External Sales Application - Cost Center Request

External Sales Application - Cost Center Request
This form must be completed and approved prior to setting up a new cost center and the commencement
of any external sales activity. The purpose of this form is to capture the essential information related to
the pending business activity with external customers, identify potential risks before the activity begins,
and to create a bill and generate an invoice in PeopleSoft (PS).
Section I.
Date of request: __________________
Fiscal Year: _____________________
Billing Contact: _____________________ Phone: ___________ Email: _____________________
School: __________________________________________
Department no.: __________________
Section II.
Describe activities (for example – laboratory testing, dept. consulting fee, support service, etc.):
Section III.
1. Who will the customer(s) be? _____________________________________________________
2. Will there be a contract for your service or product? ___________________________________
3. What are your projections for External Sales Revenue volume?
Current Fiscal Year ______________________ Next Fiscal Year ________________________
4. Is University overhead being recovered in the proposed rate for external customers? __________
If yes, what is the applied rate? ____________________________________________________
5. Frequency of Billing (i.e.-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or once a year)? ____________________
6. Who will be your Billing Specialist in PeopleSoft (PS)?
Primary: ______________________________ Alternate: _______________________________
7. Do you have an existing billing methodology and system? ______________________________
8. Is this Cost Center request associated with the Internal Billing Service Center? ______________
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1. What supporting documentation will you present in compliance with Appendix I? - see link,
http://www.utdallas.edu/afr/files/Appendix-I-External-Sales.pdf . ________________________
2. What will the procedure be for uncollectable receivables? _______________________________
Fiscal Officer Approval:
Print Name: __________________________________
Date: _________________
Signature: ___________________________________
Date: _________________
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