Honors Program Study Abroad Application University of Glasgow (Principia Consortium)

Honors Program Study Abroad Application
University of Glasgow (Principia Consortium)
Currently enrolled Westminster College Honors students in good standing who will have completed at
least three of the seven core Honors seminars by the time of their departure are eligible to apply to study
in this program. See the Honors program website for complete details. The completed application
(including letters of support) is due to the Honors director electronically by Sept. 1 (for spring study) or
Feb. 26 (for fall study). Applicants will be ranked and notified approximately two weeks after the
deadline. The top candidate(s) must also submit a completed Principia application upon selection.
Student’s Name ____________________________________ ID _____________________________
Email Address ____________________________________ Phone __________________________
GPA _________ Major(s) / Minor(s) ____________________________________________________
Current Class Standing (i.e. freshman, sophomore, junior) ____________________________________
Honors Core Seminars You Will Have Completed by the time of study (along with course grades in
Short Essays (Write two short essays of no more than 500 words each that address the topics below.)
1. Why do you want to study abroad at the University of Glasgow and how would this experience
enhance your academic course of study?
2. Imagine what your typical day at the University Glasgow might be like. Then write a fictional journal
entry about this day that reflects those imagined experiences. Be as specific as possible.
Letters of Recommendation
Solicit two letters of recommendation from faculty members with whom you have worked closely. Those
letters should be completed on the form on page 2 and delivered electronically to the Director of the
Honors program at rjb@westminstercollege.edu by the deadlines stated above.
Names of Faculty Recommenders:
Finally, please attach an up-to-date resume/vita to your completed application.
Honors Program Study Abroad
University of Glasgow (Principia Consortium)
Letter of Recommendation Form
Student’s Name _______________________________________ Date ___________________________
Recommender’s Name/Title______________________________________________________________
Under the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, I waive ___ / retain ___ (check
one) the right of access to this recommendation.
Student Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________________________
The student named above is applying to participate in an Honors study program at the University of
Glasgow in conjunction with our membership in the Principia Consortium. More information is available
about this program on the Honors website. Because living and studying in another culture can present
particular challenges to students, it is essential that the Honors program knows as much as possible about
applicants. Once you have completed your assessment, please email a copy to the Director of the Honors
program at rjb@westminstercollege.edu by Sept. 1 (for spring study) or Feb. 26 (for fall study).
Please write a letter in which you are as frank and explicit as possible in explaining why you think the
student would or would not be suitable for international study. Along the way, please make sure to
address at least the following issues:
1. How long and in what capacity you have known the student.
2. Your assessment of the student’s emotional maturity and stability.
3. The student’s ability to relate to other people, including those with different backgrounds.
4. Your assessment of how well you think the student might adapt socially and personally while studying
5. The way in which study abroad might help enhance the student’s academic and personal development.
6. Any other areas that are worthy of comment.
Please place a check by the appropriate category:
______ I strongly recommend this student for the Honors study abroad program
______ I recommend this student for the Honors study abroad program
______ I have some reservations about recommending this student for the Honors study abroad program
______ I am unable to recommend this student for the Honors study abroad program
Signature _________________________________________ Date ______________________________