (letter of authorization to represent shall be submitted) who may be present at that time. 9.2. The Cover - "A" consisting of the documents related to Eligibility criteria(Technical Bid) will be opened first, on 11.06.2016 at 3.00 pm. The Tenders will be evaluated so as to ascertainwhether theBidder satisfies the eligibility criteria as detailed in Clause 6 above and the capability of the Bidders to provide the Catering Hospitality Services as required. 9.3. The rejection of the Bidder on technical grounds will be based on the failure to meet eligibility requirements/non-submission of required documents as proof. 9.4. Cover"B" consisting of Price Bid of only those Bidders, who have fulfilled the eligibility criteria specified in clause 6 and 9.2 above will be opened on 18.06.2016 at 3.00PM. and the covers containing the Price Bid of the Bidders who do not fulfil the eligibility criteria will not be opened and their Tender stands rejected. 9.5. Any claims or disputes raised by the unsuccessful Bidders in respect of selection process and non-awarding of Contract will have no legal validity and will not be enforceable against the CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be.No future correspondence will be entertained regarding the disqualification/rejection of Tender/BiD 9.6. The Chairperson, D & P Committee, CBES reserves the right to accept or reject any / or all the Tenders without assigning any reason/s whatsoever. The Chairperson, D & P Committee also reserves the right to cancel the selection process for award of the Contract at any time. The decision of the Chairperson, D & P Committee is final in this regard and binding on all the Bidders. 10. PENALTY CONDITIONS: 10.1 The Service Provider should ensure a. Timeliness of Service b. Tidiness of Surroundings c. Wearing of Uniform by Service Provider's Employees while on duty Page 11 of 35 d. Quantity and Quality of Food as per Menu specified in the agreement. e. Polite Behavior and Courtesy of Service Provider's Employees towards Staff, Students and Boarders. f. Total prohibition of use of Gutka, Pan, Cigarettes/Beedis by its Employees. g. PeriodicalMedical evaluation of the Kitchen & Servicing Staff. h. That all the garbage disposal is undertaken by the ServiceProvider himself as per MCH rules. 10.2The Performance of the Service Provider in the above CateringServices will be assessed every fortnight by a 'Food Committee' constituted for the purpose by CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be with Staff and StudentsandPayment of Bills will be in accordance with the performance index on a 10-point scale. 10.3The Service Provider will abide by the ratings given by the 'Food Committee' and the schedule of payment for different ratings are as under ≥9 - 100% ≥8 and<9 - 95% ≥7 and <8 - 90% and if the rating is <7 - the Contract is liable to be terminated. 10.4Student's feed -back will also be obtained directly on a 5-point scale as part of a food survey report. If the rating is below 2.3 a penalty of 5% of the Bill amount will be imposed , independent of the schedule of payment mentioned in (10.3) above. If the rating is below 2.3 five times in a year, the Contract is liable for cancellation. 10.5 If the Contract is terminated for the reason(s) mentioned in 10.3 and/or 10.4 above, the performance security will be forfeited . 11. DUE DATES: The important due dates are mentioned below: Downloading of Tender schedule From 22.05.2016 to08.06.2016 (4.00 pm.) Last date for submission of sealed Tenders Opening of Tenders Upto4.00 pm. on 10.06.2016 a. Cover 'A' containing the Eligibility Criteria (Technical Bid) on 11.06.2016 at 3.00 pm.. b. Cover 'B' containing the Price Bid of eligible Bidders on 18.06.2016 at 3.00 pm. If any of the above dates / times are postponed, the Bidders will be intimated . Page 12 of 35 12. VALIDITY OF THE PRICE BID: The rate/s quoted in Price Bid shall remain valid for a period of One Year from the date of execution of the agreement between the Bidder and CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be . 13. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. The Service Provider will cover all the jobs specified in the "Scope of Work". 2. The word 'Services' wheneverused means the Services indicated in the Scope of Work. 3. The Service Provider should ensure their strict supervision of the Staff and on the quality of Services provided round the clock and also ensure to coordinate with the Officer nominated for the purpose by CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be. 4. The Service Provider shall have adequate communication facilities to communicate with CBIT/MGIT/CBES officials as the case may be and materials to be used shall be as per the schedule attached to the Service agreement. 5. The Service Provider shall properly deploy their personnel for various kinds of work enumerated in Scope of Work. 6. The Service Provider shall furnish such of the statements related to deployment of personnel to the officer nominated to coordinate with them by CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be as and when called for. 7. The Service Provider shall provide at his own cost proper uniforms for their personnel to be approved by CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be. 8. The personnel so deployed shall be issued with photo-identity cards provided by the Service Provider under his signature, company's name and seal, which shall be displayed by them while on duty. 9. The Service Provider shall ensure that all the security regulations of CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be, are strictly adhered to and complied with by the persons engaged by him to provide the Service. Any violation of security regulations will be at the cost and risk of Service Provider. 10. The Service Provider shall not engage any Sub-Contractor or transfer the Contract to any other person in any manner. 11. The Service Provider will be Solely responsible for complying with various Labourand other Laws as applicable from time to time in respect of personsemployed / engaged by him and shall be solely responsible for any breach or violation of any or all of the provisions of the such Laws. Page 13 of 35 12. The Service Providerwill be solely responsible for any damage to property / premises of CBIT/MGIT/CBESas the case may be due to negligence or otherwise of his employees. 13. The Service Provider shall be personally responsible for any theft, dishonesty, and/ordisobedience on the part of personnel employed by him for providing theServices under this Tender. 14. The Service Provider should execute the work as per the scope of work under his own supervision or should have his own supervisor(s) who should be accessible over Mobile Phone. 15. The Service Provider will have to observe the rules and regulations as laid down by the Municipal Corporation of Respective locations for preservation of health and hygiene and also meet theStatutory requirements of the State/ Central Government regulations regarding Payment of Minimum Wages, Provident Fund, ESI and any other payments etc., as applicable from time to time . 16. The persons employed by the Service Providerfor providing Services under the agreement will be employees solely of the Service Provider. CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be will have no privity of Contract with such employees nor will they be entitled to any access/dealing with CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be at the time of accidents for any reason or for any compensations that may arise out of any provisions of applicable Laws, the settlement of which shall be the sole responsibility of the Service Provider. 17. The Service Provider has to insure the Staff working with him at his own cost if required under any Laws in force. 18. The Service Provider will ensure that the Equipment and Furniture and Fixtures provided by CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be are not in any way damaged, misused or mishandled. Any Equipment / Items provided to the Service Provider which are damaged will be replaced/ got repaired by the Service Providerat his own cost. 19. In the event of any breach and/ or failure on the part of the Service Provider to comply with the terms & Conditions of the Agreement, the Contract will be terminated forthwith. CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be also reserves the right to cancel/suspend the Contractual period for any reason whatsoever without assigning any reason and no liability shall be incurred by CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be in the event of the aforesaid cancellation/suspension. However, under normal circumstances 30 day's notice shall be given intimatingthe cancellation/suspension. 20. The Service Provider will be solely responsible for complying with various Labour& otherLaws as applicable from time to time in respect of persons so employed / engaged by him to provide the Services as per the agreement signed under this Tenderand shall be solely responsible for any breach or violation of any or all of the provisions of the Labour & Other Laws as applicable from time to time. Page 14 of 35 14. DISPUTES: All disputes and differences of any kind whatever arising out of or in connection with the Service Agreement, during or after completion of Contract will be settled amicably (by negotiations) and the decision of CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be shall be final in all such matters and shall be binding on the Service Provider. 15. DISCLAIMER: 15.1. Neither CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be nor its employees make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy reliability or completeness of the information in this Tender schedule and it is not possible to consider the investment objective , financial situation and particular needs of each Party who reads or uses this Tender Schedule. Certain Prospective Bidders may have a better knowledge of the scope of work than others. Each Prospective Bidder should conduct his or her own investigations and analysis and check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in the Tender schedule and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. 15.2. Chairperson, D &P Committee reserves the right to reject any or all the Bids submitted in response to this Tender Notification at any stage without assigning any reason/s whatsoever. 15.3. Chairperson, D &P Committee reserves the right to change any or all of the provisions contained in this Tender Document as deemed necessary. 16. REJECTION OF TENDERS: 16.1. The Chairperson, D &P Committee reserves the right to cancel the Tender process and reject all Tenders at any time prior to the award of Contract without assigning any reason/s. CBES does not incur any liability on account of such cancellation or rejection as against affected Bidder/s or any obligations to inform the affected Bidder/son the grounds of acceptance or rejection. 16.2. No Bidder is entitled to withdraw its/hisoffer submitted. In case of such withdrawal, the EMD deposited along with the Tender schedule shall stand forfeited. 17. For breach of any of the conditions prescribed in the Tender or as specified by the CBES from time to time, the EMD is liable to be forfeited. Decision of the Chairperson, D &P Committee, CBESin the regard is final and binding on the Bidder/s. Page 15 of 35 REQUIREMENT The following Services are required as per the details given under Price Bid in Page Nos. 17 to 22 for the three (3) Campuses: A. Catering Services in Canteen for 5500 Staff and Students of CBIT and running a Food Court at CBIT. B. Catering Services in Canteen for 4000 Staff and Students of MGIT and running a Food Court at MGIT. C. Catering Services in Hostel Mess for 500 Boarders at CBES Hostel (Boys) . Page 16 of 35 PRICE BID The Bidder may quote for one or more of the Campuses. However the Bidder has to quote separately for each Campus as provided below) In cover ''B" The following Catering Services are required in the specifications mentioned hereunder for the three (3) Campuses. MENU TO BE SERVED IN 3 CAMPUSES A) For about 5,500 Staff & Students at CBIT : 1. Menu to be served in the canteen Sl.No Item Qty. Rate Rs. TIFFINS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Idly plain with Sambar and Chutney Vada with Sambar and Chutney Palin Dosa with Sambar and Chutney Masala Dosa with Sambar and Chutney RavvaDosa with Sambar and Chutney Onion Dosa with Sambar and Chutney Uttappam with Sambar and Chutney Upma with Sambar and Chutney Tomato Bath with Sambar and Chutney Pesarattu with Sambar and Chutney Puri with Curry and Chutney Aloo Bonda with Chutney Mysore Bajji with Chutney Pongal with curry 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 200 Gms 150 Gms 1 No 3 Nos. 2 Nos. 4 Nos. 250 grams 1 2 3 SNACKS MirchiBajji/Aloo Bajji/Masala Vada Veg Manchuria 8 Nos. Veg. Palavwith curry 4 Nos. 250 grams 250 grams 4 Bread Palavwith curry 250 grams 5 PeasePalavwith curry 250 grams 6 7 Bismillah Bath Pulihura 250 grams 250 grams Page 17 of 35 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tomato Rice Coconut Rice Jeera Rice Rumali Roti with curry Tandoori Roti with curry Punugulu Veg. Pakoda 250 grams 250 grams 200 grams 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 10 Nos. 250 grams LUNCH 1 2 3 4 2 Nos. 200 Gms 200 Gms 300 Gms 5 Chapathi with Curry Curd Rice with pickle Lemon Rice Plate Meals with sambar/Rasam,Dal, Veg. Curry, Curd,Chutney and Papad Plate Meals with Chapathi 6 7 CholeBatura Veg Fried Rice 2 Nos 250 Gms 8 Veg Biryani 250 Gms 9 Veg. noodles 150 grams 10 Extra Rice 100 Gms 11 Extra Curd Cup 300 Gms BEVERAGES 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tea Spl.Tea Coffee / Nescafe / Bru Milk Fruit Juice Fruit Salad 100 Ml 100 Ml 100 Ml 100 Ml 150 Ml 200 grams (Signature of Bidder) 2) Items to be served in the Food Court: S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Item Qty Rate Rs. Tea Coffee Cold Coffee Milk Shakes Burgers Sandwich Curry Puffs Page 18 of 35 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 Pastuer Biskets Cakes Samosa Water Bottles Cold Beverages Pijjas Cup Cakes Ice Creams Cut Fruits Any other items with rates (specify below ) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. (Signature of Bidder) Note : If any other items are required to be included in the menu after finalizing the contract, the quantity and price of such items may be decided through mutual discussion between the Food Committee and the Successful Bidder. Rent Offered for: 1. Infrastructure Facilities – Rs______________ /-per Month. 2. Equipment and Furniture & Fixtures - Rs______________ /-per Month. Page 19 of 35 B) For about 4,000 Staff & Students at MGIT: 1. Menu to be served in the canteen S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Item Quantity BEVERAGES (ALL DAYS) Tea (Ordinary) 100 ml Special Tea 100 ml Coffee Ordinary 100 ml BRU/Nescafe 100 ml Milk 100 ml Fruit Juice 150 ml TIFFINS Idly with Sambar & Chutney 2 Nos. ar and with Chutney Upma Chutney 200 Grams Masala Dosawith Sambar and Chutney 1 No Onion Dosa with Sambar and Chutney 1 No Plain Dosa with Sambar and Chutney 1 No Utappam with Sambar and Chutney 1 No Puriwith Curry and Chutney 3 Nos. Pesarattuwith Sambar and Chutney 1 No Rice Pongal 200 gms Tomata Bath 150 gms Vada with Sambar and Chutney 2 Nos. Mysore Bajji with Chutney 4 Nos. Alu Bonda 2 Nos. Chapathi with Curry 2 Nos. RavvaDosa with Sambar and Chutney 1 No. Parata with Curry 2 Nos. Bread &Omlet 1 No. LUNCH Veg. Biryani with Curd & Chutney Egg. Biryani with Gravy Veg. Fried Rice Egg Fried Rice Veg. Noodles Egg. Noodles Zeera Rice with Curry Tomato Rice Lemon Rice Curd Rice Plate Meals with Vegetable Curry,Sambar/Rasam, Dal, Chutney, Curd and Papad Rate Rs. 250 grams 200 grams 250 grams 200 grams 200 grams 200 grams 200 grams 200 grams 200 grams 200 grams 300 grams Page 20 of 35 12. 13. Extra Rice Extra Curd 100 grams 1 Cup SNACKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. MirchiBajji Dhai Vada Onion Pakoda GobhiManchuriya Veg. 65 Veg. Manchuriya Chat PavBaaji PaniPuri Fruit Custard Ice Cream 4 nos. 2 Nos. 250grams 6 pieces 6 pieces 8 pieces 200 grams 200 grams 10 Pieces 250 grams (Signature of Bidder) 2) Items to be served in the Food Court : S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Item Tea Coffee Cold Coffee Milk Shakes Burgers Sandwich Curry Puffs Pastuer Biskets Cakes Samosa Water Bottles Cold Beverages Pijjas Cup Cakes Ice Creams Cut Fruits Any other items with rates (specify below ) i. ii. iii. iv. Qty Rate Rs. (Signature of Bidder) Note : If any other items are required to be included in the menu after finalizing the contract, the quantity and price of such items may be decided through mutual discussion between the Food Committee and the Successful Bidder . Rent Offered for: 1. Infrastructure Facilities - Rs______________ /-per Month. Page 21 of 35 2. Equipment and Furniture & Fixtures -Rs______________ /-per Month. C) For about 500 boarders at CBES Hostel (Boys) Mess. Day-wise Menu to be served Day Break fast Lunch Snacks Dinner Monday Idly(4), palli chutney, sambar , Milk/Tea/Coffee Plain rice, Alu curry, PalakuraPappu, Fryums, Rasam, Egg, Curd. Biscuits(4),Tea Plain rice, Pulka(2), Mixed Veg curry, Sambar, pickle, Curd, Banana. Tuesday Poori(3), Chole Masala, Milk/Tea/Coffee Plain rice, Brinjal Curry, Dosakaya Pappu, Sambar, Fryums, Egg, curd. Aloo Bajji (3 Medium Size),Tea Wednesday Wada(3),Putnalu Coconut Chutney, Allam Chutney, Milk/Tea/Coffee Samosa (3), Tea Thursday Tomato bath/Upma,PalliputnaluC hutney, Sugar Milk/Tea/Coffee Plain rice, Thotakurapappu, Drumstick tomato curry, Rasam, Egg, curd. Plain rice, Beans carrot curry, Gongurapappu, Sambar, Fryums, curd. Plain rice, Pulka(2), Cauli Flower Tomatocurry, Miriyalarasam, Chutney, curd, Banana. Plain rice,bendimasala,sam bar, Chutney, Fryums, curd,banana. Plain rice, Pulka (2), Egg Porutu, Pappucharu, Pickle, Curd, Banana. Friday Mysore bajji(4),chutney, Milk/Tea/Coffee Plain rice, BeerakayaSanagapapp u Curry, Dondakai Fry, rasam, Egg, Curd. Punugulu(6minimu m Size), Tea Plain rice, gutthi Vankaya curry, Rasam, Pickle, Fryums, Curd, Banana Saturday Samiyaupma, Chutney, Milk/Tea/Coffee Plain rice, Dosakaya Tomato curry, GoruChikkudu Fry, Sambar, Fryums, Egg, Curd. AratikaiBajji(3),Te a Plain rice, Pulka(2), dondakai masala cuury, Sambar, chutney, Curd, Banana Sunday Chapathi(2),Alukurma,M ilk/Tea/Coffee Plain Rice, Pulka(2), Tomato Pappu, cabbage beans Fry ,Sambar, Chutney, Fryums, Egg, Curd. Puff, Tea Veg Biryani, Plain Rice, Chicken curry(150gms), Aloo Kurma, Raitha, Sweet, Rasam, Curd, Banana Onion Pakodi(50gms), Tea Price quoted per head per day for the above menu Rs.____________ (Rupees_________________________________________________) inclusive of all taxes (Signature of Bidder) Note : If any other items are required to be included in the menu after finalizing the contract, the quantity price of such items may be decided through mutual discussion between the Food Committee and the Successful Bidder. Rent Offered for: 1. Infrastructure Facilities - Rs______________ /- per Month. Page 22 of 35 2. Equipment and Furniture & Fixtures -Rs______________ /-per Month. BID SECURITY (EMD) FORM (To be executed byany Scheduled Bank in India and having at least one branch in Hyderabadseparately for each campus) Whereas__________________________ (herein after called "the Bidder") has submitted its/hisBid dated......................(date) for provision of Catering Services to CBIT/MGIT/CBES and to run Food Courts at CBIT/MGIT(herein after calledthe " Bid") KNOW ALL MEN By these present that WE ______________________________ of ________________ having our Registered office at .......................................(hereinafter called the "Bank") are bound unto the CBIT / MGIT / CBES (hereinafter Called "CBIT / MGIT / CBES") in the sum of Rs. __________(Rupees __________________________________) for which payment well and truly to be made to the said CBES itself or its successors and assignees by these presents. The Conditions of these obligations are: 1.If the Bidder withdraws its/his Bid during the period of Bid validity or 2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the CBES during the period of Bid validity a. Fails or refuses to Execute the Agreement as required within 15 days of receipt of LoI from CBIT / MGIT / CBES; or b. Fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Bid requirement within the stipulated time of 15 days. We undertake to pay CBIT / MGIT / CBESup to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand without the CBEShaving to substantiate its demand, and without recourse to the Bidder, provided that in its demand , CBIT / MGIT / CBESwill note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions above mentioned, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to and including 60 days after the period of the Bid validity i.e., up to _________ and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date. Place: Signature of the Bank Page 23 of 35 Date: and seal PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORM (To be issued by a scheduled bank, having a branch in Hyderabad, to be separately executed for each Campus) To: ....................................(Address of CBIT/MGIT/CBES) WHEREAS ......................(Name ofService Provider) (hereinafter called "Service Provider") has undertaken, in pursuance of LoIdated _______ issued by you, to provide CateringServicesto you and WHEREAS it has been stipulated in the said LoI, that the Service Providershall furnish to you a performance guarantee from a Scheduled Bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the performance obligations of the Service Providerunder the Tender / Service Agreement. WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Guarantee on behalf of the Service Provider: THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we as Guarantors are responsible to you, on behalf of the Service Provider, up to a total amount of Rs.________ (Rupees _______________________) and we undertake to pay you ,upon your first written demand declaring the Service Providerto be in default under Rs._________(Amount of Guarantee) as aforesaid without your needing to provide or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until the ..............(Day)of....... (Month) ......... (Year)(Date) Place: Signature of the Bank Date: and seal Page 24 of 35 Service Agreement Form (To be executed separately for each Campus on Rs.100/- non-judicial Stamp Paper ) THIS AGREEMENT made on this the ......(day)of ............ (month)........(Year). BETWEEN Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as "CBIT" of the first part representedby its__________(Designation) by Mr./Mrs. _____________________________________ Son/Daughterof Mr.______________________________ aged _______ Years residing at ___________________ AND ______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as " Service Provider") of the second part represented by its ____________ (Designation) Mr./Mrs.____________________________________ Son/Daughter of Mr.______________________________ aged _______ Years residing at ___________________ WhereasCBES called for Open Competitive Bid vide Tender Notification Ref. No. CBES/D&P/ CS/2016 dated 21.05.2016 for providing Catering Services for the three (3) Campuses CBIT,MGIT and CBES Hostel (Boys) and Food Courts at CBIT and MGIT at Gandipet, Hyderabad - 500 075 and whereas ____________________ submitted its/his Bid against said notification and was issued Letter of Intent (LoI)No. __________Dt._________ for providing CateringServicesin canteen and / orFood Court at CBIT Campus to cater to 5,500 Staff and Students, and the Service Providerhas agreed to provide the said Servicesas per the menu & rates as per schedule I enclosed to this agreement, and the Service Providerhas submitted Bank Guarantee (BG)for an amount of RS.________ (Rupees _________________ only) vide BG No: ...............Dt. ...............issued by .................. (Name of the Bank & Branch),which is valid up to Performance Guarantee for the Services to be provided under this agreement. This agreement witnesseth as under. 1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 2.1. The Service Provider shall provide Catering Services (Breakfast, Lunch, Tea, & Snacks) to about 5,500 Staff & Students at CBIT Campus at Gandipet, Hyderabad, as per the menu listed in the appended schedule-Iat the rates mentioned therein (inclusive of all Taxes). The specifications, quality and brand of materials to be used (perishable and non-perishable items) shall be as stipulated in the Tender document. Page 25 of 35 2.2. The Service Providershould not change the menu listed in schedule-I without explicit permission from the concerned authorities of CBIT. The Service Provider should oblige any minor changes to the menu suggested from time to time by the concerned CBIT authorities within approved rates as per the schedule -I attached herewith and forming part of this agreement. 2.3. The Service Provider will ensure that the cooked and uncooked food is stored properly and no stale food is served. In case of any food poisoning, the Service Provider will be held solely responsible and will be penalized besides facing legal action as may be appropriate. 2.4. The Service Provider should execute the work as per the 'Scope of Work' as detailed in the Tender Document under his own supervision. No sub-Contracting is permissible. 2.5. The Service Providershould employ sufficient number of supervisors and other Staff in the Dining Halls and Kitchen, and deploy them for various kinds of work enumerated in 'Scope of Work' in an efficient manner. The personnel so deployed will be issued with proper uniform(as approved by CBIT) by the Service Provider, and photo-identity cards under its/his signature, company's name and seal, which shall be displayed by such personnel while on duty. The Service Provider shall furnish such of the statements related to deployment of personnel as and when called for, to the concerned authorities of CBIT. 2.6. The persons so employed by the Service Provider for providing Services under the agreement will be employees solely of the Service Provider. CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be will have no privity of Contract with such employees nor will they be entitled to any access/dealing with CBIT/MGIT/CBES as the case may be at the time of accidents for any reason or for any compensations that may arise out of any provisions of applicable Laws, the settlement of which shall be the sole responsibility of the Service Provider. 2.7. The Service Provider will be Solely responsible for complying with various Labour& other Laws as applicable from time to time in respect of persons so employed / engaged by him and shall be solely responsible for any breach or violation of any or all of the provisions of the labour& otherLaws as applicable from time to time. 2.8. The Service Provider will have to observe the rules and regulations as laid down by the Municipal Corporation of Respective locations for preservation of health and hygiene and also to meet the statutory requirements of the state/central Government regulations regarding Payment of Minimum Wages, Provident Fund, ESI, PT, TDS, VAT, Service Tax etc., as applicable from time to time . 2.9. The Service Provider has to insure the Staffworking with him at his own cost as may be required under any law in force. 2.10. The Service Providershall ensure all the security regulations of CBIT, are strictly adhered to and compiled with by the personnel engaged by him to provide the Services under this agreement . Any violation of security regulations will be at the cost and risk of the Service Provider. Page 26 of 35 2.11. The Service Providershall ensure for strict supervision of the Staff employed by him and on the quality of the Services provided under this agreement and shall also ensure to coordinate with the concerned authorities of CBIT. 2.12. The Service Providershall be personally responsible for any theft, dishonesty, and/or, disobedienceon the part of personnel employed by him forrendering Services under this agreement. 2.13. The Service Providerwill carry out regular cleaning and maintenance of Dining Halls, Kitchen Equipment and Utensils. Procurement and utilization of quality cleaning materialfor Dining Halls, Kitchen, Kitchen Equipment and Utensils is the responsibility of the Service Provider and the cost is included in the rate quoted. 2.14. The Service Provider shall not engage any Sub-Contractor or transfer the Contract to any other person/firm/company in any manner. 2.15. The Service Providerwill ensure that equipment/furniture and fixtures/ provided by CBIT are not in any way damaged , misused or mishandled. if any damage occurs to such Equipment/ Furniture and Fixtures the same will be replaced /got repaired by the Service Provider at his own cost. 2.16. The Service Provider shall be solely responsible either for any injury, damage, accident to personal employedby him or for any loss or damage to the Equipment/ Property in the areas of work as a result of negligence/carelessness of said personnel of Service Provider. 2.17. The Service Provider will pay for the costofElectricity, and Water consumed in the Kitchen, Dining Halls and Food Courts as per the approved rates of charges by concerned Government authorities. 3. DISPUTES: In case of disputes or differences at any time between the parties of this agreement in respect of the Catering Services, they shall be resolved in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Indian Arbitration Act1940, and courts at Hyderabad shall have jurisdiction in all matters arising out ofor in connection with this agreement. Further, this agreement is subjected to Laws of India alone. 4. PENALTY CONDITIONS: 4.1 The Service Provider should ensure a. Timeliness of Service b. Tidiness of Surroundings c. Wearing of Uniform by Service Provider's Employees while on duty d. Quantity and Quality of Food as per Menu specified in the agreement. Page 27 of 35 e. Polite Behavior and Courtesy of Service Provider's Employees towards Staff, Students and Boarders. f. Total prohibition of use of Gutka, Pan, Cigarettes/Beedis by its Employees. g. Periodical Medical evaluation of the Kitchen & Servicing Staff. h. That all the garbage disposal is undertaken by the Service Provider himself as per MCH rules 4.2 The Performance of the Service Provider in the above CateringServices will be assessed every fortnight by a 'Food Committee' constituted for the purpose of CBIT with Staff and Students. And, Payment of Bills will be in accordance with the performance index on a 10point scale. 4.3The Service Provider will abide by the ratings given by the 'Food Committee' and the schedule of payment for different ratings are as under <7 4.4 ≥9 - 100% ≥8 and<9 - 95% ≥7 and <8 - 90%and if the rating is the Contract is liable to be terminated. Student's feed -back will also be obtained directly on a 5-point scale as part of a food survey report. If the rating is below 2.3,a penalty of 5% of the Bill amount will be imposed , independent of the schedule of payment mentioned in 4.3 above. If the rating is below 2.3 five times in a year, the Contract is liable for cancellation. 4.5 If the Contract is terminated for the reason(s) mentioned in 4.3 and/or 4.4 above, the performance security will be forfeited 5.0 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: 5.1 In the event of any breach and/ or failure on the part of the Service Provider to comply with the terms & conditions of this agreement, the Contract will be terminated forthwith. CBIT also reserves the right to cancel/suspend the contractual period for any reason whatsoever without assigning any reason and no liability shall be incurred by CBIT in the event of the aforesaid cancellation/ suspension. However, under the normal circumstances, CBIT will give 30 days notice before the said cancellation/suspension. In addition, if the Contract is cancelled , the performance security will be en-cashed and forfeited. Page 28 of 35 In witness whereof the parties here to have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with their respective regulations on the ____day, ______month AND _____ year above written. Signed, and delivered by party of the Signed, and delivered by party of the Second Part FirstPart for( Name of the Service Provider) forCHAITANYA BHARATHI INSTIUTE OF TECHNOLGOY Signature : Name : Designation : Service Provider seal: Place: Hyderabad Date: IN THE PRESENCE OF 1. _________________ (Signature) Signature : Name : Designation : CBIT seal: Place: Hyderabad Date: IN THE PRESENCE OF 1. _________________ (Signature) Nameand Address: Nameand Address: 2. _________________ (Signature) Name and Address: 2. _________________ (Signature) Name and Address: Page 29 of 35 Bid letter form IN COVER'C' From: (Name and Address of the Bidder) To: CHAITANYA BHARATHI EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY (CBES) D.No: 3-5-925/2B, Keshava Memorial High School Lane, Near Masjid,Narayanguda, Hyderabad-500029, Telangana Sir, Having examined the bidding documents and amendments there on, we the undersigned, offer to provide Catering Services in the canteens of CBIT ,MGIT and CBES Hostel (Boys) Mess and to run Food Courts at CBIT and MGIT in conformity with the terms and conditions of the bidding document and amendments thereon in response to your Tendernotification No.CBES/D&P/CS/2016, dated 21.05.2016 issued in _________ (Newspapers) and submit herewith our Bid in Cover "C" containing therein Technical Bid in cover "A" and PriceBid in cover "B". We undertake to provide the above CateringServicesand to run Food Courts as assigned in conformity with the above bidding documents and in accordance with the rates quoted in the PriceBid submitted by us. If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to: a) Provide Catering Services and run Food Court/saccording to the specifications and rates in the schedules in the Bid document, b) Submit the performance guarantee from a scheduled bank in accordance with Bid requirements for the due performance of the Contract, c) Execute the service agreement as required under this Tender and d) Agree to abide by the Bid conditions, which remain binding upon us during the entire Bid validity period and Bid may be accepted any time before the expiration of that period. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive, nor to give any reason for the rejection of any bid, and that you will not defray any expenses incurred by us in bidding. Place: Signature of the Bidder Date: and seal Page 30 of 35 PARTICULARS OF THE BIDDER IN COVER 'A' 1 Name of the Organization 2 Year of establishment 3 Registered Office Address 4 Phone No. 5 Fax No. 6 Email 7 Total No. of branch offices in Telangana / A.P 8 Whether caterers Yes/NO Page 31 of 35 IN COVER 'A' Turnover details for the last three (3) Financial Years: Financial Year Names of the major Organizations to whom Services provided Service provided to No. of People per month Turnover for the year (Rs. in Lakhs) 2013-14 (Audited) 2014-15 (Audited) 2015-16 (Provisional) Signature of the Bidder Signature of the Chartered Accountant with Name and CP No. & Seal with address IN COVER 'A' List of Major Customers served in the last three (3) years Sl. No Customer'sfull address with Name of Contact Person and Phone Number Year of supply Catering Service provided to No. of People per month Value of Catering Services rendered (Rs. in lakhs) Signature of the Bidder Page 32 of 35 Specification of Quality & Brand to be used of PERISHABLE AND NON-PERISHABLE ITEMS S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Item Rice Oil(Refined Sunflower) Dal Arhar Dal Chana Dal Moong(Pesarapappu) Dal Urad (Gundu) Rajma Kabuli Chana Idly Ravva Suji WhaeatRavva Salt(Crystal) Salt(Table) Mirchi Powder Haldi(Turmeric powder) Dhaniya Powder Musturd Zeera Red Chilly Hing/100gms Lavanga/100gms Elachi/100gms Patta/100gms Sugar Jagri Tea Powder Coffee Powder Cooking Commercial Gas Soya Chunks Maida Basin Cor Flour Tamarind Ground nut Putnala Dal Dry Coconut Azinamoto Rasam Powder(100 gms) Sambar Powder (100gms) Dalda Brand One year Old Sonamasuri Crystal,Golddrop,Aadhar Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Annapurna/Tata Annapurna/Tata Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Grand One Standard Grade Red Label/Taj Mahal Broke bond Green Label HP/INDIAN Gas 19 Kg Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Page 33 of 35 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Cashew Vermicelli Saboodana Pure Ghee(Durga) Pickles Chole Masala Chat masala100gms) Namkin(100 gms) Biscuits Pkt Noodles Chekki Atta KasuriMethi/Pkt Fresh Mutter Chilly Sauce Tomato Sauce Soya Souce Black Paper Eating Soda Rice Flaks Item Bread Butter Jam Eegs Each Vegetables Onion Garlic Ginger Milk(Toned) Panner Curry Leaves Coriander Green Leafy Vegetables Potatoes Pepper Coconut full Green Chillies Butter Chiplet (10gms) Curd Carrot Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Haldirams/Everest Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Standard Grade Brand Modern Amul Kissan/Frutop Grade A Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Page 34 of 35 CHECK LIST Important: The Bidder must ensure that the following documents detailed in the check list are furnished along with the Bid document. The Bidder must also carefully go through all the contents of the BID Document and any additional information/documents, required in addition to the items listed in the check list below, shall also have to be furnished. Non furnishing of any required information / document as per the Tender Document will lead to rejection of the bid. S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Documents D.D. for Rs. 2000/- towards cost of Tender document Details of EMD furnished Amount RS.____________DD/BG No.________Date: Issued by (Bank & Branch): Technical Bid (in Cover A) Price Bid (in Cover B) Proof of experience in institutional Catering Services in the last 3 Financial Years i.e.,2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16. Turnover Certificate for the last 3 years duly certified by a CA in practice. Satisfactory performance certificate from Clients Copies of Documentary evidence of Constitution/ Legal status of the Bidder as detailed below a) Business Registration Certificate in the case of proprietary concern. b) Registered Partnership Deed in the case of Firm c)Memorandum and Articles of Association in the case of Company. Copy of Registration Certificate Copy of Latest three years Income Tax Returns field along with copies of Audited Accounts Copy of VAT/CST Registration Copies of VAT/ CST Returns with Clearance Certificate from concerned authorities Power of Attorney, wherever applicable Copy of Food License Certificate Details Number of Employees and Labour Licence List of present clientele with address & Phones numbers Proof Experience in serving in Telangana/Andhra Food for at least 1 year (Work order copy/other relevant document) Any other information/documents that are required in the tender documents. (Specify) i) ii) iii) iv) Enclosed Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Page 35 of 35 NOTE: All pages of the Bid documents must be serially numbered and signed. Page 36 of 35