GIS and CAD (computer aided design) 2/11/2008

(computer aided design)
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS
GIS and CAD have similar data content but have:
• Different fundamental philosophies
– CAD sees the world as a cube
– GIS sees world as a sphere
• Different primary applications
– Detailed construction design (larger scale)
– Real world representation and modeling (smaller scale)
• Different data models
– As we shall see
• Different editing environments
– Editing is CAD’s speciality
– But ArcGIS editing is becoming more “CAD-like”
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS
ESRI no longer trying to compete as a CAD vendor
ArcCAD product has been discontinued
Goal is now the integration of CAD data and GIS data via
1. Common storage environment
data can be stored in SDE (using ArcSDE Client for CAD) for common
access by both CAD and GIS users
2. Use of CAD data in ArcGIS without the need to convert to GIS
– Can be displayed
As CAD drawing layer: displays drawing file as it would be seen in CAD
As feature layers: which can be processed like GIS, but without conversion
3. Bi-directional conversions between CAD and GIS data
– Use ArcToolbox to convert CAD to GIS & GIS to CAD
– ArcToolbox>Conversion Tools>To Geodatabase>Import from CAD
– ArcToolbox>Conversion Tools>To CAD>Export to CAD
– not necessarily transitive: cannot always reproduce the original CAD data
after converting to GIS ‘cos of inherent differences in CAD/GIS data
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS
How CAD Differs
• Lacks database environment
• Lacks spatial analysis
• Lacks topological information
– connectivity, congruency and contiguity (adjacency)
• Lacks layering within point, line and polygon classes
– All line features (e.g. roads and streams) are in same layer
• Features are not “segmented”
– E.g. Belt Line Rd all around Dallas is one feature
• “Cartographic” information is often present in layers,
undifferentiated from true geographic features
– “blowups,” symbology, legends, etc..
• Limited support for real world positioning (map
projections, etc.)
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS
CAD files in ArcCatalog: 9.2 v. 9.1
In ArcGIS 9.2, a CAD file is displayed in ArcCatalog as a group
layer with a “triple box” blue icon
Within this group there are:
– multiple feature layers containing annotation, point, polygon, polyline
(arc) line data, all with blue single box icons
• These can be used for display, query, and analysis as though they were regular,
separate GIS layers
– A single drawing file,which display all layers simultaneously, as they would
appear to a CAD operator,
• More akin to an “image” although it’s a vector file
• Potentially useful as a background
You can bring the layers (one, some or all), or the drawing file, or
both into ArcMap, as desired.
ArcGIS 9.1 and earlier differs. The drawing file is shown as a second
layer so you get two layers for every CAD file.
9.1 and
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS
Using CAD files in GIS
A single CAD file can have up to 999 “layers” of vector data within
its point, arc and polygon datasets. These can be separated into
homogeneous GIS-type layers by:
– Accepting the “CAD unique entity value” symbology, which is the default in
ArcGIS 9.2
– Controlling display of drawing layer or feature layers via
Properties/Drawing Layers (this is unique to CAD)
– Separate feature layers (point, polyline, or polygon) into homogeneous GIS
layers using the CAD “layer” variable, or other variables if appropriate
• Via Properties/Symbology
• Via Properties/Definition Query
– You can save the results as separate layers in TofC of ArcMap, and as layer
files to use in other ArcMap documents
• Layers can be displayed, queried and used in many geoprocessing
operations in ArcToolbox as though they were regular GIS layers
– However, there are exceptions e.g. can’t clip them or use as the clip layer
• In all cases here you are processing the original CAD data, thus
any edits made in CAD will be immediately available to the GIS
user. This is the big advantage.
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Converting CAD files
Converting CAD to GIS:
three ways
1. Use the standard Data/Export facility in ArcMAP or ArcCatalog
Identify individual layers as per previous slide, then export as separate shapefiles or gdb
feature classes
This is by far the easiest conversion method
Generally, one CAD file produces multiple GIS feature classes
2. Use the Import from CAD tool in ArcToolbox
Go to ArcToolbox>Conversion Tools>To Geodatabase>Import from CAD
– Use this if you need access to “fancy” aspects of the CAD data
– See When to Use the Import from CAD tool in ArcHelp
3. Use ArcInfo Workstation commands DXFARC and IGDSARC
Converting GIS to CAD:
Go to ArcToolbox>Conversion Tools>To CAD>Export to CAD
– Relatively complex issue
– Other tools in the To CAD toolset are used to set up data appropriately prior to
running Export to CAD tool
– See ArcHelp for more detail
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS
Working together
• Engineers/designers make limited use of GIS when designing and building
– However, the data they create can be very useful for GIS
• CAD provides multiple ways of creating data
– Adoption of a set of “CAD standards” can greatly improve the usability of CAD
data in GIS
– Getting the CAD people to do this requires diplomacy!
• The ESRI document Creating Compatible CAD Data for ArcGIS, October
2003, provides guidance. Examples include
– Use only one geometry type (e.g. line or polygon) for a given feature
• CAD people often intermix polygon and line features when drawing
– Use CAD blocks or cells to create point features rather than drawing them with
– Differentiate features (e.g. roads and railroads) in a consistent manner
use CAD layer variable, or a standard color, line style or width symbol
– Snap features together using CAD snapping tools, especially for networks
– Avoid splitting lines to insert text or point symbols
– many, many more!!!
• If possible, use the CAD layer in GIS, rather than converting to GIS. Then, any
new CAD edits can be captured immediately
– If not, be sure to implement a process for update of GIS layers when CAD changes
• For this, use a Modelbuilder Application so it can be repeated consistently!!!
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS
Commonly encountered CAD file extensions
.dxf -
Autocad DXF (digital exchange format) arcdxf
also a pseudo standard for the exchange of CAD data
(equivalent to a shapefile)
.dwg - AutoCAD drawing file format
.dgn - Intergraph’s Interactive Graphics Design Software (IGDS)
and MicroStation Design format
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS
Some Useful Reference Documents
ESRI White Papers
• Using CAD in ArcGIS, June 2003
– UsingCADinArcGISJ9059.pdf
– This is a helpful overview
• Creating Compatible CAD Data for ArcGIS, October
– Creating_Compatible_CAD_Data_for_ArcGIS.pdf
– More detailed discussion of how to structure CAD data to
maximize/simplify its use in GIS
• CAD and the Geodatabase, July 2001
– J8687_CAD-GIS_Geodatabase.pdf
Available from and also from
UT-Dallas Briggs GISC 6382 Applied GIS